Why Poland?

One thing, that I hate most in Poland: manga's comming out so late. I like read "Boku no hero academia", but i know, that in Japan or America they have like 23 volumes, but in Poland we have only 12 of them.
I don't read chapters in english on the internet, cuz I prefer the volumes in "physical form". What do you think about that?

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Have you tried not living in a 2nd world country?

I'm not sure The US should really count as 1st world anymore.

Manga is most popular is 3 countries and thus volumes/merchandise releases faster in those places.


just steal the next 6 from germany

>I don't read chapters in english on the internet, cuz I prefer the volumes in "physical form". What do you think about that?

I think you shouldn't be online if you don't wanna get spoiled. But good on you for being one of the five human beings alive who actually supports the manga like its the 1970s

Normally I would feel bad for you my fellow compatriot, but since it's the MHA you're flustered about, fuck you.

Cause everyone in Poland is to affraid to admit to being a weeb and Polands culture never really blasted of with the anime shit

It really depends on where you are in the US because as you know it is a large country with vastly different regions

>Why Poland? Anonymous 06/21/19(Fri)13:02:30 No.1896
God I hate pollacks. Two world wars wasn't enough.
Also fuck your beloved CD Projekt RED

t. Frog

explain cali

I think Russia and Germany should've finished their fucking job

three reasons why manga is shit in poland and everything comes late

1. manga costs 20 PLN which is incredibly cheap compared to other markets and there's no way you can get license selling books that low
2. the manga shelfs in store is a fucking gay parade and everyone avoids it because half the manga published is yaoi garbage put next to child friendly manga like Yotsuba or Kuro
3. poles are only ever loyal to pokemon, dragon ball and all other shonenshit that used to air and any other franchise is too weird

everyone who is into manga/anime uses amazon or bookdepository anyway, the locally published comics are solely for normies and underage girls period

Why is that relevant? You guys were talking about the US


Home of the Silicon Valley. At least ask about actual 3rd world America, like Detroit.

who'd be retarded enough to think that?

silicon valley is crumbling

Is that monopoly cash?

Cities and coastal areas generally turn left and California has a lot of those but it still boggles my mind how fucked up they truly are. Where I live in the south has its issues but in general we leave people alone and if someone is really doing bad shit to you you can blast them so it's not bad. I much prefer driving 20 minutes on fun back roads to get to town than being stuck in traffic for eons. I just think it's unreasonable to refer to the entirety of America as one entity just as you shouldn't do the same for Europe. There are lots of different people doing different shit.


Could be, or another world cash. Poland actually call their currency 'złoty' (translate - gold) like common isekai world.

In the normal shops, okay I can agree. They throw everything everywhere. The best alternative is buying on internet. On internet they have more titles like old Dragon Ball or some 80' shit to present, and the prices are (even for pre-orders) kinda like 15/16 pln.

The 1st, 2nd and 3rd world classification depends solely in the status of the country during the cold war. So "capitalist" countries like the US and UK are both first world, Russia and the URSS satellites are second world and other countries that didn't participate directly are third world. So, the US will always be 1st world, even if it eventually becomes a shithole.

that's true though. And the American market isn't even profitable, they are still investing more than what they get there.

>What do you think about that?
I think you are a massive flaming faggot.
Wypierdalaj z takimi fredami ty cwelu

kys dzbanie

I'm Polish and this made me laugh

Pole land
Pole = field
Land of fields
I love my country

Nie umiem psać po polsku dobrze

Attached: 1560666973114.jpg (250x250, 2K)

why is poland accepting the multi culti nightmare?
and feminism is literally dysgenic