Who is the best waifu this season?

Who is the best waifu this season?

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I am

No, I am

Yes, by far

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>literal who from generic haremshit anime #5371
>best of the season
Watch some good anime that has good girls like Shield Hero.

>Shield hero
Kenja no mago had much better girls.

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You already posted her.


>Pic unrelated

Not sure about the season but she's definitely best in her show

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No, he is


Go back newfag

>season waifu

Waifu doesn't mean anime girl, retard


Not that gimmick hag, thats for sure.

>"gimmick" retard is back

is this the hiphopheads thread?

>seasonal waifus

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I want to fuck mafuyu (school uniform)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_19.03_[2019.06.18_04.03.31]. (1280x720, 73K)