Why was it so good?

Why was it so good?

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Great animation, inspiring, funny, gary stu done right, varied yet still has a nice continuity, doesn't overstay its welcome

Chad MC, great style, and some of the most erotic chicks in anime. Anyone that didn't immediately jerk off when first seeing the motorcycle scene isn't hetero.

He's just like me.

>Why was it so good?
Because it only covered the good part of the manga, the early beginnings before all the cult nonsense kicked in.

>Chad MC
Funny because in the manga he literally advocates in being a proud cuckold when his past is revealed, I'm not even kidding.

>pro-cuckold message
Wait what.

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Just don't read the manga

And peeing. Lots of peeing and drinking it.

What? Please explain.

My favorite character designs in all of anime. Shame the manga sucks.

>We don't talk about the manga.
Man, in the old days, anime adaptation directors would do their own thing and tell the author when they were being retarded, often producing a superior product.

Golden Boy as you know is a lie, the early chapters of the manga is basically all of what the OVA covers, that is just bait for the author to proceed in making 19 volumes of real cult instrospectives and write his philosophical nonsense.

Like the MC is successful only because of some religious devotion or some shit? I need more details.

Basically the author writes his ramblings about how japanese society needs its cults, cults aren't bad, and being a cuck who loves to drink piss is being the ultimate free person.

It has a while but it's kinda like that, his past is that he loved a girl who had some real outhere views on society and lived travelling with her bike, they had sex in one of their travels but she told Kintarou that sex is just pleasure and liveration, it shouldn't be limited to just one partner, they part ways with Kintarou fully accepting part of her worldview, even loving the thought of women being touched by other men, and loving to drink urine.

I think the author took 'Life is Study' too far. Probably joined a cult and got thoroughly indoctrinated because he wanted to understand how cults work.

It wasn't.

Anime staff today is too dumb to make improvements.

goddamit op... now i am craving for some magical taluluto

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A perfect english dub cast.

sub or dub?

Golden Boy's dub is legendary.

Both on par so pick which one you like

Comfy anime

Why was manga so bad?

One of the few times desexing the MC in the adaptation actually played in a shows favor.

>often producing a superior product.
Name 3 times this has happened

The MC

Did the author go insane or was he just full of himself?