Apologize to Funimation. They called this MONTHS ago. But all of you were like
"Nah...fuck Funimation. Netflix is a business. If they want to throw truckloads of cash to take away Evangelion and outbid every other Anime dubbing studio, then let 'em. It's just business bruh. Funimation sucks. Cry moar Funimation."

Where has your Netflix love gotten you now?

APOLOGIZE for your arrogance!

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Other urls found in this thread:



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I don't give a shit about dub trash, you all need to kill yourselves.

America will ruin everything eventually, so why bother caring at all.

If you don't have a copy of eva you pirated 16 years ago on your hard drive what are you even fucking doing on this board?

Too bad the old ADV subs are better than Netflix's. They mistranslated and got a bunch of terms wrong. You are involved as well subfag.



I forgot to mention that I also don't give a shit about netflix. Gas yourself tranny.

kum in me cheecks

>platinum can get fly me to the moon for every Bayonetta game
>netflix can't even use the full original soundtrack


Everybody called this months ago. All english dubs suck and eva is a magnet for newfags.
Of course redubbing eva was a mistake.


>Company with near-monopoly on localizing anime with a streaming platform criticizes another streaming platform for hosting a classic that they couldn't get


Let's do this


i have never heard a teenage boy that sounds like this creatura not even with gay teenage boys or the awkward stage where boys kind of sound like women at times. obviously it was born male but the intonation and diction of the voice has been trained to be hyper-feminine and not in a youthful way either. it only sounds passable when yelping and screaming because its training becomes undone. in monologue scenes it sounds particularly awful

in addition to that, it's always using mixed voice, which sounds weird and restrictive because no male does this except the i had a stroke guy from the sneedsons and trannies and it makes shinji sound oddly older

there is literally no reason not to cast a male teenager if you are going to make a fucking dub of evangelion in 2019. casting trannies to fill this teenage boy niche is an awful idea because they've been trained to use the minnie mouse voice and remembering their adolescence is 'dysphoric'

yeah nigga

Netflix being shit is a well known fact, why would someone apologize for agreeing with them?

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At least Netflix brought EVA-TV and the movies back.
Where's are the Funi-blurays of them, must have missed them.

Funimation already had Rebuild Eva movies. They were going to buy the Eva HD rights to release blu-rays. But then Netflix came out of nowhere and paid an absurdly ridiculous amount to outbid Funimation. At least according Funi CEO.

It is quite literally impossible to fully process a block of text while also fully processing the visuals. What your mind is doing when you read subs is subtly multi-tasking, and you are not noticing it, because your attention snaps back to the text in under a second, but I can assure you that it is quite literally an impossible task to preform to both fully process an image and read a block of text at the same time.

commence roll

offtopic desu


Makes no difference unless it's a fast paced action scene with a lot of fast paced dialogue. Just stop being a brainlet.

How long ago did adv's/section23/whatever's (TV) and manga's (movies) license expire?

They were too slow on the ball.Its their own fault.

I've been watching animu since the mid 90's and I've never watched Evangelion (mostly because I know 90% of what happens in the story due to everyone and their mother not knowing how to not spoil shit).

Should I be ashamed of myself?

Vary nice.


They're probably only mad because they're SJWfied now and they removed Shinji and Kaworu's gay subtext.

>still reading caveman subs

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>americans can't read and watch things at the same time

Never drive a car.


>Funimation bitching about changing scripts
>Not remembering Prison school or Maid Dragon

You guys just wanna bitch.

I'm a tranny and I think this sounds bad. Don't forget the original VA for Meowth was trans.

There has never been a good translation of NGE, let alone a good dub. Definitely one to watch subbed.

I mean its been out since the 90s like you said. You can hardly expect people to not spoil something that's been out for 25 years?

Give me 64 or give me death

A fate worse than death

No? That's stupid, who cares.

The absolute hubris of subfags thinking that their brain is capable of performing an impossible task, which makes anime sub-watchers 300 IQ megabrains

>I can't do it so it's impossible

Sometimes the devil you know is better than the grass on the other side.


You should have watched in the 90s. That was peak kino era. You will never experience VHS tape on CRT Evangelion. And letting your friends borrow your tapes to get into the show with you.

look at me i'm a wizard now

>I can't do it so it's impossible
Every time.

roll me to the moon

lets go

wizard wizard get

can i be lumberjack?

user, if your brain is capable of actually doing this, you should donate your body to science. I can assure you that what you are performing is a well-known concept colloquially referred to as "multi-tasking".

>Holy Wizard


intersex != trans

So wtf version do you watch? You give a shit about subs do you not?

And this is a problem in a medium where nearly every dialogue scene is a static shot because?

If you can't comfortably read subs and you're not ESL then you're a genuine brainlet.

Shinji's VA was bad. There's something off with the voice. Like they are trying too hard to sound cutesy

Asuka was meh. Her trying to speak German was TRASH. Tiffany Grant was better.

Gendo and Fuyutsuki are passable.

Ritsuko is just wrong.

I don't blame you, amerifren.
You were forced to be this retarded by your gov'ment who doesn't want you to ask questions.
I just feel sorry for you.

Lmao imagine being an israel slave in 2019.
It's time to kill yourself, you don't have any future.

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>brought back
They never went anywhere, you fucknugget.

You have to be over 18 to post here.

I miss Hadena

You almost have a good point, but I can't pay 100% attention to what's happening either when the dub sounds like shit. And it almost always does.
The real solution would be to learn Japanese.

You have to be over 18 to post here

Rollo i choose you!

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Checkum if dubs







>They never went anywhere,
last commercial release was in 2008.



Rolling Stoneill


Sub only fags are literally retarded and think we still livein the 90s. Nearly every big budget anime gets a good english voice cast these days

I mean christ

All of watanabe
ghost in the shell
Afro samurai
Nichijou has a great dub too
Gurren and kill la kill
Naruto bleach and one piece

All of these have perfectably acceptable dubs

there are no retard nobody english voice actors ruining major productions anymore.

>Should I be ashamed of myself?




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Netflix also redubbed other languages, I wonder if they fucked so badly too

>Shinji's VA was bad. There's something off with the voice. Like they are trying too hard to sound cutesy
Yeah, it's an actual tranny.

>Nichijou has a great dub too

This can't be real, source?

Lmao. Imagine watching your anime subbed by Netflix. Dumb zoomer



I actually agreed with them.


>Shinji sounds worse than the original. Too self assured. Also something is wrong with the pitch of their voice. Can't exactly put my finger on it. Sounds strained.
>They turned Asuka from a britch to a brat. Seems too openly dependant. Killed her false sense of self assuredness.
>I miss Misato's throaty assertiveness.
>Feels totally Americanized to appeal to normies

The fact that Misato is now voice by US Satsuki makes me sick. I hate associating KLK with the trainwreck bastardization "Netflix adaptation" of a classic.

was the I'm so fucked up line in official versions or just fansubs?

>During the 4th of July weekend of Anime-Expo 2015 during the TOME Finale Panel, Mongillo came out as a transgender woman.
>Neon Genesis Evangelion - Shinji Ikari (Netflix dub)

Why do Americans refuse to read subtiltes?

What other dubs are available?


dubs are trash but I love yugioh dub

This sounds very accurate.

They are literal children who find reading difficult.

lets gooo

I mean even if multitasking is impossible you can just read the sub's and then watch the screen. If you're a fast reader this should only take a fraction of a second.

Because reading is for the white devil.

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What are some other examples of changing the OP/ED of a show to get around licensing issues?


Can't believe they got rid of Fly me to the Moon.


Subtitles are for countries that can't afford to redub it. Like Brazil or whatever. Real countries spend the $5 dollars it takes to redub it so viewers can LISTEN to audio instead of READING audio.

Yeah.. this adaptation is dead in the water.


>checkem wizard isn't a dub

Let's fucking go

this shit


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French, German and Spanish
Someone posted a clip of the German dub earlier and it's fucking terrible, literally hentai-dub quality.

Subbers get to read the audio and hear it. It's more bang for your buck and eventually you'll begin to pick up on common phrases and sayings baka.


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Based. Enjoy your vacation lad. Rolling for the American wizard so that I could conjure up a war to get all the American posters drafted and improve the quality of our board.

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Question: If Netflix now owns the rights to Evangelion HD. Does that mean we will never get a Blu-Ray release? That I will always be stuck with inferior streaming quality?

Damn if thats true then I miss Funimation. I buy hard copies to get the absolute BEST quality video. Not that streaming compressed garbage.

If you weren't a retarded dubfag you'd know watching subs is not a particularly challenging task.

how much of a fucking brainlet are you?

Every popular kids anime of the 90s and early 00s.

>all these faggots crying about eva on netflix who gives a fuck
>meanwhile I'm waiting for Gunsmith Cats blu ray release
at least have something to fucking REEEEEEEE about

>the absolute BEST quality video
Aren't their BDs shit?

That's not how it works. After a while you learn to have a quick glimpse at the bottom and you read it in your head while looking at the visuals. You can learn it do it 100% perfect.

Yes, especially because you probably don't even know what happens but you think you do. Kinda cute

It's not even hard you dumbfuck

I hope you realize people outisde the US have been doing this since forever

You left out Misato. I've only seen the first episode so far, but her performance is completely devoid of the personality we've come to know. There is nothing in the new voice that reflects her casual persona and immaturity.

What if something important happens in the upper left hand corner of screen and my eyes focus on that for a split second because of the amazing detailed art, but then the subtitle has already disappeared and I missed the sentence.

Dubs are for allowing other senses ( Eyes and Ears combined) to be involved besides your eyes thereby FULLY immersing you into the scene.

Acceptable by your subhuman standards.


Netflix doesn't even release BDs of their shows user

I find it hard to believe that Netflix owns the rights to stream Eva in the west in perpetuity. Surely they just bought the licence for a few years and will stream it until people lose interest. Another provider could pick it up then once Netflix is done with it.

I have not seen the netflix dub and from what I've seen, I don't think I want to. I'll stick to the original dub and the sub.

I'm retarded? That aint news

I really wish joke dubs were still a thing.



Speaking for myself, there are subtleties in the spoken word that cannot be read in writing. Hearing another language makes it more challenging to determine the emotion or subtlety delivered in a performance.

Wait, did they RE-DUB the LATAM Spanish dub?

I didn't realize I stopped hearing if I'm reading.

>americans proving in this thread they too fucking retarded

Anime or any visual medium is typically paced to avoid that sort of thing from occurring, but if something was intentionally placed to not be immediately noticeable you can cheat and rewind it.

Netflix has a stranglehold on their shows. They could pay for a long holding period (far longer than is average) for the Eva rights in order to keep subscribers on the platform.

Once Rebuild 4.0 is made I can't wait for the shitstorm for when Netflix steals it and then we have a mixed dub of Funimation Dub for 1.0 to 3.0 and Netflix for Rebuild 4.0

Once you've been watching sub's a decade or two you can pretty much pick it up in your peripheral vision. Its also pretty rare that a text heavy or exposition dump happens at the same time as a visually busy scene.

I'm sorry you are retarded user

Are you telling me watching and listening at the same time is not multitasking? Shouldn't you be watching it mute and then listen to the audio alone?
I think your problem is that you read like a toddler.

So you want to remove me from the amazing anime experience by stopping the show and rewinding it? I like to immerse myself fully like a true weeb.

And what if I'm watching with others. You want me to stop it, and inconvenience everyone.

I think this is why dubs exist. Redundancy so viewers catch all details.

Oh shit... Pls don't be true.

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Why would I apologize? This dub is better. Not that i’d recommend anything but the Japanese.

i'll be Zoidberg then

Better than other companies, I think.

OR you could just be capable ot reading.

Fucking brainlet.

>I didn't realize I stopped hearing if I'm reading.
Wow you cannot be this dumb. If you don't know the native language then hearing it is USELESS.

And what if there is other important text on the screen besides the subtitles. Like the character is looking at a computer screen but also talking to a friend. Or they are reading their cell phone etc. What will you do then? Speed read? Oh no you missed a detail. Or you didn't catch an important background moment becuase you were so focused on proving how elite awesome sub reader you are.

Weird I'd almost say the opposite. Being able to read what the scene actually says while also hearing how the Japanese actor is performing makes more sense to me than an american actor trying their best to do both at the same time. It can be difficult with how different the timing is in different words and all that. Baka is a great example. Idiot just doesn't roll of the tongue as well and honestly just sounds more mean.

>listening to a loud minority
sasuga euroPEEan, most people watch subbed

Give me classic necromancer pls

They are still far better (video) quality than some other companies.

Netflix doesn't do BDs usually

They lose shows all the time. That's the reason they're pumping money into shows made especially for the platform so they can't lose the rights to them.

I'm saying you can rewind it if you really want to see something that was only placed in the frame to be processed at a subconscious level and you were too retarded to catch it the first time around. Otherwise, action on screen is timed and framed to be obvious to the viewer, if it isn't the directing is shit, which realistically is not going to happen.

I feel like the Eva legal team though would charge them a pretty penny to keep exclusive rights to it and honestly how many new subscribers are they really gonna gain from an old show like this?

You call others a brainlet when you don't even realize that this is true strategy. True brain power. It's called managing resources of your senses. You would be terrible at strategy games. You just dumped all your points into your eye stat. Now your character is incredibly imbalanced

When they have text and dialogue on screen at the same time it shows up generally on two parts of the screen to show the difference and yes you just read one and then the other. Its honestly not that hard.

Anime isn't animated with subtitles in mind. Anime Directors don't care about that. Subtitles are essentially patchwork and slapped ontop of the pristine anime image.

Considering how pissed Funimation's CEO about the exact number Netflix paid (He knows because they were in a bidding process but can't disclose it publicly) then I assume Netflix can pay for a very long holding period.

So you people are telling me I gotta wait YEARS to get Eva HD on Blu-Ray and hope it goes to another company??? Netflix never lets there stuff on BDs!!

that's why you watch it letterboxed and have the subtitles in the blank part of the screen underneath the image

>not downloading the 480p DVDrips to watch on your CRT
it's like you don't want to experience anime kino

but the Japanese are enjoying true HD goodness! And I already did Eva on CRT. Never going back! I want HD! I want to see the glorious HD footage at peak quality video.

How does Yea Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.


>you dumped all your stats into your eye stat
>Amerilards actually think the world is a video game
>Retarded dubfags will never be able to drive a car in their entire lives
Anyone with reading comprension above a 14 year old's level has 0 effort following subs and image at the same time. How do you think non-english cunts watch Hollywood flicks?

anime website

Yes, but it doesn't change the fact that the visuals are presented in a way that's clear and obvious to the viewer. You don't need to spend time processing the image, the imagery is always presented in the most obvious manner unless intentionally made not to be that case, in which case you aren't supposed to comprehend it fully in the first place anyway.

Hey guys out of curiousity, how interested would anyone be if (someone) ripped the Netflix footage but re-timed the audio with the older ADV dub? Would anyone here care?

>series take place in japan
>english dub
why ?

then import the japanese release or find subbed BDrips


Honestly I really fucking love the Zeta replacement.

It's not directly Netflix' fault, but the new Italian dub is abysmal. The VAs they picked do a good job for the most part (they also picked the original VAs for Gendo and Fuyutsuki), but the dialogue itself is ridiculously bad.

They should always translate baka into retard.

Americans culturally don't like learning foreign languages or reading the subtitles. They prefer to see movies in their own language, or someone translate.

>How do you think non-english cunts watch Hollywood flicks?
Sounds like you are all poorfag lazy cunts. Don't want to pony up the cash so you pay for the poorfag option. Pay the euros it takes to redub it already. Do Americans have to do everything for you? They already pay your NATO bill.

That was miles better than the original. The focus is more on the action and less on Kamille, which is fitting a military sci-fi mech series.

The dub is always inferior to the sub, so no thanks. I'll just stick to my handy subtitles.

At least they will still be the ones doing 4.0, r-right?

Movies for kids are always dubbed since most of them are too dumb to watch with subs.

yeah still odd for me the only anime that i tolerate to have a dub are cowboy bebop its literally take place in future and in space there is no way japan language have more popularity than english

When did you grow out of dubs? For me it was 9.

Netflix will just buy Rebuild 4.0 , dub it, then stick it in the "New Releases" section without any reference to the other films.

Are we ever going to get another (decent) release of Eva, perhaps on Blu Ray? I know about the Platinum series but I remember them being expensive as hell years ago and thus I only have the first five episodes.

Brainlet take. If you watch any amount of anime in Nipspeak, you'll pick up enough on the language that you don't need to pay close attention to subs most of the time.

get fuck amerifag, spic dub is where it's at!

Okay guys, i am sorry i was away on another board and i completely missed this. If you're willing can you explain to me everything please ?

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Clearly you don't understand the superior power of the anime autist brain.

Different language comparison from Netflix. Which languages got re-dubbed besides English and German?

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The new Netflix dub has a tranny as shinji and its horrible

Cowboy Bebop is one of the few animes where dub is better than sub because the english voices are superior.

Only Yuyu Hakusho, and G Gundam comes close.

Those subtleties are usually destroyed by the shitty english voice acting though.

Netflix fucked Eva up by killing off FMTTM but Funimation literally censors BD releases, so fuck em. New dub is irregularities to me because dubs are for chodes.

>wnts me to apologize to Fuckupmation
>The company that has embrassed SJW WOKEness.

Yeah OP. Never going to happen unless they turn themselves around and beg for forgiveness from all of us.

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Satsuki from Kill La Kill is Misato???? Ughhh.......


That Shinji voice is just wrong sounding. Rei is bad.

monolingual anglos are too accustomed to foreign works being dubbed to english and reading is too much for the braindead anglo consumer.

nobody asked if you were a tranny. why does everything have to be about you.

Don't you mean HD refilter and cut? Why would I want horrible TV quality when we have remastered HD?

And you think Netflix has LESS sjw wokeness???

lol boi

Maybe the background cast is better but the main cast of Bebop is not at all objectively better in English. Samurai Champloo is a better example, Mugen's JP voice sounds generic as hell.

In general, America never needed to develop a subbing/dubbing industry like other countries, because most movies, cartoons and TV shows that are watched in America were also made in America, and thus in English. It simply wasn't needed for a long time, and let's be completely honest, aside from voicing characters in a random kids' show or dubbing a FotM important international movie, it still isn't needed.
In comparison, many other countries have been subbing/dubbing shit for decades; there's an entire industry behind it.

They actually nailed Asuka pretty good.

>They actually nailed Asuka pretty good.
Only when she is talking normally. But any emotional scenes or her speaking german are awful

>actually watching dubs
Don't forget nips are cute af when they try to speak non-moon languages like german or even english.

It's true though, look up the studies

All the classically trained actors in America usually go for theatre, or Broadway to make it big. Cartoon Voice Actors have always been paid less and Anime Voice Actors get paid less than them because they're independent contract.

Funimation still has a better track record than NETFLIX. And you are kidding yourself if Netflix isn't far more woke than Funi

I heard that Funimation are far more conservative christian than Netflix, but they treat their dubs like shit.

>they removed Shinji and Kaworu's gay subtext.
evangelion is like the one work where the gay subtext is actually important for the story

It's really a case of a single SJW Funimation employee getting too much power on a managing a single Anime dub project and going overboard. Funi is large enough that they didn't catch it and caught flack. They are dubbing multiple shows at once and have multiple managers so it doesn't surprise me.

This is why I tend to pause and/or rewatch some scenes.

Watched a couple key eps out of curiosity. New cast is a mixed bag, Gendo sounds on point but Shinji is a swing and a miss and Asuka sounds like she's trying way too hard to imitate Tiffany Grant. The direction is serviceable, but a bit too "subdued" imo.
The script is a fucking disaster though. I get that they didn't just want to lift ADV's script wholesale and that has plenty of its own problems, but some of the best lines from the original translation have been replaced by the blandest, most literal translation choices possible. I never cared much for the ADV dub, so as far as I'm concerned Japanese is still the way to go for Eva.

It's honestly a bit baffling that Netflix put more effort into their pretty good Ultraman dub (getting a bit of star power for the main role, using one of the best studios in the business, having a very experienced director and scriptwriter, having some pretty big name VAs) than fucking Evangelion, which they just handed off to their literally who studio with a pretty inexperienced cast and crew.

>people losing their shit because Shinji's new dub VA is trans
I mean, it fits in that regard

check em

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There was no gay subtext, it was the dumb fujo hive combined with the dumb translator completely missing the mark.

Just like Eren x Levi

Take me back

No one was defending Netflix you fucking moron

Why the fuck is their so much /pol/ in this thread?

Kill it with fire.


you got trolled champ


So I watched several favorite episodes of the new dub.

Does anyone else think it just sounds like a poor Fandub you would find on YouTube somewhere?

Isn't Marichi's husband one of the bosses at Funimation? I also heard that they're pretty clickish and treat their new voice actors like shit.

The Japanese prefer literal translations of their works because they're too autistic to embellish things.

Fuck off attention whore

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That's how I feel about most dubs.

>There was no gay subtext
Only because it wasn't subtext. Shinji basically going prison gay (because his father doesn't give a shit about him and every woman in his life being damaged goods) and then immediately having to kill the only person who's ever given him real romantic affection is a huge factor in pushing him towards his breaking point.

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>you would find on YouTube somewhere?

Not anymore since YouTube shoahs anything with the least bit of copyright now. I remember watching a channel called "Kenpachi Fried Chicken" that had all the episodes on YT, chopped up into 10-minute segments in glorious 360p. Zoomers don't know this feel.

>A block of text


Pizzaland here. It's so fucking terrible they forgot how to fucking spell italian properly. What they say doesn't make sense at all and it's grammarly wrong too. Feels bad

So you admit it? Cool. Now get out.

>newfag retard's only point of reference is SnK

>Not knowing the nihongoes

You went full retard. Hueland like every SA country has better dubs than Burgerstan. Subs are still more popular among animefags over there.

>Cartoon Voice Actors have always been paid less and Anime Voice Actors get paid less than them because they're independent contract.
Actual voice actors can make bank, but they work through networks on big projects. Anime voice actors are usually whoever the fuck is near the studio and can work for minimum wage.

Youtube's algorithim and complex big tech formulas are the reasons why we can't have good things.

A lot of dubbing companies operate in Texas or LA and their talent lives in the areas near those places.

learn how to read quickly nigger

Asuka's new eng VA is literally a newbie, even the imdb is void of any voice acting roles.

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Nah, I'm gonna stay rent-free.

>Man trying to sound like a woman trying to sound like a boy

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>VHS tape on CRT Evangelion

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>can't multi-task
>genetically inferior
You have no place in today's world.

I literally don't care. Because I'm not a fucking child, I like Netflix because they're the ONLY streaming platform that requires subtitles for every release. Which means that they've actually produced more subtitles than practically everyone else has over the past decade, in just a couple of years.

And when I talk about subtitles, I mean Japanese ones. Because why the fuck would you need English subs? Are you 12?

Remastered from what? There are no masters. Netflix are upscaling just like we are.

Shinji's new VA is a tranny and he's the most sexually confused character in anime history.

You are not processing everything at once. You are glancing at every gauge, every area of the dashboard, and road superfast and your brain is processing each one sequentially. If you could truly process everything at once, then we wouldn't have people crashing their cars while texting on their phones or crashing their cars while eating.

Is it true that anime is turning men into traps?

Khara did the new sub...

I knew it. Sounded amateurish. Damn Netflix was cheap.

Misato is just KLK Satsuki with no difference

No, it's not. It is turning faggots into faggots, but that's just the inevitable.

I guess auditions were open to virtually anyone that wasn't in the original dub already and acted once or twice in whatever.

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>spend on new dubs instead of shelling some cash to keep fucking Fly me to the Moon intact
Great priorities there.

And yet their sub script is terrible. Riddled with errors, or too direct literal translations.

Getting you to pay our NATO bill for us is called getting a good deal. I mean you're already obsessed with guns so it just makes sense for you to pay for it while we enjoy the benefits.

>crashing their cars while eating
the absolute city of burgers

When you watch a dub your brain is also multitasking the picture and the sound.

>new dub
Don't care
>no ending theme
Now that's a problem.

Ask me who I know you are an amerimutt

take some fucking ADD pills you sad cunt

It doesn't even take that long. I had it down before I'd watched 10 anime.

We get it, you're very lazy.

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For what? Every dub is shit and eva coudn't be the exception.

>can't pay attention to screen and read.
>can't drive manual.
Come on Merica.

One of my older brother's friends loaned him Evangelion on VHS tapes. He showed up one day and handed him a giant plastic bag full of VHS tapes.

I remember that clearly.

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Wrong interpretation, your existence is an error nature

Yes but the brain is literally subdivided into different regions. 1 area handles visuals. 1 area handles audio. 1 area processes the sync. Another area even allows you to daydream while watching it. But nothing is done simultaneously by a single unit. There is always subdivision and multitasking.

>not having the ADV platinum edition box set

lurk moar, newfag

she's the best out of her, shinji, rei, and misato but she can't do the dramatic scenes that well

>faggots here actually pay for Netflix trash

The absolute state of this board.

And that is wrong how?
Capitalism ho!
Funi should have forked over more $$$ instead of bitching and moaning on the interwebs like tantrum throwing 12c years old.

It shows. Her voice acting falls apart during dramatic or emotional scenes.


Oooh that Shinji dub is rough. Couldn't see my screen so I was waiting for Rei to stop talking and didn't realise that Shinji started until the Spanish dub started.

>actively shilling and bootlicking funimation

It was not a gay subtext but more a connection with another human being subtext and sex is seen by Shinji as the ultimate connection with another human being and Kaworu was the first and only one to make the first step to Shinji about this connection. So of course when Shinji kills Kaworu, he is fucking broken and hate the world he lives in.

However, in 99% of anime, when a character is saying something, absolutely nothing is happening visually. mostly static frames of the scene or character lips motioning with 2-3 frames tops.

You MAY have an argument with a high dialogue foreign film.

Few anime have dialogue happening while action is happening. Things like Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere is notoriously dense and why so many either love or hate it. Simple minds generally hate it as they dislike having to use more than 3 brain cells per minute, for example. The exact same reason for dubs vs subs.

Overall, watch the shit in the original fucking intended format.

That asuka doesnt sound half bad

He may have been motivated by pure salt, but it turns out he was also right.


You Westerners sure fuck things over, huh?

French get a re-dubbed, I confirm it.

Apparently what Netflix paid wasn't even close to market rate. It was so ridiculously above everyone else's bids (Funimation wasn't the only one bidding) that it was absurd. Like bidding on an Ebay $200 dollar item and someone comes in and bids $2000 dollars just to take it. Sure you COULD pay it, but you cannot internally justify paying that much. You would take a huge loss. And that was the CEO's logic.

He also said in some tweets the Funimation would have allowed their Evangelion dub to be streamed on multiple platforms and multiple streaming services, and blu-ray discs. But Netflix will just lock it into their streaming platform only and let it collect dust. Anime fans won't be able to buy it.

this, 99% of Evangelion is just two heads talking to each other. Most you miss out on is lip movements and even that becomes less of an issue as the show goes on ;)

It's funny how netflix thinks their irrelevant platform will benefit from having Eva in its library when every anime fan already watched it decades ago.

I couldn't care less about Shinjis voice actor being trans but you have to admit it must be a bit of a mind fuck having a man pretending to be a woman doing the voice of an adolescent boy. Even Robert Downey Junior would have trouble with that shit.


No that was when he crushed Toji. Try watching the anime instead of listening to it while scrolling through Yea Forums.

>watching dubs
>defending streaming platforms for free

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>I couldn't care less about Shinjis voice actor being trans
seems like you do

Dude if you didn't scene how those scenes were gay you're either in denial or would be in physical danger if you ever visited a gay bar.

>esp latin
>that Misato, that Rei Ni siquiera dice lo mismo que las otras
I hope they keeped the subs or did a loyal work

What do dubfags do when watching foreign films that aren't anime?
Wait...don't tell me they exclusively watch dubbed anime, capeshit and Star Wars...

intersex == mental illness

>Crunchyroll, who recently yanked very nearly all of their series from every other platform, claiming that they'd have let Evangelion of all things be on multiple platforms

You're actually retarded if you believe them.

All animation is dubbed, faggot. You realize it’s drawn characters and backgrounds, not actual people or locations. It doesn’t have any sound except that which is added.

Unless you’re trying to be smug about reading a translated script while listening to a language you don’t understand. In which case you’re a double-faggot. You either understand the source material, or you’re sucking mystery dicks while blindfolded and having to blindly trust that they’re jizzing a decent translation in your face.

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Ohohoho but they do

Train yourself
Watch Monogatari at 2x speed

Yea Forums is just as bad as Yea Forums now, user. Time to accept it.

Except when it comes to anime "dub" clearly means replacing the original voice track with an overdubbed track.

Nah this place still has a few years to go.

Only show that is somewhat difficult to keep up with is Saiki Kusuo but that is part of the charm

In this case, because he is trans and taking hormones, and intentionally manipulating his voice to sound female in order to pass, it applies here in this case.

It's an American 30 something year old guy (yes age matters because voice changes with age) trying to sound like a woman who is trying to pretend to be a young japanese boy.

It just doesn't work.

This is absolutely my biggest concern. If the Netflix subs and dub are shit I can just stick with my old DVD sets but if they’re actively keeping me from being able to get a Blu-Ray I’m fucking mad as hell

This whole shit thread, and board

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Yea I know but for that user who seemingly has a lot of trouble reading I was being generous with how long it might take for him.

It’s just a more accurate translation, whatever you think it’s removing was never intended to be there to begin with.

A making a mountain out of a molehill situation.

Funimation? The one that rewrote scripts to fit their political agenda? Yeah, no.


>the irony of this post
It's your fault or watching dubs.

Are you saying you can't ever do more than one thing at a time if it requires the same area of the brain? I'd install some more ram in your brain user. That's fairly weak.

Funimation CEO was referencing platforms like XBOX, Playstation, PC, NETFLIX and some other services.

But they never promised to put it on a competing anime streaming services. But even if Funimation was cool with it, you think Crunchyroll is cool with the Funimation logo being plastered all over one of their series on their site? lol nope.

Sometimes it's another party (not Funimation) that has a problem with it.

You'll never make this argument when a series is set anywhere except Japan. Don't be disingenuous.

>ghost in the shell
Only if you're talking about the 1995 and SAC series

Arise sucks total dick.

I guess its not so much that it benefits them so much as it fucks over their competition. Smart move.

I heard a dub have angels called "apostles" instead.

>I couldn't care less about Shinjis voice actor being trans
>a man



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extremely based


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the dude is right tho, you can't get to appreciate 100% of the visuals if you are reading subtitles but still would go subs always

What "translations", you fucking child?

Unfortunately you are going to be mad as hell. Netflix usually never puts their stuff on BDs. They want people to sign-up for streaming only.

This isn't some anime that was already previously dubbed that Netflix is renting for their streaming service (like other animes).

No. Evangelion was paid for to be dubbed by Netflix personally. They paid a hefty sum for it. They have exclusive rights to it. No one else can touch it. This includes BDs.

>Isn't Marichi's husband one of the bosses at Funimation? I also heard that they're pretty clickish and treat their new voice actors like shit.
Jamie Marchi isn't married. Stop letting culture warrior YouTube clickbaiters farm you for manufactured outrage.

In episode 15 when Kaji kisses Misato, of course, fly me to the moon doesn't appear, but instead you can hear someone clicking the mouse of a PC. This is fucking awful.

Yeah, the italian one. The old dub was great though.


That's human biology. A section of the brain processes something so incredibly fast that it seems seamless. But it still does it sequentially.

>It is quite literally impossible to fully process a block of text while also fully processing the visuals
Oh god is this really why people watch dubs? This is embarassing, You can process the text in a split second.

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True, scientifically speaking, there is no such thing as a true multitasking.

I’m going to see if this is true, I hope it’s bait

kek i thought the english dub was worse come on shinji isn't that bad, he just sounds...relaxed, SA dub shinji indeed sounds like an autist child jesus fuck

I wish it was, but it's real.

I actually don't. It just sounds a bit off to me and if you don't think someone who probably worries about whether their voice sounds too masculine impacts their performance then I don't know what to tell you.

I guarantee you subbed BDrips will be made available and if you really are a dubfag someone's going to put the netflix track over it.


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at least my ears are listening to good voices and not shit of literalwhos.

The monogatari series is also a little tough with the inbetweens but that's literally text on the screen too so dubfags would be even more clueless.

You can't have BDrips if there are no BDs to rip. And I'm not talking about imports. And no. I would rather have the old ADV track than this Netflix abomination.

>censored everything by 4kids
>"perfectly acceptable because they throw a funny joke or two hehe XD"

>Where's are the Funi-blurays
they are never going to be release because they didn't get the license

I'm not talking about dialogue man I'm talking about the tone of the scenes. There's implicit homosexually there.

Fine a trans woman. I was doing it to emphasise the complexity of the situation and how that would impact their performance of the lines.

Man the YuGiOh 4Kids dub took on a life of it's own. It's like a new seperate show. Shadow Realm is OP. How dare you insult it.

We took your show and streamlined it, and made it better.

Where is he wrong?

>german dub
>everyones voice is deeper then shinjis

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Well then you just need to process faster. I can read sub's and the screen seamlessly. Its not hard with practice.

Kek, shitty company with a monopoly on dubbing whines at competition, embarrassing.

There aren't going to be English blurays because Netflix owns all the rights to it. And they don't do Blu rays. Your stuck with the compressed video from Netflix.

Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard.

And I really don't need to process everything because like I said, most anime dialogue scenes are static shots of characters standing still with lip flaps, if they even bother to show the characters.

literally false

Fukunaga can suck my balls. They cockblock all their anime for Latin America.

Bad dubs isn't just bad voice acting or a bad script. Sound effect changes and poor sound mixing can plague a dub as well.

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they're saying they don't care about them being trans, but proceeds to say "a man pretending to be a woman" immediately after.

Why does every chick in this show have a deeper voice than Shinji?????? He's supposed to be a guy. Wtf they doing casting some extremely soft sounding person. Are they trying to sound soft spoken on purpose??

>"notorious fuck up mad that he didn't get to milk the license further"
who gives a shit

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I seriously doubt Funimation had any look into the development of this awful dub/sub. It's most likely just them being butthurt bitches that completely ignored the franchise for years.

You are letting your hate for Funimation blind you to Netflix being an even worse option. At least Funi would have done a passable dub.

>no soundtrack
>censored probably hours of footage put together
>better because hehe le funny joke

yeah, retard alert

you don't know this

Stranger Things has a blu-ray release, it's -possible- Eva will get one. I only wish that they include the original dub if they do release a blu-ray (they won't)

That's very debatable, but at least we'd definitely have a blu ray set.

Who cares what they think when Vic's about to kill them anyway

I mean Shinjis voice is pretty high in the original Japanese its just the the female characters then have a super high voice to offset it.

>really thinking this
Vic already shot himself in the foot, his case will be thrown out

I like that Shinji and Kaworu aren’t gay in the Netflix version. Fuck fags.

wtf I love netflix now

That’s what happens when you hire a tranny.

Have you never heard of hyperbole for emphasis? Is it better if I say woman trapped in the body of a man pretending to be an adolescent boy? Either way my point stands.

Their fanboys would call it passable and force it in every thread for years.

That's due to the chicken and egg dilemma. If this Netflix Anno-reviewed dub was created first and distributed for two decades and then the ADV non-Anno reviewed dub came out in 2019, it would be considered SJW homo pandering that "completely ruined the context".

Does it have Fly Me To The Moon if you watch it subbed?

No. It only has it if you’re watching from a Japanese VPN. Netflix was too cheap to license the song outside of Japan.

The chad Netflix vs the virgin Funimation

>Dublets actually believe this
It's over

Of course I know this. We already have their Eva Rebuild dubs to go by. At least they used most of the original Eva actors.

Can't someone just edit the old dub over the Japanese blu ray RIP? It's not perfect but it's also better than nothing.

on what grounds?

why apologize for something everyone else also called it? fuck funimation and fuck you op

This has been on nyaa for awhile. As well as the old translation. It's basically as good as an official release would be anyway (albeit with DVD quality audio and not Blu-Ray audio, but honestly who gives a fuck it sounds fine.)

Come on guys!

No mad!

Netflix and chill! xD

I thought you said they would have a passable dub

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20 years, 3 complete dubs and 3 rebuild movies later and Latin Shinji still sounds the same, now that's dedication.

Sadly everyone else sounds like garbage.

I forget Yea Forums people are massive autism that review every Eva frame with magnifying glass but the average people really dont care about walls of text or re-mastering of some chinese cartoon

They did remaster it in 2015 for the Japanese Blu Ray. Except episode 16, they lost the master for that one and had to use an upscaled DVD copy.

lol - people have taste user. They would have called the Netflix version shit in the 1990s.

Then if the ADV version came later, then we would have called it a bit cheesy but good.

Is it just me or did they actually fucking give asuka a german-accent in the latam dub.

Because we want higher quality audio that you get from a blu-ray release. Mixing DVD audio and Blu Ray is not preferred

But its looking like there will be no choice and we will have to splice it

They are almost all trying to sound like the original English actors and it shows.

I mean she kind of spills into German in the original English dub, but it's fitting. She doesn't at all in the Netflix English dub and this upsets me.

>Funimation’s CEO Gen Fukunaga believes that releasing Neon Genesis Evangelion on Netflix will be a huge mistake. Fukunaga, a 20-year veteran of the industry, expressed fears that Netflix’s oversaturation of titles and content will lead to the death of the once iconic anime brand.

>He doesn’t want to see such an important piece of anime history lost in the unending shuffle of content - something he claims would never happen if the groundbreaking mecha had come to Funimation.

Netflix has dedicated anime sections, but the regular N subscriber only watch the KIDS section (paw patrol, masha, Teen Titans)

AHAHAHAHAHA the absolute state of Shinji's scream in EoE HAHAHAHAAA

get fucked

whole thing is pile of gargabe anyway, so adding few extra layers is no big deal

Based Funimation

>Because we want higher quality audio that you get from a blu-ray release.
next you're going to tell me that you can tell the difference between CD quality and "Hi-Res" audio

Asuka just keeps racking up the wins.

Original Cast >>>>> Netflix dub

Get lost Netflix shill

You're not getting the original voice direction though so the dub will 99% of the time be lacking in the delivery department.

Didn't say Netflix's was passable either

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The only things I will say here about the original dub that I dislike,
I don't like Fuyutski's EoE original dub voice.
I don't like Ritsuko's original dub voice.
and I really, really don't like Black Hyuga

Since the subs on Netflix are fucked up too, is there a definitive sub for Eva?


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>Funimation are far more conservative christian

lol, Explain the Vic situation then.

>your eyes have no problem with subs but your ears can't tell the difference between high quality audio and shit

lol. don't even try you audionoob. this isn't your realm of expertise. stick to sub vs dub arguments like a good little user

>he doesn't have peripheral vision
and you call us the subhumans

This. Burgers fuck everything up anyways, so whatever. I already watched Evangelion a long time ago.

anyone that needs the dub on a paid platform to learn about a new title is the lowest tier of normie
if netflix is going to act as the fucking filter from normies the I welcome it

>this is your brain on american

I don't need it to be in super duper HDR 4K. EVA is a good series that stands on it's own without needing to be technically perfect by 2019 standards. I still have the old DVD rips and they sound perfectly fine, the only reason I'd get Blu Rays is to have the remaster but I'll only buy them if they do it right.

That's not what he said.

Any comparison images?

hahaha oh god please tell me its bait

>defending a retard

it's from the dub.

Not the user you are responding to but are you really this dense? He's saying that the brain processes things one at a time at incredible speed. Nearly seamlessly. But you still need to do it one at a time no matter how hard you try. I like subs too but damn stop trying pretend like you are some sort of superman subtitle reader who can do everything at once and dub watchers need to catch up. You can't level up biology. It's science user. read up on it. anyone who claims otherwise are fooling themselves.

I'm not sure how you gloss over the fact that hanging out near what is essentially a beach in the waning days of summer with the sun setting in the background when a stranger starts talking to you in all altogether too familiar tone screams romance. If you made Kaworu a girl then nobody would be doubting this was meant to be a romantic scene.

People probably watched them on KissAnime.

>But you still need to do it one at a time no matter how hard you try
Do you need to stop breathing to type?

This. Until the whole thing is released next month.

>implying DVD audio is by any stretch of the imagination "shit"
Dolby Digital is PERFECTLY okay and can sound great. What matters infinitely more us how something was put together or how it was mastered. The ADV dub would most likely only exist as a DVD quality master by the point anyhow.
The difference between DVD's audio capabilities and Blu-Ray's are not nearly as detectable by humans as, say, from LaserDisc to DVD (or hell, from VHS to DVD), not even close.

nigger, try being a non english speaking person.
we've been doing this shit since the dawn of time

Part of me wants to feel that this is bait. But i know there are people this fucking stupid on this earth.

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i bet you buy stax faggot

Rei's new VA also voices Ram in Re:Zero, so I guess they cast her with that role in their minds.

Depends, is the foreign film live-action or animated?

MCs should always be open for new VAs.

Kraut here. Letting you all know the Netflix German dub is shit too.

what did they do for the scenes where asuka speaks german

Conservative Christians are in favor of getting rapey with underage girls? Who’da thunk it?

Angels are now called Apostles in the Italian dub. Way to go Netflix. You ruined it.

That would do it user


>implying Yea Forums had trust in netflix
People here are shitting on it since Devilman Crybaby and many of them thought the dub will be shit. What are you talking about? Also what this guy said

How much do we wanna bet Netflix is planning on "Eva: Season 2" which will likely be utter trash?

Speed Grapher. Changed from 'Girls on Film' by Duran Duran to an instrumental piece called 'Shutter Speed'

watch the blu-ray rips on a 1600x1200 PC CRT

nah there's droves of normalfags that think this way, they jack off dubs like cowboy bebop and baccano because they really do think the voices need to match the setting.

This. Dubs is cancer.

imagine having netflix subscription year 2000+10-1

Higashi no eden
removed the Oasis in BD

also every 4kids anime

Guys don't like guys!

>>> False
>>> True

netflix announced a while ago they were licensing evangelion to stream on netflix and it just launched. they made new retranslated subs and dubs for each language, and they removed fly me to the moon everywhere but japan.

All I want is the anime on BD & DVD.

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>What do dubfags do when watching foreign films that aren't anime?
they don't.

>dubfag posts with iphone filename

>good dub

user seriously stop embarassing yourself.

Can someone help me out, maybe I'm a brainlet.

So, they were willing to pay to redub the entire anime but weren't willing to pay to get fly me to the moon?
I don't understand how this makes any sense.

> significa que me caes bien


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Because you don't have to pay much for Netflix translators (which is why the quality is so shitty). However paying for copyrighted song is another story.

germans exclusively watch dubbed TV and films and its disgusting
subs>dubs does not just apply to anime

They released the Castlevania show on Blu-ray.

making dubs is really cheap, often cheaper than licensing the original.

I baited

The dub was made on a shoestring budget, in case the cast of literally whos didn't tip you off.

special deal with Viz Media

They just used non contract people right? Most of the known voice actors work for specific companies right?

G Force (the second dub of Gatchaman after Battle of The Planets) used an original instrumental in place of most parts of the original Gatchaman OST.



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¿Locomotion murió para esto?

Good to see that Yea Forums is just as susceptible to "but me in da screencap" garbage posts like this.

how does licensing stuff work anyway?
I thought Gainax already paid for the song? and it was a cover ffs

This and I mean it for all dubs in any medium. They should all fuck off.

Just because Gainax pays it doesn't mean you can do the same in USA, with different company. I remember Ixion Saga DT having Imagine by Beatles in the last episode, but it was removed from the Crunchyroll version because they couldn't pay for the rights.

>Maybe the background cast is better but the main cast of Bebop is not at all objectively better in English.
Other way around.
The background/one-time characters in Bebop Dub usually suck ass and it's mostly the main cast that does a good job.

>400+ posts on fucking Nitflex
I hate all of you, this shouldn't even be here. You should not care any fucks about Netflix with anime and manga.

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Ok sure David Lynch, it's true, pay too much attention to subs and you miss out on some of the visual imagery in the visual medium.

But subs also convey inner monologues and dialogue, and very often subs are more SUBtle than dubs, with quite a lot of stories deliberately playing on said subtlety to catch the viewer off-guard.

So clearly, Yea Forums is the best of both worlds because you have autists arguing over minor nuances in translations that end up being EXTREMELY relevant to the plot, like how those AssClass fags would argue about gender neutral terms and then the Kayano thing happened

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Netflix is encroaching and destroying all anime it touches, it has enough capital to buy every Japanese animation company as well. You should care

please don't turn ranma into some modern day trans symbol (even as a joke). Rumiko wrote it as a comedy.

i wanna stab you in the hand for typing that, you piece of shit

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Hey, German dubs are based.

Western Anime distribution companies have already started to complain that Netflix is outbidding them and buying out anime. If Evangelion is anything to go by, you should be concerned for both dubs and subs.

I don't, because the old routes of smuggling illicit anime from Japan are still there.

I haven't been following this shit, what did they change?

OST/OP/ED usually owned by different company (see Pony Canyon, King Records or Lantis for examples) and attributed to their own artists, so you need to pay different charge if you want to use it. This is also the reason why dub usually replace the soundtracks with generic garbage.

>someone's going to put the netflix track over it
Nobody is going to do this because nobody likes the netflix shit.
You'll only see the Netflix garbage possibly be ripped by HorribleSubs and that's it.

Dedicated encoders will put the original dub in it.

KLK dub Satsuki is great. gtfo you tasteless heathen.

>Blaming on Trannies

Nigger, fucking Meowth was voiced by a Tranny; a tranny did the vocals for the Dororo opening.
Quit trying to shove like its gender dysphoria's fault when its really just bad voice directing and them trying to emulate Shinji's jap VA way too hard when its unfitting in another language.

>They should've got a teenage boy to voice him

Teenage Boys mostly suck in voice acting save for minor examples and if anything you would've ended up with Shinji sounding like Finn the Human.

I canceled my Netflix last week with the message, "You make propaganda and bad anime." I have another week before my subscription dies. Think I will message them again for ruining my favorite anime, Eva.

All fucking dubfags must fucking hang

Get some new ears holy fucking shit.

Audio Quality in Video Streaming Services is fucking compressed shit compared to DVD Audio Quality.

Finn's voice changed over time. There's only one season of Eva and the movies.

you absolutely do not belong here.

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All of these normalfags flooding the board with Eva dub threads and crossboarders posting off-topic bullshit whining about Shinji's english VA being a tranny need to be banned.

You're missing the point, that they can buy JC Staff, Shaft, Ufotable, Kyoani, and others with the drop of a hat. Do you think those companies care more about "soul", or "money"?
Cause it we've seen, money talks, and artistic creativity gets stiffled

They're not going to. That's not their business model.

At one point the new misato literally says "PAaaaaaaaartayyyyyyyyy"

These why we need to euthanize millenials

Speaking of, they did change that scene, too. Instead of saying "I'm so fucked up," now he says "I'm the lowest of the low."


>Still complaining about "millennials" in 2019
Go to bed, Grandma. Life has passed you by.

Only dub voices I like are Domon from G Gundam and that guy that did Bit Cloud and Yusuke.

I can read subs with my peripheral vision and I can process a typical English sentence in less than half a second.

Good. Netflix is the only place that seems to give a shit about Japanese subtitles, I'd cum buckets if they killed CR and made EOPs wait until the end of the season to watch a show.

The staff can just leave and form a new studio if they don't like the way the company is headed/new bosses. That happens all the time in anime and gaming.

Yeah, I realized that afterwards and was just hoping that no one would notice. My point still stands that the Japanese cast is at least equal to the English one though.

Never underestimate mega-corps ability to squeeze out the competition

Literally the only thing that stopped me from becoming a Narutard as a kid is how awful that old lady's voice is, and I'm thankful for that everyday.

I can't wait until all of you boomers and Xfags just die already. You ruined the economy and the planet and we now have to clean your garbage up.

Fuck off, commie.


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gx was truly top tier anime

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Read faster you nigger

I need to find my boxset if these prices are actually legit and people are actually buying them.

>racism outside of Yea Forums
Respect board rules or fuck off crossboarding faggot, this isn't Yea Forums or Yea Forums

Contrary to what most of the public internet says, simply typing nigger does not make you a racist.

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck Yea Forums's just gonna be filled with newfags watching Eva for the first time now huh? And the version they'll be watching is the jewflix version.

Not your place to decide. Respect board rules and the culture you're obviously visiting. What's normal for Yea Forums and Yea Forums is not what's allowed on Yea Forums, take it elsewhere.

People who watch Netflix anime don't even know how to use 4channel

Self moderation has been over the moment shounenfaggots were not stopped. Super was the final nail, now lie in the grave and rejoice how Yea Forums still has some good threads every day compared to other boards.

Is there a list of changed stuff?

You're a funny guy.

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No they're gonna stay on twitter. Booty's are going to filled with a ton of shirty are now though.

For you

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>Dubs are for allowing other senses ( Eyes and Ears combined) to be involved
But I don't want to bleed through my ears.

Taking out "Fly Me To The Moon" for US customers


Booty not booty. Gonna go hang myself for being exposed as a phoneposter.

Apparently also the gay subtext of Shinji/Kaworu

They never learned to read. Gender studies are more more important to them apparently.

Given this is the same company that fired one of their most popular voice actors on trumped-up rape charges I'd say it's karma.

I remember seeing that for sale when I was 14 and wishing like hell I had the money to buy it, now I'll never be able to get it.

>Kill la kill dub

Attached: 1394514492486.gif (1282x721, 385K)

>Kill la Kill
>Naruto bleach and one piece

Attached: 1493825193058.gif (379x440, 140K)

KLK dub is fine.

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KLK dub is trash

You must be fun at parties

Your existence is trash. I've re-watched it in JAP and ENG several times. I like them both.

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4channel is the haven for people who specifically don't go to parties in general. Did you think you were on reddit or something?


Friendly reminder that Vic did nothing wrong.

Funi cries; god smiles.


Don't you mean apologize to ADV, the ones that originally dub this show in the first place?


Gee, I wonder what sort of person could have made this comment?

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Dear, Yea Forums. About Fly Me To The Moon.
Please report this as a 'technical issue'. If you know any Netflix subsribers, encourage them to report it as well. Big companies only act when they get enough backlash for their actions. Spam them to death with complaints. DO NOT LET THEM GET AWAY WITH IT

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Go on?

it was the 90s. what is Netflixs excuse?

fuck dubfags

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This is what happens when your children can't read. This is what they grow up to be.

>you PIIII-iiiiii-IIIIGS in human clothing

>They called this MONTHS ago.
and so did everyone else who wasn't a brainwashed streaming zoomer, which, saddly, is most of Yea Forums now.
That and normalfags and the media directed to them talking about evangelion like it was the first time it ever aired.

No. Funimation is still shit and would've locked the series behind a $400+ "special" edition. Eva can only be experienced properly through shady websites with a million porn ads.

Look up the #kickvic controversy.

>Eva can only be experienced properly through shady websites with a million porn ads

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>calling vic a piece of shit is defamation because he's not literal feces
lmao good luck dipshits

The dub isn't the problem with the Netflix version. Its the entire script.

Well, you should give a fuck about the BGM and OST being stripped, to the point there's entire scenes missing all the music they had

At least they would have brought back the original English dub cast with actual Direction and decent microphones

>imagine being Tiffany Grant right now
>having your waifu stolen by some literal who with no prior experience
>doesn't even have half your autism

Casey was an absolute terrible choice for Shinji. He doesn't fit the role at all. I don't know what they were thinking. He was "okay" in Mob Psycho.

I don't really give a shit if he's a trans, but I have no idea why he decided to publicly announce it to the entire world at Anime Expo and repeatedly since then. Whatever happened to keeping personal stuff private? That shit has nothing to do with Anime...like at all. Japanese cartoons have nothing to do with your personal sexuality.

The only way I could think of it being loosely tied to his work is if he decided to speak in a softer less masculine voice to help pass as female....and therefore that will now translate to his future voice acting work. But that's a huge stretch. Unless I'm wrong? (correct me if I'm wrong here).

>Eva can only be experienced properly through a copy of a copy of a copy of a vhs bought on shady places with an angsty teen with a shady mustache accepting porn videos as a form of payment and telling you not to tell his boss.

God, the 90s must have been a strange time.

The brain, the single most powerful parallel processor in existence, can not process in parallel. Ok m8

fuck off Monica

no he ate Monica

>Meowth was voiced by a Tranny
Meowth's VA came out as trans after the show had started airing, like, 2000ish.

Meowth's VA was male for the majority of time they voiced him.

they also died in their 40s

>The only way I could think of it being loosely tied to his work is if he decided to speak in a softer less masculine voice to help pass as female....and therefore that will now translate to his future voice acting work.

OMG. Is that what he was doing? Making a soft-spoken Shinji because he is a female trans?? Ughhh..............

>male teenager if you are going to make a fucking dub of evangelion in 2019
If you aren't going to bring back spike, at least cast a teenage boy to voice Shinji.

The 90s was an amazing time. The only people in the community were serious fans. No normies. You had to actually do some work to get your hands on anime. Not every store had it.

>shittymation wanted to hold the rights for memengelion only to distribute it in the USA but they got btfo by kikeflix

>listening and looking at something at the same time
what the fuck are you some sort of multitasker

It's not the same time. It's one after another (even by a few milliseconds between switching)



Netflix still can't do anything right.

So you admit you have to look at the picture or subs one after another first. Not at the same time.

What does WWWWW mean in jap net speak?

it means lurk more

>the 90s
I was talking about last week you dweeb