This is shit, right?
Am I wrong or is this actually shit and keeps getting memed by idiots who think its babbys first "deep" anime
Shit Zero
>This is shit, right?
Why do you think so?
It's 3deep10u pseudointellectual trash
Don't think it's anything deep, just fun
How so?
>2 people talk to you by going around you in a circle
>instead of just standing in front of you and talking normally
Gotta make the animators work for their minimum wage
Just by the conversations the bland as fuck characters have. Its like a shit version of Death Note, which itself was shit.
What are some things they talked about so far that you thought were trying to be "2deep4u" or pseudointellectual?
Is this your first experience with Type Moon?
Pretty much everything in the first 3 eps
I guess you're saying it's always this bad?
If you really want shit watch fate apocrypha
Any specific examples?
You mean Fate/Extra Last Encore
>Pretty much everything in the first 3 eps
Maybe you're legitimately just dumb and it's going over your head so you've deemed it 2deep4u to shift the blame
Based retarded contrarian who can't even explain what he is complaining about.
>an action series is too deep for OP
No, it's pretty much kino.
Fatebabies hate it because Uro actually did better story than any Nasushit.
It's not deep. It just has a bit of a serious/non-comedic atmosphere, some fun action, good production and a neat story. Not everything outside of shounen or moe is trying to be deep.
How fucking dumb do you need to be in order to consider some action anime "deep"?
OP is 14
>I guess you're saying it's always this bad?
The entire franchise is very expository. Some people really like that. Others do not
Sounds like you are just a brainlet unable to cope.
There’s nothing really deep about it, I just enjoy it because of the character interactions. Same with any Type Moon media.
People talk up Fate to a pretty big game, but it's really a comfy blend of schlock and brains. The most intelligent parts of Fate are in the original VN, as with almost all of TypeMoon.
Have sex, Yea Forumscuck
The side plot with Alexander the Great and the kid was fantastic.
>read into every little motion they do
>see meaning in him lifting a single finger
>calls it 3deep10u pseudointellectual trash
the story it literally told to you