Commits every war crime imaginable

>commits every war crime imaginable
>gets away with all of it
is he the the most based Bleach character?

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Nemu nemu nemu nemu nemu nemuuuuuuuuuuu

Mayuri did nothing wrong

Well, he did turn his own soldiers into human bombs.

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Did Szayelaporro have the most horrific death in the series?

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He only wanted to do SCIENCE not take over the world like Aizen. Mayuri is a man of SCIENCE and works to surpass Urahara,

Didn't Yamamoto incinerate 10 trillion people? Mayuri is a lightweight.

Nothing wrong with that. They were soldiers

>commit multiple genocides
>no one gives a fuck
He's the most based battle shonen character ever.

Best bleach character besides bleach always a treasure to see his fights kubo was at his best when he wrote mayuri

You can't pin it all on Mayuri though, he was just a small (albeit fun) part of that. And all that research payed off in the end so you can't say it wasn't worth it.

Are we ever gonna see a character as glorious as mayuri in anime again?

Wait for the eventual Bleach remake.

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>Bleach remake
Without the filler and continuing on through the end of the manga? Yes please.

>this is the only time we see Nemu´s cleavage

But the fillers were actually better than the main story.

I wonder why nips have a hard on for mad scientists type of characters that do horrible things but its ok because their research pays off

I'm a mangaonly and haven't seen the fillers, but people here say that they were actually pretty decent.

What's with Japan and letting evil scientists go unpunished?
Oh, wait...

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Mayuri isn't evil though? Everything he does is for the good of Soul Society.


If you actually believe this I genuinely feel bad for you

Personally, I think so.

You can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.

That's flat out false.

Some things he does are for Soul Society, others are just for knowledge for himself or just for giggles.

Just because he enjoys his job doesn't mean Soul Society doesn't benefit from Mayuri doing so.

In the end, I think he really did love and was proud of his daughterfu/creationfu

Attached: 644Mayuri_dreams.png (664x537, 382K)

>has the mind of Mengele
>and the fashion sense of Lady Gaga

To see his creation surpass his wildest expectations, moments before her brutal destruction by Pernida, and then hear his own words to Syazel echo in his own head, made for a beautiful chapter. Just for a brief moment, we actually got to see Mayuri suffer.

The first thing you see him do is use his own soldiers as bombs, the last one he blew up because apparently they aren't supposed to KNOW about the bombs. Telling you that not only is he an asshole, but he's also breaking some rules of the society.

>he's also breaking some rules of the society
Literally no

Not an argument, back it up with something brainlet

He was never put on trial so he didnt break any rules

Funny story, he actually gets tried by the new C46 for exactly that and still gets off. So no, I'm not seeing your point.

Can you not read? He specifically killed that soldier that was trying to run away specifically because he saw it, of course, he didn't get tried when the only witness was some outsider quincy who never bothered reporting it. Also the entirety of the judicial system of that world was dead in that arc so your point double doesn't stand
This never happened

>This never happened

Literally not an argument

You can argue that their sacrifice allowed him to engage with the intruders threatening the Soul Society.

What chapter then if you're so sure?

I doubt that would fly, Mayuri was at one point the most dangerous criminal in the Soul Society being kept in the Maggots nest. Even if it was hundrds of years later, I sincerely doubt they would take kindly to him openly killing his own men and then trying to hide it

Novel Spirits Are Forever With You

But his men were also from the Maggots nest so its all good

I saw every filler arc of bleach and by far the worst fucking arc was the fullbringer one, which sadly, was canon.

>Some random novel not even written by Kubo
>Any mention of Mayuri in this novel are nowhere to be found on his wiki page or the page of the central 46
I commend how big of a fan you must be to know that provided it's true. Lord knows Kubo never wanted to flesh out the inner workings of the SS more than necessary in the manga.

>fillerfag thinks his opinion matters

kek nipon banzaii

But the fake captain/princess arc was worse

Great moment indeed, and reason while the final arc indeed is worth working though!

>This incident had happened quite a while ago, but Central 46 didn’t have time and capacity until now. First, the previous members had all been murdered by Aizen, then the Arrancar ordeal happened and then, after Aizen had been sentenced to the Muken, they had spent more than a year arguing about the fate of the Vizards.
>The new Central 46 can’t condemn Mayuri for experimenting on Quincies because that had been authorised by the old Central 46. Akon surmises that the new Central 46’s true motive is to try and strike their president down with this self-destruct incident. The other researchers agree. They’re not impressed. Most of them were originally residents of the Nest of Maggots.

You need to improve your Googlefu

Either way, Mayuri came out of that trial clean, and If the novel doesnt count then Mayuri is even cleaner

He is a chaotic version of Urahara, which is pretty based

I mean seeing that the novel came out multiple years after the SS arc and wasn't even written by Kubo makes it look like a retcon at best. Mayuri is a known criminal to them and we see people tried in the SS for murder and much lesser crimes multiple times.

>war criminal, cries foul
must be american

>Important point about the inner working of the SS isnt even written by Kubo and instead but into a novel than 99% of fans will never see
The more I learn about Bleach the more I realize it was a miracle Kubo made something so initially good

>Mayuri is a known criminal to them
No he is not, the maggots nest isnt for criminals, its for potentially dangerous people. He has quite literally done nothing wrong before being unjustly incarcerated. And after becoming captain you can get away with anything, see Zaraki and Unohana

>moving the goalposts this hard

Pretty sad desu

This, they make it a point to say everyone in maggot's nest has done nothing wrong.

If there were ever to be an anime adaptation of the final arc, would you prefer it to be 1:1 with the manga, or have a proper fleshed out ending?

Not even goalpost moving, just shitting on kubo

What do you fucking think?


>Orochimaru gets away with it.
>Frieza gets away with it.

What the fuck is Japan trying to tell us here?

Ghost Yea Forums sucks.

I already have my own opinion, that's why I'm asking for yours champ.

Pretty sure Kubo wanted to make Soul Society evil.

The soul society literally destroyed paradise.
How are they not evil.


Dayum, Mayuri looks like this?

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Life is Like A Boat{涅マユリ&涅ネムver}

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Shame we didn't see his full appearance again in the final arc. I would like it as a "Shit gets real" moment.

He did EVERYTHING wrong and I wanted to see him get shit on more.

To be fair, Caesar is treated like shit every moment he's on-screen, and was basically a slave for 200 chapters or so, we also don't know what become of him, but Oda might find new ways of torturing him.

Also, Orochimaru is somehow the most disturbing, due to him being the main villain for a while, so all his inhumane expeiments and evilness got much more focus, he's a bit Freeza in that regard.

Also, Ryusei Nakao is fucking based and Japan seems to understand it very well.

To have a giant baby, give birth to another giant pretty fucked up.

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>Crazy Scientists from Big Shonen Three are free and unscathed
They should form a group call Section 731... Oh wait

Wasn't it disappoining to you guys how he's literally the only one bringing up his experiments on Quincies in the final arc? You'd think that the person who performed his own private genocide on the Quincies would have it hold against him in the "1000 years blood war" which suggests 1000 years of accumulated grudges. The massacre 200 years ago is also mentioned only by the shinigami side, on the quincy side of things the only one caring for history is Yhwach himself. Some of them seem to hate shinigami but it's really just because.

Facts confirmed in the novel, and by Bach.
Read the manga, speed reader.

Those were actually decent. Also Zanpaktou arc was good save for the cop out resolution.


cringe normalfag

>tfw no Burn The Witch serialization
I know it was only a one-shot, but still. NotBleach could have been cool.

They relate to those characters the most because of WW2 , clearly

>that description
My rage cannot be contained, at least captain Mayuri was amusing

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That's still Asakura Hao actually


Close second to Kenpachi's cover of Tonight, Tonight, Tonight.
It's the best Bleach OP, and it sounds like it's being sung by a shark.

>Filler arcs
>Ichigo is the still the only one who ever does anything
>Every fucking time
>Filler arc just after Ichigo loses all his soul reaper powers
>"Lol, just kidding, you still have a small fraction of it left just in time for this filler arc... and also that small fraction is stronger than anyone else and can win this fight.

That fucking Zanpakto arc was the worst, though. The spirits in everyones swords all ended up being regular people holding identical fucking copies of their sword,

>there exists a person who actually doesn't consider Mayuri's "nobody knows" to be the best Bleach song
World is a vast, vast place, full of wonders one could never even imagine.

This is what happens when the majority of scientific progress in Soul Society is achieved by a single man. He's a criminal who has killed his own subordinates and by all rights should be locked up along with Aizen. The only reason he's not is because he is an intellectual asset.

or b/c no one really gives a fuck about the rank and file soul reapers nor the civilians all that much

>>Ichigo is the still the only one who ever does anything
Almost every major shinigami gets their fight (that also usually happens to be quite irrelevant) against an underling of sorts before Ichigo starts fighting the main boss like in every arc since HM though.

At least we can all agree that the filler arcs had some pretty good OPs/EDs, right?

Does bleach even have bad music?

Canon arcs still have the best ones though.

Maybe not really bad, but majority of OST 4 is pretty damn bland, definitely not living up to Sagisu's initial performence in Bleach.

Can I get a tl;dr on the novels since the manga ended? And are they worth reading (if even TL'd) for the characters? (Are they even the same without Kubo writing dialog).

Who wouldn’t be proud of that ass and tits.

>We Do *knot* Always Love You
Rukia and Renji are getting married, it's a SoL, lots of cute moments, but largely forgetable. Provides some closure for the dozens of characters Oda skipped, gives some implication Soul Society is changing for the better, but also some hints of darkness dealt with in the later novel
>Can't Fear Your Own World
Just like the above exists mostly to provide an extended epilogue for the series to fill the gaps for characters Kubo skipped, this one fills the gap (not all of them) in the lore, explaining more on the Soul King, fullbringers and stuff. It introduces the Danzou of Bleach world (shady shinigami responsible for pretty much every atrocity in SS in recent centuries not performed by Aizen or Mayuri). It also introduce some super powerful new entities because, well, Narita. This feels more like Bleach (I think Kubo and Narita generally think alike), but I really couldn't stand it and dropped it. I could stomach late Bleach as a comic in small doses, it reads much worse as a novel, lack of professional translation doesn't help.

As for translations, whole WDkALY and most of CFYOW is done by
The girl is doing her best, and it's the best you'll get. The rest of CFYOW was done on reddit I think.

Kubo obviously.

Ginjo and Facebook were so terribly written

In the beginning he was the good guy because Tsukishima was the bad guy
But in the end he was the bad guy because Tsikishima was the good guy all along
Which is why he brainwashed Ginjo good and to be his enemy....


Are there PDFs for these?

No idea.

>Wiki page
Talking about the Bleach wiki, it's jannies and mods are literal autistic dictators who defied even Kubo's own words. Never trust the Bleach wiki.

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>Tsikishima was the good guy all along
You are retarded

Did people forgot Soul Society was originally founded by criminals? Shunsui confirmed that even the politics in Soul Society are 'necessarily' evil and corrupt. The old Central 46 was full of retards and Aizen killing them was actually a good thing. They might be good guys but they don't necessarily have the best morals.

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