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its fiction, they could literally bring hitler back to life and start gassing people. its about as probalamatic as all the underage gay sex going on in the harry potter series

Polygon would go out of business without you people.

Posting about a Polygon article and then actually linking to it should be a bannable offense.

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Faggots used BAIT
Its not very effective...

This isn't Yea Forums so go fuck off back there.


now they realized the german themes?

Bro, you better delete this shit. An earlier user was banned for posting the exact same thing.

a polygon "reporter" got so triggered by playing a videogame that the tranny had a nervous breakdown and was hospitalized for a week

Why don't they just make this an instant ban? I don't understand

Nobody gave a fuck untill it was animated,fucking normalniggers i swear.Also op should be banned just for linking and talking about plygon.

So it has already begun here too. Fuck of back to Yea Forums and /pol/ you fucking newfag.

>should be a bannable offense
actually, you could argue he's violating Global Rule 11.

based FUCK snk

Reminder that Isayama is a dangerous imperial ultra nationalist and does in fact have strong anti-semitic ideas.

Where's a janitor when you need one

Op is a faggot for linking a polygon article, but he's right, isn't he?
Isayama is portraying the Edliands as japan post war, with king cuck fritz being pacifistic fucking up his people in the long run. Eldia trying to get themself a standing army/nuclear deterrent by having the walltitans. I could go into more detail, but the parrallels are there.

People doing the LITERAL nazi jew comparrison are brainlets though.

The internet is now awash in politics, Yea Forums can not scape it either. Soon all your favorite animes will have problematic plots, lolis and gay stereotypes removed to make way for woke trannies, progressive feminists and correct racial representation. They're coming for you.

>millions of media have globalist cuck themes
>one has fascist themes
>this is bad
Will never get over this hilarity.

I don't browse Yea Forums

You missed it.

They only now understood that Titans = Jews?

How is this still up?

>Without Hajime Isayama’s dystopian series and its massive, global fan base, Crunchyroll would’ve remained a curiosity instead of the global streaming powerhouse and anime production partner it has become.
He actually pointed out something what SNK is really guilty off

Joke's on you, Appleseed is dead

They're mad that one of their friends couldn't strong arm in the streaming biz? Because that's all Polygon is used for is to promote one of their buddies.


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This article barely even touched what really is in SNK and barely touched supposed pro fascist and antisemitic message.

gaming journos mad that they haven't penetrated our last bastion. (yet)

Definitely, I'd also say Global 6 and Yea Forums 1 (thread is about an article whining about anime, not about anime). Maybe even Global 10, it's far from the first thread about this garbage.

Even there he's wrong, Crunchyroll was the biggest name in anime streaming before SNK even got animated.

You know, you can acuse polygon of same.
Like it whines about violent resistance to marley (stand in for nazis) you can call it out for wanting to not resist nazis.

Even if. Why does that seem to bother the gaming journo so much?

Can't wait for the layoffs.