We /mlp/ now
I like this design
Janny are you ok ?
oh no no no no no no
SB > AB > Scoots
God I love Shining Armour
Wonder if he's going to show up this time? He doesn't normally browse Yea Forums and it's still sleepytime for jannies, but I've learned not to underestimate him.
He's dead
It's just people pretending to be him now
MLPchads shit on Superfags
MLP is more seinen than HxHcucks
It's been too long since we've had a good /mlp/ raid.
I genuinely miss this Canadian anime, early seasons ware pretty funny. Anyone remember when an /mlp/ user bought an add on Yea Forums with ponies saying "its just like your Chinease cartoons"?
It's not even a raid, I'm just a shitposter striking up an opportunity of sleeping mods
And for my special trick, i'll double the potential amount of mental illness in this thread!
Its nuthin personal kiddo
Some of you are alright, dont come to Canterlot tomorrow.
Bump, then
God, Yuta and Rikka are a cute couple! But HomuSaya is best.
I like short hair
Die Barneyfags.
Doesn't work without the image
It never worked with the image either.
Fuck off to your own board /mlp/ fag
Thought i’d do it for tradition’s sake. Hey I dropped the show all the way back in season 3, now that it’s finishing did I miss much? Is it worth checking out? How is /mlp/ holding up? Any hope for Gen 5?
Haven't watched or gone back to /mlp/ myself. Heck, I didn't even watch Season 3, so I don't know
I think it's gotten better than before though
Both the board and the show
why would you ever watch ponies instead of waifus?
Reminder that anime is canon in the mlpverse.
Because anime is degeneracy
OH right
The board finally lifted the prompt ban
I'd take ponies over DBZ, One Piece, HxH, etc. Pony degenerates are at least more entertaining than the norms who flood those threads.
Same, not a brony btw.
I tried posting the image a month ago and received an automatic perma for ban evasion.
Pony is the closest the west has come to moeshit.
>implying ponies can't be waifus
>loli thread gets deleted
>pony thread not
They are telling us that if you shitpost, shitpost in a way the mods like.
Ikr, normies are the worst form of degenerates.
MLP is not even half as bad as MCU-watching audience now.