You couldn't protect him Yea Forums
he was a fucking child with a toy plane on the battlefield, and you couldn't protect him. How do you live with yourselves
You couldn't protect him Yea Forums
he was a fucking child with a toy plane on the battlefield, and you couldn't protect him. How do you live with yourselves
Bruno warned him and he got into the organization behind his back. He's a brat.
what interesting spacing
He should have stayed with Fugo
sorry, i'm not interested in kids unlike 90% of this nonce's website
>"wwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!! He postig weddit spaces mama!!!"
fucking neck yourself
>boss' childish alter ego gets gunned down
>boss crucifies the most childish member of bruno's gang
You think that's why he did it? Why didn't he kill Mista then?
It was explained in the episode he killed narancia to take down aerosmith's radar so they couldn't see him diavolo going for the arrow
Aerosmith's radar doesn't seem to be able to detect stands and it can't see an extra person breathing because Diavolo is in Mista
And Diavolo IS a stand.
That one's a secret though, don't tell anybody.
why are his hips so wide?
feels bad man.
Sorry, OP. I don't care about feminine girly men pretending to be gangsters and badasses.
what interesting spacing
Caesar only existed because Araki wanted to reUse Dio's aesthetic but a hero character this time.
And it was beautiful...until he killed him off as motivation and character progression for Joseph.
In all fairness, Caesar's death is one of the deaths in JoJo that has the most impact.
It was dumb and melodramatic.
What? He got bested by Wham, fairly. The rock that fell on top of him happened as a result of their fight.
Then, Joseph's and LisaLisa's reactions were great. At first they tried to deal with it, until they saw his blood. That was rather good drama.
Would he have survived if the rock didn't come lay the smack down on his candy ass?
Nah, he was as good as dead from Wham's Divine Sandstorm. The rock just put him out of his misery faster.
I hate myself for typing that btw
Doppio didn't deserve this. All he wanted was one last call from the boss which he never got
so uhhh where the fuck was his death in the anime? did they skip it?
Oh yeah, he loved the boss' constant nagging. He's probably just like "thank you, jesus"
I was 6 when the chapter he died in originally came out. What was I supposed to do.
This scene was way better in the Anime than the manga.
That's been the whole part so far.
DP may actually make SO watchable.