Sarazanmai is the clear AOTS, right? And best Ikuhara since Utena.

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Wantanabe > Ikuhara

I really think it's Hachigatsu no cinderella.

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C&T is garbage.

Yes and yes. Kujibros deserve their own series.

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No, it wasn't that good.

It was AotS but that's not saying much, and it was definitely the weakest Ikuhara so far for me.

I thoroughly enjoyed watching it but both of those statements are wrong

No it’s a better yuri than utena

Nope, that would be Shieldhero. Better luck next time, though!

Get your shonen-shit isekai out of my Yea Forums.

If you're the sort of person who compares shows by lining up their superficial features then I have no doubt you'd like C&T better than Utena.

There's at least 8 better shows this season bruh, but it was an ok show.

AOTY actually

No mob psycho is

I've gotta admit... you have a point. Gay, homosexual anime, aimed exclusively at women and homosexuals is much better suited for Yea Forums. Really, you're completely right. An anime aimed at straight men like Shieldhero, has no place here. I'd go as far as to say any anime with attractive women, just isn't suited for Yea Forums's demographics, which is largely effeminate transexual/homosexuals, and fat girls from tumblr. So, you have my apologizes, for mentioning an anime that must be very unpleasant for you to think about

Watanabe directed Sakimichi no Apollon, so this is wrong

Lol it's 2019 wake up grandpa, it's OK to be gay

>Boring one-note girls in said harem
Posts like these remind me I'm talking with literal teenagers.

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Enta and Toi needed to spitroast Kazuki onscreen

Woah... you've a point there. Shieldbro is just a generic harem, after all, made for disgusting incels. I know mature adults like you judge shows by much more intellectual standards, such as how gay the plot is, how gay the characters are, how gay the art is, how gay music is, or how gay author is. Yep, unlike us shallow straight men, you only like anime for the most intellectual reasons, there's no escapism or wish fulfillment involved!

not after that garbage ending

Kazuki needed to die to redeem this ending

For a show that centers on the friendship between the three boys, Ikuhara couldn’t write a convincing friendship for shit this time.


No. It's gay and overly artsy to the point of corniness. We've seen shit like this since the 1960's.
Derivative, boring, and needlessly repetitious. I would say I was disappointed, but this is the shit Ikuhara does. People who think Sarazanmai is good also probably think Lain has something important to say.

Sarazanmai is just another anime. Move along.

No and no.


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Being AOTS this season really isn't an accomplishment, but I still don't think it earned that title

Ikuana is a wanker. Take your water filters. The frogs are gay homo sex.

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No, it's at the bottom with Yurikuma.

>yfw let people watch gay frog shit

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Best Ikuhara since Penguindrum perhaps.

Being AOTS on this season is the anime equivalent of winning the special olympics and its the worst Ikuhara so far


Normally I'd agree but CT is trash compared to Sarazanmai

He has never made a good show. Just boring shows with nice music.