Why did they add this useless cunt?

I was actually enjoying this show, until this whiny piece of shit turned up.

Why did they write such a useless faggot in? I can't fucking stand whenever he cries, I hope he gets killed by a demon and ripped into shreds.
the only way he is of use is when he faints from being scared shitless, what the fuck?

Please someone tell me if this character becomes less of a degenerate, or else this show is dropped.

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Reminds me of OP

>he is of use

Just drop it and fuck off

If his use is killing braincells and forcing me to quit the show then I'm glad, so I don't have to waste time on show that will never get a 2nd season.


If he annoys you that much then you should probably just drop it now. He doesn't get any less annoying later.

good grief he's not the MC, not gonna drop

t. Kaigaku

Thank you for answering my question. I can't be the only one who hates him though.

He weeds out the useless whinners into dropping the show.
I'd say he's quite useful indeed.

holy shit.
im not on episode 11 yet.
there is a character that looks like THAT?

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I heard this gets really good.
on what episode does it start to get good

Not OP but he's been in for two episodes so far and he's fucking cancer. Comic relief gone terribly terribly wrong.
He's a bad ass when asleep and I wish that's how he stayed the entire time

I saw that Demon Hunter was one of the top animes for this season until around 9 or so and it disappeared

They should have just made him the character he is when he's asleep, shit was so cool.

Why did they have to make him retarded.

This but unironically.

Having less people to wait for season 2 never is not such a bad thing.

You're not. It was painfully bad. I recommended the show to a friend before watching the latest ep. Now I feel embarrassed, hoping he doesn't actually end up watching it.

ITT: Literal 12-year-olds (and don't go thinking "heh i'm actually 16 what an idiot", your age doesn't count before 20, and even that's being generous)

literally the best character in the entire series

Why do you think that?

>bringing up age in a shounenshit thread.

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Same, but they are actually watching it. I too am ashamed.

>literally best character

Explain yourself, or do you just have shit taste?

It's almost like he was just introduced and has an arc to go through.

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I like pretty much every character in the manga except for this guy.

Wow, that suddenly makes it good.

>shitting on /ourguy/
fuck off and stay gone you disgusting secondary

>has an arc to go through

Not every character needs to go through their arc screaming and pissing themselves.

Shounenshit so I don't blame you for thinking that way though.

Good thing he isn't the main character then

Zenitsu is the pleb filter, I don't blame any tasteless mongs who drop the show because of him. He's also clearly meant to represent the audience as well, so I find it delightfully ironic that so many people dislike him.

>taking pride in reading shounenshit

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>I only read mature manga for mature readers like myself

>it's, like, DEEP commentary dude

I don't know what are you trying to prove here. It's literally a manga aimed at teens. Are you retarded?

>taking pride in being a secondary

No, it's actually extremely shallow commentary.

>is a waifufag
>is a screeching autist

Tanjiro is idealized, Zenitsu is much closer to the everyman who has hidden potential deep down.

Why are you acting like there's any pride to be had in consuming any sort of media, regardless of what age group it's intended for? Especially when you're talking about a medium where almost everything is aimed at teens and young adults anyway.

I'll ask again. Are you retarded?
>Why are you acting like there's any pride to be had in consuming any sort of media
Where exactly did I imply any of the sort? Read again the post I was replying to. Take your time.

>/ourguy/ is a screaming autist
>still act like your taste is superior

Are you okay?

He got 2nd in the last popularity poll so the jp readers like him
Better just drop it unless you like complaining

He's an annoying faggot. Mangafags will tell you that he gets better but he really doesn't and its only made worse in the anime because his constant crying and whining is Asta levels of being annoying.

>not OP
>cool gimmick
>good backstory
>legitimately grows as a character over time
>funny faces
What's not to like?

I don't like complaining, I just feel it's a shame the show is ruined by him. It had potential.

>legitimately grows as a character over time
I agree with the other points, but really? His only real development was after the old man offs himself and that was really recent and had no real build up whatsoever. I'm still hopeful that he really grows as a character after that though.

honestly only brainlets like this guy

Zenitsu is actually ridiculously strong, he just has serious mental issues

he will be the first one from his peers that become pillars

You saw him already in episodes 4 and 5.

>His only real development was after the old man offs himself and that was really recent and had no real build up whatsoever
This entire event was built up in the Spider Arc, and Zenitsu started changing there, he didn't suddenly stop being loudmouth scared wreck but he showed his inner thoughts that he wanted to do better, and that came to pay off in the events that unfolded in the rush against Kaigaku.

Animeonlies should kill themselves

Exactly in what way he ruined the show or its potential? What has he done wrong anyway?


>not only sitting through a story you've already read, but actually taking pride on it
Do people really do this or posts like this ironic?


Even a NEET doesn't have time to read every shitty comic thats published.

Are you actually retarded or are you shitposting?

It does seem like the people who think his sleeping self should have been the character are definitely underage. If people just find him annoying then that's fine. Frankly I do think he gets better the more he interacts with the other two guys. Plus we haven't gotten to his waking self's redemption moment for this arc.

Could say the same thing about your post

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It could have been done better, to be honest. The fact that he's sleeping in most of his fights also means that he doesn't really experience the same hardships as Tanjirou and Inosuke, so his development doesn't really feel that natural.

> anime only fag

>I can enjoy things once and once only
sucks to be you

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He doesn't need redemption, since he hasn't done anything wrong. I find him annoying too, but some people are acting like he's a despicable bastard.

I never thought he could get worse, but then I got to his idiotic gimmick.

I don't know how anyone has stayed anime only. This show is paced so slowly. When I picked up the manga and realized they were getting 2 chapters done an ep at most I was astonished. Like fuck this small "arc" still isn't over after 2 episodes.

>The fact that he's sleeping in most of his fights also means that he doesn't really experience the same hardships as Tanjirou and Inosuke, so his development doesn't really feel that natural.
I think you missed the fact that in the Spider Arc as well it shows Zenitsu being quasi-ware of what happens during his Trance since then, he was having a motivational flashback in his final struggle in that arc, and in the following arcs he never goes "eh, who did that?" again.

>also means that he doesn't really experience the same hardships as Tanjirou and Inosuke
You might have missed or are fully ignoring the fact that Gotouge stopped making Zenitsu being unaware of the shit he pulls during his trance, Zenitsu reacted to all the unfolding drama after each arc the same way Tanjiro and Inosuke have since the Spider Arc ended.

It's probably because they weren't prepared for the tonal shift. Up until this point the show has been an action-horror with a pretty bleak tone. It's only now where the show becomes the crazy antics of three borderline-psychotic kids flying by the seats of their pants.

Looks like Jump Editor-san one day called the mangaka asking for "fun characters to please 12 years old", and shiteaters gobbled it up.

heh, i'm actually 23

>Up until this point the show has been an action-horror with a pretty bleak tone
Tidbits of humor were already present in the previous episodes, the ones that covered Tanjiro's first Muzan encounter and Yushiro in general, also there's the OP and ED themselves showing how the dynamic with Zenitsu and Inosuke worked, so no, there's no excuse for "being unprepared for the tonal shift" anyone who pays attention to what they are consuming could see that coming.

The show has been alternating between tense action-horror and light hearted comedy since episode 2. I don't know how anyone can be surprised at this point. Besides, it's not like Zenitsu wasn't taking things seriously either.

Judging by this thread it seems like the twelve year olds are the ones who hate him.

most generic shit i watched in 10 years

don't let the door hit you in your fat lazy ass on the way out, boomer

cringe is a form of empathy

I don't know. He still acted like he didn't know what was happening after the red light district fight.

This is the best series I've watched in awhile maybe Ill start reading the manga

Not really. I don't hate him anymore after reading most of the manga, but it's pretty easy to see why people are annoyed by him.

That's the best part about Kimetsu. It's honestly the best shounen of the past 30 years. Everything is played perfectly straight, they don't rely on cliches but they don't shy away from them either, it's all just high fucking quality.

IMO the best parts are the development of the side characters and the very early introduction of the big bad. Introducing the big bad keeps the power levels constrained, and that leads naturally into the development of the side characters, because Tanjirou can't just be some superbeing who solos every single enemy.

12-yo: Hates him
16-yo: Only likes his sleeping form
20-yo: Likes him, hates his sleeping form
34-yo (enlightened): Likes him

So what exactly do you like about him then?

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I thought he was funny. I laughed like twice, out loud.

He's an actual everyman compared to Tanjirou's literal Buddha and Inosuke's Tarzan. He's constantly looked down on for his failings, but he has talent when he puts his mind to it. He's flawed in human ways but still tries and had no greater purpose during the story rather than not letting his father figure down.

He's the only member of the main cast who became a demon hunter for reasons outside demons ruined his life. Not even Inosuke has that anymore.

>"it's not like Hero Academia or Black Clover, it's actually good!"
This is my fault for listening to shounenfags, I shouldn't have bothered.
The defensive fanbase reminds me of "classics" like Bleach or Tokyo Ghoul, so the whole thing looks unsalvageable.

Growth potential, and that's exactly how the author used Zenitsu through her story, unlike Tanjiro whose key moments in the arcs are finding inner strenght to get more strenght to finish his enemy, Zenitsu on the other hand had his issues shown as early as in the first 30 chapters of the series in order to slowly change his archtetype as it goes, the first to be that rounded up while other characters are getting their issues sorted 100+ chapters later, showing that Gotouge invested herself in making Zenitsu have more phases of growth than everyone else.

Probably because he's actually read the manga unlike you.

Okay, fair enough. That actually makes sense. I just really wished that Wani gave him more on-screen development. That recent thing with Kaigaku and his teacher seemed really rushed.

I'll never understand faggots like you

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wait till he fight the upper moon and you will see

I hate the "he's dumb and a scaredy cat but when he gets serious he's the strongest character in the series" cliche so god damn fucking much. Either way I hate this character.

Dude, the anime would need at least 40 more episodes to reach that event; Zenitsu's best moment the anime watchers will get to see is his 6 fold step and that's it, although it is a better than deal than what Inosuke will get, at least Zenitsu will have his backstory covered.

Nice picture reddit.

>N-nice picture
Kill yourself, niggerfaggot.

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I love all of the characters even the villains
minus Douma he is a faggot that got what he deserved lol

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I wouldn't mind as much if it was that cliche, but since he does it when he's unconscious it means as a character he has no real agency.

Ehhh? I came here expecting all the kids to suddenly flipped on a dime and love Zenitsu... I mean I didn't hate him before but I liked his moment this ep. Don't like the prerequisite tho, and from what was also said by mangafags, it seems like he'll rarely enter his badass mode.

I can tolerate any kind of annoying if the badass is great enough, and the contrast does help. That's the point of these archetypes.

His whininess becomes much less annoying when he has Inosuke to contrast with. When Inosuke is around, Zenitsu is basically the voice of reason by comparison.

Whatever, as I said I can tolerate it even if he becomes MORE annoying. What I'm worried is he will not be badass mode often enough.

You can't be very smart yourself when you listen to such broad statements
Just drop it

literally me

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Same I connect with him on a deep level

Wanna be more mad? He fucks Nezuko.


Have sex

Are you fucking dum? Zeni the best character in the show par Uzui

holy shit picked up

>Tokyo Ghoul
You give retards a bad name, user...

Does she still have the bamboo in her mouth when they go at it?

she has something in her mouth that's for sure

Holy shit the amount of anime only fags in this thread is ridiculous

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Cavendish or Zenitsu? Who did it first?

Zenitsu is fine for me but maybe bcuz i became used to Asta's scream that Zenitsu rambling doesn't bother me