Its almost been 25 years since Neon Genesis Evangelion premiered in Japan

Before 1995... anime was very different. It was mainly focused on children shows instead of the thought provoking anime we get today. Thanks to Studio Gainax Anime & Manga was forever changed! It inspired countless series afterwards and made way for Anime Studios to experiment with niche anime.

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Wrong. Yamato proved anime could be good and then Gundam proved anime could be for adults.


>thought provoking anime we get today
Anime has always been intended for children. It's cartoons.

remember kids what goes on all fields

I love this reposted take user

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Most anime isn't made for children, and anime and cartoons are completely different. Even the anime that's intended for children is very different from what Americans think of as children's animation.

none the less its something of a self indulgent form of media that is looked at as childish even in japan, like otakus and such. They just welcome to profit off of it and we followed.

It isn't looked at as childish in Japan. If it was, then it wouldn't even exist as we know it.

>anime and cartoons are completely different
animes ARE cartoons, the oposite is not always true.

>he doesn't know

No. Anime and cartoons are vastly different from each other and cannot be considered the same.

>he doesn't know
Try to apply some logical thinking. If the Japanese treated animation the same as Americans do, then how is it that anime as we know it is able to exist?

yes it would. Thing is Japan doesnt have the same censorship standards as we do. They can show tits on tv but a vagina is not allowed. They can show voilence to kids because they know the parents teach them the difference between reality and not.

You are making the mistaken assumption that non-childish animation means tits and gore. TV anime by and large doesn't have those. Japan's entire attitude towards animation is very different from America's which is why anime is entirely different from American animation.

>If the Japanese treated animation the same as Americans do, then how is it that anime as we know it is able to exist?
what!? It sounds like you are saying that adult themes make an anime for adults but miss the concept that its still drawings and as even an artform, its still immature to continue fantasy adult themes but it is still self indulgence that it makes you look immature.

I just finished watching the episode where Asuka goes into the mantle of the earth to try to capture an Angel. When does this show actually get good? It’s average so far, I’m not getting the hype yet.

>Anime and cartoons are vastly different from each other
animes are just japanese cartoons user, sorry to bust your bubble but the word cartoon simply means animation and has no inherent qualities, anime as a loan word here in the west means japanese cartoons, because the word anime in japan simply means animation and includes western cartoons, refer to Anno putting "Tom & Jerry" in his favorite anime list.
>try to applu some logical thinking
try to learn about japanese culture before coming here newfriend, not to mention your logic makes no sense tons of subcultures flourishes even with the disaproval/disgust of the rest of society because they still have sizeable fanbases, a unique culture and are profitable
>If the Japanese treated animation the same as Americans do
i never said the same, they treat it even worse,
anime otaku is a very bad label to have put on you in japan.

>TV anime by and large doesn't have those. Japan's entire attitude towards animation is very different from America's which is why anime is entirely different from American animation.
this goes with out saying but what I am saying that the standard for anime as a whole in japan is vastly different in america. You are considered weird and childish if you part take too much in this medium. Its like how people look at D&D players in the 90s and 80s and 70s.

>*in fact the word anime in japan simply means animation

Japan thinks anime is for children too, retard. You clearly have never interacted with a jap.

>its still drawings
And you are prejudiced against drawings because of American attitudes towards animation, which are irrelevant in Japan.

>animes are just japanese cartoons user
No they are not. Anime and cartoons are very different from each other and you have no basis for claiming they are the same.

>the word cartoon simply means animation and has no inherent qualities
This is an outright lie. Nobody actually believes this.

>anime as a loan word here in the west means japanese cartoons
It means Japanese animation, not cartoons.

>because the word anime in japan simply means animation and includes western cartoons
Did I say cartoons aren't animation?

>try to learn about japanese culture before coming here newfriend,
I know about it far more than you do, newfag.

>not to mention your logic makes no sense tons of subcultures flourishes even with the disaproval/disgust of the rest of society
TV anime didn't get very subcultural until after Evangelion.

>i never said the same, they treat it even worse,
Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. Do you even know what anime is?

>anime otaku is a very bad label to have put on you in japan.
Otaku are a meme.

TV anime prior to Evangelion was shown during normal hours, and modern anime like Attack on Titan and Love Live are mainstream.

They do not. That doesn't even make logical sense. Have you ever even watched anime?

I watched over 10k episodes of anime and know many japs both on internet and irl. They all told me the same things. You're a retard.

How did you watch over 10k episodes of anime and never notice how utterly different anime is from American animation? Could it be that you are lying?

>TV anime didn't get very subcultural until after Evangelion
>Otaku are a meme
so i was just getting baited? nice one user

I did not bait anywhere, but thanks for conceding defeat.

Just find a jap and ask him how is anime seen in Japan and he will tell you. Don't waste my time here.

>Otaku are a meme.
ok now you are trolling
>And you are prejudiced against drawings because of American attitudes towards animation, which are irrelevant in Japan.
doesn't it have to be a person to be prejudiced against?

Shitty bait

There is no way that anime as we know it would even exist if the Japanese had the same attitude towards it that Americans do. That's obviously nonsensical. Animation is a product of its society.

Most anime today isn't even made for children. It's mostly late night anime.

>ok now you are trolling
No I'm not, but thanks for conceding defeat.

How about reading Twitter, Yaraon and the likes to find the average Jap's impression of anime?

There was no bait, but thanks for conceding defeat Yea Forumsedditor.

They are not made for adults either, retard. They are made for the otaku crowd. We are talking about like 500k people here. Japan has 127 million people.

>No I'm not, but thanks for conceding defeat.
you really think Otakus arent real?

A lot of late night anime is perfectly suitable for general audiences, it's just inaccessible because it airs so late, and there's no hard distinction between "otaku" and non-"otaku." "Otaku" means virtually nothing in a Western context, and isn't a very meaningful term in Japan either.

Otaku are adults and the anime industry is worth about $20 billion and is the most productive animation industry in the world.

I never said that, and you are already admitted that you are wrong.

>I never said that, and you are already admitted that you are wrong
you said it was a meme, what do you mean by that.

Why are you still here?

you cant even explain what you fucking mean do you? What do you consider a meme? Because the way you phrased it was a dismissal that doesnt seem to exist or fucking count. But neither of those are true. so what is it to you then?

They air late because nobody watches them.
>muh anime industry worths 20 bil
The industry makes most of its money from toy sales and overpriced blu rays.

if you haven’t gotten any enjoyment out of the series 10 episodes in, then unless you care to see more psychological conflict the show probably isn’t for you.

>what is gundam

Make sure you're watching the sub first time through

You already admitted defeat, so why are you still here?

Prior to Evangelion, there was barely any late night anime. It aired during normal hours. People watched it. Some late night anime also attain greater popularity, like AoT, Love Live and Kemono Friends. Even Evangelion's popularity didn't really start until it was shown in a later timeslot.

>The industry makes most of its money from toy sales and overpriced blu rays.
Figures aren't toys nor are they the entirety of merchandising, and these days foreign sales are the single largest profit sector. And how does this even refute what I said? Regardless of how the pie is sliced, it's still about $20 billion big.

either watch it subbed or watch the adv dubb because they cant capture the horror with their piss poor performance.

>You already admitted defeat, so why are you still here?
holy shit answer the question you fag.

You already admitted defeat, so why are you still here?

Now you are literally repeating yourself like a little child. Is this how you argue with people you just shut down like a baby?

I'm repeating myself because you're making it necessary for me to repeat myself, child. Why are you still here?

Like I said find a jap and ask him. You won't like what you will hear.

You're repeating yourself because you can't answer a simple question. It proves that you have nothing to argue with. You don't want to admit that because you're a stubborn ass hole who won't conceive defeat when you don't have an argument whatsoever.


You already admitted defeat. Why are you still here?

Why can't you admit you didn't know what a meme is?

Why are you still here?

To remind you of your failure. I'm still here because you can't let go of you being wrong. I'm still here to remind you about reality.

What failure? You admitted that I am right and you are wrong. You conceded defeat. Why are you still here?

I didn't admit anything. In fact I asked you what the meaning of a meme is to you. You don't want to tell me because you don't know.

Nope. If he is not some obsessed otaku who doesn't live his room, he will tell you that anime is something that most people there despise and hate.

This is projection and completely counter-factual. You hate anime, but that doesn't mean others do.

You need to live in reality.

>Before 1995... anime was very different. It was mainly focused on children
Fundamentally wrong

I do live in reality. The reality where Japan has the world's biggest animation industry and takes animation more seriously than anyone. The reality where many of its top grossing movies of all time are animation.

>you hate anime
Yeah that's why I watch it pretty much everyday and spend hours on Yea Forums I really hate anime.

You just clearly stated that you hate it.

I know you don't, you think you live in reality because your world revolves around anime. It revolves around anime so much, that you forgo anything that's negative about it you don't too deep to the point where you didn't realize but your behavior is not okay. That behavior is Extreme Self Indulgence. And you don't realize that even if it's an industry it's an entertainment industry.

You are making up random things about me and trying to make this thread about me because you have no arguments.

Where? Link the post.

Really? Really now? You just said it:

Most people hate and despise it but I don't.

You were projecting. You were talking about yourself. It's too late to backpedal.

You just said otaku was a meme. Yeah I am pretty sure that you are completely unaware of how the world perceives you. You are so trapped in your safespace bubble that you aren't aware that normies came up with a name for you OTAKU.

You're still here? You already admitted defeat. Time for you to leave.

not even me dawg.
and even then do you even know english? How is someone else thinking I hate anime when I never say it.

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I feel sorry for you kiddo. when you wake up let us know.

Not you? Then what is your involvement in this discussion?

You okay? I never talked about myself. Just find a jap and you will see. I don't have anything else to say.

I'm older than you, and you admitted defeat. Why are you still here?

You did talk about yourself. You were projecting.

>Just find a jap and you will see
You're doing the projection thing again.

>I'm older than you, and you admitted defeat. Why are you still here?
if you keep using that same response then you are certainly not past your 30s

You don't even have to find one. Just watch some anime about otaku life and you will see. Oreimo, Saekano, Eromanga Sensei.

because you mixed up me with some other guy you are arguing with another person at the same time.

You're making it necessary for me to keep using the same response. Why are you still here?

I have seen more anime than all of you combined.

Where? This was the progression:

i am here to laugh at you now.

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Oh yeah? Got a mal?

fucking neck yourself, netflix cancer

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Thanks, OP.

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I have no idea what you are talking about and why you are involved in any of this.


by your stupidity, I have to correct it so you can get better. You do you but you need to understand how the real world is or you are going to have more and more and more arguments like this. You make claims you cant back up and ignore inconvenient truths. You must remedy this or your life will befall into disaster. I hate to see an ignorant person not knowing the truth of how harsh our society truly is.

What the hell are you babbling about? Do you have a mental illness?

>89 posts
>16 posters

89 divided by 16 is 5.5. A-autism (which doesn't even mean anything)!1

>Anything by Tomino

>this whole post

What about it?

you are ignorant of reality you live in.

>now everyone is finding evangelion problematic
this is why gatekeeping is a good

Fucking bitch defends anime on a fucking imageboard everyday.

How am I ignorant of the reality I live in?

Yes, it is. There's standard is a bit different, but it's all the same there. Anime is for children and Otakus in Japan.

I don't know how much you all know about Japanese history and culture(I'm an expert). But it seems that we can divide anime into 3 separate eras:

Before Dragonball
After Dragonball, before Eva.
After Eva.

What are you talking about?

Most anime isn't made for children otaku barely means anything. Were all the people who flocked to see Your Name "otaku" too? How did they even leave their basements lmao

you didnt know what a meme and think otaku isnt a real thing

Please you come and start to say stupid shit whenever this subject comes up.

Oh it's you again. Why are you still here? You already conceded defeat.

I haven't said anything stupid and if you don't like getting blown the fuck out then just stop posting.

Evangelion always was the most normal friendly anime.

Why dont you tell me what the real issue is. Why cant you look at yourself?

What's the point of a Netflix dub if the original exists?

Why can't you leave? You admitted hours ago that you had lost the argument. So why keep this up? What's wrong with you?

because you are lying and you are making shit up.

I will leave if you tell me your age

We give you facts and you just say shit like
>I'm older than you
>You don't like anime
>Why are you lying?
>Anime and cartoons are not the same thing
Over and over again. Kill yourself seriously.

That never happened.

I have no reason to tell you my age.

You didn't give me facts.

>I'm older than you
You brought up age, not me.

>You don't like anime
Because you don't, and you proved you don't.

>Why are you lying?
Why indeed?

>Anime and cartoons are not the same thing
Factually correct.

>Over and over again
Only as much as necessary.

>Kill yourself seriously.

Yep that's a "Yikes" user.

you said I admitted defeat which is a lie. You said i hated anime when i never did.

No, it's not. If you don't like me responding to your posts then don't make them.

It's not a lie. You admitted defeat. So why are you still here?

What are you niggers even talking about? Can somebody sum it all up?

show me where i said that, none? then its a lie.

This entire thread is exactly why people hate anime fans. Go take a shower.

It was one of these:

Watched three episodes of the trannydub, only the first one sounded weird.

Shinji sounds more like a girl but less like a fag, somehow.

Daily reminder to all of you

and we cant make children think because?

Reminder that RE-TAKE>EoE

dude and calling you a troll doesnt mean I concede because you still are but you believe in your stupidity.

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This is just nonsense and has been posted tons of times before.

Trying to approximate the exact curvature of all the male characters in eva's erections using polynomials, I think

Yeah. I posted them all actually but it's still true.

It does mean that. It's an automatic concession of defeat.

It's not true, it's just your wishful thinking.

That woman has been in the industry for more than 20 years. You can read this too.

no its not, trolling means you are faking it, holy shit you dont even know what it means! So you are very stupid oh wow.

>tranny is casted as shinji for the new english dub
>outrage fags explode
>some lines get a inaccurate translation in the sub
>outrage fags explode
>fly me to the moon gets removed
>outrage fags explode

And she knows nothing. Even Miyazaki is completely wrong about otaku. Facts > perceived authority.

You conceded defeat. Why are you still here?


Did you even read the article?
>Even Miyazaki is completely wrong about otaku
Kill yourself

oh my lord you keep going like this. Like a child and I even showed you i didnt make those posts and When someone says you are trolling means you are faking to be stupid! Holy shit fuck.


No, I won't kill myself. Miyazaki was wrong. It doesn't matter how much of an authority you think he is. He was still wrong. Facts > authority.

You conceded defeat. Why are you still here?

No it's not.

To laugh at you thats why I am still here.

So you seriously think otaku doesn't exist and anime is consumed by normal healthy adults in Japan, right?

But you aren't doing that.

>So you seriously think otaku doesn't exist
Show me where I said that.

>anime is consumed by normal healthy adults in Japan
Of course it is.

when you called otaku a meme


>English subs and dubs are trash
>Latin dub and sub are pretty much the faithful to the original but more explicit
Based spics

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>Show me where I said that
You called otaku a meme
>Of course it is.
Hmmm. Do some research

>You called otaku a meme

>Hmmm. Do some research
I have, unlike you.

Meme means its an inside joke or a way of dismissing something that inconvenient to the their own argument.

the dubs are better there since the voice actors have a lot of experience. It makes sense, they have to dub a lot of murrican movies, so the voice actors aren't limited to just anime

it means you use meme to dismiss a fact from the argument.

There was no fact, there was only a meme.

>I have, unlike you.
Then show us something bitch

OTAKU is a factual actual thing.

and you're looking at her

Why do you think anime movies are consistently at the top of the box office charts? Why do you think most anime is aimed at adults? Why do you think Evangelion is one of the biggest anime of all time in Japan?

Sort of, but to you they are a meme.

holy shit and thats not looked at as a good thing you dumb fuck.

>Sort of, but to you they are a meme.
no they arent, they are members of society that are considered child like.

Yeah, by Westerners who are more obsessed with "otaku" than anyone in Japan has ever been.

That's the meme.

unironically kill yourself, brainlet

to be fair that's probably the worst one

No you said Otaku were a meme. Stop lying you little bitch.

>top of the box office charts
Only Ghibli, Kimi no Na Wa and Doraemon, Conan movies. Disney is more popular in Japan than 99% of all anime movies.
>Why do you think most anime is aimed at adults?
They are aimed at otaku. Your average jap adult don't care about anime. They may read some manga while going to work but it doesn't mean they are big fans of it.
>Why do you think Evangelion is one of the biggest anime of all time in Japan?
Loud minority. Evangelion is seen nerdy as fuck in Japan but people know it exists at least.

even in japan its looked down on as childish but they make money doing it. Why is this so hard for you to grasp. They know you will follow them like fucking sheep if they keep treating you like a child.

Yeah Anno got the leading role in Miyazaki's last movie because Evangelion is seen as nothing more than nerdy as fuck lmao

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Show me where I said that I never said that they are a meme.

>Only Ghibli, Kimi no Na Wa and Doraemon, Conan movies.
So a lot of movies then.

>Disney is more popular in Japan than 99% of all anime movies.
Frozen was an outlier.

>They are aimed at otaku.
Otaku, again, means almost nothing. Late night anime is just late night anime. It's mostly watched by relatively few people because of its inaccessibility.

>Your average jap adult don't care about anime.
Yeah, nobody cared about Your Name. Oh wait.

It's also strange that in the case of anime it can't be accepted as adult and normal unless ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE is into it, yet the same standard isn't applied to things in the West.

>Loud minority.
No. Evangelion was and is huge. You know nothing.

>even in japan its looked down on as childish
No it isn't.

Why is Yea Forums, the anime board, so feverishly anti-anime?

>Otaku are a meme.
right here you fucking liar.

Evangelion ruined anime.

That proves the OPPOSITE of what you just claimed.

inb4 wasnt me photoshop edit

You said they were a meme!in this fucking postthan this fucking post is the proof you fucking said you fucking liar.

Yes, I did. And then you said that I said that I didn't say it, but now you're just proving that I did say it.

>So a lot of movies then.
Doraemon and Conan movies are mostly for kids.
>Frozen was an outlier.
Nope. Pretty much very female under the age of 30 is obsessed with Disney.
>Otaku, again, means almost nothing. Late night anime is just late night anime. It's mostly watched by relatively few people because of its inaccessibility.
They air late because normal people don't want to see them. Most Japanese people find late night anime disgusting and people who watch them hide it.
>Yeah, nobody cared about Your Name. Oh wait.
Just one movie
>No. Evangelion was and is huge. You know nothing.
It's huge for an anime but not really huge compared to mainstream media.

oh my fucking god the whole goddamn point is that otaku are not a meme they are real calling them a meme is saying they dont exist. Thats what you fucking did. no one accused you of not calling them a meme, we accuse of calling them a meme.

where did I say that you didnt say it?

Adults also watch those movies too, and movies like The Wind Rises, Princess Mononoke and Your Name never could have succeeded as much as they did if only a tiny minority of social outcast adults watched them. Mononoke wouldn't have been given a best picture award. In This Corner of the World wouldn't have been selected as the picture of the year by Kinema Junpo.

Yes it was. Otherwise, you are claiming that Frozen reached an ordinary level of success for a Disney movie.

>They air late because normal people don't want to see them.
Yet funnily enough normal people had no problems with the romcoms of the 80s when they aired during normal hours.

>Most Japanese people find late night anime disgusting and people who watch them hide it.
This is projection.

>Just one movie
Which disproves your claim.

>It's huge for an anime but not really huge compared to mainstream media.
It is mainstream media.

They are a meme.

>we accuse of calling them a meme.
They are one.


>They are a meme.
>>we accuse of calling them a meme.
>They are one.
They are real and are looked down on as childish. Those two are one and the same! You cant use meme when its convienent to shut down an argument.


>They are real and are looked down on as childish.

>You cant use meme when its convienent to shut down an argument.
I call something a meme when it's a meme. Maybe you should make non-meme arguments.

You said that I said that otaku are a meme and that I'm lying as if I hadn't said they're a meme.

Why are we still referring to stereotypes that are way outdated? Next thing you're going to say is that public perception of otaku are shaped by the Otaku Murderer.

>You said that I said that otaku are a meme and that I'm lying as if I hadn't said they're a meme.
no I said >No you said Otaku were a meme. Stop lying you little bitch.
Means you are lying. You changed what your meme was as something you can magically ignore like a spoiled tranny. You dont get to pick a d choose whats a meme and what isnt to suit your argument. Thats being a spoiled child, which you are, and since you are an otaku and acting childish you have proven my point that people look down on you for your constant intake of anime. Normal people do. You have proven my point why Otakus are considered childish.

>why are we saying stereotypes sooooo out dated anyways
because its an accurate discription.

>Yes it was. Otherwise, you are claiming that Frozen reached an ordinary level of success for a Disney movie.
Japs are crazy about Disney. You don't know shit
>Yet funnily enough normal people had no problems with the romcoms of the 80s when they aired during normal hours.
Kids watch anime too. Japan's population was way younger back then. They obviously had more viewers but adults didn't watch them.
>This is projection.
>Which disproves your claim.
That's what you call an outlier.
>It is mainstream media.
Where the fuck do you even live? Akiba?

No it's not. These stereotypes were already outdated by the early 10s.

>You changed what your meme was as something you can magically ignore like a spoiled tranny.
Ah, now you pulled the tranny card. This means you are conceding defeat. Thanks for playing.

>Japs are crazy about Disney. You don't know shit
So yes, you are claiming that Frozen's box office results were standard for Disney and nothing out of the ordinary?

>Kids watch anime too. Japan's population was way younger back then.
Romcoms aren't for children.

No. You were projecting.

>That's what you call an outlier.
If adults reject movies like Your Name, then why would it have become so successful?

>Where the fuck do you even live? Akiba?
It makes no difference where I live.

>stereo type that's outdated
oh I fucking wish but people still look at us as a child.

>Ah, now you pulled the tranny card. This means you are conceding defeat. Thanks for playing.
pfahahaha first you lie then you lie about lying then you play dumb so someone would insult you? not only did you move the goalpost you kept repeating yourself like a child.

I have accepted your admission of defeat. You may stop posting now.

>So yes, you are claiming that Frozen's box office results were standard for Disney and nothing out of the ordinary?
It was the most successful but Disney in general is way more popular and acceptable than anime.
>Romcoms aren't for children.
They are. You can see that most mature manga (seinen and especially josei) is made into live action, not anime.
>No. You were projecting.
Cope harder
>If adults reject movies like Your Name, then why would it have become so successful?
It's one of the few anime that managed to reach Disney's level
>It makes no difference where I live.
It does. Anime is only mainstream in Akiba

see this whole exchange is whats wrong with you, this is why people think Otaku are childish, because of you GOING NUH UH! when you start to lose.

accept that you just shut down the argument right here, thats what you fucking did. Because you cant handle reality you are scared to know you wasted your life doing nothing but a lazy sloth peace of shit. And you cant handle that. So you act like a child ontop of alllllll that.

hentai is for kids
come on say it with me
hebtai is for kids

hentai is for perverts
all of these things I am guilty of but I accept the reality that people look down on me for liking this stuff. thing is reality is a lot harsher than I expected.

>It was the most successful but Disney in general is way more popular and acceptable than anime.
2018: top two animation movies are Japanese
2017: top anim. movie is non-Disney, Japanese coming in close second
2016: top movie is Japanese
2015: top two are Japanese
2014: Frozen
2013: Japanese
2012: top six movies are Japanese
2011: top two are Japanese

And so on.

>It's one of the few anime that managed to reach Disney's level
Anime has been superior to Disney for decades, and Your Name is the complete opposite of a Disney movie.

>It does. Anime is only mainstream in Akiba
Anime is mainstream in Japan.

You admitted defeat. Thanks for playing. Better luck next time.

Go back to whatever shithole you crawled out of, please.

>You admitted defeat. Thanks for playing. Better luck next time.
none of that is true.

Oh I'm sorry, are you offended by people who actually like anime and know things about it? Gee, maybe you're right and I should go to a community that's more pro-anime and more informed... like r/anime or MAL.

not him but you really do sound like a spoiled bitch.

It is true. You admitted defeat. Why are you still here?

Why are you still here?

and now you are back repeating yourself. You lose an argument and claim you won. it must be your defence mechanism for the mentally unstable.

because i have been here longer than you been a woman

Why are you still here after admitting that you lost the argument? It's not necessary for you to post anymore.

see again you are repeating yourself again. You cant win so you pretend you did because your feelings got hurt.

Really, it's not necessary for you to continue repeating yourself. You already admitted that you got completely wrecked in this very one-sided argument. You can go now

i never admitted that I admitted you shut down arguments because you cant win.

You were the one doing that. Why dont you ever read what you fucking say? do you even fucking think?

You're still here? For what reason? The argument already ended in my decisive victory. It's time for you to go.

See you are still fucking do it. Really you have down syndrome so bad you have up left and right syndrome too.

I think you must have better uses for your time. You already told me that you concede the argument.

He land a role because the relation between Miyazaki and Anno is prior of Evangelion. And because on top of his oddities, Anno is a talented person. He, as an animator for Nausicaa, impresed the shit of Miyazaki.

Long story short, I am working on a post-apocalyptic title that is set in 1999/2000 and the y2K scare brings society to a halt and it's full of 90's pop culture references.

Like someone watching the Third Impact sequence from EoE and then the power goes out, for good, and they say: "Hey, that was my favorite part!"

I figure since 80's pop-cult references are so big 90's would be too.

because you are worth my time telling you that there is no santa clause, I mean otaku are considered childish. You dont have to be ashamed but you have to be aware that is what normal people think.

I have already accepted your admission of defeat so there really is no reason you to keep posting the same things over and over again.

But I didnt admit it, I am trying to get you to accept this reality. Its still childish and you need to notice that.

What was the question again?

what is your definition of a meme

How would you define "is"?

The Spanish dubs are always awesome compared to whatever nonsense the Americans can tack onto from Japan.

Anime is pretty hated in Japan.


A completely absurd claim.

If by thought-provoking you mean it made me think it was garbage that ripped off several better anime/manga that came before it, then yes. Also, holy shit at all that evafag delusions.

third person singular person of be
which is the definition on google.
so I go with that. but YOU seem to go with your own version of the definition of a the word meme and wont say it.

Few mainstream ones are okay but they hate it mostly.

Anime is not hated in Japan. The persons who past certain age are still obsesed with it, are the ones hated in Japan.

I'm asking the questions here.

Anime was born in Japan. It's made in Japan. Japan is its primary market. It's total absurdity to claim that they hate it. In fact it's just projection on your part. You hate it.

and I answered
>third person singular person of be
now what to you makes a meme? How do you define a Meme?

>The 2010 Spanish motorcycle Grand Prix, officially the Gran Premio bwin de España, was the second round of the 2010 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season. It took place on the weekend of 30 April–2 May 2010 at the Circuito de Jerez located in Jerez de la Frontera, Spain. Jorge Lorenzo snatched a last-lap win in the MotoGP race to move top of the world championship standings.[2]
>This event would be the last podium for Japanese Moto2 rider, Shoya Tomizawa; who finished in second place, before his death in 6 September 2010 at the 2010 San Marino Grand Prix.

Which means it's not acceptable.


There is not even more than a million adult anime fans in Japan. Kids watch daylight anime which is not different than American cartoons. Couple of hundred thousand people watch late night anime and buy overpriced blurays and merch and that's it. The rest of the country thinks it's disgusting.

>Before 1995... anime was very different. It was mainly focused on children shows
Yeah, you're right; It's sooooo different now...

Attached: OnePiece-free1-56a013de3df78cafda9ff8fc.jpg (1500x1000, 311K)

80% of the Conan audience is working adult women.

Comiket alone registers more than half a million visits twice a year.

>Kids watch daylight anime which is not different than American cartoons.
It's totally different from American animation.

>The rest of the country thinks it's disgusting.


>oh no, the thread is almost off the board
>better quickly bump it for no reason at all