
Literally Watamote babies

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Other urls found in this thread:


Well, it's a one off special so it's not that big a deal. At least I got to see best girl pineapple in middle school.

At least dump the whole thing

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And that’s it

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Wow middleschool mom taking dicks at such a young age already

>Ucchi will always be a background gag character

Oh hey look Asuka's got a boyfriend, guess that means she's actually a lesbian!

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I imagine that boyfriend is fucking seething about losing her given how she looks like in highschool
Maybe she became a lesbian because he was a cunt

I guess mentioning her brother ruins the attempts at a joke

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>minami, (mako) and yuri are from the same middle school
thank you based nico
also, who did this? it's not at w3

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What is bisexuality?

Mako is wearing a different uniform, the same one Ucchi is wearing I think

>What is bisexuality?
Stop this meme.

>Young Nemo didn't got a cameo.

Attached: nemo.png (1236x1806, 1.89M)

Yes, which explains why Ucchi knows Mako well enough to call her Makochii. And also why Mako has Miyazaki's number on her phone, if she also went to the same middle school.

Literally /u/ did the translation + typeset . They’ve been invested for a couple of years now

>Tomoko bullying other girls for being irrelevant
Is this even the same manga anymore

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I hope we get a flashback on what happened between Yuri and Minami.

What the fuck is even going on here?

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It’s a prequel.

Tomoko’s issue is that she only got a best friend in middle school and one enemy who she’s forced to tolerate

When said best friend couldn’t pass, along with the video game addiction phase, she let herself go so much which was made worse with her naturally assholish personality

Tomoko always badmouthed people behind their backs.

Stalking Itou who met Tomoko, while the Ucchi gang is stalking Ucchi

Well we've already seen her, guess they wanted to show everyone who didn't have a young version yet.

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That conflicted face on whether she should strangle her or not is pretty arousing


Maybe if she made herself as unattractive as the autist, the weeb or the delinquent Tomoko wouldn't be as nervous around her. Dumb class mom.

Asuka just needs to give Tomoko a hug and not things like offering a boob grope

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Tomoko does seem like the type who'd be into choking.

It's like you skipped the entire first 8 volumes of the series.


That pineapple is too cute.

Unattractive Asuka you say?

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Most of those people are Komi-shit so it's ok.

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>natural hair delinquent

It’s surreal we’re getting a new batch of doujins


Honestly I think it suits her better.

More like "what is her brother"

Wow, Komi-something is a bitch here, and Tomoko doesn't even respond.

>not a fucking asshole
Excuse me?

Especially the younger Tomoko.

She's at least a shame-play M, so there's that

Oh shit is that emoji

Skipped the college trip chapter, didn't you?

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Both of them are and are aware of it

>asuka wants to fuck her brother

What a crazy bitch

They've both grown accustomed to each other's banter, which is why they are basically sisters at this point. They also need to fuck the tension out of their systems.

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Never noticed proto emoji here

Sisters don't hate each other unless something terrible has happened.

They only even interact because they share a friend. They genuinely dislike one another, and honestly both for good reason.

>the loner Yuri walk
>the sociable Minami stride

F*ck me

Two emoji people in one image. How common are they in Watamote universe?

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Maybe they come from the same place, like Canadians in South Park

Some sisters do hate each other.

What is this illustration saying? Did Tomoko become a futa? Did Tomoki get gender-bended? Is it one of Asuka's friends on the right, since Tomoko has green eyes to begin with?

>Some sisters do hate each other.
>Sisters don't hate each other unless something terrible has happened.

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Even when she marries Tomoko?

That's the Asuka Squad user.

Kaho, Chiyo and Asuka on the left and Fuuka running.

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Oh, okay. I prefer Ucchi gang, though. That girl with the glasses always has a lewd look on her face.


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Minami and Yuri are both already at prime
Pineapple and Yoshida isnt ripe enough yet

wait why are the mentioning reading manga on smartphones if this is set years ago?

Interestingly, There seems to be a growing trend among nip fanartists (on twitter at least) of any time they draw Asuka doing her in the context of KatouMoko. YoshiMako shows a similar if less obvious trend. Yuri and Nemo fans, on the other hand, tend to be solo pieces or some slight YuirMoko.

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user, we've been able to read manga on smartphones for like ten years. You're just old now.

it wasn't a normal thing to read manga on smartphones back then

What's the context for this image though

>YoshiMako shows a similar if less obvious trend
YoshiMako shippers shouldn't even be allowed to draw breath. It's the most brain-dead, questionable and above all else ridiculous ship in this whole series. Ok, maybe aside from incest ships.

It takes place roughly 5 years ago. At that time manga on smartphones was becoming more commonplace

yes, but nowhere near normal, like the dialogue says

Complete opposite effect

Hi my seething friend, doing good today?

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confirmed never to have been around women that don't give a fuck about their appearance

first of all, they don't shave their moustache,
second, they don't braid their hair like that. They just put a scrunchy or tie it with a ribbon at a higher point near the base of the neck
third, they wear shorts
4th, they'd have a noticable amount of skin blemishes or pimples

I don't get it? You posted pictures of two girls being friendly to one another. Do you think all girls that act this way are gay for one another? My sympathies that your limited contact with females and your yuri delusions have warped your perceptions of the opposite sex. Sorry to burst your bubble but Yoshida is a straight girl.

Cant wait to see what Nico finally does with Glasses-Kun.

Still seething I see, that isn't good for the health. Was good seeing you again, we'll keep in touch.

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U hit the nail user, this guys dont know how real girls interact with each other in real life

As a non-yuri shipper my health, mentally to be specific, is impeccable. But I'd like to keep in touch my good buddy. I may disagree with your ship but at least you enjoy Watamote so you can't be a bad person deep down. Unless you dislike Nemo then you are a Judas and deserve the hell that awaits you.

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He's going to end up witb pineapple.

Nemo is pretty cool, and also a permabottom whether in a yuri or het pairing.

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Tomomote takes place in 2019 because Tomoko talked about it being Gangan Joker's 10th anniversary, which is this year, while current Watamote takes place in 2018 at the latest because Nemo and Tomoko talked about watching currently airing anime Persona 5 like two months ago in universe.

See that's a problem and it's not exclusively a yuri problem. More a general shipper problem. Not every girl needs to be shipped. It's an odd compulsion, totally unnecessary in some cases. Can't you enjoy a character without feeling that they should be in a romantic relationship?

Tomomote is from another timeline

With numbers like that it's hard not to.

I see what you're saying. After so long and so many shipping wars it's hard to break the habit, and Nico doesn't help with the pandering.

But at this point a bunch of Watamote's yuri artists are obviously female

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Is this a reference to Muppets babies?

Yuri artists don't interact with women, not even themselves.

Literally Futari Monologue

I love that song:
Fukai fukai mori no oku ni ima mo kitto
Okizari ni shita kokoro kakushiteru yo

No way


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>That slutty loli Asuka

Lies and Slander!

Is kind of hot tho

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>Is this even the same manga anymore

It literally isn’t

It’s a girls comedy in a co-Ed school

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Just imagine how much better it would be.

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This is Tomoko. She'd say it was normal even if it were still a pretty obscure thing.

The thing that interests me the most is whether or not it shoots down the theory about Emoji2 being the girl in Tomoko's middle school field trip group.

I wonder what needs to happen so people stop saying that Asuka is just yuribait

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Have her confront Tomoko

In private without anyone around to interrupt

Probably something to actually happen, rather than it be vague subtext open to multiple interpretations.

She goes through with the kidnapping.

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immediate improvement

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Nothing, people are pretty much determined to hate her and continue to ignore stuff about her. Hell even in this thread you have people leaping to the conclusion that "obviously her brother" is her boyfriend, probably because they just skimmed the Aoyama college visit chapter. On rare occasion you can convince someone a little more reasonable to stop blindly hating the character, but there are too many folks that want to think badly of her, and Nico's decision to include her.

Would be nice if everyone was like most Asukafags and liked a particular character, but also liked the rest as well. I honestly expect Tomoko and Asuka to, if not fuck, at the very least be open about the gay so maybe then people will at least stop calling her bait, like they stopped with Ucchi.

Forget the yuribait, I'm more interested in the fact that it seems like a lot of people are intimidated by her. There has to be more to it than her being a popular girl or attractive. She had Nemo pissing herself trying to not laugh at Tomoko's makeup.

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Cute yuu-chan with her helmet on.

Is this going to be uploaded somewhere or do I have to keep track of it on /u/ now

It's uploaded here. Right click > Save as

I guess it's gonna be uploaded on Yea Forums, I was just wondering if it's gonna be on MD or some shit (and that I may miss threads here as opposed to slow as shit /u/). Thanks, I saved it already anyway.

I don't get what the image means.

That Asuka's eyes tend to change when she's upset.

So what's the schedule for this? This 4 pages are 1 new chapter?

What do you call this hairstyle? Triplettails?

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It was just a one-off for the anniversary of the magazine, it's not a real revival

Fuck my shit up

Aww, ok then.

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What? Fuck I thought it's back

"Revival" really wasn't the best word they could've used. And to be clear, it IS revival, in "English". I guess it technically did revive, but like one of those times someone revives for a second after the shock, and then you lose them.

Who wins?

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Obviously Kii

next thing you know Kii's gonna be nailing her to the wall

>yandere mom vs yandere imouto
My money's on the mom.

Aren't you a little sad to see Tomoko completely dropped Yuu?

Yuu deserves to be forgotten

But she's never dropped Yuu.

She did

I mean they lost contact mutually when they didn't get into the same school, but that's not what I'd call "dropping"

I'm more sad that you're such a speedreader.

Ucchi gang, I need your best Emoji Sheep-chan.

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that Yoshida is doing things to me

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Nobody is a match for the killer loli furry.

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There sure lot of people with dyed hair later.


Is that a pineapple ice cream? She's doing selfcest?

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Finally the self insert dykes can fuck off.

>only read n/u/Watamote
And anons wonder why the threads went to shit.

Amazing! How does this user do it? Nico should hire him as a co-writer.

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This. I'm okay with psycho Asuka, but this romance at face value is so forced and irritating.

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Isn't that that background guy glasses guy who always seems to get drawn in more detail and appears more often that other dudes.

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It's possible but it wouldn't be the first glasses character who isn't that guy.

Since he has eyes, probably I guess.

they grew apart

Yuu-chan is the only person Tomoko called in this latest arc, and I'm pretty sure she said in a recent chapter that she wanted to fuck her.

lol, butthurt Asukafag.
Your girl is shit and most of the people here recognize that, get over it.


Friendly reminder that Asuka is for doting, not for dyking.

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That’s the issue: no one knows how would dating affect the fanbase so it scares everyone

I seriously thought Kii would be a full-on furry by the next time we saw her, but alas.

>Kii's initial involvement in the furry fandom is solely as research to understand what she think Tomoko's into
>soon she starts to participate more frequently, commissioning art, making online friends and roleplaying
>she neglects her grades and social circle and spirals more and more into depravity
>eventually Nico announce a new spin-off series
>"No Matter How I Look at It, It's My Cousin's Fault That I'm Not Popular!"

Attached: Kii_Yandere.png (1280x720, 893K)

translates anyone?

We need more Kayo.

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>or bring in a new character
Is that supposed to be Asuka? With her thoughts finally revealed in the latest chapter, I feel like Nico finally committed. And I seriously doubt it will be the romance route they'll take. Asuka and her entire theme is so out of place in the overall story and their romantic relationship with Tomoko would be so forced and unnatural, that I seriously think her endgame is forcing things to the point, where Tomoko will be fed up with her advances and she will flat out reject her. While the twitter dykes are incredibly vocal about their support for this ship, they are still a very small minority(an user on /u/ pulled some actual numbers from pixiv for this if you are interested). Going through with this romance would be jumping the shark for the majority of the fans. If Nico is going to capitalize on this momentum and finally do something significant with Asuka's character, I seriously think this will be her climax. The readers are starting to get annoyed with how much Asuka is being shoved in their faces, and eventually so will Tomoko. "What are you, my mom?"

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>The readers are starting to get annoyed with how much Asuka is being shoved in their faces
on Yea Forums*

Oh boy, that's a major market that matters. If you want something that matters check the thousands of supportive posts on bulletin boards and the massively popular gay fanart featuring Asuka that's posted daily. The actual numbers of pixiv matter kind of really squat, since pixiv hasn't even been the hottest platform for Japanese art in years. On the contrary, if you actually look up any opinions on Katou anywhere (and you have to look for that, "Katou-san") as far as I could tell at least it's universally positive. Basically realize you're in a vacuum and go check out the opinions of the market that actually ultimately matters.

user, even your "gay fan art" is starting to reflect her overexposure. Are you sure it's not you who is in the vacuum?


Literally upwards of four thousand on favor of them fucking is negative how exactly?

Now keep in mind I do think there will be some conflict, but I'm also not stupid enough to expect anything as genuinely serious as romance rejection and heartbreak in Watamote

We'll see.

What exactly do you think you're reading?

Anyway as it stands for the most likely ending is open

>bandwagoning Japs who started Watamote after it became another high school all-girl ensemble series like yuribait high school girl character
>people who like Watamote for literally any other reason don't
Hmmmmm this is a mystery clearly the latter group is in the wrong

Doubtful. I think one way or an other, Asuka's arc will be resolved by the end of the manga. And I definitely think it will end in romance rejection.

Impressively closeminded and ignorant. You deserve a "caught up in my own bullshit" award.

This isn't even getting into how long the series has had a yuri following either, nor how most of its reputation is from claims of quality. There are seemingly only two full gay characters in it

It you want that, you should read some actual yuri. This is a light drama, mainly comedy manga

user if you're going to keep posting in this thread you should at least say something substantive instead of bumping every couple of minutes for (You)s.


Stop it.

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I like the way you think.

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It already had a genre shift. Can't see why they wouldn't do it eventually again. And I think it makes sense for Asuka's arc.

I don't see how, unless the genre shift is soap opera, in which case nobody's going to be happy

Well, I would be happy. It would neatly tie up Asuka's character arc and who knows, maybe others would enjoy it as well.

You'd enjoy Citrus, then

Not bad. Matsuri's arc is pretty similar to what I'm proposing as the Asuka arc. But that's where the similarities stop. The Watagirls have more to them then wanting to fuck the mc, for now. It's better if Nico keeps it that way.

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Why was Mako mad last chapter? Didi I miss something?

Asuka having a fancy on Tomoko could actually be easily put in: she would be literally gay and she simply thinks that Tomoko would reciprocate

Having weird tastes is actually a meme for yuri manga thanks to Citrus

She spent so much effort to help Yoshida chose a vocational school only for Yoshida to put in on hold because she went with Tomoko’s idea to try out part-time jobs post-graduation until she figures out what to do

So what you're saying is, Tomoko is winning.

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What does it mean?

>That picture again
Fuck off. Asuka is not like that. She is kind and perfect. You are destroying her image.

I'd expect you to say that. You never truly believed in us. Psycho Asuka is more than just a picture, or the anons behind it. Psycosuka is an idea. That idea is not so easily destroyed. I started memeing about her hidden side after the college visit chapter. I didn't like the face value interpretation of her romantic advances, but I didn't want to dismiss it entirely, either. So I thought up something that would actually
be interesting. Eventually, anons joined up. And look at what we've accomplished together. Since then, the fan art about her lunatic side has advanced more, than the other interpretations combined. And Nico's acknowledgement of this in the latest chapter, will do the same for us again. A thousandfold. But only, if we can harness her ability to be creepy..

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Japan’s new Imperial era named YuriMoko.

Why do you all assume she has to be psycho to wield a strapon?
Just look at: She's being considerate and fulfilling Tomoko's wish because she's just that nice.

Right? Being an extrovert, she would came on way too strong(like she is doing now, from the viewer's point of view anyway) and push way too far, way too fast. Alienating Tomoko completely. Or, like I mentioned previously, she could be a Matsuri in disguise: a psychonympho, out to toy with our mojyo's feelings.

>he doesn't know
user, Tomoko's mind is in danger here. Once Asuka start's, she will not stop. Ever.

Attached: 033.jpg (481x349, 87K)

It expresses the emptiness she is now facing with Tomoko and Yoshida absent, it looks like something should be on the picture but there's nothing, just like how there should be a reply from Tomoko on her phone, but it's blank.

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I completely forgot Umaru was a thing.

That's deep, user.

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nemo and tomoko making the peace sign!

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Seriously though, how hard was it for Tomoko to respond to a couple other texts as well as Asuka?

I'm assuming because she's still introverted it it would make texting an anxiety trigger but they don't really play that up so

Yuri just sent "Well?" and Nemo was making fun, so she only bothered to reply to Asuka who seemed to be showing some concern. Although even then it was the bare minimum reply. Tomoko definitely underestimates how much the others care about her, she'll probably get some shit about not responding when she comes back.

Tomoko being a good friend and helping Nemo take a selfie

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You wake up with Yuri on top of you. What do?

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Now they just need to stick out their tongues.

Say hey.

Why would they do that user?

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I wonder what her parents must think of her. I wonder if they fear her.

That's so cute and funny

Yuri's parents probably forget she exists half the time.

>its not the standard parents leaving on business trips all the time
>Yuri's parents are usually home they just ignore her
>eat without her
>don't greet her at the door
>never ask about school
>the phone she has/bill and clothes she wears are provided by a worried but not intrusive Mako

Attached: IMG_20190619_134125.jpg (1500x1500, 122K)

Got it wrong kiddo, Yuri's parent has to be super upbeat and keep trying to get Yuri to socialize and inviting her to fun activities but she never listens to them and just goes to her room to listen to metal.

Oh boy, Asuka autist is back at it again. Why can't you get invested in characters like Nemo and Akane in the same way you do for Asuka? Is it because you don't care about the manga beyond its yuribait?

Attached: NemoAndAkane.jpg (700x871, 375K)

Well said user, now, do you think Nemo and Akane fuck?

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Actually my Dad is Mr.Watamote and he said Yuri is sexually assulated by her Father everyday

No, and this manga would be a hell of a lot better if a hell of a lot less shippers were into it

Did you even read my post? I was shitting on Asukafags you fucking retard.

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Sorry user, clicked the wrong post Ironically I hit the wrong post because it was also 99

Tomoko's anxiety goes away when she's comfortable with someone, but as she said, Yuri's way of communicating makes thinking up of a reply difficult and she's too tired to deal with it after her long days.


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If they do Nemo still probably ends up on the bottom.

She is a born bottom.

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Tomoko, save her already..

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>a born bottom
They're called "girls," user.

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>Asuka is not like that
We don't know what she's like. The most recent chapter is probably the first time we've seen her with thought bubbles.

I think that user is going to do it. He is going to accomplish the impossible: make Asuka interesting! He already managed to partly meme her crazy side into existence. Now imagine if Nico went full yandere with Asuka! Even if he fails, I appreciate his efforts. I remember those threads and they were pretty fun on their own.

At this point, if Asuka isn't secretly out of her mind, then I'm just dropping her character.

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>What is Femdom

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World Three's version is up by the way.

Who fucking cares?

Any significant changes on their version?

Yuri moving in to the Kuroki's to escape this, when?

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Imagine if we got a spin-off manga where Yuri and Nemo go to the same college so they end up agreeing to be roommates AAAAAH! I WANT THIS SO MUCH NICO!

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There is no escape!

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Why would anyone want to escape?

Scream if you wish.

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Tomoko and Asuka
>the yuri fans of Watamote
Yuri and Nemo
>the normal fans of Watamote

Finally, a good post.

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Nah, she badmouths Komi-something right in her face.

>>people who like Watamote for literally any other reason don't
Speak for yourself faggot, I like all Watamote girls including Asuka.

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Looks like Taiyaki ice cream.

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Every thing about this fanart is perfect. I've never seen a better Yuri. Amazing 10/10.

The cutest.

Maybe confess to Tomoko or anything?
She is just a yuribait right now.

Asuka isn't the same kind of character as Ucchi, Asuka autist. Nico isn't going to confirm Asuka as gay because it ruins the mystery of her odd relationship with Tomoko which is part of her current appeal for the yuritards reading the manga. Take that away and Asuka falls apart as a character.

I want to fuck loli Asuka.

Will Ucchi ever confess?

So Ucchi actually dyes her hair blonde...

Yes, but only just after Tomoko already accepted Asuka's confession.

Meant for

It seems like they all do.

we had this thread yesterday

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>I wanna fuck

Yes but Tomoko will politely turn her down. I hope that Tomoko and Ucchi do still become friends and Tomoko makes lighthearted jokes about Ucchi liking girls. I definitely don't want Ucchi to have the Komi-shit experience.
>only after Tomoko already accepted Asuka's confession.
/u/ fags actually believe this

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Asuka is a natural blonde so she might be half gaijin or something

Even Pineapple-chan is natural

I think her friends might convince her to, no idea how Tomoko will react though.

>Watamote Anonymous 06/22/19(Sat)21:19:47

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Yuri's smile is so precious. Espically the one when she found out that she is in the same class as the gang.

not op but desu mako's character is all about caring, and the purest person/lowkey altruist is yoshida, so it's understandable if she cares a lot for her. Imagine

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>cuck bear

Asuka autist, why do you always post the ugliest looking doujins?Seriously, their facial expressions look almost robotic

To be continued

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>20 years of watamote
my body is ready

So Yoshida developed early...


new radiohead soon

komi btfo

Yuri was in ISIS, confirmed.

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What is Tomoko going to do to her brother's girlfriend(male)?

So did most people lol

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Now draw Ucchi as Hermes?

I've said multiple times how much I like Nemo. Honestly she's objectively the best. Said how much I like the cast as a whole, too

She finally did it....

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Oh hey look user posted an anthro, guess that means he's actually a furry!

but unironically

>because you're Dobson!

Yuri's the only one who didn't change her hair

Doesn't really exist. 99% of them eventually have female being dominated in the end.

People on the spectrum don't tend to like change.

Yuri's going to be an old lady with twintails because change is unpleasant and unwelcome.

It looks an inch or two shorter than it is now.

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Did these three start dying their hair early or do they just have naturally light hair?

Japanese middle schools tend to prohibit hair dyeing more than high schools, so I guess they really are hapas.

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Mako has light brown hair which some japs can have naturally.


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I wish Yoshida kept her old hair.

You can meme this one till season 2 comes out

This picture is ironic after 159

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Asuka proposes a road trip with Tomoko and invites Yuu as well to get to know her better. After drugging them midway through, Yuu ends up in a ditch and Tomoko ends up like in the back of the trunk. Ucchi is the only one that knows the truth after tailing them the entire time.

Can someone say what has happened here?

Isn't obvious.

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That delinquent is actually really cute.

>Maybe she became a lesbian because he was a cunt
that's deep

Tomoko's s cunt too

>taken by somebody else

UMmaru was talk of the week, tomoko is eternal

>H-he's going to end up witb pineapple.

That's obviously Kiyota, m8.

He's going to ask Kuroki to meet with him alone after school so he can ask Kuroki for her...
for her...
...Help with confessing to Pineapple

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He will stole her first kiss

What's going on? Is she actually going through with the kidnapping?

I can't wait for us to reach the Winter months of year 3, when the best character of the series will finally come back.

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You do not know the privilege of being a mother. There is power in creation. To shape a life. Turn it toward happiness or despair. This vessel is at the edge. Yet she struggles. You cannot see her magnificence. She is weak to urging. She has colors we have no names for. But she is ending. Her music is bittersweet. It is beautiful.

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Minami chapter when?

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I'm afraid Fang is no more..

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That's hot

fucking nico

i swear theyre gonna drag this stupid 7-day arc for the next few months, fill it with yuri-bait and then nothing will fucking happen

It is too late for regrets. Reality just keeps cruelly moving forward. You have seen reality, so you ought to know: not one wish ever gets granted in this miserable world! That is why I shall guide it toward a dream of infinite Asuka x Tomoko sex! I shall create a world, where it won't be necessary for an Asukafag, to pathetically make excuses in front of a Watamote thread!

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We just finished day 4 and next chapter is the last day

She needs to be stopped before it's too late.

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user, it's already too late..

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Like the boy with glasses and black hair who confessed to Nemo on middle school was obviously Kiyota?

Do you see what I'm saying?

Kiyota has spiky hair

With people like her, you don't know the danger they pose until you're already too close to them. Kii-chan just needs to assassinate her.

>no Nemo
She's so fucking irrelevant.

JC Nemo already had a whole chapter for herself.

It is just me, or Nemo actually could have some other shady reasons to get friend with Kuro? Idk, it's like she hide something else than just "I want to become a voice actress" I mean, it's a perfectly normal job even in a retrogarde place like japan

Yes, i guess i meant to say i would love to know what is being said and hoping someone translated it, just want to see how much yandere is in the dialogue.

It’s been repeatedly shows she has a one-sided rivalry with Tomoko as she wants to playfully troll her but ends up getting embarrassed

Like what?

>shady reasons to get friend with Kuro
That's Asuka.

Explain pls

because they are crap 3d models with a filter over them.

You too explain your point pls

It's ultimately the fujo's fault.

Even after knowing what she's like, Nemo still thinks that Tomoko deliberately snubbed her at the entrance exam to mess with her, so she wants to mess with her back too. They had the race which ended with Ogino embarrassing both of them by calling everyone's attention to how hard they were trying, the contest to see who could freak out Akane the most which ended up with Nemo getting trolled into buying a hardcore porn game, and Tomoko getting caught looking up Nemo's skirt and talking about her vagina led Nemo to encourage her to make her skirt shorter so she could flip it in public, then got called out about it in front of Akane after she swore that wasn't her goal.

Yeah but tomoko didn't do it to mess with her, she's just herself


Nemo didn't know that though.

Anyway I'm pretty worried about what Nemo could do to be mean with her

Then Nemo's a complete retard if she can't retroactively figure out that maybe Tomoko was just being her normal Tomoko self.

Nemo views it as just friendly teasing, she doesn't have it in her to be genuinely mean. Also Tomoko could probably turn the tables if it really came down to it.

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Even if she has realized that by now the mindset of getting her back wouldn't just disappear. Although it was the result of awkwardness rather than malice Nemo would still be a little pissed about it.

>All this great Nemo discussion
Keep up the good work boys

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Will Tomoko ever remember the fist bump?

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She'll be fisting Nemo and get a deja vu.

So did this guy, who is not Kiyota

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Tomoko did NOT snub Nemo out of awkwardness. She was being her fairly usual cocky bitch self. She said "My name's Kuroki Tomoko! You better remember it!" and then ignored Nemo when she tried to give her name

Are you sure? They could have stayed friends afterwards.

She was running high on nervous energy from completing the test. Remembering it made her cringe.

>They could have stayed friends afterwards.
Hahahaha! No, this happened to me once. It never stops being awkward. There's no way Nemo and Kiyota could be as friendly with one another as was shown in the early chapters if the confession thing was between them. It's probably just some kid that went to her middle school but not her high school.

>my personal experience is universal

It was more of a joke. 'Stay friends' is just slang for 'I don't like you in that way but I'd feel bad if you hated me'. Regardless Kiyota and the other kid aren't the same person

Just restating your claim doesn't make it correct. Why are they not the same person?

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Asuka's pits!

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is this that faggy /u/ manga again


It's only /u/ when /u/ pretends Asuka is the most important part of this manga.

wait, is that a shop or fanart from a literal yurifag author?

Fanart from a yurifag author


Not him but I also doubt it's the same guy since Kiyota would surely have known she was into anime. She started hiding that part of her after middle school.

It's the Futari Monologue author. They're an Asuka fag that thinks they like Watamote but are only in it for the yuribait. I've always found they're artstyle weird, like lizard lesbians.


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I like Futari Monologue, it can get weird sometimes, the artsyle is surreal sometimes. It's the only shit that allows me to keep going reading it.

When will things start looking up for Fang?

Nemo wants to be socially acceptable while also being open about her interest in otaku culture. That is all there is to it.


Oh my

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Would Asuka be turned on if Tomoko were to suddenly lick her armpits?

As long as it took for Tomoko

Fang doesn't need the normalfag fans that support Tomoko now. Fang just needs us loyal Fang bros.

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She'd be wondering why this is ok but she wouldn't grope her boobs.

True. Those who wish Fang to change are not real Fangchads.

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What is that, yoghurt?

Looks like milk in paste?

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romance arc when

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>includes Fuuka
>doesn't include Itou
God, I hate yurifags

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Katou might actually be an interesting character. Can she carry her own series?


This. Asuka was supposed to be final boss but the recent chapters have shown she had sincere feelings of friendship* all along and it's so weird.

I wouldn't call it friendship

What chapter?

The Bookwalker special.

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Hey, what a wonderful kind of day.

Yoshida is a stand user?

When will Nico start pairing the girls up with boyfriends so /u/ fucks off?

her face kills it

She's not the only one.

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Who isn't?

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This is now a Watameme thread. Show us your best

ok, we got pokemon fan art of watamote, we need a Jojo one.

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Does Tomoko have a stand?

That was better than I was expecting.

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>Begone, Kuroki's mine now

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Asuka is easily the worst main girl. Yea Forums is an Ucchi board

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Still better than the English content for Watamote, which is simply clips about the anime, with only ONE video that talks about the recent developments

Quiet vixen, Kuroki is sleeping with her wife

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>includes Tomoki
>doesn't include Itou
God, I hate yurifags?

Damn you're retarded

>only ONE video that talks about the recent developments
What's that?

Please explain?

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>Crazy Diamond

Love Deluxe


Holy shit Mako

Why is she so effortlessly lewd

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I'm abroad so I don't have time to translate asuka doujins, but the long and short of it is that Asuka wanted to take Tomoko on the suspension bridge, for the classic suspension bridge effect, but the bridge is more solid and lower to the ground than expected so it has no effect
Should have taken her to Shizuoka instead of Mt Takao.
Pic related featured in some manga about traveling around japan. Can't remember the name.

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Securing victory for fang!

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>second place

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>when your comfy series has finally become infested by yurifags

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It’s just one of those series reviews but goes beyond the anime

I know, right?

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Was Nemo missing from the special chapter as compensation for the rigged poll?


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The only thing that made me mad about this is that redditguya author never delivered fucking faggot liar

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What if i told you there's an alternative?

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What if I told you you're complaining about something that has been going on since 2015, except you didn't notice because you and most others had dropped the series at that point?

What is this? I like it.

Is where nico siphoned all the autism to

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>going on since 2015
Not that user but Yuri was never into Tomoko in that way and no one was really bothered with Ucchi because she was actually quite an interesting character. The problem is the Asuka shilling which is a recent addition and a very blatant in nature. All these scenes about Tomoko interacting with Asuka feel very stilted. Whereas Tomoko's relationship with Yuri, Nemo and Yoshida have all grown organically from her interactions with them during the course of the manga and feel more natural and believable (within the realms of comical absurdity in the series). But Asuka's increased presence is altogether thoroughly off-putting and detracts from the more interesting aspects of Watamote. Like Akane.

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Yuri shit wasn't so prominent until school trip arc. Which is like one and a half years ago.

Yoshida and Ucchi have been pointed to as "the series is a yuri harem now" since 2015. Yuri wasn't until much later, but Yoshida in particular was always shipped with Tomoko, and people would point out how Tomoko was turning characters (like Ucchi) gay with her corrupting influence.

Like for real, the only difference is it's taken MORE seriously now, but since then people were calling the series yuri harem. On the other hand, only last year you started getting people complaining about it.

>All these scenes about Tomoko interacting with Asuka feel very stilted.
Feeling stilted around your crush, huh, perish the fucking though

Jesus Christ, people love to not actually think about anything huh? Like you're the most smooth and casual fuckers around people you're attracted to. Tomoko has literally always, always been a mess around people she finds attractive. Even fucking Yuu at times.

>Like for real, the only difference is it's taken MORE seriously now, but since then people were calling the series yuri harem. On the other hand, only last year you started getting people complaining about it.
Maybe that's why people are complaining about it? The whole thing about a yuri harem was a joke but it was said enough times that people that didn't read the series actually believe that is what the manga became and began to perpetuate that false assumption. Whereas before it was merely /u/ fag delusions and a gag lesbian (although a legitimately good yuri inclusion into the series), now it's a character that a significant number of people are convinced is going to end up with Tomoko and who belittle those that think differently. /u/ was never the problem, at least directly, since they never acted out the way the Asuka fags who have since become a majority in the /u/ thread do now. They have become incredibly obnoxious about Watamote being a yuri manga and that Asuka is being gay is canon, which has not been established because a lot of what she has done is open to interpretation.

You weren't reading the series. You dropped it. You now complain about the aspects people have been enjoying for a while because when you dropped it, it wasn't like what it is now (and what it's been like for a long time). It's fine to just admit that, almost nobody was reading it for like 6 years. After the initial boom, it fell into a regular formula and lost hype. The only people still reading it were just reading it because why not, or were dedicated fans. Even after the biggest changes in format, it took a very long time before people realized it was different. The popularity increased even further and you mysteriously have posts complaining that "What happened to loner Tomoko? What happened to Watamote?" It's not difficult to put two and two together.

The only real valid complaints are people complaining that the series is currently more about pushing these romantic elements, and even to those people you could mathematically prove that the series is largely not even ABOUT such things, and they'd still be complaining.

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Oh and of course
Like legit, I don't usually say this, but if you aren't enjoying the series... drop it.

For real

>You dropped it.
I didn't drop it. I don't know how or why you've come to that far-fetched assumption. I've been reading this manga since chapter 5 and I will continue to read it until it ends. I really appreciated the character development that came with the introduction of Komi and the trip. I just don't like Asuka all that much. I'm not nearly as fond of her character as I am of Yuri or Nemo and I feel that focus could be shared more evenly with some of the more neglected characters (like poor Mako) or possibly a solo Tomoko chapter (or Kuroki family chapter) every once in a while. Asuka could be a great character (even if it's yuribait, I do like Asuka's teasing of Tomoko because it's one of the few things that catches her off-guard but has been used a bit too frequently lately) if she was used more liberally but 1-2 pages a chapter for every chapter this volume and for part of the last volume is a bit excessive.
How can I drop it? I'm the one making the threads. I do enjoy it, a whole fucking lot, especially with the new focus on Nemo. Nemo becoming more of a deuteragonist was possibly one of the wisest decisions Nico made because her character plays off Tomoko's really well.

I don't imagine you're and if you are you seem to have wonky opinions

I don't see how the opinions I have expressed are wonky, either in their means or intents. Care to explain? Asuka fag meaning those that support Asuka ending up with Tomoko, feel I should clarify that

This is hilarious

People complain it when it became huge. Yuri is like spices, fine for most people as long as it isn't too much. There were few fan arts of YoshidaTomoko and YuriMako but yuri is still the minority after Kyoto arc. Then it escalated, now the discussions focus more on shipping war or how badly do certain characters want Tomoko.

You don't mind, but mind

>1-2 pages a chapter for every chapter this volume and for part of the last volume is a bit excessive.

Sorry user I was not trying to be specific, definitely a bit of hyperbole on my part. I'd say calling it every chapter is a tad much. But at the very least there has been a growing trend of Asuka featuring in a prominent role similar to Yuri and Nemo each week, especially in any vignette chapters. My gripe with her is simply that I don't believe that she suits main character status considering that because Nico expanded the cast they have to now juggle a host of additional characters besides Tomoko and can only do so much in each chapter.

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Loli is clearly the best version.

Can Futaki save Watamote from the Katou menace?

Futaki is a superior being, she has no interest in petty squabbles

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>No young Futaki
What the fuck Nico?

Komisomething is cute

I hope Numbers is not axed

If 144.1 was darker this would all be fine.

Who actually thinks that's a new character and not just Ucchi with pigtails?

Please don't insult Futaki by comparing her to that useless joke lesbian.


fug, we never can have nice things

That can't be Futaki, she was grown in a lab six months ago

She hadn’t been built yet.

This may surprise you but girls change their hair all the time. It is fucking Ucchi.

Nuimber girls is old as fuck. It ended before the Anime finished airing.
It just never got translated till recently.

oh shit, I thought it was something new

>asuka had a b*yfriend
fucking soiled. death to all hetfags.

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Nah that was her brother that she fucks

Ah shit really? so the translation that came out yesterday is old? damn i was actually looking forward to this series

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This makes it look like Fatty died