Weekend Waifu Drawthread

Attached: 1434723063634.png (1900x1900, 67K)

Other urls found in this thread:

bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/Brador's Set
danbooru.donmai.us/posts?utf8=✓&tags=atelier_(series) official_art &ms=1

Requesting any of this imgur.com/a/G6YpLii for our sixth-year anniversary on the 25th, please.

Attached: Rias Reference Image #25.jpg (2500x2283, 898K)

Additional Amu Hinamori references: imgur.com/a/74r4E

1. An above angle shot of Amu tugging her shirt.
2. Wearing these dancer clothes.
3. Requesting Amulet Dia singing or doing a cute idol pose
4. Amu sloppily asleep in her bed, and her pajamas being slightly removed because of how hot it is
5. Relaxing from the heat, wearing just a white camisole and nothing under the waist.
She can be fanning herself or just resting. If possible, a convenient censoring with a drink
or ramune bottle covering her crotch would be nice and cute.

Requesting Amu trying out any alternate hairstyles
Hair she already has: imgur.com/xSejHrQ
Hair references: imgur.com/lR7Dlw9

Attached: AmuSummerReq4.jpg (4477x5774, 3M)

Requesting Maka. If you'd like some suggestions:

• Wearing a cute Yukata enjoying a summer festival or just anything cute in one.
• POV of nurse Maka holding her hand to the viewer's forehead to check for a fever
• Wearing a school swimsuit and apron cooking for the viewer

Although if these don't interest you, please feel free to draw anything cute/cutelewd/cool of her that comes to mind. Much appreciated!

Attached: MakaAlbarnSoulEater2.jpg (2016x4072, 1.96M)

Requesting Hibiki being fed by the viewer.
Or her playing Rock em Sock em Robots with Yuuna i.imgur.com/L83XuJe.jpg

Attached: hibiki.jpg (3750x4000, 2.78M)

Requesting Amakusa Shino, please and thank you.
Optionally sleeping, and perhaps dreaming of something cute like playing with a bunch of cats or being excited about finding an enormous melonpan, but anything else nice is fine too (especially with her wearing a wedding ring and/or clothing other than her school uniform).

Attached: reference 1.5.png (1090x865, 1.07M)

Requesting Homura as Bernkastel: i.imgur.com/hcXupSH.jpg

Or alternatively, being unexpectedly caught by the rain, and wringing out her clothes/drying her wet hair with a towel, or carting around her suitcase while traveling abroad/sightseeing. Or as a June Bride.
Any ideas involving my SI are welcome too: imgur.com/a/ygIBZ

Of course, anything cute or cool is fine! I'd appreciate it a lot, thank you for your time and have a nice weekend!

Attached: Homura_ref_4.jpg (3396x2704, 1.79M)

Requesting *Hyun-ae wearing lingerie and ring imgur.com/a/64sNSB4

or *Hyun-ae cooling herself with cpu radiator

or *Hyun-ae poking her boob

or *Hyun-ae wearing swimsuit

Attached: hyun-ae 3.png (2570x1975, 3.4M)

I would like to request Mai Natsume in her bikini with her hands behind her head like this:

Another suggestion is Mai pressing her breasts together like this: i.imgur.com/frlLYia.jpg

Or perhaps Mai wearing a tight shirt that's straining against her chest with no bra: i.imgur.com/KzLD4Ke.jpg

Other ideas would also be appreciated.

Attached: Mai Natsume Reference.jpg (3250x3000, 3.22M)

Requesting Yukio trying to stay cool in the heat.

Attached: fullrefYukio.jpg (2782x2682, 2.98M)

Good day.
I'd like to request anything with my husbando Kyoya Gaen. Ideas are of the artist's.

Thank you very much and have a nice weekend!

Attached: KyoyaGaen.png (3000x1250, 2.08M)

Greetings WWD,

Requesting me beloved Noir karate chopping SI while calling her an idiot noir.kogasa.de/u/layP52.webm
Alternatively requesting her wearing a sunhat and/or sundress. The bigger the hat, the better!

More references here: imgur.com/a/En9i2
SI refsheet: noir.kogasa.de/u/SI_refsheet_3.png

Many thanks and please, have a most joyous weekend!

Attached: Noir_VinoCacao07.jpg (1650x936, 502K)

Happy WWD everyone!

Requesting my adorable and lovely Anna in timeskip Edelgard's outfit looking menacing: i.imgur.com/KvBuxUB.jpg

Or her dressed as Metalman EXE: i.imgur.com/OFVrKGe.jpg i.imgur.com/SXlF9H4.png

Anything unrelated cute or lewd is fine.

Attached: Giant Fluffy Anna ref.png (1200x1384, 2.46M)

After a year of waiting, I finally was able to fully merge and +10 my wifes bridal version last week, so I'd like something to celebrate that.
Maybe draw her extra busty to accentuate the idea she's +10

Tharja wearing casual clothes please, preferably with glasses on
Or wearing one of her alt outfits.

Or something cute with my SI, also preferably with casual clothes

Of course anything cute is fine too

Attached: I Kind of Dig Bridal Chicks.jpg (4242x1920, 1.34M)

Happy WWD day!

Humbly requesting something for my Jin Sahyuk who still kinda lacks pictures (but not as much as before thanks to awesome drawfriends in these threads and a few other certain artists) since she's just a character from a webnovel with 1 (one) official illustration.

I have several ideas for now:

- wedding scene where she radiates enough happiness to save the world;
- something pantyhose/tights-related;
- eating watermelon or ice cream;
- window shopping;
- swimsuit;
- singing on stage;
- playing a guitar;
- summoning a bunch of spears and swords, Gilgamesh-style;
- doing anything Path of Exile related.

If you don't like any of these please feel free to draw anything you want: cute/lewd/any of these with a sprinkle of lewd/whatever. Everything under the sun (except harmful stuff) will be much appreciated.

A lot of thanks for the deliveries I got in the past and thanks in advance for the future ones, please have a nice weekend.

Attached: WWD_Req_21_06_2019.jpg (4400x3000, 3.6M)

Requesting Natsume in one of the following:

- in Alisa's cop fishnet outfit imgur.com/a/HGVo62Q
- hula dancing on the beach
- getting a brain freeze from eating too much shaved ice
- in an oversized dress shirt looking at viewer seductively i.imgur.com/7W6VATR.jpg
- being a tease with panties_around_one_leg i.imgur.com/Dwd73NQ.png

Anything else is cool as well.

Joint requesting with Minatsu
- doing the boba/bubble tea challenge holding the cup between their breasts imgur.com/a/ujXVG88
- serving tea and sweets as foxgirl maids i.imgur.com/e2N2Rpe.png
- anything swimsuits, bikinis, swimsuits, summer related imgur.com/a/lQ9AauH

Attached: NatsumoeV5_1.jpg (4994x2550, 3.57M)

Requesting my adorable Popura as a squirrel girl ( files.catbox.moe/gu7eqg.jpg ), her delivering coffee to the viewer while in her sugar cube outfit in the top left of the ref, her wearing a cute turtleneck sweater or her and my SI tied together, chest-to-chest, using my SI's hoodie to tie them at the waist similar to this image files.catbox.moe/3er9hc.jpg
SI: files.catbox.moe/bnde9t.png

Draw whatever non-lewd thing you enjoy though, even past requests, I hope this weekend is splendid for you all.

Attached: Popura Collage8.jpg (3708x2396, 2.95M)

Requesting my Pachira-San. Lewd/ecchi is preferable, but avoid anything extreme or fetishistic. If you draw her as that, please draw her as an adult, with a body type like this (censored but still NSFW): i.imgur.com/NxHWJ0d.png

Anything cute is fine as well, and her original, younger appearance is acceptable in that case. And of course, an adult appearance is acceptable for cute images.

One idea I'd like to see in particular is her in a Monster Hunter outfit similar to this (an action scene would be nice): danbooru.donmai.us/posts/3386660

Thanks in advance!

Attached: pachira_ref.jpg (3488x2836, 2.58M)

Hello everyone, requesting my beloved Ivis in a wedding dress with tears of joy in her eyes while having her hand extended or admiring her wedding ring.
On the other hand, it would be lovely to see her in wedding lingerie while lying down and covering her bare breasts with her hand.

However, anything cute/lewd of her is welcomed too. Thank you in advance and hope you all have a nice weekend.

Attached: IvisReference12242015.jpg (3700x3000, 3.2M)

Requesting my cute wife Lillie!

I'd like to ask for her to be drawn older and looking very motherly

Or perhaps her wearing the outfit of the new gym leader with a tan. Outfit reference: cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/0/0e/Sword_Shield_Nessa.png

Please and thankyou!

Attached: Lillieref.png (1800x1200, 2.5M)

Salut, WWD! Requesting Bianca golfing in an orange Polo shirt, white shorts, and sunglasses. Hat not required.

Or angrily telling me that she loves me.

Or a POV shot of Bianca's embarrassed, yet happy, face as I kiss her hand.

Anything cool or cute is good with me. Thank you and have a great weekend!

Attached: Bianca_Reference.jpg (1430x1500, 1.44M)

Requesting Taiga wearing a swimsuit and splashing around in an inflatable yard pool, please.
Some swimsuits to pick from: imgur.com/a/C0LQTKs
But any kind would be nice.

Additional Taiga references: imgur.com/a/bgzt4
Anything would be appreciated, and I hope you all stay frosty out there.

Attached: Fujimura_Taiga_from_fate_stay_night.jpg (4891x3041, 2.84M)

Hello drawfriends!

I would like to request my lovely husbando Orihara Izaya dressed as the vocaloid v4 Flower vocadb.net/Ar/34480

If you don't like that idea here's some more:
-On one of the album covers in this collection: imgur.com/a/aosd5Am . There's no order to the albums or any preference, so just choose one that you like!
-Reaction images. Feel free to pick one you like and put him in. If you want some suggestions, here you go: imgur.com/a/TanjdMz
SI available upon request.

Of course, if you would like to do something else that would also be great.

Thank you and have a great day!

Attached: IzayaReferenceFinal.png (2560x1451, 3.84M)

Requesting Tsukinose Vignette April wearing a tight shirt and jeans, example like this: imgur.com/a/7vW48k6

Alternatively, Vigne playing a video game with pouty or frowned expression because she's getting a game over

or an accidental exposure of her panties without her realizing it, something like this: imgur.com/a/nbLNudb

I'll be happy with anything else too! Thanks in advance and have a great week.

Attached: Tsukinose-Vignette-April.jpg (3000x1926, 1.15M)

I'd like to request my beloved heroic wife Yuuna.
- Wearing Miriam's outfit from Bloodstained: i.imgur.com/8MOipO0.png Either the ordinary blue one or the red variant in the lower right would be nice.
- Her and Hibiki ( ) duking it out using a Rock'em Sock'em machine: i.imgur.com/uO3Eydo.png
- Wearing Hibiki's new XV Gear: i.imgur.com/gtjEQ4Y.png
- If you want to draw us together: This Manga panel from Tonikaku Cawaii with the both of us i.imgur.com/8tLDI1e.png
but anything cute and loveydovey, especally something of us together, is always appreciated.
SI ref: imgur.com/a/rm2oF

Attached: My cute hero.jpg (4124x3328, 3.96M)

Requesting Risty in a swimsuit or casual summer clothes.

Or dressed like this: imgur.com/a/fDRJc5L

Or in gym attire.

Or in a hand-to-hand fighting pose.

Or her in a bikini crushing a watermelon with her thighs.

Or her in a sundress.

Alternatively, something like this with her: imgur.com/a/rqK8HWi

Attached: Risty_ref.jpg (4000x2665, 3.31M)

Requesting my lovely and adorable Aqua in a happy domestic themed request, maybe her in her pajamas or a cute housewife's outfit of some kind, relaxing with a wedding band visible. Or maybe her with a joyful expression in a wedding dress possibly with SI in a matching dress at the altar with her
Si ref: files.catbox.moe/4x49ga.png

I'm also anchoring for rpg themed user from the last thread. I'm really excited to see how far you've come, she was looking fantastic so far!
In any case, whatever happens in the thread this weekend, I hope everyone here has a wonderful weekend, filled with happy thoughts about their waifu or husbando!

Attached: aqua-collage.png (2145x1226, 2.61M)

Requesting Nozomi doing any of the following:

- Smiling in a Yuru Camp-esque comfy relaxed way (Example: i.imgur.com/uXNcpMg.jpg)
- Wearing a white tank top and (optionally) denim shorts (Example: i.imgur.com/5rfXPwn.jpg)
- Doing the bubble tea challenge (optionally looking surprised while clumsily spilling it despite having the chest for it)

Alternatively, anything else you would like to draw of her is much appreciated as well. Thank you in advance!

Attached: Nozomi (Elfen Lied) reference.png (1800x1350, 1.98M)

Hello everyone.
Requesting some Sanya please, anything cutelewds is always welcome.
Have a SI ref with size compassion can do something cute together
Thank you in advance and hope everyone has a great weekend.

Attached: sanya ref new undies.jpg (2500x1075, 1.32M)

Hi WWD. Hope you're all having a good weekend. I would love to request my cute waifu Akua:

-Wearing this awesome suit and posing similarly. Gangster Waifu. i.imgur.com/qb5W8Nz.png
-Bikini Waifu chilling in a pool or on a beach.
-Wearing Lady Butterfly's outfit and holding her Kunai. imgur.com/a/0fhpbnW
-Waifu butt selfie: i.imgur.com/i645PYj.jpg
-Doing something badass or being scary
-Saying good morning/goodnight like this imgur.com/a/6Zfz7cn
-Me picking her up like this i.imgur.com/WD3v2WT.png SI i.imgur.com/3JDKWP1.jpg
-Wearing this cool Vampire Outfit i.imgur.com/Hy8eF56.jpg?1

-Also joint request with Ai in this pose and outfit : i.imgur.com/abdQ5ua.png with Akua on the left!

Anything else is fine as well. Please and thank you!

Attached: Beach fun waifu!.jpg (3381x1867, 1.39M)

Requesting my wife Mahiru Koizumi!

-Mahiru dressed like the pokemon sword and shield girl protagonist: imgur.com/a/Oa1IgUR

-Mahiru cooking/baking food or doing general housework

-Mahiru wearing a wedding dress and blushing after being complimented

-Mahiru dressed in military clothes/tactical gear while trying to aim and focus with this weapon: imgur.com/a/x2lgqzU

As always, anything cute/semi-lewd is appreciated too! Thanks in advance, and let's all have a great weekend!

Attached: MahiruKoizumi2.jpg (2000x1337, 399K)

Hello, hope you're all having a nice weekend.

Requesting Hanako casting midsummer night's spells. For example,
holding 7 flowers, or placing them under her pillow,
looking down a well,
or something cute you feel like drawing.

Thanks for considering.

Attached: Hanako reference v4.png (1910x1736, 2.49M)

Hi WWD. Hope everyone's week has been going well.

I would like to request my cute bun Sakuya from Utawarerumono in any of the following:

-Drying herself with a towel after a bath
-Leader of an army of bunnies
-Posing like Bulma in the Romantic Ageru Yo ED: i.imgur.com/I3xPFFn.png
-4koma based off of this image: i.imgur.com/8JXOHYi.jpg
-Anything cute or cutelewd is good too.

Tail ref: i.imgur.com/mw3HONL.png

Thanks and have a wonderful weekend

Attached: sakuya ref.jpg (1650x1849, 1.74M)

Kindly requesting Colette happy and her face full of cottoncandy
and/or her looking cute wearing a yukata
madman request: us riding a ferris wheel together looking out at a cityscape

Attached: Colette Collection.jpg (1630x1066, 1.6M)

Reposting from last week's postthread:

It's that time again. In case there's anyone who still wants one, or a new waifufag who hasn't gotten a chance to sign up, I take existing pictures and turn them into needlepoint stitchings of waifus. Here's an example of what other waifufags have gotten: i.imgur.com/LlUlcFF.jpg

If you'd like one for yourself, sign-up here: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScl5kVEn5Bqufibagk6TId1fboH2bja8Zl02MBBaJfAb70sJQ/viewform?usp=sf_link

Only one stitching per user, no second cakes this time either.

Shipping's so cheap I've never asked or accepted money for it even when offered. Ie. It's free for you.

Continuing from the last week:
Will try to make a few waifus/husbandos for Crypt of the Necrodancer.

- I don't think these should count as deliveries so feel free to keep requesting this weekend if you get one.
- Will be tested on the latest steam version of the game (with the 'Amplified' expansion installed), may not work with earlier/expansionless versions.
- Please specify which game character you want converted to your waifu (I'd go with Cadence or Nocturna).
- There are thousands of mods for the game so I'd check the steam workshop first, maybe your waifu is there already.
- what is this game? youtube.com/watch?v=CNSX_qif64Q

Attached: WWDancer3.webm (1280x720, 2.14M)

Requesting my lovely lady Sakuya

- Us together shopping for the summer season. Sun dresses, sun glasses and other cute summer attire.
- Her lazing around in casual clothes.
- Us trying to beat the heat together by having shaved ice, icecream or other summer time stuff.
- Something a bit much but if you want. Something cute like this. imgur.com/a/6VEfQPX
Self-insert stuff: imgur.com/IZHpGgI

As always those are just suggestions and anything showing off her cute side or cool beauty are lovely. Self-insert stuff is treasured as well.

Take care and have a great weekend ahead of you. Stay safe and stay hydrated. Thank you if you consider drawing her. Take it easy.

Attached: 1556904094699.jpg (2407x1210, 2.45M)

Requesting Rin lounging on a lounger. In a bikini. By a pool. Because it's Summer.

Attached: Rin Eba.png (2588x1600, 3.17M)

Requesting Tsugumi Seishirou (ref : imgur.com/a/kPX2Iwi ), wearing
- her female school uniform,
- her blue dress,
- a maid uniform (ref for what kind i'm looking for : imgur.com/a/ifhklxC ) ,
- cosplaying as Trish Una from JoJo barefoot version accepted see link ref above,
or anything cute/cool you have in mind (her regular outfit is fine too). I would also appreciate anything with one of her alternative hairstyles (see ref).

Doing : - a POV kissing to the viewer,
- a POV with a low-angle shot,
- resting peacefully on her bed, chilling and doing pretty much anything relaxing (eating, listening to music, watching TV,etc...),
- getting comfy at home,
- anything wholesome you have in mind too
(not such a fan of nudity, but a bit of lewd is fine though)

Her expression:
happy/smiling/embarrassed/blushing/smug/feeling a bit tired/etc...whatever you like !

It's pretty much summer time, so i would like to request her in a bikini, or in a beach outfit (like the one in my ref if you want),
or even in a competition swimsuit, here are some ref : imgur.com/a/YlGN8eT ,
ofc you're free to use another design, just don't go for v-sling or something even lewder please.

That's it, thanks for reading me and have a nice weekend.

Attached: tsugumi ref 3 alt.jpg (3000x2400, 3.12M)

Requesting Cynthia from Pokemon, please. Possibly of her playing with her phone.
Thank you for your consideration.

Attached: Cynthia Pokemon Reference vRX-78.jpg (2200x1233, 961K)

Requesting my beloved's heartwarming smile, a smile enough to wipe exhaustion away and soothe one's heart. I'm probably late for the fad, but her wearing a virgin killer sweater would be nice.

NSFW Idea: showing her wifey side by wearing see-through lingerie and posing like this i.imgur.com/gt72Q19.jpg . She's already wearing thongs in her default outfit and they value erotica highly, so...

Anything is also fine, please and thank you!

Attached: Honda Futayo.jpg (3000x4025, 1.63M)

what a baka

Requesting Tsubasa wearing this swimsuit showing off her collarbones, her back, or her legs: catbox.moe/c/on1rh0in

Doing some insane trick with her motorcycle like standing on it while it's running or drinking two bubble teas on both hands while driving

Anything else of my extremely cool and dangerous daredevil Wing would be appreciated.

Attached: Kazanari Tsubasa v14.jpg (4000x2000, 3.92M)

Do I need to provide you with a sprite for this?

Not really, Just a waifu reference, all resources are in the game directory, ready to get modified.

Attached: char10_armor_body.png (400x405, 51K)

Hi again, everyone. I'd like to humbly request Rikka being cute, naughty, or anything else you like.

But most of all, I hope you have a nice weekend, and if you choose to draw her then you have my gratitude.

Attached: Dark Love - Koujin Rikka.jpg (2563x2590, 1.33M)

Still glad my obscure waifu got to be included in that collage.
Reguesting her in her leotard, sitting with her legs crossed, POV style, please.
Thank you.

Attached: anime_07.jpg (1280x1790, 293K)

Requesting Irabu Ichirou in any of his three forms. Some ideas:
-Dressed as a cop from Sarazanmai i.imgur.com/iLFgal1.png
-Wearing a hakama
-Wearing school uniform (male or female, whichever you prefer)
-At the beach/wearing a swimsuit (perhaps something like this: i.imgur.com/0LrsDwX.png)
-In a magical girl outfit
Anything else cute/cool/lewd is very much appreciated. Thanks, and have a great weekend everyone!

Attached: ref.jpg (1500x2030, 3.16M)

Requesting my cat princess Himari.
Anything remaining tasteful is welcome.

- Wearing a face mask with fang design. imgur.com/a/VR1vV
- Tasteful lewd imgur.com/a/BVTz8
- In or after the rain or other atmospheric settings imgur.com/a/nIsXk
- Blowing bubbles.
- Chilling on a rooftop or anything with her hair waving in the wind.
- Pick a month and draw her calendar style.

Extra refs for her & more ideas (bottom): imgur.com/a/yw4sK

Attached: Himari7-b.jpg (1852x1089, 863K)

looks fun but I dont have that game so i dont know characters

Requesting my angel Celica please.
I'd love to see her wearing nothing but her cape, and using it to cover herself. But anything else cute would be really appreciated too!
Thanks and have a nice weekend!

Attached: my world.jpg (3000x3000, 3.26M)

Requesting Cyan:

-drinking water after a long run
-wearing a yukata, doing a cat-like pose with a koi fish in her mouth like she just caught it. Or she could just be at a festival, or among fireflies
-waking me up by sitting on me like a cat would. PoV or not is fine
-doing the bubble tea thing (i.imgur.com/ul52HVy.png)
-shorts with tall boots or thigh highs, with thicker thighs (i.imgur.com/uWucU1H.jpg)
-in a bikini. Teasing the viewer by pulling on it, it suddenly getting undone, or her getting sprayed in the back with water with a surprised/shocked expression. Other ideas you have are alright too
-as a Draph from Granblue Fantasy with all the racial features (shorter, big breasts, horns). If you have a particular favorite feel free to put her in their clothes

Or something else you'd like to draw, cute or lewd is fine. Something butt focused is also good, along with heart pupils or tanlines.

Attached: cyan ref but bigger.png (1439x2199, 3.28M)

I'm interested. She would be good as Nocturna with the shapeshifting shtick.

Hello everybody. Today I am requesting my adorably fragile gem Phos doing any of the following:
-Wearing cute glasses
-An expression sheet of her similar to imgur.com/a/MALj6Jc
-Wearing a shirt that has "DFC", "Flat is Justice" or something similar written on it.
-Hugging a pillow while sleeping. More references for her pajamas imgur.com/a/ylokODD.
-Kneeling on the ground with a embarrased/nervous grin and one of her arms shattered if she had clumsily tripped over and broken it. Relevent reference images imgur.com/a/mfFfbRL.
-Being caught in the rain and having most of her powder washed off, or just any art of her clothed but powderless. A few references for Phos without powder too imgur.com/a/GXJ1fAt.
-An image of her wearing each of the different uniforms in imgur.com/a/NCt7ehB, or just an image of her wearing a different one than the usual.
-More of her smiling. Just anything of her being happy or smiling.
These are just suggestions of course, anything is welcome. I hope you all have a good weekend, and a good week too.

Attached: Phosphophyllite Reference.png (2400x1320, 3.98M)

Requesting my waifu in any of her swimsuits imgur.com/a/X5sT8Qa
And since I like adaptive costumes, a bunnysuit inspired by one of them would be nice to see.

Or in celebration of the announcements, her dressed as either Riesz or Angela from Trials of Mana

-In a bunnysuit with PROMINENT garters
-Wearing something traditional involving hip vents
-Wearing any of these Fate outfits imgur.com/a/lq6BQbx
-In the middle of undressing i.imgur.com/KFJiPc6.jpg

Attached: BB chan 2.jpg (5600x6844, 3.9M)

i think you should link your waifu...

I think I'm actually brain damaged today.

Happy Friday, everyone! Kindly requesting my lovely Lum:
-Parodying the MGM logo and wearing a tiger suit: imgur.com/a/ECTHx8D
-Playing with a balloon and making her hair fluffy with static electricity.
-Wearing a hoodie and neko headphones
-Lounging on a "cloud" of Wooloos: imgur.com/j6pJhMh
-Wearing a Pikachu-themed bra and panties, since both of them have electric powers.

Anything cute/lewd (focusing on her butt) is also okay and much appreciated. Thank you so much in advance!

Attached: Lum Invader reference.jpg (2000x2008, 885K)

Requesting my lovely Lavinia wearing a sheer sundress, cooling off in the summer heat
Swimming completely nude
Or drinking boba tea with the cup between her breasts
Please, thank you, and have a great weekend!

Attached: MyLovelyLavi.jpg (2477x3306, 3.23M)

Requesting Q, please.
Anything cute, cool or lewd involving her would be greatly appreciated.

List of various ideas:

Attached: キュー.jpg (5654x3441, 3.41M)

Hey everyone!
I'd like to request Dolce in a plug suit please.
Another idea could be her enjoying sunny day.
Nevertheless though I'd love anything with her.
Hope you all have a great weekend!

Attached: Dolce (RF4) Reference.png (1890x1300, 3.47M)

Requesting Shion with a super smug expression and/or her dressed as stella from va-11 hall-a: imgur.com/a/afRtMuZ
Demonlord Shion ref: imgur.com/a/YOCrxvI
Extra Shion refs:imgur.com/a/P4zFT
Anything cute or lewd of her is fine
Thanks in advance

Attached: Sumeragi Shion ref V4.jpg (6448x2336, 3.83M)

It's Minori's unofficial birthday today! Requesting her with a birthday cake, eating it, wearing a party hat or anything else that fits the occasion.

Thanks and have a great weekend!

Attached: minori_small_new.jpg (1200x830, 376K)

I hope that this image is censored enough to not be a problem.

Is where i got the originals from. Nothing horrible, she's just not wearing a shirt.

Attached: drawme request 2.jpg (3386x1471, 1.97M)

Prune me, wrong page.

Thank you for your patience!

Attached: rik.png (415x687, 334K)

And, a bonus.

Attached: rikkapop.png (377x486, 122K)

Hello everyone!

I would like to request my beloved Mizunashi Akari trying to fight the summer heat, please.
She could be wearing a nice pareo too if you want.
Bonus point if you give her a generous bosoms too!

Please and thank you!

Attached: 1Mizunashi Akari reference heat wave.jpg (2834x2111, 1.26M)

Looks great

Top cute work.

Good morning, Yea Forums! Requesting any of the following:

- My waifu's reaction after receiving a quick surprise kiss!
- Hinagiku exercising using the gym equipment of your choice.
- Hina wearing one of the new swimsuits from FEH! (a more mature and endowed Hina would be preferred for the first two): imgur.com/a/7NSlspL
- For something lewd, a naked Hina laying on a bed/couch and twirling her risque panties around with her foot. Alternately, something like this: i.imgur.com/TEx0C1J.gif

I'm always open to other cute, cool, or lewd ideas as well. And an older Hina (27-29) is always welcome for my requests, too. Here's my SI reference in case it's needed for anything: imgur.com/a/1uJ9E

Attached: Hinagiku reference 5.2.jpg (1716x1752, 1.07M)

If you require more reference for any of these designs/outfits please feel free to ask!

Requesting my PAAFECTO hubby, Karamatsu, pretty please! Anything cute/handsome and romantic would be lovely (suggestive/sexy is fine too as long as it's consensual and tasteful).

>Since its June, I'd like to see his groom outfit (files.catbox.moe/d8oz6d.png) drawn. It gets no fanart at all because the fandom always feminizes him and puts him in a bride's dress instead. So I'd really appreciate seeing him as a handsome groom, happy and maybe even a little tearful at the altar

SI ref: SI ref:imgur.com/a/FxrKE
UPDATE: SI got a haircut! imgur.com/a/mwG3q7a

Softer is preferable over angular. As you can see from the caps I have in the second image, his proportions can vary so don't worry about those too much. Here's some ways you can stylize him if you're having trouble: imgur.com/a/sDq9yCZ

Hope you all have a wonderful week ahead, and good luck to everyone!

Attached: wwd Kara ref5.png (2713x1388, 2.95M)

Oh my god I can't believe this. And I can't tell you how much it means to me, either. is a priceless, gorgeous and heartwarming symbol of the love that has driven me and given me courage for the past 14 years, and the fact that you devoted so much time and care to it makes me feel infinitely grateful.
Neither of us is the image of purity, admittedly, but in my eyes that only makes heartfelt and sentimental moments like this even more powerful and pure. Putting circumstances aside, and reaffirming our love for each other. It feels so unique, showing that love endures no matter what.

And is perfect for how I'm feeling right now, cute and seemingly innocent while still maintaining that hint of carefree naughtiness. It gives me the motivation to get up and get things done despite the heat.

I still can't shake the feeling that I don't deserve this incredible kindness, but thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Hopefully, someday, I'll be able to do something for you too. You're golden. Thank you so much, both for choosing her and for putting so much care and passion into this, and of course for the other times you've drawn her as well. I'm actually overwhelmed, your kindness is incredible. Thank you.

Requesting Aigis dressed as Pyra Xenoblade with maybe having her core crystal be blue instead imgur.com/a/MWtLEms
Wearing just a tank top and a loose short
Cosplaying as Curly from Cave Story imgur.com/a/ma5rJ5m
Wearing a maid swimsuit imgur.com/a/anW6u
With a alternate hairstyle, but if you have other ideas feel free to draw anything cute or cute lewd you would want to draw with her.

Thank you and have a good weekend.

Attached: Aigis ref1.jpg (4516x2128, 1.96M)

Requesting something cute/cutelewd with my lovely Inori.

Thank you and have a great weekend.

Attached: reference inori.jpg (3800x3726, 3.76M)

Requesting my General please. I would love any art of her, but please no lewds if I haven't specified them. Anything with her looking handsome or cool is loved, especially if she’s arrogant or has a grin.

Solo ideas:

- With wolf ears and optionally pointed teeth
- As a dashing vampire drinking red wine (or is it blood?) in a glass, some it having dripped down the side and smeared on her face
- Wearing a business suit, maybe straightening her tie
- For something more intimate, Pukin in a wedding tuxedo
- In 1950’s men’s fashion (refs: imgur.com/a/6BTx6SI) inside of a retro-styled diner, optionally with SI as a candy striper waitress serving her (refs: imgur.com/a/xNzKVpl)

Anything loveydovey with SI (ref here imgur.com/a/Dr5lJu4) is welcome too, an idea would be Pukin kissing my hand, either on one knee or holding it up to her lips, or a POV shot like this would be incredible: imgur.com/a/12j7GZa

Thank you and have a great Friday!

Attached: pukin ref.png (1650x848, 2.32M)

Requesting my precious waifu Himiko Toga dressed as a nun, a nice thicc nun.

Or this pannel in the link below with Himiko instead.

Or something similar to the link below.

Or Himiko in this outfit.

Other Himiko refs - imgur.com/a/0poBa

Attached: Himiko_ref.png (1586x1066, 2.6M)

Glad you like them! It's more than enough to know that you appreciate my work, and for you to keep loving her.

Requesting a warm Sawyer enjoying a refreshing drink in the heat.
Something like these, perhaps.
Putting an explicit or racy spin on it isn't unwelcome.

Or this image: i.imgur.com/YigieOq.jpg
Optionally just draw something else cute, nice, cool, or lewd.
Grown or small. Chibis are good too.

Here's Sawyer: i.imgur.com/e0lSeeB.jpg
Loli: i.imgur.com/12ZcHfW.jpg

Have a good midsummer weekend.

Attached: sweater (donburi).jpg (1920x1080, 97K)

Requesting Chaton holding a birthday cake.

Attached: chaton ref.jpg (1605x1978, 644K)

Requesting my angel

Attached: My Angel - Ryuuko Mifune.jpg (4648x4632, 3.55M)

Requesting Minatsu and anything feet/legs/legwear related.
Anything else is fine too, thanks!

Joint requesting with Natsume - doing the boba/bubble tea challenge holding the cup between their breasts imgur.com/a/ujXVG88
- serving tea and sweets as foxgirl maids i.imgur.com/e2N2Rpe.png
- anything swimsuits, bikinis, swimsuits, summer related imgur.com/a/lQ9AauH

Thank you for this great drawing, and sorry for the late reply. She looks really pretty and I don't mind the pose at all. I really like off the shoulder shirts overall and the exposed shoulders/collarbone area looks really great in this. And the ribbon choker looks lovely and matches well with the shirt. I also like her bright smile with the wink and how detailed the hair looks.

Attached: ReqMintsu.jpg (2224x1906, 637K)

Requesting my lovely Noriko wearing a yukata for summer festival:
Alternatively, requesting Noriko wearing Gunbuster pilot suit:
Or Noriko in some cute summer dress.

Also, since it just was Father's Day last Sunday, anything cute, or cool, and related to Father's Day, or summer, would be much appreciated.

Please, and thank you for considering.

Attached: Noriko Reference 2.5.png (2088x1777, 2.06M)

Requesting this with Sina
but on her regular outfit.
Anything would be neat though, have a good weekend!

Attached: pokemon xy.jpg (1513x656, 161K)

Requesting Stocking.
Clothes refs: imgur.com/a/i4NGp/layout/grid

I'd like to see her in some swimsuits for summer.
Her canon ones:
One I just really like:

Attached: Anarchy Stocking ref (resized).png (1500x1500, 3.26M)

Requesting Birdy suited up like a MTG- Boros angel, having her wings match her hair color scheme would be super but necessary.
Birdy ref: imgur.com/a/cmY90

-Birdy and the girls reacting to SI bringing home pizza.

-Anything law enforcement related
Please and thank you!

Attached: NewBirdyref.png (2544x1622, 2.64M)

Requesting Nepu doing the Ikumi pose: i.imgur.com/Iw8wHfO.png Mitte ne~!
-Nepu or PH in this pose, while also keeping her shoes+thighhighs: i.imgur.com/0faV9mH.jpg
-Wearing the Omega Labyrinth Life’s uniform, but if you draw Purple Heart in it, make her with the shirt open (like in the important part of the gameplay): imgur.com/a/isfh6PV
-Doing the Tawawa Cup challenge, but uncapable of doing it as Neptune, so she just transforms into Purple Heart to achieve it.
-In this style: i.imgur.com/E8bMduT.jpg
-Sitting on me with an “I don’t care pose”: i.imgur.com/axSVVLn.jpg
-Lewds: imgur.com/a/EsOBf6p

Purple Heart form ref: files.catbox.moe/fn8f8i.jpg
SI, wings, weapons, outfits, refs: imgur.com/a/GnXDl/layout/grid

Of course anything cute or lewd is always warmly welcome. Please and thank you so much!

Attached: Neptune (Purple Heart is her transformed form).jpg (7187x5200, 3.81M)

Requesting Shinjiro Aragaki holding a present or a slice of cake out to the viewer/user, or offering his hand. Refs: imgur.com/a/nKqqiLD
Anything otherwise badass or handsome would be greatly appreciated, thanks and take it easy.

Attached: Shinjiro aragaki ref mark4.jpg (2128x1356, 703K)

Requesting Kagura holding a water gun, wearing a bikini and white shirt, please!

As always, anything you feel like drawing, even somewhat lewd, would be greatly appreciated.

Please and thank you!

Attached: kagurareferencenew.jpg (4400x4400, 3.45M)

Requesting Watashi complaining about how hot it is, trying various things to beat the heat like sitting in front of a fan.
Alternatively, her trying on a swimsuit, many ideas/references here: imgur.com/a/Ocm49
Or, for something more lewd, her noticing me staring at her butt and teasing by lifting her skirt showing that she's wearing lewd or no panties (imgur.com/a/ba9CEq8)
Anything else cute or lewd is fine too.

Attached: Watashi Reference 3.2.jpg (1993x2407, 2.44M)

Good evening WWD ,I hope you've had a good week!

Requesting my dear Ionasal, please!

+ Sleepy Ion in bed in her pajamas
+ Cosplaying any of the outfits from this list: imgur.com/a/gptSIxp
+ Pokémon Trainer Ion. Either as a trainer sprite or just drawn in a pokémon style outfit would be fine
- Highschool Delinquent Ion, complete with boys' uniform jacket, long skirt, surgical mask, and baseball bat
- Slightly aged-up MILF Ion
- Naked apron

But of course as always, I'd be happy with anything of her. Thanks in advance!

Attached: Ionasal Reference v3.1.jpg (3009x3295, 2.05M)

>waifu chart
>Also Kakyoin

waifus have holes, so does kakyoin
im sorry

Requesting Oora, whatever is fine

Attached: absolutely fine.png (2464x1382, 3.01M)

Requesting my beloved knight, Cecily Campbell, doing any of the following:

-Wearing a suit and tie, with her hair in a ponytail like in this image: imgur.com/a/gfAG46Q
-Wearing casual clothes of some kind.
-Dressed as a policewoman

Anything that is cute or cool would be appreciated, though. Thanks and have a nice weekend.

Attached: Cecily manga ref.jpg (5000x4638, 3.92M)

Fuck off.

Posting for Pleinairfag:
Requesting please!

Thank you very much.

Attached: Pleinair_Reference_v2.2.jpg (1200x1200, 416K)

Requesting any of these expressions for Miia, any one is fine.

Or the Summer Equinox is today, so maybe something like Miia enjoying the day to the fullest and going out on the town and taking in the sun's rays.
Or because the full moon has come, maybe any of these with Miia and SI (imgur.com/a/DSDZVqf)

Anything else you can think of that'd be cool or sexy would be appreciated too. Here's her actual refsheet in case: i.imgur.com/qoJLfFv.jpg
Have yourself a good weekend and thanks in advance

Attached: 12reaxsMiia.png (680x673, 325K)

Requesting Yuria in any of the following

- laying on a towel at the beach, angled like this

- Her and my SI sharing a romantic moment under an umbrella (i.imgur.com/6Etq4VP.jpg)

- shyly wearing this swimsuit (i.imgur.com/hCoW55c.jpg)

- wearing fox ears and with a fluffy fox tail, with my SI snuggling it while she gets flustered, or just his hand if you don't feel like drawing the extra person.

- blushing and hugging my SI cheek-to-cheek

Anything cute or cutelewd is also fine and appreciated!
SI Ref (i.imgur.com/lxBROmF.png)

Attached: yuria.jpg (1800x968, 1.06M)

Requesting my beautiful Ai Nanasaki at the beach and wearing a shirt over her top, or under her normal school uniform, or with thigh highs, sort of like she just arrived at the beach


or maybe a pin-up of her wearing lingerie

Also joint requesting with the lovely Akua in this pose and outfit: i.imgur.com/VejWdBI.png with her on the right

Anything is appreciated though, including cutelewd, thank you.

Attached: Ai reference.jpg (1850x2030, 1.1M)

Wow these are great



wip. Will add hair accessory/extra sprites and will try to polish the costume and the hair tomorrow. Also, damn, trying to make a ~17x15 pixel space resemble a detailed character costume at least a little bit turned out to be pretty challenging.

Attached: WWDancer4.webm (1280x720, 2.74M)

Requesting my sweet little angel Kuroneko. Anything cute/elegant/cool is fine, no lewd please

Some ideas if you want them:
Casting a powerful spell
She drew kitty whiskers on her face and is very pleased with herself
Wearing corpse paint + trench coat
Dressed as Shinku or any other Rozen Maiden

Attached: kuronekoruriref.jpg (5150x3245, 3.92M)

Requesting Kirika Misono, thanks.

Attached: Kirika.gif (636x1272, 3.71M)

Hoped to deliver this on your birthday but stuff happened. Enjoy!

Attached: Birthday Daito.jpg (3000x3200, 440K)

Not the requester, but VERY nice!



This is such a cool concept and execution

Requesting my beloved Goddess Satsuki Kiryuuin. Sundress / bikini, something summer themed. Anything cute/cool of her is much appreciated.

Attached: Gоddess Satsuki.jpg (3340x5848, 3.67M)

>dancing skeletons
I'm getting tempted to jump on this now, if you're still offering.

This is some great stuff.

Once again I have roamed the vortex of time and found some waifus on my travels. Like this lovely maiden, reading the night away in the capital's grand library.

Attached: eccentric_scholar_shion.jpg (1418x2149, 618K)

dazzling the kingdom with her impeccable fashion sense

Attached: smug_court_lady_kuroneko.jpg (1255x2281, 672K)

Great work

Awesome as usual

Now who will be her princess, I wonder?

Attached: dashing_prince_pukin.jpg (1347x2359, 625K)

Yeah, actually I can take on another one this weekend. Not sure if I’ll be able to do three of these though.

munching on those crunchy florins, freshly minted.
I was looking at some medieval paintings and sculptures of angels for this one, thought that look would suit her.
Still working on more, will probably post them tomorrow or the day after.


Attached: otherworldly_apparition_q.jpg (1217x2406, 550K)

Yep, definitely awesome stuff. Really glad to see that you’re still going.

Fuck yes! I'm so glad she didn't miss out on these as they're all so great. This outfit suits her so well along with the smug expression and head tilt, my regal elegant Ruri highness. Thank you so much I really love it, please have a fantastic week

requesting Chie Sasaki
- (trying) eating a big burger
- trying to do the tawawa tapioca challange, ref: imgur.com/a/Q20jvSn
- with a penguin hat and shirt
- anything else is fine as long is cute or cool

Attached: chie3.jpg (2560x2400, 1.79M)

Requesting my dearest Najimi Ajimi, being cute/sexy, anything goes really. Without screws on her body.

Attached: ajimu_d.jpg (1920x1080, 735K)

Requesting summer themed stuff with Chun Li.


Attached: material-choonri-0920-50.jpg (1000x1114, 221K)

Cool shit, dude

Do you have a blog or at least a tag?

Super works


Glad you like it, designing and drawing her dress was especially fun.

Neither, sorry.


Still kicking myself for not jumping on this signup.

Requesting Hisui wearing an evening dress.

Attached: 35345232.jpg (2916x2764, 1.64M)

What a dashing prince indeed! As it so happens, there's a princess for her right here.

I'm not at all familiar with Medieval fashion so I'm not sure what to exactly call any of what she's wearing in specific, so I'll just say that I love every bit of it to pieces. I like that her gloves and the fur on her cape are a bit reminiscent of her original outfit (which is supposed to be a prince's costume in itself). Her face is drawn so handsome in your style and I adore the sharpness of her eyes, as well as the detail that went into her feather and especially her tail! Not to mention that she just looks so tall and confident.

Thank you so much for including my prince in these, especially since I signed up belatedly. Take care and have a great weekend!

When do people usually hang around there? Every time I come check it is empty ;_;

Theres usually only like 4-5 people who actually draw and lots of afks or just spectators. Lilliefag is literally always there though.

Requesting Urabe Mikoto with any of the following ideas:

- sunbathing topless while lying on her stomach: i.imgur.com/cmBbUQL.jpg
- wearing a tanktop and sweatily sipping from a cup placed on her breasts: i.imgur.com/0rGuYQE.jpg
- wearing a semi-transparent nightgown and saying she wants to go to bed: imgur.com/a/LXcixKz

Attached: there's no such thing as mysterious.jpg (3000x2519, 1.69M)

This art is so truly breathtaking, man I honestly can't tell you how much I love this. Ai looks so gorgeous, and her smile in particular so beautiful. It's that really kind and loving smile that just lights up my day. What a nice date too, I'd love to take her out somewhere nice and make her feel like she's the most amazing girl in the world, and I think this picture really captures that feel. I love her outfit too, I personally think she looks incredible in a dress and this pic only confirms that. I'm touched that you would make such a something special for my birthday. I feel like I need to set this as my background. I really appreciate it! Thank you so much for the amazing gift, I love it so much

Attached: 1413594833356.jpg (1920x1080, 146K)

Requesting Mozu

-with a Pumpkaboo that has its "hair" done in floofy pigtails like hers

-having fun at the beach in a cute swimsuit

-doing farm work shirtless in suspenders

or just anything cute/cutelewd

Attached: refpum.png (1000x708, 514K)

I would like to request my lovely and very sensitive wife, Kanmi Toshiko (better known as Binkan-chan) wearing a bikini. In particular I would like to see her using a sarong with it.

As alternative, she cooking with lots of love would be great.

Or she dressed as Zelda from BotW 2 is another great option.

Thanks in advance! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

Attached: Kanmi é la più bella del reame.png (2440x1516, 2.87M)

Requesting Yuuko

- Napping in a hammock
- Relaxing in an ashiyu (foot bath)
- Wearing Kaavi's outfit from Mahjong Soul: files.catbox.moe/p37w5k.png

Feel free to draw whatever strikes your fancy as well. Thanks.

Attached: Yuuko thighs.jpg (1568x1595, 1.48M)


Attached: NioRefSmall.png (2464x1373, 3.96M)

I want to redo a collage but I lost my list of the people who signed up originally. Should I just make a new sign up?

Go for it.

>medievalanon still going
godspeed, amazing stuff as usual

I also want to do this
though try checking the archive

what was the collage idea ?

requesting okita-san in a stylish, modern wedding dress. thank you.

Attached: okita-san daishouri!.png (2544x800, 2.4M)

Too far in the past.
I'll make a new one later.

>only know the name of three of these
I think I'm gonna make it brahs

Drawers choice of Junko Enoshima. I just want a cute picture.

Attached: 665CE618-6A07-46C4-BED0-3DEEA6691671.jpg (455x500, 72K)

Ahh, "garbage" user ?[/spoiler}

Im gonna draw Tharja waifu getting browned.com

Oh I definitely signed up for that. I love bb but sekiro is kicking my ass help.

..As a domain saleswoman?

Requesting Nephrites Lomka,

Coming back after a bit of a break so anything would be great, have a good weekend everyone.

Attached: Nephrites ref v2.1.png (1875x1574, 3.84M)

Requesting any cute or cutelewd Kaosu-sensei

Attached: KaosRef.jpg (1780x2420, 1.33M)

I'm trash now.
Sign up for the new one then.

user no you're great stop beating you and your skills up please!


He's not taking sign ups yet

Requesting my cute wife Mari wearing a harem outfit or Reisalin's outfit from Atelier Ryza: files.catbox.moe/cpiom7.jpg

Attached: Mari_Nikaido.jpg (2966x1938, 1.21M)

>waifu with Beast Claws
I'll really need to keep my eye on the thread.

Requesting Morgan:

-On the beach wearing a swimsuit, perhaps something frilly or a competitive swimsuit
-Wearing a Victorian era dress
-Looking smug
-In a naked apron

Anything else cute or cute is fine as well.

Attached: Morgan Referenceee.jpg (3385x1068, 1.12M)

just want to know, any idea around when you'll start up, otherwise, i will have to say you good night

Attached: ea2-crop.png (679x446, 125K)

requesting my cool cat husbando shinji hirako! kind of wanting to see him with his long hair (up or down, it doesn't matter) in casual clothes, but honestly, anything is cool, lewd included. ty!

Attached: shinji hirako reference.png (3000x1397, 2.72M)

I'm doing a Bloodborne collage, again. I lost the previous list of characters, so if you signed up for the first attempt, please do it again for this one as well and let me know. I'm posting this one early and will leave it open until this thread expires to keep it fair for everyone who signed up originally. I'll be drawing various hunter's outfits and gear as I see fit. Suggestions will be considered, no guarantees though.

Attached: bloodborne cleric beast screen.jpg (1920x1080, 552K)

Aw, missed my chance again. Awesome work.

Beast Claws?
Thanks, and best of luck!

I'd love to see waifu wielding Rakuyo

Signing up once again,
Suggestion would be old hunter set or tomb prospector set, but do as you please desu
i wish you good luck and cheer up user

I'm not one of the original signer, so if you notice some of them then please do them first and foremost.

Cant pass this up, because its my favorite game ever. Anything Cainhurst or Crowfeather would look awesome. Also burial blade best weapon. Goodluck!

Fuck I love Bloodborne. Please and thank you!

Something like this would be nice, if you want.

Attached: Bloodborne™_20180712173556.jpg (3840x2160, 1.35M)

Hello! Its hot, requesting Hayami wearing a cute bikini.

Attached: Dayprofessionalwife.png (1352x1228, 1.63M)

I'll sign up! Her gothic style would definitely suit Bloodborne.

Requesting Kato-chan in anyway you would like to draw her.
Although, here are some general ideas.

Dressed as a goddess with gold jewelry, a wreath, angel wings and a short white roman dress.

Sitting in a computer chair. Hugging her legs, knees up and feet on the chair. Maybe getting spinned around.

Trying out cute summer clothing or bikinis in a fitting room.

Having fun at an amusement park.
Doing stuff like water rides, ferris wheel, getting cute prizes, eating cotton candy.

School setting ideas while in her school uniform are always welcome too.

Attached: Katō Megumi Saekano.png (2965x1337, 3.86M)

She's a fighter, so it should be interesting.

Finishing this one tonight

Requesting any of these following ideas with my deep sea angel, Wo:

-Celebrating with the admiral, maybe you can make it look like they're having a party during a hot day with them enjoying some delicious ice cream and looking very happy.
-Exercising while she has a cute focused look on her face
-Relaxing in her bed in the comfiest or cuddliest way possible.
-Levitating on top of water or anything that would have a magical or awe inspiring feel to it.
-Dressed as if she was a character from a cool cyberpunk or futuristic setting.
-Wearing cool military or exploration gear for underwater or winter operations.

Any other cute or cool ideas with her are more than welcome too!
Here are some references for the design of the Admiral: imgur.com/a/DFYUyZG

I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend too!

Attached: qt wo.png (1708x2412, 3.96M)

Signing up again then. Chikage could be neat but have at it. Good luck, mate.

A version of her cane that works like a Bloodborne weapon would be very stylish. Maybe a Winter Lantern greeting her from afar while she looks somewhat confused would be fun.

This sounds interesting.

Attached: Ref - 0002.jpg (2000x2000, 1.13M)


I had a nice quiet evening planned, but nope, couldn't resist this one.

Attached: vignette.jpg (800x1200, 266K)

If you could get her in that'd be great!

We should try aggie.io/ sometime

Kos Parasite on her arms, minus the cauliflower head.
That or just rocking the beast cutter

Possibly with an arcane focus, if you include her

Anything in particular?

These are all fantastic

Anything is fine but if you wanted ideas then at the beach, swimming, eating ice cream on a hot day, biking or rollerblading on the sidewalk, camping, playing with water balloons or water guns, picnics, drinking a milkshake, bbq, picking fruit, dipping leg deep or foot in the ocean, making bubbles, building a sand castle, and the list just goes on. Do any one of these or whatever you'd just like to do.

Nice texture on the clothes, especially the shirt!

Pretty sexy

This with waifu

Attached: 1561077890344.jpg (1200x1600, 875K)

>I was looking at some medieval paintings and sculptures of angels for this one, thought that look would suit her.
Now that's an aesthetic I can get behind, it's both very much to my taste and fitting for what she represents to me, it does indeed suit her too, she looks beautiful!
It's super interesting to see her wearing a longer outfit than her usual one, and it retains the feel of her usual attire while still looking unique, I absolutely love it!
The fact that she's eating coins rather than notes is another rather interesting way of mixing things up too, I didn't expect to see that trait of hers represented at all, but here we are and I'm so very happy that you managed to include it!

You have my deepest thanks for drawing her medievalanon, I'm truly thrilled that she could be involved with this theme.
Keep up the good work and have yourself a great week, you've been doing an incredible job with all of these pieces.

I feel somewhat awkward signing up while giving my thanks, but as a big fan of Bloodborne and the other From titles I can't let myself miss this.
I'd love to see her included if possible, I imagine a slightly modified version of Brador's set would work perfectly for her!
bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/Brador's Set

Attached: _p0 - -C- cropped.png (391x471, 379K)

I requested this for a long while.

I'm gonna have to save this one for the future. Good taste.

Requesting this with waifus including mine

Attached: the drinking straws can be 'W W H D'.jpg (5388x3020, 2.55M)

I was hoping to request my lovely raven- some ideas I had were:

- Relaxing in bed, with cute PJs
- Playing a fighting game, maybe getting a little salty while she's at it.
- Wearing some kind of fantasy outfit, or a military uniform.
- Cosplaying Seripa from Dragon Ball, complete with a Scouter~ dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Fasha

Attached: okuuref.jpg (7328x3912, 3.36M)

Make a room

Requesting Diamond in a wedding dress. Any color is fine . Thanks!

Attached: image.jpg (3000x3000, 686K)

Collages like these make me realize how many people have come and randomly died one day and never appeared again in these threads.

almost makes you wonder how many people in these threads actually love their waifu

Hello there, I am Yuuri's husband.
I have a request, the request is a drawing of my sweet potato wife.
-There is an image of Yuuri as a gallant knight, this is it twitter.com/tkmiz/status/1139946484013473792 I just want to see some more of her like this, seeing her gallantry really makes my heart race.
If you don't want to that's ok, I'll ask another time.

Attached: YuuriDrawReference.jpg (1596x1342, 395K)

I just think about how I outlasted them all and will undoubtedly outlast the rest too.

Top work as usual

Requesting my waifu's exposed collarbones. I hope that isn't too perverted.

Attached: 1425164587342.jpg (1996x1452, 1.1M)

I'd rather have more variety like that than seeing the same characters every week.

Good for you?

Well, some of them probably stop making requests after they learn to draw their waifu. I know of at least one person who did that.

Then you don't really get the point of this thread.

I greatly enjoy the aesthetics of BB, and would love to see what set ye think suits her best.

Good luck and enjoy the collage!

It's a hot summer where I am. Would anyone like a sketch of their waifu in a sukumizu?

What's the point of this thread then?

Requesting him reading a book.

Attached: Over Crowded Ref.png (1588x1449, 948K)

To request drawings of your wife (or husband if you're gay, I guess).

My little water drop goes well in any swimsuit!


I mean I would request my other waifus and mix it up if I could, but it's not like I have more than one.

If you can. Thanks!

That would be amazing~!

Yes, please.

Requesting Yotsugi wearing a adidas hoodie or shirt like the reference. imgur.com/a/HFgb4kQ.
Although anything cute will be greatly appreciated, hope you all have a great weekend.

Attached: ononorequest.jpg (3848x1839, 2.55M)

Requesting Yukiho please!
If you want something more specific, how about something similar to either of these outfits? files.catbox.moe/ydm956.png
Thanks in advance!

Attached: Hagiwara_Yukiho_Reference.jpg (1920x1500, 566K)

or... straight

Thank you very much for drawing Shion as a scholar. I love her expression and how her cheeck squishes against her hand.

Here you go user, hope you like her. Happy birthday if today's the occasion

Attached: chaton062119.png (1080x1746, 933K)

Oh, that pixel Tsubasa looks really cool already! Great job on this and thanks, user. Good luck also if you're gonna pick up another waifu/husbando.
>trying to make a ~17x15 pixel space resemble a detailed character costume at least a little bit turned out to be pretty challenging.
I'm sorry

I think I signed up originally, so I'll try again. Still haven't finished the game so my knowledge of outfits is low and I'm a simple Threaded Cane scrub, but I'd love to see my waifu hunting some beasts in style!

Super nice cat!


if I hadn't already gotten a delivery

Requesting Crona. Some ideas, if you want something specific to work with -

Riding or standing with a bicycle, and/or wearing a spring/summery casual outfit.
In a wet t-shirt, maybe holding a squirt gun or water balloon too.
PoV (or disembodied hands, if it's any easier) of the viewer combing his hair.
(More of) him caught getting dressed/undressed, if you want to do something cutelewd. Maybe slipping on a pair of leggings or something.

Anything else cute or cool and generally tasteful, even a bit lewd would be appreciated as well. Thanks and have a nice weekend.

Attached: final.jpg (3072x1288, 823K)

Thank you!

Attached: 13246.png (978x978, 921K)

link wifi

Attached: 1559295063632.jpg (450x650, 49K)

>request something for months
>some random posts the exact same picture in the thread

Attached: 1511827623506.jpg (792x612, 51K)

No one actually reads anyone’s requests. Posting “this with waifu” will garner attention then you can backlink.

maybe your wifi is sheit

Attached: 1560544663913.jpg (533x551, 71K)

Can confirm, you guys ask for too much. I like that you guys still like anything if it includes your waifu.

How much things should I ask for then? Up to 3?

Ask for one thing, then go do other stuff.

Requesting Ran wearing a crop top and jeans shorts!
ref: i.imgur.com/wVh5KhT.jpg

It's also getting hot, so maybe Ran wearing a two-peace swimsuit as well.

Anything cute is also ok, have fun and thanks!

Attached: Ranref2001.jpg (1865x1080, 1.35M)

Kewt kitty kewt cake.

Good Day.

Requesting Amelia adjusting her swimsuit, dressed as an office lady or enjoying a nice cold drink during a summer night.

These requests might not be that interesting you so, as always, please feel free to draw anything else you might have on your mind.

Thank you for your consideration, please have a nice weekend.

Attached: Amelia.png (1405x4240, 1.62M)

In my case i like having multiple options, i've dropped several requesters because i didn't like any of the requests

They all say draw whatever you want at the end though. The ideas are just suggestions in the end. No one is going to hate you for taking creative liberties.

I appreciate having a lot of options. Having just one or two makes it feel like I'm being extra pressured to deliver that specific request, even if there's an 'anything is fine' disclaimer at the end. Whereas if there are a few I'm happier to do something generic.

This is friggin wonderful, thank you so much!
It was yesterday and it was great. This is a great addition!

Glad you like them!

That's great to hear, I'm happy you liked this one. Enjoy the weekend

Attached: 39121601.webm (1444x1080, 240K)

You bet I will, I'm going to the beach tomorrow.

Attached: 1498236726615.jpg (505x775, 300K)

I wasn't with the original but I think she'd be a good fit. Up to you what you want to do with her.

Humbly requesting mon amour, Mitsuru Kirijo.

If possible, I'd like to request her in a film director's chair, riding her motorcycle, or dressed as Lorelei of the Kanto E4 (ref:imgur.com/NLUAs2r)

Of course, these are just some ideas; I'd be appreciative if she were drawn at all, thank you.

Attached: mon amour (doublement nouveau).jpg (3840x2160, 3.26M)

Glad you're liking it. Guess I'll stop here even if I don't like the way her hair turned out that much:
- all armor sprites were just changed to her symphogear version. Working with each of 13 armors individually to give them a flavor of her costume was really tempting but I don't have enough time sadly.
- the bat sprite was just recolored, tried to give it more 'feathery' feeling but it just doesn't go the way I'd like it to go.
- here's a preview (video quality is low for the first 10 seconds for some reason): youtube.com/watch?v=ENGTrkiRJDk

File 1/2. Just put them both in the *GameFolderName*/data/entities folder with the same name as the uploaded files. Don't forget to save the original entities folder just in case.

Attached: char10_armor_body.png (400x405, 54K)

File 2/2

Attached: char10_heads.png (400x54, 13K)

Neat as fuck work, dude

Requesting a POV of Hanako asking the viewer to put sunscreen on her.
As an alternative:
-in a swimsuit relaxing on a floaty in the shape of a four leaf clover
-Hanako chasing after a cat
-Hugging a visibly flustered SI and telling him to do his best
SI Reference: m.imgur.com/a/l3rpU2f

Anything else cute or cute lewd is fine with me please and thank you

Attached: trymybestforHanako.png (1400x1000, 1.43M)

Requesting Kamille in a field of sunflowers/or holding sunflowers.

extra refs: imgur.com/a/wnN1A

Attached: k11.1.jpg (2939x1934, 3.19M)

Requesting my wife Homura enjoying Kagawa life files.catbox.moe/vl6n9k.jpg
Or anything else nice that you feel like drawing of her. Anything cute/happy of us together would especially be appreciated.
SI reference: imgur.com/a/55Q0C0N
Some ideas: imgur.com/a/YkWbOKw

Attached: WWD Homura Reference VI.jpg (3000x3000, 3.98M)

Honestly I just wanted to draw Mashu, possibly taking their waifu-request-ideas for it.

hope you like it

Attached: YuuriKnight.png (1512x2520, 1.46M)

Very nice. I'm jealous.


This is tasty, got a site?

Happy you liked it, I have a Pixiv (ID 39700337)


Attached: 1561183683.png (494x584, 108K)

Cute ninja

Wew, this is hotter than I expected. Really nice work on the shadings, and the main highlights are definitely the textures on her shirt and jeans! This looks very well-detailed that I honestly didn't think it was possible to be done on paper. Just when I thought tight shirt and jeans combo is hot already, you just had to make her nipples visible through the shirt! I love it! Absolutely stunning work!
I can't thank you enough for this beautiful masterpiece! It definitely deserved a 10/10 from me! Thank you so much for drawing her, hope you have a nice, comfy time for the rest of the weekend!

Attached: 1538941021400.png (925x919, 714K)

Requesting Kyou Fujibayashi wearing a cute maid outfit and stepping on a customer.

Attached: ref.jpg (5640x4744, 3.93M)

Yo, it's you

No, it's Kyou

Here's a Nozomi drawing for you user if you're still around, hope you like it.

Attached: Nozom062219.png (1080x1695, 1.22M)

I feel like I might be cheating by extrapolating domestic theme to bathing. Or maybe I just wanted to draw a butt.

Attached: AquaBath.png (4550x4665, 1.4M)

here ya go, mysterious fag. cool waifu

Attached: mysteriousX.jpg (519x1006, 343K)

A wonderful thing to wake up to! I quite like that smile what with how laid-back and comfy she looks, particularly combined with her sitting like that. The lighting and shading is very good as well, making me envision a sunny summer day where she would be relaxing in those clothes to beat the heat.

Thank you very much for drawing her!

Awesome, thank you. I'm happy you enjoyed it.

Attached: 39910571.webm (1292x1080, 138K)

That's really nice.

Hope you like it

Attached: thedoorshallreturn.jpg (992x1403, 326K)

This looks really cool. Made with charcoal?

It works perfectly! Thanks for these user, I'm enjoying the heck out of the game even more now that I can play with her sprite together with her battle themes. Also don't worry about the hair, the sprites turned out really cool. Even the bat sprites look cute. I hope the rest of your weekend would be great!


Attached: Tsubasa at the game center.png (886x588, 532K)

Thanks, glad you like it, have fun. Also, sorry, just noticed that 8th row had cropped boots for some reason. Fixed.

That being said, I'm up for another one if someone wants it.

Attached: char10_armor_body.png (400x405, 54K)

Requesting the love of my life, Nano Shinonome!

-,With an OL outfit with glasses.
- Anything summer-related like a sundress or swimsuit would be cute.

If you want to include my SI the ref is here if needed: imgur.com/OHaQYHt

Cutelewd is okay.
Thank you in advance for your consideration! Enjoy your weekend!

Attached: nanoref.png (900x1700, 1019K)

Cute stuff!

Super lovely works!

Hello Aqua user!
I'm glad you received another request this weekend. I'm making some progress on her line art and I should show you an update tomorrow. I unfortunately only have the weekends to draw and my arms suffer from chronic pain... So I beg your pardon for the long time I'm taking.

Is this the first thread? Why isn't the image the usual?

Attached: maka.jpg (1050x1050, 259K)


>wake up
>not drawn

Shouldn't have woken up.

I think charred hunter set with a whirligig saw and/or a cannon would be great.

user this is perfect! This is just what I need when my body has been feeling crummy all week. I just want to be taken cared of by nurse waifu everyday. Really cute nurse outfit with some beautiful thighs! I’ll be sure to be back up to speed in no time with this delivery. You have my eternal thank you and I hope you have an excellent weekend!

Attached: FB0E9344-BFBE-4886-A485-84986426C853.jpg (1280x720, 174K)

Oh, didn't notice that. Thanks again!

Today is the anniversary of Operation Barbarossa! Requesting my waifu Altair in a military themed one-piece swimsuit wielding her own gun, the Soviet PPSh-41 from World War 2(In the ref)!

Attached: 1555291150386.jpg (4112x3808, 3.22M)


Page 10?

Perspective on her body feels rather flat, did you use a reference for the pose?

I killed Tharjafag and ate him to get his powers.

That's pretty cute, thank you.

Hey, at least it means getting different OP images.

What does absorbing his powers give?

These lines are really clean, nice

Either one (or both) of these two from Animator Expo. Cutelewd if possible.

Attached: C8604CD4-0370-4E92-B5E6-6556A3CB0E1E.jpg (1468x915, 938K)

Oh gosh user, you really went all out, she looks so soft! I really appreciate the attention to detail, especially in all the strands of her hair, it couldn't have been easy. The blush and drunk bubbles are a cute touch as well! Thank you so much user, it's really put a smile on my face this morning!

Attached: 1553877153649m.jpg (1024x670, 71K)

Go to the general.

Requesting my waif Pony Tsunotori
1. Trying on a boob window sweater
2. Hugging and/or kissing an user plush
3. Passed out and drooling on her desk.
4. In a bikini getting out of the pool.
5. Nervously giving the viewer a love note.
6. As a lumberjack

If anyone wants to draw something else with her that's cool too. I just want more cuteness of my waif.

Attached: 1559957688549.jpg (560x570, 71K)

Tell me how this does not qualify for the thread.

Thank you user

Attached: 16449.png (412x666, 392K)

>either one (or both)

I'm extremely jelly to the max. Who're you?

> Disqualified because 2 girls

Fucking christ, this board IS shit.

Damn great work!

>wtf why do people frown on flavor of the month polygamy
Trust me, you won't even remember those two by the end of the year.

There's a whole other thread for you to post in, retard-kun.


Requesting Mimi Tasogare from Duel Masters petting a kitten in a box, please!

Thanks if you pick this up!

Attached: Advanced 33-4.jpg (3248x1316, 917K)

Fuck off

>replying to retards

It got him to move to the right thread, at least.

Fuck on.

>pen pressure doesn't work
A shame

I don't just like it, I absolutely love it. I've been going through most of the mainline Pokemon games and have been having a blast, and I didn't realize until recently just how well Mitsuru would fit as one of the E4.

Thank you so much and I hope you have a wonderful weekend; mine's definitely better.

Attached: fucking accent marks.png (500x341, 143K)

Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (500x500, 108K)

Why does she still have her arms?



and fukkin heresy

Requesting Teru cosplaying as Carcano M91/38 (i.imgur.com/XhMd9a5.png) or Glock 17 (i.imgur.com/ouYT7n8.png) from Girls' Frontline.

Any cute/cool ideas are also welcomed!

Thanks and I hope everyone has a pleasant weekend!

Attached: miyanaga_teru-ref.jpg (3356x2260, 3.96M)

40k oora

Oh shi-




Reminder that the Bloodborne sign-up is still open. This has a lot more feedback than the last time and I'm glad that there are so many anons who like this awesome game. But I probably wont manage to do every single one. Also, just to make it clear: I'm going with multiple group shots, probably 3-4 characters max. per drawing NOT single characters drawings.

Hope you like her!

Also, Anons, please advise. I've never done commissions, only requests here. How much would be appropriate to ask for a drawing like this? I'm a bit desperate for money right now and have lots of time on my hands.

Attached: request Ivis.jpg (629x992, 447K)

that looks ambitious, good luck user !

Honestly I feel like it’d be best to research other artists prices instead of asking here. People will tell you to go cheap here on a dime, if they aren’t artists, but if you’re desperate then I suppose that might be better for you.

Considering how great that artstyle is, you can easily ask for at least 30 dollars for a half-body shot like that.

How long did it take you? Freelance averages about $30/hr. If you're just starting out, don't expect people to pay that much, but better to aim high and come down than try to do the reverse. That looks quite professional so I don't think you have much to worry about.

I'd pay you to draw my waifu and some other characters.

I hope this is the last of this gimmick

Black & White Basic Design = $30
Colored = Depends on how much time did you finish but shouldn't go down $50
Concept Art(the nutty ones you see in /ic/ or /w/ = 300~500++$

I'd pay you a lot, that's some great stuff

This is really great work.

lel i been drawing full bodies monochrome for 10 bucks

Attached: 1530473062107.jpg (713x426, 119K)

This is really great line work and use of tones.
I hate to be that guy, but I think the neck is a little long and the shoulder area is kind of weird.
Still, $30 wouldn't be a bad price for something like that.

not him btw

Art is a buyer's market thanks to all the Indos and other SEAfags that are willing to do high quality work for the price of a bowl of rice.

Attached: 1410142369445.jpg (566x758, 123K)

I mean, I kinda understand them, 10 bucks can get me food for a day and a half, maybe two if I'm careful

You fool.


Thanks, guys. $30 is actually the price I was hoping for.

It took much more than an hour, but it's fun, and, like I mentioned, I have a lot of time.

I'd love to draw someone for you, guys. I made an easy, disposable account for messages: manganon.tumblr.com/
If you're interested in a $30 commission(s), please let me know.

Thank you for the advice.

How should I use tumblr for back and forth messaging? Do I need an account?
Do you have more examples of your works?

Yeah, I think it's the hip? I freehanded the pose and then didn't really fix it when I consulted a reference for the nurse outfit. I think I'd have to reverse-construct the pose to see the real issue, any thoughts?

You need an account, but it will take less than a minute to make one. I did so today. I'd rather not give my email address here, sorry.
Sure, I've just posted some other requests from Yea Forums. The lines look a bit worse as they were made on Photoshop. I'm working in Sai now.

Attached: Heresy Stamp.png (350x350, 81K)

I don't want to be that guy and I know that this probably wasn't your intention but your post is violating global rules.

>I know that this probably wasn't your intention
I'm pretty sure it was.

I'm sorry, I didn't know. Sometimes I see people posting their art blogs here when requested, so I assumed this would be fine too. Seems that I was wrong.

>his waifu has big boobs
My condolences.

Requesting Haruhi eating some spicy food, or something summer related.

E8 aired 10 years ago, so feel free to draw anything related to it

Attached: ハルハル.jpg (3469x2327, 1.68M)

>his waifu has boobs

What's the point of doing this every week?

Really cute Yuuri, the outfit looks great.


I'm willing to draw 2 waifus with big boobs.

I'm game



You can just tease us like this. Post samples.



Also not them but yo.


Of course I like it!
Thank you for taking the time to draw this.
I've always known how beautiful Yuuri is, but before seeing her as a knight, I never realized how gallant she could be.
Thank you.

Attached: YuuriEnjoyingChoco.png (380x250, 167K)

Aight I'll go for it I think.

Late to the party as usual but still. please.


My waifus breast are a perfect b-c range thank you very much.


>waifu is completely flat
This is discrimination

Attached: 1548958551681.jpg (1920x1080, 139K)

nino a cute

This with waifus

Attached: 1536751075183.jpg (1200x1600, 565K)

By that do you mean, "I'm willing to draw 2 waifus with natural big boobs," or do you mean "I'm willing to put big boobs on any 2 waifus?"

I don’t know, nobody died because of posting their contact info here yet (I hope). If anything, one drawanon benefited since I commissioned them.

I am now starting the flatwaifusmatter campaign, we will be heard

Fubuki from One Punch Man please.

Attached: 91F90115-0EFB-4E7A-B47A-E16A4B857A3B.jpg (626x1276, 60K)

Good stuff, dig the shading

Attached: funnyjoke.png (2048x2048, 1.02M)

Damn , very nice.

You should have added a pair of scissors on her panty bikini, other then that pretty good.

You really like Urabe huh


This with waifu

Really nicely drawn feet.

background got sacrificed for the waifu's beautiful lines, kek
good stuff

>I missed it

Attached: cry.jpg (662x807, 121K)

So did 9 other people but that didn't stop them from linking anyway

But I don't want to put more pressure on the artist if he does all of them

Attached: very_spicy.png (535x755, 141K)

Sorry for the delay, I couldn't figure out how to draw feet.

Attached: nep.png (1400x2000, 1.88M)

Spicy meme

Beautiful work

I do like the way you drew her feet though.

Very nice

What the hell is a SI?

Self Insert

It stands for stop asking this question every other week.

Nobody actually gives a shit about feet except retards so you're fine. Good drawing.

Stupendous Idol.

Lovely coloring. You do commissions? Would like to see you do something of waifu.

I want to draw waifus showing off their big, lewd breasts

>big breasts


That sort of thing should only be seen by their husbands

I would love that but waifu is small.

I wish more people offered things applicable to husbandos.

Why would anyone do that?

My waifus body isn't lewd, stop being gross.

You sound like a tremendous boy molesting fruit

Waifu wearing a button down shirt but only the bottom is buttoned

Then they weren't talking about you and probably don't want to draw her anyway

Requesting my little knucklehead giving me/the viewer a Valentine's Day card.

Attached: 1470307369193.jpg (780x860, 275K)

A bit out of season isn't it?

Oohh, even though I knew exactly what I was expecting from the wip, seeing this in all its glory is still something completely different and magical. I was already in love with the wip too, but man, this finished version is simply wonderful, so needless to say, I adore it. I madly love all those details, and your style and colors, and how fluffy you made her hair, and and I love the pose too, so I appreciate that you still wanted to take on the challenge of drawing feet, or at least just one, which I think is almost perfect too except for 2 toes.
Thank you so, so much, casty. Hope you have a lovely week!
By the way, Neptune is the god of sea, so this cosplay actually fits.

Attached: 1490199925967.gif (480x270, 386K)

I did two times already and with both sign ups there was barely any feedback. So I stop asking now.

Requesting wiz wearing a maid suit while blushing and avoiding eye contact

Attached: 1550143036644.png (800x641, 178K)

Whenever I do, no husbandos ever signup except for like 1 or 2. I want to draw things for the other husbandofags around here but you guys don't ever want anything.

Fuck off mishafag

I haven't done any, but I'm interested in starting! I have zero clue on where to begin though.
No problem, glad you liked it! I'll rework the entire foot and shoe later before I post it up.

Anyone who's attracted to feet are boy-molesting fruits.

You can never be too early

Cute spicy Haruhi

I miss that guy who used to always draw Wiz and Wiz lewds.

Woah, fantastic Ivis!
You should make a twitter and a pixiv as well.

Showing off as in NSFW or just flaunting them while clothed?

nsfw, yes

Dang it, was interested for a second


Thanks, glad you liked it

>kept thinking spicy memes while typing my request
>got it anyway
It was inevitable, and I'll embrace it. Eating something spicy and wearing a sweater in summer is pretty hardcore, if this were a match between us I'd concede right away. At least I'll take solace in witnessing what awaits when she takes the sweater off. Thank you for drawing her again. Also, do you have a name you go by?

Attached: sweating shirou.jpg (600x588, 46K)

Sure, why not.

Maybe you should make them husbando-only sometimes, or at least clarify you're drawing them too. Most of the time, it's hard to tell if drawfags want to draw husbandos if they don't specify.

Just link/post him anyway, the worst thing that could happen is the artist just passing on drawing him.
Have some fucking confidence once in a while.

I really want more stuff of my waifu as an adult, where hopefully her boobs will be a nice size.

>Not signing up for husbando with big lewd breasts

You sound awfully angry about this, calm down. Lots of drawfags just refuse to draw men. Personally, I'm not interested in most signups anyway, but I can't speak for anyone else.

I always do. But lets try it again since its been a while since I've drawn here and I'm surprisingly inspired right now

If there are any husbandos that wouldn't mind being in an Atelier series inspired thing/attire, please feel free to link bck. Those who haven't playing any of the Atelier games, check this link: danbooru.donmai.us/posts?utf8=✓&tags=atelier_(series) official_art &ms=1
I'll basically be putting him in mage-like clothing and/or other magic situations NOT in any certain character's specific outfit.
I also won't be posting any finished this weekend so if you get or have gotten something, it doesn't matter. Signup if you want, don't if you don't - don't feel pressured like you have to.

>I really want more stuff of my waifu as an adult
This kind of stuff is always great. I love it.

If you aren't satisfied with the way your waifu is you don't love her.

>these posts always appear after I already have a delivery

>as an adult

Who says I don't? I just want to see her at her actual age irl, rather than eternally locked into the age she was when her series ended.

I'd be interested:

Sure, I dig it. I always see sign ups ages late nowadays and assume they're wrapped up, personally.

Waifu like this.

Attached: 1544903484603.jpg (750x751, 642K)

I always think that unless user posted again saying they're no longer taking any, it never really hurts to link back regardless.
But anyways, I'll start on Shinji then.

Have a nice weekend!

Attached: mariya kun.png (1000x900, 531K)

Attached: small_guy_for_us.png (561x717, 164K)

Nice boys and nice references

I would read both of those. And nice job to both of you!

All she needed to go was to have her name on the flight plan.

>Become a big guy to crash the economy with no survivors

Could you please add the tags エルフェンリート and ノゾミ to the Nozomi image? It doesn't seem like tag editing is enabled for others on it.

Sure, it's always nice seeing him in alternate outfits.

Gotcha, done. Thanks for the info because I couldn't find the tags for that one. I should have set to allow others to edit.

Fair point. And cool beans, good luck.

I want to be a big guy for my waifu one day...

Requesting xianxia. Mountains. Clouds. Hermit huts. Bamboo and willows. Birbs flying in pairs. Fluttering sleeves. An immortal's gentle smile.

Will there be pigeon? Baruru? Sweets?

Attached: illupdatewhenyouupdate.png (1615x1345, 1.73M)

tfw no big waifu

Attached: 1560870174036.jpg (1100x1100, 410K)

It would be extremely painful.

I hope that my penis is bigger than my waifu's.

Was getting dicked by your waifu part of your master plan?

My waifu is shorter than my mother

Previously it was believed that my wife was tall, taller than me too, but after finding some official materials, I found that she's actually an inch shorter than me.
I don't mind either, but I could see the advantage of her being really bigger than me.

For you, maybe. I\ll persevere for her.

My waifu might be the height of a 9 year old

No, waifu's dick crashed.

>Yea Forums doesn't give you (you) anymore
Feel sadman

Attached: BlackWater.png (850x1202, 610K)

Tharjafag is going to love that.

Very nice.

Rare Nom appearance

New bread status?

But it does

Especially rare, a colored nom delivery

very nice

Good shit

Didn't think I'd like this that much. Holy damn, thanks a ton, nom, always a big fan of your big titty deliveries

Attached: tenor.gif (300x168, 742K)

>tfw Toyonefag is gone after I get around to watching Saki

Is your waifu a bully?

Attached: 1558035579440.png (1126x671, 82K)

It's ready.



No. But she can bully my dick any time.


don’t bump me, k?

Hurry up.

these are both adorable, and I really appreciate them both, always reading those weirdo books.

So thank you, for both of these.


>close to 500 posts
>retards stop spamming their garbage posts
Every time.

I just want to waifupost and these fuckers get so shy near the end.

Only privately not sure if you're still here though


I wish artists ask for small or flat breasts. It's always the big ones that wins.

Why would anyone want flat chests? Even flat anime girls realize their inferiority.

Artists have taste and that's why they don't ask for flat or small.

I wish they would ask for medium sized breasts

I'd be up for drawing some flat girls or trappy boys in crop tops or something like that.

Terrible posts

Post waifu in lingerie

Nobody ever thinks of the medium sized breasts.

Attached: 1561051511741.png (400x350, 324K)

I've seen him kinda sorta but not really around.

I'm not going to do that, because those are special images meant just for me.


All Lloyd wants is Rixia's fat ass probably

Post waifu/husbando looking cute.


Post waifu and your favorite gintama op/ed

Cope. Chestlets are chestlets for a reason.

What is your waifu's goal/motivation?

Attached: 1546849083564.png (1920x1080, 1.2M)

I really want to make this into a dakimakura but i dont know the process behind that and kubo has been dead for awhile

Attached: YArSieV.png (1310x2710, 1.81M)

>mage Yukio
Yes, good

Are you gonna take requests?

Attached: 1488753273260.png (752x863, 268K)

Attached: 1400968440778.jpg (428x563, 139K)

Which anons need to improve their thank-you replies?

Sure. I'll try and get some stuff done this weekend if anyone's interested.

One of the most difficult goals: finding her place in life.

Attached: 29146458_p2 - 七菜@スパザワf26b.png (400x400, 98K)

I'm all in for that

I think of them too, Lloydo. But I think of Randy more.

Attached: It aint Lloyd.png (452x480, 136K)

Mai wants to earn her father's acceptance. She's also wants to help her friends when they're in trouble.

Attached: B6L0iHgCUAEYSPL.jpg large.jpg (689x997, 103K)

Attached: D9QLdiPUwAA9uPh.jpg orig.jpg (768x1024, 96K)

He is always cute.
To be honest, money. Also, I think, to challenge himself.

Attached: hus_m_05-37-023-2.png (195x599, 213K)

I would love to see her in a crop top (and short shorts if you have time too)


Finding a love that accepts her fully despite her outward appearance.

Looking cute, Miia

Attached: _c_miia_by_likesac-db02cvx.jpg (726x1101, 144K)

Food and adventure.

Attached: YuuriDrinkingBeeru1.png (328x244, 165K)

I can't post my whole folder

To see me live past the Bad End

Attached: DuJ0mgNWsAAKaCU.png orig.png (571x800, 454K)

BB crashing the Moon Cell with no survivors to try and save Hakuno.

To find her true self and her talents.

Attached: Shion cat sleeping.png (965x772, 316K)

To make the most of life, I suppose.

Attached: e9df80d8038e1c79fcaf070d2a7259cc27cf0d85ce59922cd441e9cc19855a27.jpg (359x521, 51K)

Attached: Chibi - Peachems.png (359x609, 91K)

Attached: nh.png (1280x720, 573K)


Attached: 32022088_p2.jpg (600x600, 176K)

Attached: Mugi011.png (1280x1080, 1.02M)

I do

Me, for sure.

Post waifu doing that thing you don't usually get to see her do.

Post waifu or husbando's face the first time you told them "I love you."

>replying to bait

I need to get more pictures of her in lingerie, I only have a couple right now and they're more on the NSFW side of things.

Attached: hnnng.gif (450x489, 2.21M)

This is absolutely amazing and a scene I’ve wanted to see her in for a very long time! Thank you very much Manganon! This is the first time I’ve seen Ivis drawn in a wedding dress and she looks gorgeous! The amount of detail you put into this is fantastic and looks like it came directly from a manga page. Especially, how you design her dress, adapted her ribbon and shaded the hair. I couldn’t pull that off on my own without references pointing me in the right direction. Again, thank you and I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend. Also wish you the best while taking on commissions.

Attached: Amazing.png (385x450, 231K)

Bump limit's already been hit, who cares.

Attached: 5609.jpg (568x1280, 74K)

>eh? nandatte?

>Hidenori will never pretend to be my boyfriend

Attached: 787687BcJfREaHqcVfjhrJQFQIcrZEHqP470gC97WRVJAxqSU1FR6_hJiMNoaJDzkzyv3mYvPhnkwTxs=m22.jpg (1280x720, 110K)

whats a good theme for a sign up?

One of the only times you ever see her eyebrows.

Attached: yuriabrows.png (520x520, 44K)

Something you won't mind drawing over and over again.


Attached: 62642566_p2.jpg (1254x1200, 298K)

Waifus with womb tattoos.

Beach party


To protect everyone.

Attached: C3MajlVUMAA0lHv.jpg orig.jpg (500x597, 68K)

The mythical no hair gel Yukio.

Attached: C6KTZjBUoAE6bj6_orig.png (400x588, 260K)


To become strong enough to protect those she cares for.

Attached: Ivis Nexus.png (700x650, 234K)

Always a fan of casual group shots

Attached: 74922969_p0.jpg (3150x900, 732K)

Return to her home world and either save it from demons or die trying.

Attached: SahyukRain.png (1108x720, 49K)

I'd be pleased with that.

Attached: Lingerie Hina colour 2 - [a sort of colorfag].png (900x1094, 691K)

Something you're actually interested in so you have a chance of finishing it. Even if you don't get much or any takers, its better to pick something you like or theres a chance you'l just drop it because you're bored or something.

To become an opera singer like her late mother.

Attached: nozomi blushes and theres a huge flying egg too.jpg (394x535, 93K)

Attached: Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou - 01.mkv_snapshot_20.54_[2017.10.26_11.49.47].jpg (1920x1080, 207K)

Stop pushing your garbage taste on others, faggot.

It's summer so a line-up of waifus at the beach/pool getting some sun on some lounging chairs.

Definitely going to draw Yukio with hair down now. It looks good on him.

Oh man, that's a fantastic shot. Even better with BB there.

Being athletic. It's rare to see her making use of her natural physical prowess but it's nice to see when it happens.

Attached: Miia Climbing.webm (720x480, 337K)

I need to unlock it, soon™

Attached: Natsume android.png (1993x2622, 602K)

It was stated in the closing notes of the series that she wants to be a teacher. I think it's a fantastic job for her.

Attached: Festival date with Hina - [Aho].png (1059x2000, 3.72M)

It's really refreshing, as long as he doesn't end up looking exactly like Akagi. The expressions are key, although I also tend to imagine his hair parted down the center a bit more than Akagi.
Thanks for thinking of him.

These two kicked my ass so hard

It's a joy when an artist draws her hatless.

Attached: 64aac27830547b524cb12de708475ada - Itsuki (smbm).png (355x578, 178K)

Attached: 1457049926472.jpg (1280x720, 104K)

Having fun

Attached: 15894536_p11 - 十色.jpg (633x800, 235K)

Herc in a hoodie makes me chuckle.
It actually reminded me of a request idea I forgot to ask this week.

Attached: DsOB_mfU4AEhZY1.jpg orig.jpg (1000x1413, 383K)

Attached: sakuuuuu.png (796x534, 352K)

Official art, too.

Attached: lingerie.jpg (932x650, 172K)

Still on time

Fuck off, Aifag.

It's rare but always nice to see her doing something silly.

Attached: AyumuHinaVeggieSuits.jpg (1140x800, 405K)

He wants to finally have his first time, and grow old with someone, happily ever after. I'd be happy to help him with that.

Attached: cutie gets a fever.jpg (1200x598, 193K)

Since she's so shy, seeing her be genuinely proud of herself is a rare treat.
Oh, by the way, we discussed joint requesting together a few weeks ago, didn't we? Do you have any suggestions regarding ideas you would like to see?
One idea I have in mind is the two of them singing karaoke together, what with them doing that in that Christmas short story from last year.

Attached: Nozomi puffs up with pride.jpg (515x666, 97K)

Attached: Beach collage idea.jpg (4897x3536, 1.99M)

Waifus in a rap battle

Mai doesn't often look smug.

Attached: 076 - Taunt 2.png (333x690, 293K)

Attached: doki.jpg (320x320, 25K)

It's probably her rarest outfit

Attached: bblingeriec.png (1024x1560, 1.22M)

I'm commissioning someone to draw my waifu posing as a model. What's a good pose that's kinda of idol-y or feels kirakira?

Attached: 55308113_p6.png (1050x1400, 685K)

Attached: 1dd3148ac6df14a0039756e1030b6a61.gif (480x270, 1.93M)

Attached: Delightfulsmile.png (449x294, 102K)

Attached: 163b9c28e150267581abaf2a4fdd6cb8-crop.jpg (3256x2252, 1.65M)

Look up idol poses and pick one. Isn't that one of the fun parts of commissioning?

That's right, we did! I haven't given it much thought yet since I was discussing another joint request, though. That said, I think your idea is spot on. That was a really cute story, and I've love to see an illustration come of it.

Attached: i-097.jpg (847x1200, 160K)

Karamatsu in full-length sleeves and wearing a tie properly is fanservice in its own right

Attached: hellooooo doctor.png (317x399, 217K)

Water fight

Attached: hibiki.jpg (460x600, 50K)

Yeah but I already came up with 4 poses and I need one more. I tend to commission things before I know what I want just so I can get a slot.

I will draw you're husbando as a gay frog. Quality not guaranteed. Must like cucumbers.

Seconding , would sign up immediately.

>haven't caught up on this show yet
I am always behind.

Does anyone know if there's someone I could commission to make a custom plush of waifu?

Waifu racing in go-karts.
Man, this game is not like it used to be.

Seems some better artists got to you while I was sitting on this, now I don't have to feel bad about posting it. Talk about a win-win.

Attached: book.png (1162x912, 470K)

Road trip or getting ready for one
Are you talking about Sarazanmai?


How much art has your waifu gotten since the beginning of 2019?

I don't pay attention to things like this because I do not actually have autism.

It's been coming at a decent pace from the threads. Can't complain.

He gets a shitton, but a lot of it dumbs him down and/or ships him with someone who would never appreciate him, so I don't count it

I don't know, but holy crap, I've spent a lot of money on commissions for her. Feels good though.

Attached: __wo_class_aircraft_carrier_kantai_collection_drawn_by_oso_toolate__d9dbf9ba0f485bdf05b6040298174b30 (950x900, 239K)

actually that reminds me I meant to get into trying this, I have the materials lying around for it.


Outside if this thread? About 5-10 new drawings a week. Her series has hit the 12+ year mark so now everyone is drawing nostalgia art of her and her series. Her fanbase is also super dedicated, they're making a fanmade anthology art book.

How many people has your waifu kissed?

Attached: handshake.png (430x808, 277K)

Would you still fuck your waifu/husbando if she/he was a robot?

Outside of the threads? maybe 1 or 2 images at best.

>what if waifu was actually not waifu
I hate these questions.

1 me

Too much and not enough.

Too much of what I've seen countless times already or outright dislike and not enough of what I actually want to see. Could be worse though, deliveries here seem to have picked up again at least.

Dozens of people. I bet she has lost count.

Waifu enjoying a cold treat to beat the heat while half-naked.

I only recall finding one image made in February posted on some Japanese guy's Twitter.

Wow, I checked dA out of morbid curiosity and, there was actually some decent art of her uploaded 3 days ago.
I think the nips have officially stopped caring about her, though.

Literally all of it Thanks, threads.

Post a temp email or somewhere I can reach you at. I might be able to help you get everything set up

Your waifu is mad cute

He has never been kissed. In a Drama CD he talks about how a cashier touched his hand by accident and that goes to show just how lonely he is.

Waifus other than your own you like to see get deliveries?

I hope you continue to get more stuff of her.

[email protected]
That would be appreciated user


I just like seeing deliveries in general.

Just some small bits here and there.
Mostly doodles off of twitter, but only a few.


Girls from media I have consumed and liked

Any waifu with long hair and moderately sized and above breasts