So why where the Dead Sea Scrolls prophetic in NGE? Felt like a stupid plot point

So why where the Dead Sea Scrolls prophetic in NGE? Felt like a stupid plot point

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It sounds ancient and magical, probably.

All the Christian imagery and allegory in EVA is purely ornamental

Aren't they literally old editions of the old testament?

It has a deeper meaning. Literally Google it

>Christian imagery
most of its is jewish imagery

Did wikipedia tell you that

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and that's all there is to it because thats whats printed and disseminated in text. anno is a person too and he doesnt say everything he thinks and he cant prove everything he feels to everyone simultaneously. be grateful he gave that much of an explanation on such a lightning rod topic that is esoteric theology. its just something you wouldnt understand.

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Its COORU bro.

Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism

You'd be surprised how many things are named solely because they sound cool to Japanese people, especially when it comes to borrowing biblical imagery.

>LOTS of made up shit
>its just something you wouldnt understand


Aren't they not the actual Dead Sea Scrolls and some sort of alien instruction manual a bunch of rich tards slapped the name on to make it sound mystical and cool?

dead sea scrolls are alien instruction manuals. they were called annunaki. texts originally scribed by sumerians were adopted by the hebrews.

Some of it is OT stuff
Some of it is Essene cult rules and shit
Some of it is a record of Saul's infiltration of the Essene and his subsequent heretical schism (what we know as Christianity today)
Some of it is nationalist propaganda
Some of it is anti-Roman battlefield tactics
One scroll is a list of locations where treasure was hidden in Jerusalem to keep it from falling into Roman hands

They weren't truly prophetic, they were just instructions on how Lilith, Adam, Lances, and Angels worked.

How the old Herbs know what to do with giant magic aliums?


Some of it's copies of OT books, otherwise it's just histories or more jew cult nonsense (think talmud except for the essense rather than the pharisees)

Find one jew that actually follows the OT. Judaism is a completely different religion based on the oral (read: man-made) traditions since written in the talmud.

Seele knew what was written on them, the coming of the Angels, and were up to shit preparing for them, ie the formation of NERV to say the least.

Based anno

Cope more

Japan is 2% Christian. If you count Mormons. Thats why. Noone in Japan sees Christianity or it's texts and scriptures as anything special.

They didn't. They translated the original alien texts and warped them to fit their religion.

based Eisenmanposter