Girls und Panzer

It’s 22nd June, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAORI-SAN!!! Also happy birthday, me

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Other urls found in this thread:


Fat seal

Attached: 1556939030525.jpg (765x850, 107K)

I love pudgy GuPs

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Happy Birthday!

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Nobody cares about you. Post more Saori.

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why is marie so obese?

Why does Saori want a boyfriend?

Rude, she is not obese.

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Because she is a perfectly non-autistic non-retard normal girl.

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>Biggest slut
>also a kissless virgin
How many layers of carbon coating does it take to explain this?

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>Biggest slut

Attached: 26.jpg (267x524, 45K)

Nobody cares about your birthday, fatass. Or Saori's.

Happy Birthday Saori!

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Happy birthday, Saori!
Happy birthday, OP!

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Would you?

Attached: 20A58C96-17C9-4091-99B4-540E968B4C67.jpg (1280x720, 119K)

>150 cm
>150 kg


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Yes, I would wish her good night before going to bed with my wife Mako.

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Selling herself for the sake of the team.

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Only Momo does that.

Years late, and i still don't know the connection.

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I'll go out with Saori but only if she can beat St. Gloriana

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Imagine how much she jiggles when the tank is moving

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Saori is very popular.

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Want a cute girlfriend? Come on down, you'll float too!

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Please, adopt a Saori.

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Ew no, put it back in the ocean.

Please, she wants to be your friend.

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Come on user, Saori puts out, she's desperate, just give her a chance.

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She's always stuffing her fat face with cake. I don't think there's a scene where she isn't eating something.

GuPs that eat a lot don't get fat.

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What about GuPs who drink all the time?

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They are faking it.

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Get outta here before I get the club.

I found this on Saori's birthday

Don't open it.

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Wat. Why is Hana a t-rex?

Just because.

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Saori seal is officially a thing

Attached: GuP seal - Saori.jpg (1136x1018, 384K)

Does their not-Oktoberfest have rides?

Obvious photoshop; the image created by the stamp is facing the same direction as the stamp.

No shit, Sherlock.
The photoshop was indeed done back in fucking 2013 so they would look better in promo pics

Kids today don't remember 2013 and the Long Wait.
Even if EVERY wait afterwards was longer than the Long Wait.

Miho is a fucking genius, that plan was perfect.

They can ride Erika.

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Celebrating Saori's birthday!

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I'm thinking about visiting Oarai. Any interesting GuP attractions there?

Official GuP bus for starters

Sometimes her plans meet complications, though

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like this

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But if Miho has a good thing, is that she never surrenders

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And she's willing to take whatever unconventional steps are needed to achieve victory

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But she couldn't have managed that without enough help from her friends and team mates.
Happy birthday, Saori.

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Frogs deserved to win.

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Girls Und Panzer Das Finale ep. 2

Cute gal.

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god I wish I was that pole

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