My wolf is always giving me this look, what do you do?

My wolf is always giving me this look, what do you do?

Attached: [MTBB] Spice and Wolf II - 01 [189937AE].mkv_snapshot_05.28_[2019.06.20_14.37.43].jpg (1280x720, 124K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Bite the wolf until it yields.

Sniff its hairy pits into submission.

What's wrong with that look?

Attached: Boogiepop-wa-Warawanai-2019-16_20.01_2019.04.15_16.12.08-768x432.jpg (768x432, 25K)

Caress the fluffy tail until she cums.

Hug her and tell it s all gonna be ok

Ask her if I should transition my 401k into a Roth IRA.

shoot up a courthouse obviously

Attached: meme team supreme.jpg (671x892, 99K)

upgrade her

Attached: 1550683520385.jpg (1024x676, 115K)

>downgrade her


Attached: 1549177344132.jpg (1646x2408, 602K)

Horo forcing me to lick her goddess feet before I am allowed to dump my cum into her?

Please post more.

Tell her to browse and handle my company's negotiations and food production. Oh and bang. Definitely bang

Attached: man of culture.jpg (1024x576, 51K)

>tfw s3 literally never ever

Attached: 1547045459861.jpg (1280x720, 102K)

she's a wolf, not a cow

Have you tried to pet her into submission?

Plant 7 seeds inside her so she can have a little wolf inside her latter.

Better get a VR headset, then!

rough, steamy headpats

Has anyone gotten the goods from the Kickstarter yet? I've seen some lucky fuckers already have.

Swear fealty to your Primarch and purge xenos.

Marry her and travel the countryside. It will be very comfy

Attached: 1560950233556.jpg (800x1122, 498K)

Wtf, this looks terrible user, are you sick?

mistakes were made

Attached: nerdlol.png (741x650, 533K)


Why would you do that you sick fuck

I love Horo!

Attached: Horo bath.png (2069x1715, 2.35M)

Ah, so that was him? What an idiot.

Do you really want someone who browses /biz/ to manage your finances?

Attached: Biznessmen demonstrate their financial knowledge.jpg (559x989, 122K)

Protect and care

I fucking love this guy, hope he makes more doujins.

Put it down.

>I fucking love this guy, hope he makes more doujins.
Who is this from? Kawakami rokkaku?


Lawernce is such a fuckin chad

Here's his latest work.

Attached: 20190514_004712-min-crop.jpg (566x703, 166K)


Why is she so adept at making me want to mate?

Attached: 1531997784396.jpg (500x499, 87K)


Attached: Holo+trying+to+be+hip+im+sorry+for+this_d69cd0_6105995.jpg (400x400, 28K)

cunni her until she gives you THIS look.

Attached: 5497869864868.jpg (459x422, 63K)

These cards are glorious.

Attached: 20190402_234641-cards.jpg (1487x780, 453K)

They're fantastic wank material. Do you have any more of them?

Attached: 1554040918802.jpg (330x487, 56K)

the white wolf

Attached: 1619461de644c193a2ccdf173af7b96d.jpg (600x749, 218K)

I actually do but can't find the other pics. I need to upgrade my Korbo collection pic since I got a daki, several posters and bunch of other stuff coming in from the kickstarter for the VR game.

Attached: 20181110_193807.jpg (2048x1712, 1.25M)

Attached: Collage 1.jpg (1793x3291, 1.5M)

Fucking hell that wolf tummy.

Attached: 155341834556.png (680x327, 264K)

>all those lewds
If those are on display I don't see how you could escape constant arousal.

I love it too.

Attached: 1558725759012.jpg (850x1246, 136K)

Checked. The holy boogie smug.

I'm also the user that tpook the pics of that artbook.

Attached: 20190202_233240.jpg (1024x1365, 454K)

Remember to buy her new anime

Attached: D7kDCKgV4AAPI8v.jpg (2560x1440, 450K)

Thanks for doing that. I love this picture in particular.

Attached: 1541252504982.jpg (1690x2369, 440K)

I'd be that creepy guy that comes in for bread 6 times a day just to be near her.

Attached: 1536434971192.jpg (1400x983, 198K)

I was looking for that daki but had no luck since when I tried preordering her she was sold out.

My goddess

Having a goddess of agriculture is always the best.

I want holo to fertilize my crops

Attached: 381bd72a242b265f6af0a26f32a748bb.jpg (500x667, 170K)

Keep praying and who knows, it's never gonna happen.

Attached: 235709120.jpg (548x776, 147K)

I'm thinking hang out with her for 10 volumes of bullshit nothing and see where it goes.

Dumb fox

Turn it into a dog.

Attached: what's the worst that could happen - dog domestication by humans.jpg (1200x3472, 686K)

Attached: 1533319778960.jpg (600x692, 159K)

imagine the smelly feet

Attached: __holo_spice_and_wolf_drawn_by_arakawa_megumi__sample-ded0154fd233aade69e6a038cafbf5e6.jpg (850x531, 112K)

Give her some shekel

Attached: 1279727163776.jpg (1280x720, 53K)

date her daughter.

Attached: tY9lXRv.png (996x589, 321K)

Seeing her in this made me realize just how tiny she is. Reading the LNs I never imagined her being THAT small.

imagine carry her small body and nuzzling her hair. IMAGINE.

fucking christcucks

Her small size is part of why she's so hot.

Attached: 1541976073166.jpg (1920x1200, 376K)

No, obviously just posting that picture because he found it humorous or something.
A person with any sense of taste (as seen in the bottom evidenced by being a Holofag with a yugo rpk) wouldn't use some poorfag $300 dpms with an airsoft red dot and proceed to spill spagetti everywhere

Attached: sports __holo_spice_and_wolf_drawn_by_j_adsen__02428a3af8f04c8c81183e8a47cdd17f.jpg (864x904, 293K)

She looks bigger in that image than she does in VR, though. Actually, even Lawrence looks small in VR. I think the VR scaling is either wrong or they made them smaller on purpose.


I wonder if I can scale her into a giant and have her eat me.

I'm not a vorefag but when she transformed into her wolf form I'll admit I gave serious consideration to the idea of her eating me.

>I'm not [x] but...

Attached: 1529621771814.png (352x359, 216K)

I mean, can you truly say you love Holo if you wouldn't even let her eat you?

Wanting to provide nutrients to your goddess is absolutely normal.

Attached: 74697204.jpg (738x1170, 639K)


Attached: IMG_20190621_173029.jpg (1489x1203, 150K)

That's why Lawrence was such a fag in the first LN, instead of being piss-scared at her wolf form he should have gotten a raging boner.

Oh, I haven't bother with the news for like 2 months now so I wouldn't know, I just head someone tell me some idiot did some shooting kn a court and got dropped.

Attached: Raphtalia the Wise Raccoon.jpg (587x581, 41K)

why does Yea Forums love used goods wolf but hate the rest?

Shit was hilarious.
I still feel proud my name was the very first to appear in the Kickstarter credit list.
I got lucky too because the list isn't even in alphabetical form.

Attached: 053f85cb8b10c42ac5a43e604e8a52f8.jpg (525x753, 77K)

Can't wait till she releases.

Attached: 88035101235cda3935efae49513dc0ef.jpg (600x800, 154K)

Teach her about supply and demand.

I can't wait until I release.

Attached: 4869d4c5576c537db449f3f52cfa8ad7.jpg (659x631, 99K)

user, are you fapping?

Attached: 1557212640689.jpg (728x827, 82K)

Pin her down and gently bite her nape to show dominance.

>implying you could dominate that wolf

>implying she wouldn't enjoy a little nibble on the nape

I think he needs a doctor since he can't release it.

>user tries to do that
>she turns into a giant wolf and steps on him
Whos the bitch now?

Accept that it's her turn.

The problem with used goods is generally the implication that they were sluts who went out and slept with some guy for the hell of it rather than waiting for someone she loves. With Holo it's still entirely likely that she waited to sleep with people she loved, the only problem being that they all died of old age and she had no choice but to move on, like she eventually will with Lawrence. The fact that Lawrence will die one day and she'll still be alive doesn't transform her into a slut.

She's as pure as can be, one partner per lifetime. Apart from those wolves

The funny thing is she will end up as the family elder while her children and grandchildren will keep coming to her.
She will have a family to look for and put in their place if they misbehave but she will no longer live alone.

>you'll never stumble across greatx10 grandma Holo and convince her to have sex with you

Attached: p2.png (634x246, 43K)

I highly doubt she will be that old, she might look more like an Ara, Ara~ than anything given how old she looks in the latest novels.
She looked 17 and in the latest she looks hardly 20 so she should look on her mid 30s by the time her greatx10 children show up.

Milf Holo it is then, but one of my progeny one day will get it on with gilf Holo.

>MILF Holo

Attached: 1542714232837.jpg (2764x4360, 2.35M)

It makes me feel happy seeing anons using my pics.

Why is there an exclamation mark coming from her ass? Also that's one lucky shota.

Are you the same user who dumped ?

Attached: 1529927286133.jpg (1500x2279, 767K)

Ahem, fuck the church and fuck shepherds.

Attached: 1558988537421.jpg (1069x1080, 136K)

Yes, I also did the Megumin artbook and the mini light novel that came with the 10th Anniversary BD box that based S.T.A.L.K.E.R. translated.

Attached: 20190116_093814.jpg (2048x2930, 1.47M)

You're a good boy Anonymous.

Attached: 1539001065823.jpg (2672x4192, 1.93M)

I try to give back a little to the place that has kept me from killing myself for a long time.

holo has fleas

Attached: 00ce9b17ad27f1e107477f4c248e74a8.jpg (636x960, 51K)

I (and I'm sure many others) look kindly upon anons who deliver top quality lewds.

Attached: 1559316236496.jpg (1630x2282, 472K)

It was a pain in the dick to take those pics though.

Why was it a pain?

Attached: 1552683456894.jpg (1677x2362, 406K)

Cute tummy.

It's hard to take good pics with a boner.

Oh, you got horny while taking them. Not that I can blame you.

Attached: 1539804364822.jpg (1656x2320, 374K)

Why are Holoposters such sluts? Not that I'm complaining

Attached: afcd26e0390da8c18a69dfd65cc0aeb3.jpg (1035x740, 393K)

Attached: 69012299_p0.png (1417x2000, 1.71M)

>extremely attractive hottie with a seductive, teasing personality and divine purview over fertility
Yeah it's a real mystery.

Attached: 1550405751647.png (622x521, 345K)

I got several doujins from her I had to pull out the heavy guns after I was done.

On my defefence I'm already a really horny bastard even at my age.

You did a good job.

Attached: 1533279725949.jpg (1627x2309, 424K)

I will always think only a little wheat was all that was needed to cover Horo's body in this.

Attached: a9359c84adbce8a05b9d02ab11751bf9.jpg (2452x3473, 1.96M)

I love Holo, she really goes against the grain.

Attached: 00d7f84adcf60e6dff35ebc5ea5bbb4e.jpg (650x483, 58K)

You're right.

Attached: 1532781274205.png (1131x870, 1.01M)

Holo's favorite card game? Apples to Apples.

Attached: 8fd5e9ef6d4cd573b2862ec95e00c376.jpg (1400x1400, 1.12M)

She's even holding plenty for it. Maybe one or two across her nipples, and one between her legs.

Attached: 108.jpg (1280x1808, 183K)

Is left the Code Geass chink?

Don't know but there was several CC pics in it and were pretty good ones too.

You know what? Give me a few hours (2 or so at most) and I'll take some pics since no full scan is out there yet as far as I know.


Attached: 1541579081630.jpg (360x360, 16K)

Attached: 7074158_p0.jpg (550x1000, 231K)

would you rather be lawrence or holo?

Attached: 52d108715b1a13919b20a4f55d6ed880.jpg (636x960, 70K)

delete this

Attached: 28235248_329724890866603_1809657521349603186_o.jpg (1000x559, 56K)

You better not shoot up any courthouses user.

Attached: hikari-horaki-evangelion-1-0-you-are-not-alone-3.27.jpg (210x240, 7K)

Sorry but the courthouse hasn't wronged me at all, in fact they helped my mother after my abusive father tried to kill my mother once.

God why does Lawrence look like a faggot?

That's Col you stupid fuck.

Also, for those waiting for the pics of that doujin, give me an hour or so before dumping them, need to shower.

Does anyone sell those Holo beer mugs anymore?

The guy only reposted the image, was not the one who made it. /k/orbo's /k/ommandos is a time honored tradition that should not be sullied by some retard.

that's Col and he's pretty much Martin Luther travelling with a loli wolf goddess.

Attached: 1524190358974.jpg (2048x1446, 300K)


i am an alcoholic with korbo

Attached: 1392758066503.jpg (704x400, 34K)

Attached: 1382151219816.png (675x900, 696K)

I wanna get drunk with Korbo!

Attached: sample_bfd2cf9d40067a8eb35979fec66634f4.jpg (850x1198, 686K)

Attached: Horo beer 02.jpg (4762x5000, 2.31M)

Drunken sex with Holo!

Attached: __holo_spice_and_wolf_drawn_by_koume_keito__6fec73323cad759306d02d87c5284190.jpg (4727x6929, 3.85M)

Dizzy post-sex cuddling with Horo!

Attached: 1453619033476.png (1896x1671, 2.49M)

Thanks to this asshole, /k/orbo is now being scrutinized by glow niggers.

Attached: 20180125_223007.jpg (730x1298, 283K)

Getting hugged by Holo why you cry yourself to sleep!

Attached: 253547611d0d7d61b34bf4857b8d0bf6.jpg (1400x1050, 461K)

Not getting hugged by Holo is why you cry yourself to sleep!

Attached: 61541497_p0.jpg (1413x2000, 2.68M)

Currently editing the pics to look better, I had to wait till I was completely dry.

Attached: __craft_lawrence_and_holo_spice_and_wolf_drawn_by_ayakura_juu__0fc1b633498c1470b251f823e7d51b16.png (353x400, 164K)

Holo's Holos

Attached: 0f7b56d70cafe7ca314471da42954281.jpg (1096x1600, 545K)

Look how tiny she is.

Remember she had the appearance of a 17 year old when Lawrence picked her up.

Buy low, sell high

Attached: 47560298_p0.jpg (723x1023, 160K)

The manga should have found even more excuses to include undressing with Horo, not just her undressing by herself.

Attached: 0160.jpg (1467x2161, 680K)

Juu Ayakura is a bad artist and the work he typically produces for light novels is below the standard of many manga.
>66 holo posts
>8 are Juu
I rest my case. Guy sucks and I don't know why he gets to work in the industry.

He needs to make more lewd Horo art.

Attached: 119.jpg (2446x3486, 3.67M)

Have you been masturbating while looking at them?

Attached: 1540683060145.jpg (2048x2007, 1.19M)

I think it was the editor's fault for that. The artist fucking loved lewding Korbo.

Someone had to be stopping him from including more nipples and full chapters of sex, because I can't see him not wanting to lewd her more.

Not really, the pages are rather hard to take pictures of because the paper is harder but it's glued spine and I don't want to damage it either. I feel like I could've done better but I'm already too tired and tomorrow I'm going to check out some houses because I'll be house shopping soon. I will however fap to some later.

should've worn the helmet

Holo is for marriage and a relaxing lifetime together

Attached: wedding dress.jpg (1200x1731, 328K)

With how lovingly he rendered her lithe body the guy was probably drawing with a boner most of the time.

Attached: 1552957904296.jpg (1080x1536, 410K)

I dunno if my my taste or if they're all actually weird, but I wish they made a Holo figure without the extreme over-exaggerated face/smile. Maybe based on Keito's art, like or something. But even something like would work.

But it's fucking gorgeous.

Attached: 485674.jpg (600x772, 115K)

I can't get into it. It just doesn't look like how she looks in the books/anime, to me. But it doesn't seem to bother other people so IDK, maybe my brain is just weird or something.
I just want one different one... then we could all be happy.

Attached: blush and smile.jpg (318x452, 88K)

Welp, that can't be helped.
File is up guys, not gonna post them here for obvious reasons but I tried my best so now I'll go fapping and to sleep.

Fuck forgot pic.

Attached: 20190622_005319.jpg (1372x1295, 285K)

holy shit, my dick. thanks Yea Forumsnon

Attached: apples.jpg (4093x2894, 734K)

I tried uphold the tradition of the old times that has slowly died out.

Attached: Anon Delivers.jpg (221x228, 10K)

I'm sweatin

Attached: smile with an apple.jpg (400x600, 28K)

Why is she so gluttonous?

Attached: __craft_lawrence_and_holo_spice_and_wolf_drawn_by_ayakura_juu__c9bf5f3bec8c58132eccd57c0125450a.jpg (636x960, 61K)

It's almost as good as having it be from an official artist.

The Holo part has already been scanned before from C95, look it up on Sad Panda.
Other parts however haven't been scanned so I just went for it all.

Planting those seeds, I see.

gotta mooch off as much as possible before moving on and finding another provider

Underrated post.

Would Holo help me get a job? Would she look down on wageslaves?

The wolf is for entrepreneurs. The fox is for wageslaves.

Attached: 1552766402773.jpg (736x832, 87K)

You get a fox loli baba to stop you from killing yourself if you are a wage slave.


Attached: 1554976840785.webm (960x540, 155K)

Don't lose hope.

>My horse is always giving me this look, what do you do?

Attached: 1555977849287.webm (500x720, 591K)

You fuck it.

I love this autistic horse.

Attached: 1525019130821.gif (480x270, 1.61M)

Mime is always giving me this look, what the fuck is wrong with it?

Attached: 1533585316627.jpg (504x252, 64K)

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Attached: 5edf10d46c0ca653d6b9969f1dd6dc70.jpg (1850x2496, 2.35M)

Who is that with Holo?

Let the wolf have her way with you.

Attached: skdt1lgtts011.jpg (900x900, 61K)

The church cunt from the first travel.



Attached: 1433056936481.jpg (850x1200, 204K)

I wish Kraft and Holo travelled the world finding lewd girls to corrupt

Given how the series first ended, they did.

Attached: __helena_elsa_schtingheim_craft_lawrence_hafner_hugues_hilde_schnau_and_etc_spice_and_wolf_drawn_by_ (850x596, 217K)

Holo is definitely getting dicked in this picture

What is it about Korbo that incites such primal lust in everyone?

Breed it.

All men of culture here

Attached: b1b5f4c05a4aee64b649695cc28aeca0.jpg (1200x1800, 842K)

Is there a name for Holo's manner of speech or accent? I think that pretty much every lolibaba in anime uses it. When some character starts to speak like this she usually 80% of the time is the best girl.


Old Japanese really.

Harvest deities are often synonymous with fertility ones

Which is great because mating.
Imagine Holo testing you to see if you are worthy of being her child's or grandchild's partner.

>not having a litter

What, is Lawrence's sperm broken or something?

Attached: 1356224623135.jpg (723x546, 331K)

Nice. Bottom has a better design but a worse show.

Attached: anime_economics.png (889x1064, 1.21M)

bruh moment
one daughter is the best possible outcome for a familial situation
though one daughter and a younger son is also pretty patrician

if you are to have a son first, you're fucked
though brother brother is pretty patrician
but older brother younger sister is somewhat degenerate

What exactly does that entail?

Attached: 1426613437504.jpg (1920x1080, 360K)

Most likely the same test she did on Lawrence and Col of transforming and acting as if she was about to eat you.

Horo doesn't think Lawrence can handle raising more.

check your mail, lads. The hour is upon us!

Attached: 20190622_121657.jpg (4032x1960, 2.32M)

> mini light novel that came with the 10th Anniversary BD box that based S.T.A.L.K.E.R. translated.

Attached: sleep with horo.gif (504x427, 70K)

Attached: 36424157_p0.jpg (800x1066, 717K)

I'm currently out but give me a few and I'll find the bookmark.

Attached: 55818028_p0.jpg (600x935, 356K)

Attached: 59520782_p0.jpg (513x900, 396K)

It woukd be nice to have a chapter of her remembering how she was while Pregnant.

probably asking lawrence apples every 5 min

Attached: 1428956110333.jpg (1920x1080, 1.11M)

Or how she got pregnant.

I found the link of the dump, I need to find the one of the translation so give me a few more.

God damn it. I never can tell from the thumbnails if Horo art actually has a nipple in it.

Attached: d5a334e489afb64688c5ba7fccaa3221.jpg (800x1056, 113K)

I wish nipples were allowed here, it would be easier that way.

That image is not even lewd.

Attached: 547813_p0.jpg (512x612, 113K)

The image I deleted is.

Attached: horonigger.jpg (720x951, 145K)

Yeah i meant that one, it's just a nipple.


When even official nipples can result in a ban sometimes, unofficial ones have no chance.

Not according to mods.

Attached: ae15e427038e6da916b6d13e0207408a.jpg (800x533, 280K)

Well mate, you are out of luck, I tried looking for the translations which I know he did but I can't find it since it was after August the first last year before Hiroshima did 4channel and the archive has a good chunk of post by S.T.A.L.K.E.R. missing.

Fucking mods banned be once for posting the official Korbo daki.
There wasn't even nipples in it but they went with the excuse of "not relevant to discussion" bullshit and when I got unbanned and complained I got banned 3 days again for "ban evading" and what's worst is you get that "because your ban is short you can't file a claim".

There's quite an intricate dance of obfuscation and skirting rules required to post lewds somewhat safely.

Attached: 1530168331438.jpg (1024x1365, 408K)

Not when it was this one.

If your wolf is anything like a dog it probably either wants some food or needs to go outside.

Attached: 1426613951864.jpg (3276x4436, 1.83M)

It's not fair.

Attached: 376600_p0.jpg (1714x2000, 354K)

if you don't have a pass there is literally no reason not to just refresh your IP for those shitty 3-day gay bans.

I have the pass.

Laius, is that you?

Turn 180° and leave because I'm not a cuck.


Secure my toothbrush

Attached: 1530192092412.png (1039x601, 130K)