I jumped on the bandwagon a day ago and read every chapter, how often do they come out?
Solo leveling
weekly every wednesday
Well, job change was disappointing.
its some generic gookshit
Why korea are better at anime/manga than japan?
off yourself
This is a complete rip off of "The Gamer", though it makes even less sense.
>it has no lolis in it so it is bad
they aren't
most of gook series are native powerfantasy isekai garbage
there is an underage girl so it's ok
>broken english
As if your shilling wasn't obvious enough, jin woo hyuk.
>most of gook series are native powerfantasy isekai garbage
and it is different for japan?
so what's the deal with his dad
its generic as fuck
>main character starts off as the weak shit
>some event happens that gives him broken ass powers aka generic video game powers with levels and other shit
>keeps leveling up and getting more and more broken
I don't like isekai, but I do love my power fantasies, still fun to read.
sounds like every shounen i've read
thats exactly why it became popular
it panders to shonentards
>protagonist has broken powers
And water is wet.
The guy that killed the majority of his party when he was weak reincarnated within him. That's where his powers originate from. He'll marry the smell fetish girl and have a kid who'll be even stronger than him. A bunch of random nips die in a big ass raid. Not many koreans die (for obvious reasons). Every baddie gets offed. Stuff returns to normal. The end. Thank me later.
why is the formatting so absolutely shit
it is made for phones
The statue thing?
Gook comics have no place on Yea Forums.
Yea Forums board rule 1 says all threads and images should be about anime or manga. Gook cartoons are not manga. Start doing your job, mods and janitors.
Those retards can't even tell if RWBY or ATLA belong here.
Nah, mods said Manhwa is ok.
>weebos shitting on something because it is not made by japan
It is literally a generic wuxia novel.
Not sure why it’s popular at all.
Shonen at least pretends it’s not powerfaggotry
It really is, i’ve read a bit and it’s as generic and creatively bankrupt as shield hero I don’t know how you guys power through this shit.
>waaah I only want shitty JAPANESE isekai to be discussed here, not korean isekai
what is the fucking difference if it's got basically the same plot and style as a manga?
Doesn't have lolis
The novel actually is some of the most generic trash I've seen.
The manwha manages to spice it up much more as well as has good character designs to go with it.
Doesn't help that the novel has plot holes.
Like once you learn how his leveling up works, it makes no sense that he had a feature (that he never used) that allowed him to potentially also level up party members.
That being just one among a few others.
>same style
I really hate the long format of the manwha. It makes all the action scenes looks disconnected.