I'm not lying when I say that this guy has to be the biggest plot armor I have ever seen

I'm not lying when I say that this guy has to be the biggest plot armor I have ever seen

>God of Shinobi
>Master of taijutsu
>Master of Genjutsu
>Strongest Chakra
>Doesn't depend on hand seals
>Can produce ten wood clones
>His life force grants him the ability to fight for 24 HOURS!!!!!
>Regenerative powers
>Can break Reanimation jutsu
>Able to capture the ten tails
>Master of all nature transformation
>Master of wood techniques
>Sage mode

And most importantly HASHIRAMA CELLS

Name a more explicit plot armor
Protip, you can't

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i don't think you know what plot armor means.

that's just retconned super powers, not plot armor

Are you describing Hashirama or Madara Uchiha because literally all of that can apply to Madara.

>good guy beats bad guy
>a stronger bad guy appeears
>good guy beats him by becoming even stronger
>repeat for 700 chapters

The actual power levels the characters have is at ch1 and after that its just poor writing and retcons.

Fuck off with your greentexting spam, Narutard

His biggest punishment is having a daughter with a gambling addiction

But can he defeat Uchiha Madara?

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he taught her how to gamble, no?.
trailer-park white trash granpa.

He literally just needs to whip out that massive, log-like dong and Madara will be his bitch.

Mary Sue

not what plot armor is, but he is terribly written. He's just kishis go to "OH BY THE WAY" move to add shitty backstory, asspull regeneration, asspull historical events, etc.

Can't do shit against reality altering or space/time jutsus without hard PIS.

Reminder that Itachi is the strongest Uchiha and had to get plot cancer so he wouldn't Solo Blitz 9/10 of the cast

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Was it GRID he contracted from Shisui?

Reminder that itachi is the gayest uchiha and had a bf

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>Reminder that Itachi is the strongest Uchiha and had to get plot cancer so he wouldn't Solo Blitz 9/10 of the cast

Why do Itachi fanboys glorify him like he was a god?

Yes he was one of the strongest ninjas and a prodigy and whatever. Still, there are ninjas more powerful ninjas than him, Pain for example.


Itachi fanboys are the new furries

Not to mention, he was blind


Yes? He even beat a full powered Kyubi too.

He was based