Cell: "If you ask me, Kikoho was a poor choice of a last word."
Ten: "Kiko-Fuck yourself!"
Cell: "See, that's the spirit!"
>just shouts tribeam yet-a-fucking-gain
Shin kikouhou > tribeam
Sub > Dub
tfs is trash
Once an interesting character then a useless jobber
So.. why it square ?
Shit like this is why DB should have ended after the Cell saga
Wasn't it always a square attack outside the dub meme? It is in the games.
Look how much manlier the animation used to be.
Why did no one else tried to learn the Kikoho?
>unironic wojaks on Yea Forums
Cant make this shit up
Go to bed, david.
It's supposed to shorten your life span or some shit. In the manga he only hits Cell a few times and he's exhausted unlike the anime where he's spamming it for 5 minutes. What I don't get is why Tien never learned the Kaioken since picking up techniques quickly was his thing. Couple that with the split form technique and Tien could have stayed a valid fighter for a while longer
>It's supposed to shorten your life span or some shit
Which means shit in a world were Dragonballs exist.
Hell, he overcame the Kikoho draw simply by Senzu beans in the anime.
Because it would make him and the others viable, toriyama can't have that.
Just like how kaio didn't teach the genkidama to anyone else. Or how goku didn't teach the teleportation to anyone else.
3 eyes, but the hand sign makes it a square
Ten has a very powerful soul that can withstand doing Kikoho and multiple mafubas
Go back.
just like every character in dragonball as soon as z started
I always thought it was a very fast rotating triangle that it ends up making a square
Because back in og Ball Tien wasn't just the third strongest character in the series, he was the best fighter on the planet, if he saw a move once he could perfectly duplicate it, and he was the only who's Soul was strong enough to withstand multiple Tri-Beam's/Kikoho's, he was even able to preform multiple Mafuba's, he was supposed to be Goku's counter, Goku was skilled but Tien was on a whole other level, and he used that to make up for his own lack in the power department, but Toriyama forgot about that during Z, which sucks because he would have been the perfect host for the Kiao-ken, he probably could have perfected it better then anyone, even Goku or King Kai himself.
Super Saiyan was a mistake.
Incorrect, Super Saiyan 2 was a mistake.
Based, Super Saiyan fucking ruined Dragon Ball