Why does so much anime include nudity, and how is this allowed?
You have to be 18 or older to post in this site
Name three non-hentais this year that even include nipples
What about the few that do?
please post some examples to prove your point
There is more entertainment containing violence than there is nudity. Why is that allowed?
Lots of the nudity is underage, though.
Japs aren't prudes like murricans, and they know how to pander to fans, unlike SJW infested western companies.
Why wouldn't it be allowed?
go back
Which is a good thing!
Unironically this. It's insane to glorify violence and murder while demonizing sex.
Anime isn't real
>Japs aren't prudes like murricans,
They can be though. It just depends on the subject. Like indirect kisses or showing of affection in public. Plus, there's plenty of anime that have been criticized by parents just like America (Futari wa Pretty Cure covered up Nagisa's midriff for it's second season because of this)
A staggering number of adult Japanese men are virgins due to Japanese working culture and use anime as a surrogate for love. If you ever go to a hentai shop in Japan, it's full of salarymen and even a few women.
Why is that ass walking towards that girl?
But there was zero nudity in this show
Wrong. The sister is shown.
Rika is naked in the space battle scene.
Exposed armpits are nudity though.
>brutal, gratitious violence, swearing, retarded "role models", literal propaganda, stereotyping, revisionism
>"what a great show!"
>a shadow of a boob
why are americans so fucking retarded? is it the glucose syrup?
There are three this season if I'm not mistaken
Puritan values
No nipples, though
ACfag, what the fuck are you doing on Yea Forums?
I wish there was less nudity in anime. Nudity doesn't allow anime to become popular.
Blu-ray there is
Circumcision is still alive and well in America, so this shouldn't really come as a surprise to anyone
I blame onions.
>showing some skin
okay achmed
>visible brapper
>not nudity
I want to see Yozora nude.
They don't have the massive hang-up about nudity there is in the west, it's like looking at the pictures in an anatomy textbook as far as they're concerened
I want burgers to leave.
It depends on the type of show. Stuff like your pictured example is just lazy and in the hope that someone doesn't change the channel.
Where is there a problem with showing women in situations they were biologically evolved to be in?
Can't we all come together and enjoy both? At the same time?
Can we be friends?
But it is contradictory and Inconsistent that No main girls of Moeshit can wear a bikini at all and wear an ugly one pieced swimsuit instead while Bikini is only for superior supporting characters. See Gran blue,FGO,Pricone,Bocchi,Hidamari,Comic girls,YRYR,Blend S,Joshiraku,To aru,Haganai,Toradora,Aqours,Deremas,Soraumi,Island,Inou battle,Rokyubu, Spyce,Shield guy and more.Why should they make Main girl the Tall toddler? No one faps over the unsexy one pieced swimsuit...
What the hell is up with her boob?
But Moeshit never puts protagonist on a bikini at all.
Her future husband is squeezing it.
I'm not squeezing it.
Kids and adolescents don't watch trashy shit like that. Japan has a TV rating system, just like every other country.
>covering up tomboy midriff
for shame
They censor porn and genitals you shit head.
Everyone is involved in violence and murder. Not so with sex.
>you can choose between dudettes in burkas, and cum sluts covered in cum and piss
Great freedom, murrika.
Yeah you got a problem with that?
But they are only prude to Protagonist because they never put Protagonist on a bikini in the Moeshit.
why is yozoras ass two times on the front page
And she cannot wear a bikini at all and wears an ugly long sleeved tightshirt just like Asian’s only swimsuit.But Sena can wear a bikini because she is the superior supporting character.
pretty sure she wears a thong every day, otherwise we would't be able to get shots like the one OP posted
Uh oh, a triggered burger!
The fact that Japan has some archaic, silly laws still in place, isn't really an argument here. Genitals aren't being pixalated in real life after all.
But she never wear a bikini top at all while Sena can wear a bikini top.
Is this anime even good? It's been on my backlog for a while
Do you like sexy boobs, farting nuns and girl ((boy) girl)?
Yeah. At least We Americans and Europeans,Blacks and Latinas can wear a bikini top while Japs,Changs and Koreans cannot wear a bikini top at all and wear an ugly and uncomfortable long sleeved tightshirt instead. It is their only swimsuit. Literally a Lesser Burkini.
it's okay, great animation and half the cast is likeable, the other half a combination of meh and unlikable bitches, the plot is a joke, don't even focus on that.
so no
They should put Protagonist on a bikini if they wanna make anime great again. Restricting protagonists from wearing a bikini seems inconsistent for No one faps over the ugly one pieced swimsuit.
Anime never puts Female Protagonist on a bikini at all. They are contradictory and inconsistent.
Outstanding comprehension user, you should be out in the world helping humanity for the greater good.
Except for the part where genitals are censored even in literal pornography
Do you fap over her Ugly long sleeved swimsuit? I think NOT. Bikini is only for superior supporting characters. No protagonist can wear a bikini and this fact breaks my heart.
Have you ever watched anything on HBO or Netflix? Almost everything is full of full frontal nudity and sex.
What about girls who expose their dirty, private parts?
this desu
Sena running out of the shower always make it for me.
We don’t need these. What the Anime need is the Protagonist who can wear a bikini to be more consistent.
But Sena isn’t a main girl. She is a superior supporting character. We need a protagonist or main girl who can wear a bikini in anime.
so Keijo?
Any other? Except for Urara Meirochad(2017),the first CGDCT and Moe anime where Protagonist can wear a bikini.
Both Sena and the sister bust out the nips on the blurays, iirc.
They look bad though. Honestly, OP's pic and some of the other fully clothed ass shots in this show are more arousing.
Not even an argument.
Weebs truly are autistic.
No, I don't care much for TV. But isn't sex and nudity added for shock value, and not so much as pandering? (That would just further prove my point.)
They can wear a bikini cuz they are the western half. But Yozora cannot wear a bikini top at all because Asians cannot wear a bikini top at all. They cannot even wear a sukumizu like one.
Because it's enjoyable.
And Weebshit never put main girl on a bikini but Miss martian,the main girl of YJ has worn one because We Have better taste if we have to. This is the TASTE,Weebs who hate to put main girl on bikini!!!
what the fuck, they don't even look like nipples, they just put a pink cicle over their tits, what a fucking rip off
Queen's Blade?
people forget this. America was founded by a bunch if people so triggered, they hopped on a boat to make their own safe space
Despite this,We Americans,Europeans,Blacks and Latinas can wear a bikini in reality while Asian losers cannot wear a bikini top at all in the reality
Nobody wants to see genitals, they're gross. I'm glad elevens censor them.
Hello, my fellow asexual friend.
Why is Mio so perfect?
the word you are looking for is "ascension," user. they are ascended from 3d. from where do western roasties get their "surrogate" love anyway? or inferior western incels in general?
isn't the removal of it even more archaic? very reminiscent of people who say "if you are against tattoos, you're living in the 18th century." when they are living 5000 BC. it really only makes sense if you want for it (2d) to exist as actual ascended replacement for reality. in which case the genitals should be uncensored for 2d and fiction, only. but remain censored what 3d is concerned. similar to how it is with (real) child porn. if real people are involved, it should remain banned. as opposed to 2d, which has no age. and is often an idealized form of reality (physique, mentality, etc)... and therefore entirely detached from 3d and reality.
imagine referring to asexuality as contrast in order to rationalize your own flawed behaviour... tzk, tzk, tzk... i am sure "roasties" argue the same way.
>isn't the removal of it even more archaic?
I'm not sure what you mean here? The reason the laws are still in place is - I believe - simply because there's no one to really push for their removal. "This is how things are, because this is how things are" seems to be a common mentality in Japan.
>Why does so much anime include nudity
Because anime is super-cheap trash for the late-night broadcast slots.
>and how is this allowed
Lack of Christianity
Op's statement made it seem as though every episode has nudity. 2 scenes on the bluray do not count as
>so much anime include nudity
But quite contradictory that No protagonist of moeshit can wear a bikini at all and wears an ugly one pieced swimsuit instead. But We Americans have better taste so that Miss martian can wear a bikini unilke virgin moeshit protagonists.Japs are the uncivilized cockroaches of third world country. En taro Tassadar.
>why are americans so fucking retarded? is it the glucose syrup?
Most Americans are members of the Jesus cult. It's like the Aqua cult, but ten times dumber and angrier.
Any protagonist of Moeshit who can wear a bikini then?
And unlike Japs,we Americans can wear a bikini top. Because we whites,blacks and latinas are superior than Jap mongrels.
I was watching game of thrones this morning. Some whore was leaving for the big city and one of the guys threw her a coin for her to lift her skirt one more time, how is that not fanservice. They just show people fucking and whores walking around nude in the background every episode for the sake of nudity. It's pretty dumb, I dont understand how normalfags complain about drawn titties but think this show is some kind of materpiece.
And it is inconsistent that No protagonist of Moeshit can wear a bikini and wears an ugly one pieced swimsuit instead while bikini is only for superior supporting characters.
No one faps over the one pieced swimsuit. No protagonist of moeshit can wear a bikini.
>legal to mutilate a baby boy's dick
>illegal to suck it
What's game? My daughter finds this cute.
Madoka gachashit.
And that only makes it better.
Hey!! I am a clean freak. How am i supposed to self insert to this?!
Ever heard of soap?
Here's a better question: why are Americans so uncomfortable with nudity and sex?
fucking disgusting
Depends on the agenda. Remember that half naked child Twink twerking during a gay parade, and grown men were grinding him? Yeah that's allowed, but only because of the subject matter.
>he likes sluts who shave
I like half shaved. My cheeks rubbing on the stubble just does it for me.
It's not just sex and nudity exclusively. It's because the characters in question are incredibly attractive as well. If it was a fat naked Walmart scooter handicapped feminist, it would be approved instantly for being a body positive message. But if it was a 10/10 anime girl, literally perfection, it would see the limelight away from the propaganda they are trying to push on males in general. Thus they get mad and instaban these kinds of things.
Sorry, I don't like monkeys.
off yourself from this planet
We are all monkeys, anonymous.
Hairy is the best. Nothing gets you harder than it.
>We are all monkeys
I'm white.
dilate your ass idiot phoneposter, go back to play your shitty idol game
You're an albino monkey.
fuck off back to your shithole at Yea Forums stupid subhuman phoneposter
you can't be this fucking gay
Nudity isn't really frowned upon outside of puritan countries like the US or Saudi Arabia.
Like said. Straight from the BD.
The closest we'll get.
>it's another /pol/nigger trying to false flag as a butthurt SJW newfag to try to "epic redpill" Yea Forums like they did Yea Forums thread
A bunch of people who got kicked out of CROMWELLIAN ENGLAND for being a bit much, religiously.
Because it's a very nice ass.
>no panties
That is neither nudity nor porn. If a dick doesn't go in a hole it's not fucking porn you retard.
>handjob video is not porn
Look at this uneducated swine.
The hand counts as a hole.
good one
>hand hole
Holy shit, Jesus posts on Yea Forums.
I just want another ecchi anime with outrageous boobs and asses like Manyuu or Maken ki. Haven't seen a new good one in years.
>Like indirect kisses or showing of affection in public
Is this actual japanese society or just stupid anime shit?
Because 99% of them don't show nipples so isn't considered nudity.
That's called rape user, and I like it.
I hear a lot of people are rightfully calling it out these days. Even the LGBTWTFBBQs are getting sick of them.
That’s just the JPTA, though.
Because of archaic laws. Problem is, no one wants to be “the politician who declared all porn unpuxellated”.
do you know what nudity means? like if you see a girl in really short shorts you think she's nude?
Fucking hell, now I'm imagining a version of the dio walking meme with that ass
Actual Japanese society.
A few times I've been politely asked by izakaya staff to reign it in when getting up to some totally tame stuff with girls.
Why does so much [insert medium of choice] include nudity, and how is this allowed?
>best pantsu
shes vanilla without the loli
The issue is so many characters are under 18.
It's drawn to her because she's the biggest ass in the club.
She is a real jerk to everyone.
Nudity is not inherently sexual, so under 18 doesn't matter. Only a sick bastard would see this as sexual, for instance.
Just keep in mind that the working definition of pornography in the USA is any image that turns on the judge.
imagine the smell
There is nothing wrong with nudity and humor about the body, it's the Western world that has a problem, not Japan.
Feels good to be a sick bastard.
im so confused. this is the anime about the manga/book where a guy ends up joining a friendship club and a pretty blonde girl joins and the petty black haired girl calls her meat, then his little sister joins or something and a person that may be male or female and he later realizes that glasses girl is his best friend.
thats what this is right? cause i dont remember reading ANYTHING about fat asses or nudity or literally anything in any of the screenshots ive seen. im really confused
>thats what this is right? cause i dont remember reading ANYTHING about fat asses or nudity or literally anything in any of the screenshots ive seen. im really confused
I'm guessing that you watched the braille edition then, because even the broadcast version did very little censoring.
i didnt watch ANY version. thats why i said "read"
>wanting anime to become more popular
>We Marvel now boi's yassss can't wait for the disney version of Haruhi.
Fuck off and die.
LN images here and here .
>under 18
Even in burgerland that meme only exists in a handful of states.
so in essence, because youre still refusing to actually answer me because youre a dick, this is the series im thinking of but the anime has taken many liberties in character design and plot and all the weird screenshots ive seen are indeed that series but show stuff that has been altered/changed or is original to the anime.
thanks for the help you fucking bitch
I dunno, I just watched the show a month or so ago and I don't remember the OP's pic at all. Maybe it was from an OVA or something.