What will he do next once he finishes the rebuild films?

what will he do next once he finishes the rebuild films?

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Hopefully Tokusatsu or more godzilla

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he'll do nothing for 5 years then suddenly
>arigato moro evangelion dewa bungo wa

Hopefully die

Re-Rebuild 1.0001: You can (not (not)) Keep Going

next rebuild will confirm Shinji is canonically a tranny

What is the point? He could never surpass Samumenco.

Miyazaki will announce the Studio Khara merger.

>once he finishes the rebuild films?
>implying that will ever happen

Kare Kano Season 2

lol jk he'll just go on tv and complain about his fans

I've been waiting for the rebuilds to end for about 6 years before watching them.

Shin Godzilla vs Legendary Godzilla

Rebuild the rebuilds in 10 years.

After how garbage 3.0 was I can't imagine he's happy with the rebuilds as a whole.

Rebuild of Nadia!
Then Rebuild of Gunbuster!
Then Rebuild of Daikon IV!

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he'll go spend his evabux for a few years, then when they dry up he'll continue milking it

A prequel trilogy.

has 4.0 come out yet????????????????

>Rebuild of Nadia!
its literally evangelion

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But Shinji is a delicious little brown girl!
And Kensuke is French!
And Fuyutsuki is an evil Nazi in a Klan hood!

fuck, i really enjoy shin godzilla, i hope they re-take the project

Suicide i hope.

milk you faggots he hate with yet another iteration of that cowcash franchise he hates

Doubt he's doing anime anymore. He started as a tokusatsu fan and he'll die as tokusatsu creator.

well... we have a year confirm now... youtube.com/watch?v=pZuL18eCy58

I thought we already know he's working on Shin Ultraman?

I just want Tsurumaki to be freed from the eva prison he's been locked in for 13 years.


We're coming up to the 15 year anniversary of 1.0, so I guess it'll be time for Rebuild-Rebuild.

Which means we won't be seeing it until the year after that, when the BD release hits.

how does he keep getting away with redoing same show over and over again?

NausicaƤ remake

>once he finishes the rebuild films

sipp sapporo i guess

>once he finishes the rebuild films

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I wonder what he thinks about the Netflix version


Thought I saw this news as well.


I wish he would get the fuck away from Eva as well. Rebuilds are shit because of him.