Netflix in charge of anime

>Netflix in charge of anime
Yea Forums was right. They really kill anime.

Attached: netflix a shit.png (774x758, 215K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>twitter screencap thread
>Netflix thread
>muh dub thread

Four strikes. That's a red card.

How does Yea Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.

Back to >>>/leddit/ faggot.

you drunk?

>not recognising the pasta

they can pay hundreds of millions to scorsese and adam fucking sandler, yet don't want to afford the endings and background-music(!) of a hawaiian strawskirt-claymation?

>twitter screencap thread
fuck you OP
back to your containment boards

If only the mods saw it this way.
Let's bump this thread some more.

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>thought I would save loads of hard drive space by streaming most anime I haven't seen already on netflix
>find out about this

thank fuck I watch EVA years ago in its purest form

what else have they fucked over? was really looking forward to Trigun

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>implying anyone on netflix watches the intros or endings after they've seen them once.

It really should be against the rules to start a thread with a literal who twitter screencap.

It's because, as much as shitposters like OP will pretend otherwise, this is the Netflix equivalent of a direct to DVD release. They're not putting any effort into it because very few people will watch it and it will be forgotten in a month.

the fuck is that gear box?

since when has Yea Forums fucking cared about dubs faggot

Kill yourself.

Mutt automatic shit.

Check em


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>It's because, as much as shitposters like OP will pretend otherwise, this is the Netflix equivalent of a direct to DVD release. They're not putting any effort into it because very few people will watch it and it will be forgotten in a month.
where are my features that include the original fly me to the moon?

Consider suicide, faggot.

aaaaahhhhhhhh this is starting to make more sense

Yeah it's almost like gaydar but for even bigger faggots. Anyone complaining about anything that's being ambiguous about their direct complaint is always ACTUALLY complaining about something else that's asinine, and even they know it's asinine, so they hide it behind a more "legitimate" complaint.

someone is really trying to force twitter threads today


If you have paranoia, it's coordinated discord trolling. If you're deluded, it's because Yea Forums is spilling over on Yea Forums.

I'd put my money on the first one.

Neither. It's just OPs with twitter pics always get the most replies. Thank for replying btw.

At least tell him to go back to Twitter. He's giving it to you on a platter, c'mon.

Pathetic. Watch these dubs

the reason why they had to redo the dub and didn't get fly me to the moon was copyright hell

I know you're used to pirating shit and taking whatever you want for free but they're not able to do that.

go on kissanime and stream it. Its not illegal for you to watch it on line, its the server doing it with out permission.

With how rich they are, I doubt it.

Shinji's VA bugged me for a bit but for the most part I haven't really seen any huge issues with the redub.

Feels like a good place to point newcomers to get a feel for the history of the animus.

how so? why is the new dub any different than the old one? I mean they both say the same thing contextually, thing is though there are legit poor actors in the ADV version but they are replaced by even poorer actors. If anything funimation did a smart move and kept most of the actors and their added professional ones to the mix.

Somehow Crunchyroll has no problem with streaming Jojo worldwide ex. Asia without replacing ED songs. And Crunchyroll is nowhere as big as Netflix.

>going to a russian site
>loaded with malware ads
>that forces you to disable adblockers and noscript to use
>sometimes get ads that the only way to get rid of is to kill the entire browser process tree
yeah no thanks. An ending song that I skip after seeing once is honestly not worth it. I can just use youtube if I want to see that version's ending that badly.

The only voice acting so far that I've thought was clearly awful is Shinji's, and he sounds almost as gay and effeminate as the original Japanese (one of the reason I don't like subs sometimes is that they're way too comfortable using women to voice even adolescent and adult men in Japan, or just plain manlets), being voiced by a FTM tranny (and in the Japanese he's just voiced by a woman). Otherwise it's servicable.

well it's not always about money or even if it is, they determined it's not worth how much the rights holders were asking for a song most people will skip (and auto skips after 15s), and doing a new dub presents the opportunity for a new translation which from what I've heard here, is closer to the original Japanese, to the point of the sub being so literal that the dialogue is stilted (another reason I'll choose a dub over a sub, literal translations flow awkwardly unlike spoken conversations)

I thought so too but why did they redub other languages? It's not like all those countries have companies with the same situation as adv.
So rich they couldn't get the rights to a song that is emblematic for the series

I felt the performances all lacked emotion and put too much of their own personalities in to the characters. Some were improved others werent. The main cast got butchered imo.

Has that ever worked?


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Generally I only care if the voices don't fit the characters. Shinji aside, I've thus far felt like the voices fit their characters for the most part.

I actually don't remember the last time I watched the old school dub so I can't really comment on that bit.

>STILL no news article on ANN about removing Fly Me To The Moon.
They are getting bribed by Netflix, I'm sure of it.

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yeah that's how I feel on it too. Asuka still sounds like a fiesty stuck up tsundere bitch, Rei still sounds like an autist, and Misato still sounds like a fucking trainwreck of a woman.

Technically Shinji is supposed to sound whiny and pathetic and I suppose the voice actor captures that fine, but it's just such an offputting voice, trannies never have good voices.

doubt all you want, this shit is not A-B-C easy. one could argue Netflix should've just scrapped the idea when they found out it wouldn't be possible to provide the most authentic experience, but Netflix is trying to compete with Disney and other streaming services. they need to get as many big name series as possible.

at the end of the day, the only niggers complaining are people that have already seen it and wanted the option of watching it over their normalfag service. people new to it have no idea about 'fly me to the moon', or that the dubs were even changed.

Right? Shinji sounded a bit too feminine for my taste. I mean he's supposed to be a bitch but he should still sound like a dude.

I've seen other sites quote that it was licensing fees, the song is still in the Japanese Netflix, but the licensing for it wasn't global.

Copyrights are a shitstorm when one media franchise licenses media from another copyrighted work and you have basically a 4th party trying to negotiate rights on it.

The Tolkien estate is notoriously bad for this. They will license the rights for the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, but none of the other works that Tolkien did, so a lot of fans for a game or whatever will ask "why did they not include x?" and the reason is because it's from the Silmarillion and they couldn't get the rights. The Lord of the Rings MMO couldn't use the names of the Ringwraiths and had to make them up because the names weren't mentioned in the books they had the rights to but rather other sources they didn't have the rights to.

Does it matter? Like if they used that song everyone would be standing around applauding "great job netflix thank you so much we love you"

Honestly if they included it people would have maybe watched through it once, and then skipped it for the rest of the episodes. Leaving it out just gives whinging nostalgiafags a reason to bitch is all.

Jesus just go on youtube you can very easily find the original ED and listen to it to your heart's content.

I don't know how copyright for music works. I thought licensors of Eva bought the rights to air and distribute the song? And they have global rights for distrubuting the song (I think?), since Eva had several hard-disc releases in other countries?

it's been about a year since I used netflix, but doesn't it skip to the next episode after a few seconds? I don't think people viewing it would even get to hear the full song.

So that means that distributing the song globally via youtube is not a problem (otherwise it would have been copyright-struck), but somehow it's a problem for Netflix?

music rights are a bitch to work with. just an example, gta: san andreas and gta IV had some some of their tracks removed from the PC version.

rockstar knew in advanced the license would expire, but they still used it because it added to the realism of the world. just like a lot of those gta 5 songs are going to someday get removed(i'm actually surprised the migos shit is still there)

> just an example, gta: san andreas and gta IV had some some of their tracks removed from the PC version.
Heh. Music companies are the truest assholes then.

>rockstar knew in advanced the license would expire
Could then not simply commission their own covers? They could reuse them in perpetuum.

I don't care that much about it not being in the ed but it not being in ep 15 during the misato and kaji park scene and in 21 when she finds out he died is bullshit and an objective downgrade

>Its not illegal for you to watch it on line, its the server doing it with out permission
Wrong if you're European. The european courts fairly recently ruled that if the a website looks like an obvious violation of third party copyright, then streaming can get you fined the same way downloading would.

>Could then not simply commission their own covers?

you get shit like this. no one wants this. great value metallica is one of the most disrespectful acts against music fans.

For real? You think any country will really enforce it?