What is Yea Forums view on one of the greatest anime of its time?

Never seen a thread about it.

Attached: Afro_Samurai (1).jpg (680x1000, 73K)

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fuck off this isn't pol, and you need to go back

that meme doesn't even work since this story was loosely based off THE actual black samurai

>Never seen a thread about it.
Take a hint

don't you get it? /pol/ views are rampant on most of Yea Forums. You sadly can't escape the /pol/tards
posting black anything is seen as shit-posting.
wish things were different. sorry mate... I wish there was some type of middle-ground, but you're either a privileged SJW faggot or a alt-right ignorant retard. the two party system fuckin' sucks


I saw it with an opened mind. I can't get over how stupid the plot is. Everyone killing each other over stupid,and useless, headbands.

Attached: 49717-8.jpg (500x370, 21K)

t. woman

good stuff. dub is pretty good too.

Doesn't the headband give power or something?



Honestly it's a solid action anime all around, with amazing animation, fight choreography, and utilizes a unique japanese-american + futuristic/ancient + a dash of hip-hop aesthetic that i have have literally never seen anywhere else(closest thing is Champloo but thats not quite what i mean). It doesn't pull any punches and doesn't waste time on shit like plot and world building when it's clearly much more interested in fights and amazing visuals. solid 9/10 Maybe we'd see more threads if Yea Forums wasn't scared of blacks

I'm pretty sure they never recorded it in Japanese in the first place.

wuz he gonna do, close the pool?

I'm going to say it

China banned the show from airing in their country a few years back, so it must mean something.

Attached: That nigga tried to kill my father.gif (480x319, 2.65M)

Looking back at it,yeah it was pretty stupid. But it was a decent popcorn series. If it gets a season 3 it would probably be about the kid he orphaned the same way justice orphaned him.

One of my favorites, honestly. Just straight up action, good music, and fights.

The story is totally unremarkable, but the visuals are best in class.

Better than it had any right to be.

>Season 3 when?

sounds like a looser who couldnt take the number 2 headband.
nothing personal kid

Pretty gr8.

Why does he have an afro?