Cardcaptor Sakura

Attached: [Kaya] Cardcaptor Sakura - 03 (BD 1080P X.265 AAC)[E77F397D].mkv_snapshot_06.55_[2019.06.19_19.57.23 (1293x1012, 812K)

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Attached: Anita happy.jpg (340x600, 58K)


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>those hoorible nails
My wife is perfect as it is.

Attached: 67283229_p0.jpg (1123x1650, 628K)

Why the nails?

perfect for handjobs

Attached: sakuraswimsuits.jpg (1790x2500, 1.37M)

I wish it was my face instead of Kero-chan's

This nail shit is getting out of hand


Tomoyo is so adorable it physically hurts me to watch sometimes knowing something so precious isn't real

Clear Card was ok

Attached: Akiho_Manga_Profile.jpg (689x995, 313K)

Post bodysuit Sakuras

my favourite poster in this thread

Attached: sakuratomoyokiss.jpg (1280x909, 117K)

is this how true friendship looks like?

But user, it's for girls. Why are you watching it?

Because it's good

Mahou Shoujo in general is for men. Card Captor Sakura especially.

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I wonder if you get paper cuts if you fucked her.

Mahou shoujo is for men.

Is cute

It's what the purest form of love looks like.

I want a gf to watch Mahou Shoujo with

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I've never seen any of this series but some of the songs are top fucking tier.
Like this might be my favourite ED ever.

That looks nothing like the purest form if love.

Attached: __kinomoto_sakura_and_li_xiaolang_cardcaptor_sakura_drawn_by_fujita_mariko__791c20b0931acfa860b7c3d8 (1786x2500, 1.04M)

You should watch it, the OST is one of the best anime OST ever.

Why not?

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Aw man why are so many tracks missing from the soundtrack?

Anyone happen to know which track in the soundtrack this is?

Kero-chan's theme.

Oh okay, the first 16 seconds may aswell be a different song so no wonder I couldn't find it, thanks!

oh god oh fuck

>mfw I'm about to age out of that age range
W-what happens then?

You'll have no more need for magical girls once you transcend to wizardhood.

I thought wizardhood was at age 40, what happens for those 4 years?

Alternatively, you'll have kids and buy the BDs "for your daughter", which is counted for the other part of the chart.

By that point you're old enough to watch whatever you want and not give a fuck.

Will Clear Card anime continue?


Any ideas when? Its been a year since those 20 episodes came out holy shit
>its been a year already

Maybe they'll announce something early next year, if anything?

I want her to sandwich my face

Best Sakura OP?

Platinum > Catch You Catch Me = Rocket Beat > Tobira wo Akete = Clear
They are all great and catchy as fuck, but Platinum is a 11/10 imo.

Switch Tobira wo Akete with Rocket Beat for me. Platinum is such a good song I fucking love it.

Your wife is a little girl.

>those fucking cute nails