what was the point of this scene
What was the point of this scene
Making me erect
To subvert the Japanese culture with homosexual tones
liar detection
To make a Spongebob reference.
other way around.
jesus christ I had no idea that's what that was.
I think he was licking for sweat.
Because its hot
It isn't sexual though, that's your projection.
To show that he knows what a liar tastes like
why did Araki forget that Zipper Man let Bruno detect lies by licking people?
>Zipper Man
Bruno needs to touch things/people to cause zippers to appear on their body. This is why Giorno starts vomiting fingers a second later.
What does it feel like to merge your own arm with your stand like Bruno does to use the zipper zoom punch and like Diavolo does at times.
like fisting your own arm
It wasn't Bruno's stand, he just wanted an excuse to sensually lick Giorno's sexy underaged face. Sometimes he tries the same excuse with the taste of erect penises.
>Zipper man
Probably like putting an glove that covers your arm
Araki's fetish.
Fucking autocorrect
I'm sure the word you were looking for was 'reinforce'.
I thought it was deep penetration. but ok.
You mean impalement.
Araki might be a serial killer.
So was that an actual jojo reference? Or both are a reference to something else?
Speaking of pointless scenes, what was with that nonsense about his soul leaving his body when he got punched by Gold Experience?
Araki gave Giorno a life-giving stand and wanted to write a way to use a life power offensively so he came up with the idea that it made people's mind/spirit run so fast that their bodies became slower (?), but then it became too OP if Giorno could defeat enemies by touching them once so Araki pretended it never happened. The damage reflection on Giorno's spawned animals also had to go. Any enemy would naturally want to slap a fly or stomp a frog and thus insta-defeat themselves, and it's cool the first time but Giorno can't just win every fight that way.
To get those sweet fujobux.
"It was just a prank bro, lmao." - Araki
Pretty sure the creators of spongebob aren't cool enough to even know about jojo.
To reignite the tenseness of the situation that had seemingly been defused after (Giorno believed) he ended his interrogation.
To show that he died for real and that he's just living on borrowed time.
Oh shit nigger that might be why, how did no one mention this before?
to show that giorno is a dirty no good liar
Making me wet
To establish Part 5 as the gayest part.