Press P to pour one out for your homie.
Eviscerated by corporate greed in the name of long dead artists.
Press P to pour one out for your homie
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It's still there on Netflix Japan.
What is the best subbed home video release for Evangelion? Literally on Ebay right now.
ADV wasn't great. You'd be better off with a fansub group or hoping RightStuf will eventually re-issue the series with a updates translation
I really can't fucking stand that it's missing and I can't tell if it's because I'm too invested in this show or if it's because they just ripped it out and threw a Rei OST in over it and it actually detracts from the show.
Is there a difference between Platinum and Platinum Perfect?
Numerous versions of this piece were used on the LDs, VHSs, as well as when the show first aired on television, but for the renewal DVD release, further new versions were produced. Every episode has a different "Fly Me To The Moon." When you count the difference in length between the on air version and the video version, and the DVD renewal ending credits at the end of the discs, there are a total of 31 versions.
This would've been a helpful reply on 2chan.
do they only have a dub?
I haven't watched NGE for ages. Would just using one basic version of the song suffice, or are the different versions specific to the mood of the episode they're used for?
You gotta have them all.
Kaji's death scene is totally fucking barren and uncomfortable with out any music
Fly Me To The Moon is intact in the Japanese Netflix.
seconding this
Platinum has extras like dub cast commentaries and booklets, Platinum Perfect has no extras but slightly (and I mean slightly) better video quality.
Yare Yare... these corporations truly are the worst.
i can vouch for this. if you've got a vpn, switch it over to JPN and each episode has each version of fly me to the moon.
Netflix honestly should just remove this from their platform and fire whoever is responsible for greenlighting it. No Fly Me to the Moon AND a soulless, phoned in dub. What an abomination.
Fuck Netflix.
Who cares? Stop watching dubs. Stop paying for shit you can get for free too.
Fucking twitch niggers, do you even know where your F meme comes from?
no, but fly me to the moon is missing from the original japanese audio as well.
I don't get it, what's going on here and why is everyone replying P?
it's been a while, what was playing when?
can you read?
Netlifx added Eva to their service, but the dub was changed (for the worse) and Fly Me to the Moon was removed.
Who cares?
They did it for the sub too
Clearly, but how is this even relevant?
What's the big deal exactly? It's fucking Netflix, literally who gives a fuck?
Nyaa exists so who cares? Stop shilling your shit here, netflix.
Hello damage control shill!
>43 replies
The absolute state of Yea Forums, why do people care about some normalfag streaming site?
>literally cites a piracy site as being better
Epic my man, kill yourself.
>stop talking about my mistake!
>t. Netflix
>we’ve lost the core fanbase
>better convince them to keep quiet so we can recoup on normalfags!
We will not shut up about how much you fucked this up.
P fuck Netflix if I wasn't too lazy to fill out a form I'd cancel my sub.
its a shame, but at least Rei's theme is a very nice song. P nonetheless.
Holy fucking shit you are delusional.
Literally why do you care about a streaming site changing something? Piracy, like literally always, is the better option
Fucking retarded streaming normalfag.
You fucked up the Evangelion rights in the west. No good bluray EVER.
You’ll pay. We will not shut up. Deal with it shillboy.
Explain why you care so much.
Surely you aren't a dumbass that streams his anime, right?
One again, who gives a fuck?
I buy blurays, and Netflix fucked this up for me.
The entire Evangelion fanbase. Normalfags will be advised against the redub, and you’re going to have to deal with that.
>not already having the Eva BD collection when torrents have existed for years
Netflix can suck a big fat cock.
Why are you unironically convinced I am a Netflix shill?
I just linked nyaa for fuck's sake and said it was better than Netflix.
Also, just buy the JP blurays.
>I buy blurays
>buying anime
Top kek
How new are you?
A sad instrumental of Fly me to the Moon and it led out with an instrumental of it to. It tied the scene perfectly and the instrumental at the end let you soak up the whole episode
Just Pirate it
Is there a place I can just download the commentary and object them into my downloaded copies?
>I buy blurays
oh no
Here are the copies I have right now. I just need the commentary.
So there is a chance that maybe netflix will hear the outcry and fix it
Doubt it
Nice tumblr gif
I really fucking liked that song
it's relevant because in the op it clearly says
>Press P to pour one out for your homie.
>not supporting anime you like
you're either cynic who doesn't care about his favorite anime or a poorfag
VPNbros rejoice!
It means anyone new to Eva will experience it through this aborted version.
>inb4 who cares what normalfags think
You'll care when they start shitting up this board.
>no "I'm so fucked up"
Biggest crime to me
>tfw I watched Eva in my late teens and Fly me to the Moon became my favorite song
Makes me sad anons
Thank fuck I don't use Netflix to watch anime
I've been off the loop, what happened to NGE?
asuka seiyuu yuko miyamura
it went on netflix with a bunch of new dubs but they ommited fly me to the moon from the credits
Did you know that Anno did some key animation in Urusei Yatsura, though oddly, not this particular episode.
Why do they never get people who can actually speak English to play English teachers, it was really immersion breaking in dragon ball z.
>too cheap to get rights to use "Fly Me to the Moon"
Do you think Netflix would have it any other way?
There are some very specific versions used for very specific episode endings, there's no going around this
Big fucking P
Rip them from these files.
everyone crying about netflix evangelion is kidding right? you either pirated the series or bought it on DVD a decade ago, if you post on this site it surely doesn't affect you.
>You'll care when they start shitting up this board.
And this is new exactly? Hell, this thread is literally an example of that.
>no one should be sad something they like is being denigrated even if it's by normalfags
That's an opinion, I guess.