Has there ever been a bigger plot device than this shit?

Has there ever been a bigger plot device than this shit?

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kurapikas chains in hxh

found the speedreading brainlet

The birdcage first appeared in Skypiea, I thought it was cool that Oda remembered it. Most likely Doffy's strings were made of the same material as the cloud string on Skypiea, explaining why his string could attach to the clouds as well.
In both arcs, Zoro couldn't cut it.

>when fans have to come up with their own headcanon in order to cope with such terrible writing
goddamn, oda is such a hack

So far, not even the Yonkou showed us something as impressive as the Bird Cage.

Kinda waiting for an island sized attack already but not even Big Mom delivered


I dunno it just seems like the most reasonable assumption, given that it's literally copied from the skypiea birdcage and that it looks the same and that Doflamingo was "heaven" and "god" themed, just like skypiea.
I mean for fucks sake the entrance to Skypia is called "Heaven's Gate," and it's from the void century.

ITT: people who dont ´t know what a plot device is

This is the most pants-on-head retarded thing I've read all week


Care to explain what's dumb/flawed with the idea other than that it's not directly stated? It's definitely a headcanon, reasonably explained though.

Oda really missed the mark with Doffy. He came off as comically powerful in place of being any sort of meaningfully manipulative and resourceful. He really didn't need to be capable of slowly annihilating a city to be a sizable threat, and it only made him less interesting.

Doffy as a whole is a mess yet people just love it because his deisng.

I can see where you're coming from but I actually liked the subversion of him seemingly being just a sneaky guy who just uses others to do his work but in actuality he's tough as nails.

Doffy is the most compelling villain in the entire series

The bomb in Alabasta, the gas in Punk Hazard, Noah in Fishman Island, the sun is Thriller Park, Aqua Laguna in Water 7, the Buster Call in Enies Lobby, the giant thundercloud in Skypiea, etc. it's all the same.
And we are yet again on an island with a despotic and cartoonishly evil ruler and a disgraced royal bloodline, pretty princess and some problem, this time it's food, it was water in Alabasta, shadows in Thriller Bark, racial tensions in Fishman Island, you know where I'm going with this, it's how Oda likes to write his stories. Of course we are sick of it, how could you not after reading OP for more than a decade, but that's the way things are.
Personally I just want it to end.

the biscuit hammer from the lucifer and biscuit hammer was bigger.

That doesn't make him well written.

Nanika from Hunter X Hunter

He's even more chained up than the Level 6 prisoners who could still move around in their cell.

Meanwhile. Doffy is wrapped in seastone chains and chained to the floor.

He's a much bigger threat than the majority of Level 6 inmates.

COPE fags. Also Doffy is still top tier!

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>excited for wano
>big fucking faggot meme mom drops in and ruins the best parts of it

Hobe Hobe no mi

Yes. It's called the power and friendship and muh support that makes Luffy win most of his big fights, especially the on in Dressrosa.

"plot device" isnt a pejorative so i dont know what youre trying to say

The One Ring

How can you live so close to bad taste?

I literally don't know how to explain this to someone who clearly has no footing in any form of logic. You're just an idiot

butthurt Queenfag spotted

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o my strings

Let's for the sake of argument establish that dresrossa is about 20km wide. It doesn't look like the "country" is larger than that and it does have multiple cities so that seems like a lowball estimate.

Doffy's strings need to be spaced maybe 20cm apart so noone can squeeze through.

The circumference ends up being about 63km.

That means that Doffy projected about 315000 independents strings that were essentially indestructible. Even an admiral or Zoro couldn't do anything to stop them, cut them, break them and so on... and this is WHILE Doffy was fighting for his life, getting gamma-knife'd and tanking hits like a champ.

Attached: doffy.jpg (927x743, 198K)

yeah Doffy is extremely powerful, he's in the super-super max level of the most secure prison in the world after all

That was cool shit though

As expected from the only character to canonically have had sex without leaving any children

Honestly his gene pool is fucked anyway you look at it, so thats definitely a good thing.

Doffy is treated the worst in Impel Down as well.

Not even Gold Roger's son was strapped in so many seastone chains as Doffy.

And that marine escort all for Doffy was unusual.

Not even Crocodile had an marine escort to Impel Down like that.

I wonder if Doffy could have created a mini Bird Cage and just sat and rested inside while Luffy is in Gear 4 and just wait until Luffy runs out of time in Gear 4.

Because Luffy would end up killing himself if he tried to enter a Mini Bird Cage.