How can other, lesser girls, compete?
Shingeki no Annie!
Levi is only for Bears
Arumin pls stop
Imagine losing to the Romans
>Annie thread
Let her die, bro.
Best girl indeed
by not being a comatose daddy's girl, which isn't hard
What does /snk/ think of NURSEren?
>Not doing everything for your father
Fucking gay
>Annie gets out of her crystal and the first thing she sees is this
i fucking hate you trannies
>isayama said he loves logh in interviews
>faye was eaten by dogs
what did isayama mean by it
I noticed something, when manlet is obsessed with Hanje being clean he is also doing it because he lived dirty during his childhood and his mother died in terrible conditions. It's actually kind of sad
>Imagine resisting the noble effort of the Romans to civilize the entire world, thus condemning your people to barbarism and degeneracy for all of eternity while stalling humanity's ascension as ordaned by Promethus himself
wtf I LOVE isayamas art now
she got beat by babby eren, which is pathetic.
Is she still in that crystal?
wait he does? can you link me the interview?
>still relying on memories of a dead dyke
user, that's an anime-only scene.
talking about their titan fight, not that
Stop asking me to fuck you, PIGNER
Why are they so gay?
Is this achievable natty?
I am not talking about that, either. The titan fight ended right after Annie smashed Eren's body. The only reason Annie couldn't escape is because Mikasa cut her fingers off.
The anime added a non-canon scene where Eren regenerated through rainbow powers and somehow gets back up to smash Annie. This is not present in the manga.
Because your father touched you when you were a kid and you became an abuser not capable of having friends
>In a socialist society such phenomena must and will disappear. In the old Yugoslavia national oppression by the great-Serb capitalist clique meant strengthening the economic exploitation of the oppressed peoples. This is the inevitable fate of all who suffer from national oppression. In the new, socialist Yugoslavia the existing equality of rights for all nationalities has made it impossible for one national group to impose economic exploitation upon another. That is because hegemony of one national group over another no longer exists in this country. Any such hegemony must inevitably bring with it, to some degree or other, in one form or another, economic exploitation; and that would be contrary to the principles upon which socialism rests. Only economic, political, cultural, and universal equality of rights can make it possible for us to grow in strength in these tremendous endeavours of our community.
Kids are gay until they reach 16.
that went well...
getting beat by mikasa might be even worse
>Can't ascess it because doesn't want to make a count
How does it look like bros? Is it good?
Under Josep Broz Tito's power, Yugoslavia was pretty comfy. It was only when he died that conflict began to arise again.
Which characters do you think are completely safe and with no chance of dying?
For me it's
And that's literally it
Prepare yourself, Zeke
I don't know...
Eren actually never won against Annie in titan form either in the manga. She beat his ass and was about to escape but he teamed up with Armin and Mikasa to make her fall off the wall. Not quite as bombastic and memorable as the last ep of S1 though, I'll give you that.
She has a big death flag.
Annie is fine, but Mikasa is best girl based solely on physique alone
Why would he die? It wouldn't make any sense for his character. He will end up a leader or president of the Eldians
>tfw no real annie gf
>not basking in a European utopia being with frens and annie
>tfw no freckle tomboy dyke gf to impregnate
I think its time to die bros.
why did sasha die? it didn't make any sense for her character
the point is it doesn't matter what their purpose is.
On another note who will have the more gruesome death Yelena or Floch?
That's one long arm
I would be one of your friends, user.
Every character has a purpose in the story and Sashas death is still rippling through her family, Gabi, and the chef guy. It all fits perfectly
Based EHchad
and jeans death will affect everyone in survey corps....
And Jean death won't?
Calm down, Hisu
How can a guy be best girl?
C-cheers user...
gabi is dying. falco is the one to survive. the tragedy of her learning that eldians on paradis weren't devils and then her dying would be absolute kino.
Sasha's death held a thematic purpose to show each side that they are no different. What purpose would Jean's death serve?
>What purpose would Jean's death serve?
to show that isayama isn't afraid to kill off his characters. can't wait to drink your tears pathetic jeanigger
Armong property right there my dude
>gabi is dying
Reality bends for Gabi to have a positive arc. She is going to join up with Armin group.
Someone hasn't heard of Armin
Too sleazy and greasy for me
Jean has been set up as the next Commander since Trost, though.
Hange has a much bigger triangle than her
To reinforce this is a cruel world when Jean's body is cremated alongside a pile of other bodies the same way Marco was disposed of.
La creatura...
This isn't game of thrones you retard so far every major death on the show was for real plot reasons and not shockvalue. Im not even a jeanfag I'm an Eren chad. You clearly don't understand storytelling dumb nigger.
too bad armong has been foreshadowed to replace erwin and save the world since serumbowl
>Zeke dies in the next chapter like some fags are saying
>PPfag, erldwinttksjeuenmod, antizekefags, EMfags, YHfags, warriorcucks and 90% of the fandom celebrates
>3 days later we get the audio and the guy from the last panel is zeke
that's the best part!
Annie has a bigger triangle than Hanji
What is the purpose of killing off Ymir? Because Porco hasn't made any real contributions to the plot.
fuck off Shitrenfag(pedo)
How do I get traps like the Beast Titan?
>tmw they put more effort into the BT's beard than Zeke's
Wtf WIT.
Not even any tomboy appeal- just looks like a straight up guy.
Isayama thought it was funny to kill off the dyke.
Sadly, her replacement was somebody nearly as bad.
She was Isayama's favourite character.
not him but ymir's character as a whole was an asspull that isayama had to kill off or the reveal of the titans would have been 50 chapters earlier. and the only LOGICAL explanation for her helping bert and reiner was because of shifter influence, but isayama should have at least given us a callback to the scenario to confirm it.
I would love if that shit happens, only to counter-BTFO of them.
>*trips and falls in front of you*
What do?
>The Warchief Zeke Jaeger (youtuber)
>The Warchief Zeke Jaeger (Commenter)
>Connie Springer (Youtuber)
>SergeantMajorGross (Youtuber)
>As Expected Of Pieck (Piku_Rabuer (Stream Commenter))
>Katya (Cringe Moldavian UK Gabipedo Periodfag)
Who else?
What can I say? Isayama likes jokes.
>no trips
>he doesn't fall in front of me
>Don't be shy, user. Wanna peek?
>tfw want the baby to be Eren's
>but I'm also an EAfag
Got a complicated kind of feeling
>He doesn't know
I think the entire chart is on jewtube, except some of them are really self inserts but some are based.
Yelena by far
Reiner is one of Isayama's favorites, too. Need I remind you how the poor fucker is being treated?
Eren is best boi, though.
Both will get eaten by the people they poisoned. I'm personally hoping Floch gets crushed by a boulder or eaten by Keith.
Why is Mikasa so BIG?
>Isayama bullies homosexuals and makes them amongst the most mentally ill of the series
wtf i love isayama now
What the fuck was Isayama thinking with the writing of Ymir? Was she just a big mistake?
>is a shifter because....?
>betrays the only people that cared for her because?
>just let's herself get eaten offscreen because?
She is a a big shit smear on what could have been a perfect manga.
To make room in her vagina cave for Gabi (a growing child)
Based Isayama.
I also dislike Ymir
Ymir and Reiner are one of his favorites. That's just his twisted way of showing love
She was there so he could pivot into Historia's arc.
Hopefully she dies soon. That'd be cool.
I know
H-how do I get an Annie gf guys?
She has the best Sex Face.
Will Reiner have a love interest? I can see why he would be a fag but I don't see him not hating himself enough to start loving someone else.
Don’t do it, Armin. She’s a total sociopath.
She's the one character without a doubt that isn't going to die
Never thought about it, I guess he likes her because she is kinda motherly
>Jean is a mama boy confirmed
>Was the one to shout her name
>Was the one asking about her
Grim Reaper-kun
yes, no
I don't know
Can you repeat the question
Imagine these fat fingers around your dick
Any other RH bros still around these parts?
i want to fuck her asshole..
I like to shitpost RH fanart sometimes. But only fanart I find pretty or well done. They're aesthetically pleasing.
Yeah. Doesn't it sound great?
i would gladly let sneed jack me off.
That is her whole appeal thou!
She was unironicaly a plot device from Isayama to nerf the Warriors, he said having 4 shifters in the Warriors side was too overkill against Paradis, so he created Ymir to balance things out. That's why her character is so "hollow".
With a death flag like this?
Sorry, some people can handle her sleaze but I can’t.
>Death flag
How is that a death flag in the slightest?
S-she's just misunderstood, user
Marcel betraying the warriors would have been kino
She was there to give Historia character development. That's it. Isayama couldn't keep her around she would've ruined the basement reveal.
If Hisu's baby is actually Eren's how would Reiner react?
>we never got smug, pretentious Dictatormin
Jealousy of Hisu
What I don't understand is why Isayama had to recontextualize her scene in the desert as she being in the paths dimension if he was over with her character.
It is the kind of sleaze that intimidates the inexperienced but longs to corrupt the pure.
>Eren got everything what people wanted to happen to Armong
Damn, what a twist.
Based Chadren.
Whats even Porco's point. Porco and Reiner feel like filler at this point
Probably to set the ground for upcoming events, like Zeke and Eren going there.
>Imagine being a cuckren self-inserter...
The warriors need fodder jobbers for Eren to fight
She needs a spanking.
imagine seething so hard because of chadren's existence
Reiner atleast got a reason there, rescue the kids, Porco in the other hand, is there just to fight(which he fails every time).
Porco is like Marley's Marco.
Reiner exists to suffer. Porco is just a placeholder at this point, but then again, so is Pieck.
isayama uses those fucking dots to shade way too much
How would you react if Zeke had a contingency plan if he was near death or betrayed for Yelena to take the Beast titan?
Annie looks like THAT?
She's average at best, looks the same as Hanji and Sasha
Yes, but why use Ymir when there was no need? I mean nobody thought that was another dimension, why is she even there?
who the fuck would he use then, dumbass? saying "there's no need" is just pussy talk. why does this manga exist? theres just no need dude hahahah no need
>this big bad bitch tomboy comes up to you and slaps your manlet ass
What do?
She looks like a 4 year old with the ass of your mother.
I want to ravenously lick her underneath that dress
wtf are you on about? I was talking about using a scene nobody thought it was really important for a character who is irrelevant at this point, for a major plot point. Isayama could have used any type of otherworldly scenery for Zeke scene, but he chooses to bring back Ymir's scene for no reason if he really is over with her as a character.
She would only slap the ass of short blonde girls, but even for that she is too shy
stop projecting. thats like saying mikasa is tall when shes only like 5'10
Ymir would be the kind to proudly call herself a bitch
Have any of you tried writing fanfics for this series? How did it go? Any advice?
5'10 is basically a giant when it comes to Asian woman
5'8 is the average
>stop projecting.
ha ha ha yeah
ok, i can agree with that. shes tall for a girl and for an asian, no doubt.
im just more amazed by yelena's height. shes like 6'5 at least.
>Asian woman
She's half-white.
gary stumin should die already
>shes like 6'5 at least
Lies, if this were true I would be fantasizing about her.
yelena is my tall amazon wife. you're late to the show. ever since her reveal i thought she was a cutie.
Who Annie? Is she a new character?
armong and jean are on the same tier of shittyness. both of their deaths would be for the better. but being a shifter is essentially plot armor, so now we can only expect jean to die instead of the coconut.
>Annie... I...
Shingeki no Kyojin: Repercussions of Evil
Eren Yeager waited. The glowing rocks above him blinked and sparked out of the air. There were titans in the base. He didn't see them, but had expected them now for years. His warnings to Cernel Smith were not listenend to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway.
Eren was a survey corps soldier for fourteen years. When he was young he watched the horses and he said to dad "I want to be on the horses daddy."
Dad said "No! You will BE KILL BY TITANS"
There was a time when he believed him. Then as he got oldered he stopped. But now in the survey legion base of the UAC he knew there were demons.
"This is Smith" Erwin shouted. "You must fight the titans!"
So Eren gotted his OMDG swords and cut up the wall.
"HE GOING TO KILL US" said the titans
"I will grab at him" said the aberrant titan and he fired the titan fists. Eren cuttered at him and tried to slice him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.
"No! I must kill the titans" he shouted
The Erwin said "No, Eren. You are the titans"
And then Eren was a shifter.
then what characters are not shitty, user?
She was taller than Levi, I should have known.
Stop it, Porco
eren, grisha, kruger, reiner, floch, pixis, zeke(still a cuck tho), falco, annie, yelena, magath, kenny. just some examples of characters that i think are better than jean and armin.
I agree with Armin being shit, but I personally think Jean is one of the better developed characters though his development did come really early on.
Outside of those, that's a good list.
will we see manlet and hange next chapter
Gabu > Hisutoria
Shut up, Falco.
Well, Isayama probably used the fact that she was a titan before eating a shifter, this is already a lore drop from her, and then Isayama made her the way that Porco saw Reiner, and also the P A T H S which was confirmed with Zeke(except Zeke's exposition of P A T H S is different).
Isayama just worked along the way with her.
Jean kinda teased it
>Isayama could have used any type of otherworldly scenery for Zeke scene, but he chooses to bring back Ymir's scene for no reason
That's nonsensical. Why would he make shit up as he goes if he has established bits of lore ready for use in the story?
When will Porco and Gabi die?
I don't think so, I can't see Isayama interrupting this battle. ;_;
one of them will die within 3 chapters. zeke will also scream within 3 chapters.
>erenfags think nihilism is deep
>speedreader from the other thread is a MIAtard
based as fuck
Nile's huge ass death flag pretty much confirms he's going to scream next chapter
Porco is going to be eaten soon. Gabi is going to die after Falco becomes the armored titan, to show that he also inherited Reiner's suffering.
eren isnt nihilistic
You should really ask us to pay rent at this point.
based retard
Because that scene was never hinted of being other than Ymir regaining her human form in somewhere in Paradis. I'm talking about intent with using this imagery for a major plot point in the future, it opens questions for a character who he is apparently over with.
He probably does, the only time Zeke actually didn't had a plan was when he got caught by manlet in the giant forest. But lets wait and see, many people thinks is pretty stupid for Zeke to blindly trust Eren, so is possible Isayama noticed that.
I wouldn't be surprised if something like this happens
>So you kill me and then what? You get to use the Coordinate for afew hours and what next? You gonna curse the other Royal in this island after killing me?
>Kruger, Pixis, Falco, Yelena, Magath
I wouldn't put them among the rest you mentioned in my opinion (they're still likeable though).
I think Isa neglected developing most of Paradis cast in the latest arcs.
Hange's recent development is great so I think AJMC will be fleshed out too.
>it opens questions for a character who he is apparently over with.
she was his favorite character. why do you want him to suddenly be over her so bad?
>tall, hulking dyke
>voice deep enough to pass for a man
>only stopped looking ugly after retcons
>got stumped by Pixis stating that the rumbling would only save Paradis
>responded like a religious fanatic with blind faith "Zeke is God tho"
>really believes euthanization plan will "save the world"
Why do people like this character?
We don't really know for sure if that's all it meant though. Maybe he just wanted to illustrate that all eldians really are connected by paths. Either way, the best you can really hope for is memories from ymir, maybe somebody is going to eat Porco soon.
She is a great rival to Pieck for Zeke's love
Because the tall crazy girl appeals to some people, I guess.
Based trips and AArt
>>tall, hulking dyke
>>voice deep enough to pass for a man
her VA will sound cute as fuck for pic related
>>got stumped by Pixis stating that the rumbling would only save Paradis
this isn't a bad thing. she got proven wrong. that doesn't mean i dislike her
>>responded like a religious fanatic with blind faith "Zeke is God tho"
thats what makes her good. shes insane
>>really believes euthanization plan will "save the world"
refer to above
>why do people like this character
she is based as fuck and will die in a great way.
I don't, but with her death, it was pretty obvious Isayama didn't have plans for her until that scene popped out again with Zeke.
She withstood the ARF at point blank range.
So far even Hange and Erwin have fallen victim to it while Annie who is practically made out of red-pills and truthbombs had trouble resisting it.
What race is she?
>tfw you will never climg to ymir's side like a manlet squirrel
high elf
Could just tie him up like the titan succession of the Reiss family and Marley, maybe Eren will find some use for old Zackley’s handiwork
>it was pretty obvious Isayama didn't have plans for her
upon reading the manga, you can see that this statement is false. just because it didn't hold any significance when we first read it doesn't suddenly mean the scene was unnecessary.
Zackley's waifu is dead. You can thank Floch for it.
I'm glad they liking each other got confirmed
sneed is gonna wake up soon and get mad!!
>nigrenfag SEETHING
Cant wait for Armin to cooperate with Eren in the end and stomp out Falco the virgin
it wasn't
different posters
Let him come
Yeah, but this would mean he wouldn't die, and that could be interesting since we could had some pretty amount of decent panels of Zeke and Eren talking with their real ideals and plans. I said this some time ago, but it could happens that both Eren and Zeke finds a way to vir the link and end the titan curse with the cost of Eren's life.
Yes but that doesn't change she was killed offscreen and in that point, she didn't have much relevance in the story, it was fair to believe that was over for her character in the story. This is why I'm wondering what Isayama is pretending with her now.
>Maybe he just wanted to illustrate that all eldians really are connected by paths
yes but not all Eldian have seen this dimension, only Zeke who is a major player in the plot right now and Ymir who is not.
Good, I got some news for him
>it was fair to believe that was over for her character in the story.
yeah and isayama subverted your expectations by bringing her back to tell her backstory and to include an important plotpoint for the future.
>This is why I'm wondering what Isayama is pretending with her now.
shes out of the story for good now, so you don't have to be upset with her any further.
>never hinted of being other than Ymir regaining her human form in somewhere in Paradis
People did notice that the location was different from where she ate Marcel. It was more obvious in the anime episode with Ymir's backstory which aired around the same time the chapter got released.
We did get the information that only a handful of people managed to see the paths a few chapters before, and she was the only person who had seen that sight up until that point. It checks out in retrospect.
The father of Historia's baby is Zeke.
Maybe her eating Marcel was part of Ymir's plan? Like I said earlier, I think it's pointless to expect anything more from her character at this point.
>an important plot point for the future
which opens up the question, why she was there? Because it seems like something special no other shifter has experiences outside Zeke and her.
Animal death
>which opens up the question, why she was there?
which goes back to me making fun of you earlier... "who else"
I don't remember people theorizing that was another dimension, just if there were desserts in Paradis.
>sea cucumbers are aphrodisiac food
The little girl who patched up Zeke wasn't Ymir, it was Christa.
Didn't Eren say that one successor saw paths or something? Maybe it's a random thing that happens. Just because we only saw it with Ymir and Zeke doesn't mean that it's exclusive to them.
B-Based Isayama
page? because Zeke reaction makes it looks like something really special and unknown for him.
>your mother is mine
who the FUCK else if not ymir, you braindead retard. all of your arguments so far have been terrible
So Zeke is the devil?
Maybe Zeke experienced it for the first time there. Doesn't mean that other people didn't experience it though.
Calm down you dwerp, I'm asking why Ymir saw that dimension?
Levi is basically a super-human. So why the fuck is he so short?
Christa means follow the Saint, Zeke is the Saint
>pussywhipped by Historia
>backed down from always moving forward
>couldn't sacrifice someone for the greater good like Erwin
Obviously, even if people knew there was something wrong with the location they didn't know exactly what it was because that wasn't revealed yet.
how the fuck are we supposed to know? there isn't an answer for that, retard. she just happened to see it.
High test and shitty childhood without normal food.
I'm going to marry Annie!
Armin saw Berthold crying after eating him, and the others comment anything about that, which would be weird considering is a cathartic experience.
You need to die.
Lack of Vitamin D
We know, Arumin Arulet
They will survive.
Marital Sex with Annie!
Just goes to show that it's probably a different experience for almost every successor. So Ymir seeing that scenery doesn't necessarily make her special. That or she's part of the original Ymir's plan or something. Who knows.
That's the point, Isayama opened up a plot point for a character who is supposedly irrelevant.
>she just happened to see it
she just happens to see another dimension at random...
>isayama introduces the idea that someone saw the paths
>ymir gets to see the paths literally next chapter
>she just happens to see another dimension at random...
yes... he used the letter that reiner brought to shinganshina to introduce the idea of ymir seeing paths... thats it..
>Christa, a normal human girl comes in contact with Ymir who is a titan
>Christa is kind, like the story in the book states, and she decides to help Ymir
>Ymir isn't a woman who recieved powers from the devil, Ymir was a titan who turned human with the help of Christa
>Christa is the one who is giving something to Ymir, not the other way around
>Shitmir and Historia parallel this relationship, Historia who is named after Christa is the kind girl while Ymir is the titan
>humans never recieved the power to become titans, a titan recieved the power to become human
>Hideo Kojima and Hajime Isayama have never appeared in the same room at the same time
>Hajime Isayama is an anagram for Hideo Kojima
what a tender expression
His refusal to sacrifice people he cares about is what makes him human, even now when he's pretending to be a devil. As opposed to a true devil like Erwin, who died without accomplishing his dream.
Based Godholt.
Maybe OG Ymir chooses who can see PATHS and who won't.
She might agree with Zeke's plan, that's why she revived him. And felt sympathy for freckled Ymir since she carried her name.
>introduce the idea of ymir seeing paths
except it didn't, it was just the conclusion of Ymir character to Historia, it was never framed as paths in that flashback. It was recontextualized as paths until quite a few chapters later.
A cute
Did Annie age in the crystal or not?
>Ymir is a literal deus ex machina
based hackayama
>except it didn't
oh yes it did mister
What's her shifter power level compared to others? She's bound to be stronger than armored jobber, right?
Manlet should stop staring, he's going to make Hans uncomfortable.
Original Ymir guided imposter Ymir to make contact with Historia and keep her safe. Her obsession with Historia wasn't real, she was manipulated and guided by the real Ymir. Inferior Ymir was just a temporary bodyguard who was returned to Marley so the power could be used to defeat the Warhammer Titan.
she didnt age physically. curse of ymir is 100% still in effect though.
Above Reiner, but below porco
That's the thing, it makes the possibility OG Ymir had a plan in mind with Ymir or something else we don't know yet.
user, that's an impossible statement.
Above Porco, but below Reiner*
Is Eren being an OP Mary sue currently justified given how much he incompetently failed throughout most of the early conflicts?
It didn't, because if you read until Ymir flashback, you wouldn't know she saw the Paths dimension it was never framed as such until later.
OG Ymir chose for Eren to be obsessed with freedom. Eren is just a puppet of Ymir.
Ymir wouldn't have known how to get to the walls unless PATHS pointed her to the right way.
He's your typical sad gay. I don't think he'll be able to find someone before he kicks the bucket.
>OP Mary sue
He almost lost after magath shot him twice
Let me rephrase.
Above JOBner, but below GODco
it's unlikely for everyone to find a love interest at this point.
isayama knew, and thats all that matters.
If there is a plan all you have to do is look at what Ymir did and assume it's part of the plan.
Ymir sabotaged the attack on Paradis by eating Marcel making the attack far less successful. When she got into the walls she by pure ''coincidence'' found out about Historia and got obsessed with her, then proceeded to find her and protect her. She saved Historia's life in Utgard Castle, then when she had served her purpose she conveniently decided to go die.
If this was planned and done by Ymir then it got pulled off flawlessly. The entire purpose of Ymir was to keep Historia live for whatever Eren is planning to do.
after last episode, i just can't trust WIT to make this as kino as it could be.
why has WIT stooped so low this season?
Being short is an asset in acrobatics.
doing multiple shows at once.
Isayama told Araki Mikasa was never meant to be cute.
>OP Mary sue
Those words have lost all meaning.
>Eren vs Armin = waifufag vs waifufag
Last episode was great, what are you talking about?
they ruined the dina reveal.
>Eren dies to swap places with Ymir (goddess), ending the curse
>Marley crumbles as they have lost their titans
>Alliance between Paradis and anti-Marleyan coalitions
>Ymir (goddess turned human) is born through Historia
>Levi and Hange retire in some rural area inside the walls
>Jean, Connie, Mikasa and Armin travel to foreign places with Paradisbux to explore the outside world.
>Annie returns to daddy
>Reiner marries Historia (as punishment for grabbing her leg on that tower)
>Pieck and Porco settle down in the newly-conquered New Paradis-Liberio.
>Literal whos stay literal whos
>literally the same as the manga
>>Eren dies to swap places with Ymir (goddess), ending the curse
literally stopped reading right here.
Why did you not protect her smile?
oh alright, thanks for clearing that up. almost thought you figuratively stopped reading right there
>>Literal whos stay literal whos
stopped reading right there
the shitty fade to show both eren and grisha talking was terrible, and had no emotional impact like the page. also not to mention that the transformation itself was wack. also, not related to dina reveal, but kruger reveal was also done better in the manga and his transformation scene where the soldiers at the docks flew into the water but grisha standing on the walls perfectly fine ruined the immersion.
>Alliance between Paradis and anti-Marleyan coalitions
hahahaha, they would destroy Paradis first for what they did in Liberio before going after Marley.
And he's still steamrolling everything.
Fucking based.
seethe more LOL
I'm pretty sure Kruger jumped down to where the soldiers are at, that's why they were sent flying and Grisha wasn't.
why are you getting angry, friend
>I'm pretty sure Kruger jumped down to where the soldiers are at
he did. but the anime showed him transforming immediately upon slashing his hand, and the lightning strike struck the wall they were standing on.
? i was just laughing at someone who got mad because i didn't read their entire post.
calm down bro I wasnt getting mad
What? How?
This means Ymir and the devil are the same person.
well then we are both not mad, which is a good thing. im sorry for calling you mad when you were not.
Jean WILL impregnate Mikasa
its ok bro sorry for calling you mad
We don't really know how that shit works, so it's a bit hard to comment on it. But you can see Grisha standing up from crouching as the transformation ends, meaning he had to crouch to avoid getting blown away, so maybe Kruger jumped at the right time. The soldiers being blown away that far was overdoing it though. Still, I think it was a pretty good scene that did the manga justice.
I ship you two.
scroll up 11 posts, doofus.
Mikasa WILL impregnate Jean
She committed suicide herself
Why don't you go make out, you faggots.
Mankasa will plant his seeds inside Jeanny*
Back to the kitchen, woman, this is a manly thread now
This is gay
IMAGINE playing as Queen Historia with this
Gatling rocking-throne. Make it happen.
If there's a female titan, then why isn't there a male titan.
>phone games
Let this post go unreported, you guys gucci with that?
BASED retard
How does that scene open questions of anything, we know now that Ymir had just “woken up” after getting her human body recreated by paths girl. That doesn’t open up any questions. If anything, zekes scene shows that this was just the paths dimension for shifters
I mean look at those gatling gun textures, that can ONLY BE from a phone game.
and you would be WRONG! which is why you are a BASED retard!
Thanks for calling me based, user.
That really speaks to my heart.
The retard part tho, UGH, that's going to be YIKES numero DOS from me, amigo.
it’s time to go back
>I guess I'll throw away the opportunity to cleanse the human race and start anew with eugenics
Stop fighting please! >_< like seriously...
Your YIKES is a YIKES for me
The absolute state of this thread
YEP sorry I didn't want to do this, but now I have to.
I officially announce the third and FINAL yikes coming from my side.
Unless you apologize (and I promise that I will apologize after you), I am not going to talk to you, anymore.
>backless dress
das it mane
that wasn’t me, and i’m not going to apologize. you thought the snk game was a mobile game and i made fun of you, and you are going to have to live with being incorrect.!
I can't hear you.
Zeke hates war, speedreader.
>Make all Eldians bullet resistant through gene editing
woww very hard
Ugh, could you just, like, show some respect? Not everyone knows about videogames! You were very rude with that person
Has she even been relevant since she got crystal'd?
SnK is unironically the logh of our times. Would like to say the same about gundam the Origin but those fuckers only adapted the flashback.
I'm the original user.
I'm sorry that i disrespected, please forgive me.
Hello user, yes I will forgive you.
However, I have lied about apologizing back to you, because I think I was in the right all along.
See?? Everyone can be friends! The world would be just a lot better if everyone apologized! Oof
the plot thickens
>some YH fags literally believe Ymir is still alive and that her death was a fake out
They're unable to understand that Ymir was intentionally written to be a hypocrite, and embrace fan fiction as a form of denial.
You have to be kidding me...f*ck this
Not at all, still a sweet piece of prime 16 year old Eldian pussy.
>f*ck this
What the heck?!
he was very adamant about it being a mobile game, despite not being knowledgeable about the game. the fact that he said he would stop replying if i didn’t apologize means that he had ALREADY given up, because you can’t argue with someone when they are 100% correct about something.
We have no measure for the FT's editing capability, other than an ancient account of it being used to eradicate a disease.
>Manlet and Hans
>Replace life with vision
>girlfriend of 5 years cheated on me
at least I have you, snkbros.
Why are you talking to him? This is like talking to another person about me while I am right infront of you. If you want to actually talk about this issue, you could have just quoted me.
fricking heck...
Zeke's line that Annie is 'Probably somewhere out there practicing her kicks' is clear foreshadowing and Annie has been training in the Paths realm this whole time. She'll be broken out during the current battle and kick someone's ass.
This is my hope.
Is Zeke your favorite character?
i told you i wouldn’t apologize, and you said you wouldn’t reply. why are you now replying?
Because you fricking apologized right here!
There are cunts as big as your girlfriend aplenty here, why would you be happy to have us?
>cleansing the human race
Yes, because that worked out well for the Nazis didn't it? Go away, poltard
Is it really that hard to avoid bad words?
It was still rude...what if he doesnt know about videogames??
I don't know if you are a woman/man/trans but why was that? Maybe she needed her own space, try to talk to her and fix it!
It's true, I remember now that i apologized!
Sorry for my bad memory.
That sucks. Can't trust a woman
The shitposters are entertaining and it's better than TV whenever some ragetard comes in.
I'm a guy. No, I won't fix it. If someone cheats on me, it's over.
A 5 year old doesn't even understand the concept of cheating.
not once did i capitalize the letter “i”. notice typing patterns. you don’t even type like the original guy, which is why i doubt you are him. but if you are, oh well.
Sorry to hear that.
t. Johanpedo
>only like 5'10
People have really weird standards. Average height for Jap woman is 5'2 and for European woman 5'5. Being 5'10 girl is like being 6'3 man, not giant tier but still really tall. Having said that, I was hoping Mikasa would be even taller than this
The nazis didn't have the power advantage that the walldians have, so your point is moot there. Eugenics doesn't have to include torture or cruel experimentation
the combination of training for years in the hyperbolic paths chamber and finding out her ad died will allow annie to unlock musou tensei
>kills self
>his last words were "damn I just realized I'm never going to see how Attack on Titan ends"
Uuh...hello? Sweettie?? We are know?...
>I'm a guy
That's your problem. You did something wrong, upset her or something and you don't remember
way too obvious. your other posts are convincing.
>That's your problem
I'll give you my jacket half of the time so you give it back to me for the other half!
Oh, barnacles..
Alright, pal. I would like to make two things clear.
First of all, don't fr*cking lie to me. You don't have bad memory, you are just trying to cyberbully me!
Your other post is like 30 seconds apart one does not simply "forget" something in the span of 30 seconds.
Second of all, I am him. You have no reason to doubt the second guy who replied to isn't me.
Get out or shut the front door, I am sick of this n*nsense
Sorry to hear that. Not all girls are cheaters. You'll find someone just as faithful as you eventually.
one person cannot post two things within thirty seconds. which is also why you are
What a cringe thread.
shes batshit insane and its glorious
That pic is a big YIKES
I'm sorry but men are always ruining everything, maybe you didnt listen to your girlfriend enough
You are wrong twice twice.
I am not the guy you quoted and I am going to post this at the same time the other guy posts, just to prove it to you.
it’s probably the same guy who got triggered over which thread was used the other day
get shr*kt
Sasha not becoming a titan was wasted potential.
you literally just went against what you said about posts being thirty seconds apart and being the same person. if you are going to shitpost, keep a consistent story.
>zeke and yelena are wild and crazy, who cares if they're delusional or hold a cuck mentality!
F*ck you!
You just want her because she is cute...
based Erenbro(cuck)
Okay user this will be the third and last time i say it.
There you have it, and please believe me, i AM the original poster, i wouldn't lie to you user, i respect you too much.
>Sasha not getting eaten by a titan was wasted potential
YIIIIIIIKES, can you, like, stop posting this?? Even my cat got scared!
>Armong gets revived with magical juice
>Mikasa dying
i love piku
Daily reminder that cuckren only has 2 more years of living
FR*CK OFF! You probably use another device (and I can't use more than one device because my mother won't buy me a good mobile phone until my birthday)
Okay, so my plan B is believing you.
Maybe you have a split personality? In that case, GO SEE A THERAPIST. This is common knowledge that you should know and your parents should have teached you.
>capitalized the i after “THAT”
you were so close. but anyways, sure i apologize. it is a mobile game if you think about it since it’s on the switch
Yeah it would be pretty amazing, right?
Planned Parenthood kills half of all nigger babies whilst maintaining almost fanatical support from the leftards.
Eugenics can be highly successful.
What the h*ck?
>tfw animated Pieck never ever
Dude don't cuss, 4channel is a SFW website.
>Piku's cute smug colored smile
It looks like she's about to break into tears
you mean WIT style, because araki confirmed season 4. just not that it’s done by WIT
don't say that bro... we will see animated Piku in our lifetimes
One word: YIKES
Zeke is nihilistic, Eren is an existentialist. Too bad you are too retarded to figure it out by yourself.
>directly linking to it
Based retard
I wanna hear Piku's screams as she gets eaten by a titan.
How are they gonna revive manlet ?
Wtf, this article is based.
your click doesn’t make any difference, user. just don’t click it because it’s gonna be a horrible read
>Americucks using inferior imperial system
Cpr, love and serum
>american website
>”the users are american??!!? wow maybe i’m a retard for using the wrong site...”
It's trashing the polygon article if you'd actually read it.
I don't care. Convert to metric system or stay autistic.
There are more non-Americans browsing this site, meaning more people accustomed to the metric system. Not like an Americuck would have the brains to understand, though.
Piiku will survaibu!
>the users are americ-
your numbers don’t matter. accommodate yourselves when in foreign areas.
>foreign areas
>foreign areas
You've never lived a day outside of your country
Okay, how about hearing Piku's screams as she almost gets eaten by a titan?
and i also don’t visit foreign websites and complain about their number system. so who’s the REAL retard here?
Aren't you Americlaps embarrassed, using such a dumb system and all?
>arguing with Americans
sorry bro but you're doomed to fail, it's impossible to talk sense into them
since when are websites solely for Americans?
>arguing about systems of measurement and weight
I didn't come from /pol/ to subtly discuss politics via Eldian vs (((marleyan))) wars to see such shit tier arguing.
when did i say you weren’t allowed to come here, you dumb retard? none of my posts imply europoors aren’t allowed to use any website of their own free will. coming here and complaining about users using the imperial system is like coming here then complaining that people speak english.
We need her back
>an American millionaire would only have 885K USD in Germany
>ignore argument
Losing her pretty much gutted the rest of AOT to be honest.
Cutest ship ever!
Stupid sexy Rico... best woman.
So how old is she really?
Captain Rico and her bespectacled ass is not for lewd!
Rico would never breach military dress code like that...apologize to her for this ludicrous post!
Here’s your Zena (female), bro.
I would unironically kill for a Zena gf. How do I obtain one?
Dont have a penis
Let it die bro
>Not wanting to hear Pieck scream as she gets Zeke's 12 inch T I T A N I C D O N G
Pleb taste.
When did they change that?
He has to wrestle it out of his chastity cage first.
if a female shifter is revived via paths is it a cute shota who moulds their vag
nope, just a jealous, 2000 year old flat-chested, flat-nosed loli roughly handling Annie's body.
if annie dies, would the titan only go to females? or does anything think males can inherit the female titan aswell?
She has a young 19 years old lover. ;3
kill yourself tranny
new thread in 2
>"Damn Ymir, you're even rougher than the old men."
congratulations, you have shit taste
>"A fresh set of holes will do me some good."
>Implying Pieck wouldn't rape a limbless Zeke
Guess we know her keikaku was getting Zeke knocked out so she could bang him.
fucking lol
someone make a new thread after someone makes one, and then have a meltdown.
make it an annie edition
Make it a butthead edition
>implying Annie's regenerative abilities wouldn't heal her hymen and tighten her holes everytime she gets penetrated
>no one making a new thread
>thread slow as fuck since ~300 replies
what killed the hype?
You just know that annie has all that murder guilt from killing dozens of innocents and would be into being punished sexually
Eren being controled by 2000 year old Devil
It’s the 20th. No anime, and a while until manga (with nothing else from last chapter to discuss since we’ve already done that for some time). Just come back on Sundays and manga times.
i will continue to visit /snk/ everyday.
Now that's the spirit!
anything to keep it alive.. if not me... then who else...?
Eren came inside Historia on his own will, you are not gonna change that
That's a big forehead
Historia looks mega cute on this illustration.
Shut up Eren, Annie is better
Stop fapping to her crystal and acquire some goddam taste, Armin.