Post your stand names

Read before you start
The stand name doesn't have to be music related but I would recommend it

>Olias Sunhillow
>Blue Oyster Cult
>Tom Sawyer
>Crowded House
>Holy Diver

Attached: Killer_queen_c345.png (515x723, 1.08M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>stand name
Robotic humanoid made of tools and other mechanical contrivences
able to manifest any simple mechanical object or tool by detaching a scale size part of it's body. The tools or objects act like real objects and can interact with the world but can also interact with stands. If a sufficient distance is placed between the user and a detached object it will dissapear and reform into the stands body.
>secondary ability
Can learn how mechanical devices work or determine what is broken within them by touching/punching them

>Strawberry Fields
>Sgt. Pepper
>Electric Funeral
>Moonage Daydream
>Baggy Trousers
I like to pick names which sound good in engrish to me

Name: Alive and Alone
Localization: Lonely Living
Appearance: An acoustic guitar made of bones
Ability: Creating living objects out of bones that act kinda like harvest

Attached: fishmen.jpg (480x360, 16K)

>stand name
green humanoid, similar in stature to sticky fingers but body features are more jagged and polygonal, head is block shaped with a large speaker and a distorted mouth with sharp, thin teeth for a face
>stand ratings
destructive power: E-A (varies due to ability)
speed: B
range: C
durability: B
precision: C
developmental potential: A
can absorb different forms of energy and output then in different forms, the energy absorption isn't 100% efficient, and the energy can only be kept by Takyon for so long before it dissipates
for example it could absorb most of the kinetic energy from a stand rush and fire it back in the form of another rush, or a jolt of electricity
also it's very weak physically without energy absorbed and is blind
>secondary ability
can quickly solve advanced problems, but the range of problems it can solve is limited by the user's mental ability, e.g. Takyon couldn't solve a differential equation if the user was unable to do it themselves

>stand name
Smokestack Lightning
Emits smoke. If there are more than one cloud of smoke large enough to contain a person, the stand can appear in any cloud if it enters one. Can also appear in multiple clouds simultaneously, in those cases the damage taken by the stand reflects the median of all Smokestack Lightnings. The smoke itself is thick, but otherwise harmless and the user has no control over it's movement, so it's affected by wind.
>stand rating
destructive power: A
speed: B
range: A
durability: C
precision: C
developmental potential: B

>The Rainbow Connection
>Amazing Journey
>Acid Queen
>Pinball Wizard
>Box of Rain
>Goodbye Blue Sky
>Run Like Hell
>Handle with Care
>End of the Line
>Not Fade Away
>Light My Fire
>Lookin’ Out My Back Door
>Run Like Hell

Just use this lads.

>Stand Name
Money (Ironically, the song is about how money isn't important, so the name does come across with the wrong message, without context)
I did make a drawing of it once, would that be too cringe to post? Humanoid. White, silver, and gold. Gear shaped pauldrons. Light, knight esque armour on legs.
Overclock: Can increase the effects of objects traits by touching them. Touch a fast car? It gets faster. Touch a sharp sword? It gets sharper. Doesn't work with negative adjectives. Can't make slow things more slow.
>Secondary Ability
Overclock, requires the stand to have touched it. And will provide a boost as long as it's within the stands range. Overclock is a more powerful boost but requires the stand to stay in contact with it in order for the buff to be present.

Stand Name: Sleight of Hand

Stand Ability: [Transition Manipulation](

Power - E

Speed - E

Range - D

Durability - D

Precision - E

Potential - A

Description: The power to manipulate passings/transitions. Sub-power of Absolute Change. Variation of Status Manipulation. User can create, shape and manipulate transitions, the passing from/of one state into another either permanently or temporarily. They can control any form of transition, including life into death, consciousness into unconsciousness, order into chaos, peace into war, uncertainty into certainty, etc.

Neat ability but with those stats I’d not last long in direct combat

Stand Name: Polish Boyfriend

Stand Ability: [Poverty Inducement](

Power - D

Speed - B

Range - E

Durability - B

Precision - C

Potential - E

Description: The power to induce poverty. Technique of Monetary Manipulation. Variation of Inducement. Opposite to Golden Luck. User can induce poverty, the scarcity and lack of material possessions or wealth which can be considered either temporary or chronic. The exact length of the effect depends on both the users skill and power and the targets current mental state.

>Stand name
It's Donovan from Berserk
Turns people black, then I just leave it to the cops to get rid of my enemy

Attached: 332470[1].jpg (225x350, 57K)

Ok anons, I am not a JoJo consessieur so you guys can help me refine the power of the stand

Stand name : PROFONDO ROSSO ( deep red)

Stand ability: it is out of the control of the user, and he actually act parasitic destroying and tormenting the life of the user.
However it can't afford to having him dead, because it's parasitic nature.

The powers in a fight are: sense manipulation: it makes the other stand and user to believe that their target is 6.76 meters in an oppoiste direction(passive)

Sibilla (from Sibilla Zanni) an Italian Witch
A small pinning made with the index finger of the stand. It pierces towards hard material and hit the enemy on the base of the neck, paralyzing him. Usually it eats his soul alive after doing so.

Gravity manipulation: the entity can make the gravity to increase by 23 times for 7 seconds in an area of 9 meters

Possession: the entity can posses another stand user and replace his stand, it can do that only when he can't reactp.


Attached: CFVqu.jpg (1024x668, 47K)

>Stand Name
Forever Changes
More or less like the cover, it would hover over the user's head
Forever Changes has a 10 meter radius of effect that can be turned on or off at the user's will. When activated, the outcome of any event within the space of Forever Changes is randomly altered to be something other than the most likely outcome. Usually, this will result in small negligible changes, such as a bullet missing rather than hitting the user - but it could be as bizarre an outcome as the bullet stopping mid flight and turning the other way.

Whoops, forgot pic

Attached: Love_-_forever_changes.jpg (300x300, 50K)

is this a fetish

>Stand Name:『Motörhead』
>Power: B
>Speed: B
>Range: E
>Durability: A
>Precision: C
>Potential: C
It's a stand bound to my own right arm, a mechanical arm with a motorbike motif, black and chrome, spikes, skulls, and exhaust pipes that release blue flames as I activate my ability
>Ability: Fuel Enhancement
It can increase the potency of any type of fuel it comes close, such as batteries, gasoline or even the human metabolism, making it so any device that requires this fuel will have its performance greatly increased
I can use this ability to increase the speed of vehicles, power of explosions, efficacy of certain power tools, or I can use it to accelerate my own metabolism so I can move and react faster

Attached: biker_gang.jpg (600x600, 82K)

>stand name - [Veteran of the psychic wars]
A simple Humanoid stand with its front side being ripped open and held together with string (like Abbachios shirt to give a good visual) when it's ability activates the strings loosen up and it emits gas
>ability - fear manifestation - manifests the targets biggest fears in front of them and makes the manifestation attack. The manifestations are different entities from the stand and have the physical and mental if human properties of the feared object or person. If the target has a fear of something with no physical appearance it adapts. For example a fear of heights would manifest as a pillar lifting the target far up. The fear of losing someone dear would manifest as an assassin going after the loved one etc. This ability however has a weakness as it would be way too OP otherwise - manifest are only active when you have your eyes open.
>stats of the stand itself not th manifestations: power C, speed C, range A, durability A, precision D, developmental potential D

Other stand names I want to think of stands for- Neon Knight(s), All dead all dead,the man on the silver mountain, mirror mirror

Special abilities/technique: A Light in the Black

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A pretty simple one
Name: Rage Against the Machine
Ability: Bombtrack - can disable all sufficiently advanced technology within 30m of the user. Gears stop moving, springs stop 'springing', computers stop working.
Appearance: Caveman inspired.

Power - A
Speed - B
Range - E
Durability - B
Precision - C
Potential - C

Could see it being used by a Unibomber style character.

Stand Name: The Chain

Stand Appearance: Takes the shape of a standard punch ghost with markers for fingertips kept hidden by claws that act as 'caps'.

Stand Ability: This stand requires two actions to start functioning. The user must draw either an outline of a shape, or the shape itself on one object. Then the opposite on another object. This 'links' the two objects together so that actions preformed on one object can create effects on the other object. The specific effects are chosen by the user at the time of drawing, and cannot be changed unless a new set of drawings is created for those objects.
For example if a triangle is drawn on a floor tile, and an outline of that triangle is drawn on a firearm's trigger then stepping on said tile would cause the trigger to be pulled if the user wished.
More than one drawing can be made per object, but each 'pairing' can only exist once - you cannot have one triangle and two triangular outlines linked, nor can you have two triangle-outline pairs.
The outlines and shapes have to fit almost exactly. If I draw the outline to a square but on another object make a rectangle, they will not pair up regardless of my intentions.
You can have up to 10 pairs at a time (one for each finger).

Power: D
Speed: A
Range: E
Durability: C
Precision: A
Potential: B

Attached: 1533209693562.png (1425x1425, 1.48M)

Why does that cat look so stupid?

Stand Name: Limetree

Stand Ability: [Temporal Lordship](

Power - D

Speed - A

Range - A

Durability - E

Precision - B

Potential - B

Description: The power to have absolute control of temporal domains, dimension, realms or places. Variation of Personal Domain. The user has authority and control over time, the continuous progress of existence and events. The user can control time itself and all things linked to it to a limitless degree.

>Time-related power
I've become the next antagonist, can you defeat me?

Attached: 940.png (538x473, 383K)