Really tired of this shit.

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's a good theme when written well. Stop reading garbage.

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Filthy human traitor.
You will be hanged along with the aliens and intelligent animals that attack us.

Pic not related.

>muh human
But those are not human and I am not talking about the orcs.

Well human are shit and that's why we create those evil races in these fictional worlds to make us seem less like the baddies that we actually are.
That's why making those fictional creatures the victims of evil human is kinda dumb.

Because it's too close to reality for (you)

It can be quite good, when you start playing with the definition of "human".

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>human are shit
Compared to what? We literally have no baseline to compare ourselves to. You're using a sample size of one, and pretending it's completely accurate.

Hyumans are fucking garbage in that setting, literally every other sapient race is more civilized than them there, mostly because they didn't have the goddess stroking their dicks 24/7 and actually had to work shit out on their own.

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He might've been a crazy mole-rat man but everyone else somehow managed to be worse than him.

This theme has been done 1000s of times at this point. If you want to write a story about "HUMAN BAD" the quality of the writing has well above average to still be interesting.

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I thought that's Yoda from thumbnail.

Are you really that much of a brainlet that you need a comparison to see how shit humans actually are?

He's a enlightened philosopher on the level of Ayn Rand so of course he doesn't see any of the bullshit people do to other people as evil.

Those aren't humans

He doesn't need to. You're perfect example and a reason why it is so.


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Humans are inherently bad by nature.

Yeah, if any other race were to achieve intelligence and science they would never fall to their primal instincts for territory and reproduction killing each other or become more and more efficient at exploiting the environment for their own advantage.
Homo sapiens is such scum, I bet a Leo Sapiens would be a race of vegans, with everything made of recyclable materials and so in tune with nature they would be able to speak with animals, and birds would fly to their shoulders and oh my god this joke went too far.


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Courtesy of /tg/.

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Does it come from hideous?

>humans are shit because I say they are
Great argument there. Just because you're a self-hating cuck doesn't mean everyone else is.

That sounds like something that an evil persin would say to make you believe that the evil in humanity doesn't exist.
I never said I'm not a piece of shit or else I wouldn't be here.

>I never said I'm not a piece of shit or else I wouldn't be here.

Quads confirm.

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Humans in general are shit, doesn't mean I hate myself.
I'm actually enjoing being an asshole to others.
Fucking embrace it!

heh took me a while to figure it out
/tg/ writes some good HUMANITY FUCK YEAH shit

This That setting is basically humans=affluenza out the ass. Of course they all turn out to be garbage people when a literal goddess tells them everyone else deserve death and they can do no wrong.

>Humans hate themselves because they are the only species that evolved self-awareness to the extent of being capable of doing so
Its a shitty side effect of intelligence if you ask me. I just want to eat, fuck and piss without feeling bad about it.

But what he's a hypocrite, he's thinking with his empathy and personal attachment to that weak and useless human and as such uses his power to unfairly protect her from the fairness of those with power to use it as they personally see fit. That's what power is, the ability to make your own choices no matter how they turn out to your own personal desires. Unfair is subjective, there are people now who say it's unfair that minorities are seen as inferior, there are people who say it's unfair how the rich use their status and wealth to abuse the poor, there are those who say it's unfair that people view one gender superior than the other but they never stopped to think that the situation wouldn't be any different if the victims of this unfair treatment had the power their so called superiors have. There's no such thing as "fairness" and "equality" in a society, no in our very mindset in humans or beings who were created by humans especially those beings in fiction as a human is writing this story. In reality if such a being exists they would be completely incomprehensible to us in their actions. There is only one example of equality in this world and that is death.

And then there are people who're overdoing it by torturing, selling, killing and raping others (often children, women or just people who are "weaker" than them) for their own profit or enjoyement. I'm not going to be a moralfag here, I don't even believe in good and evil but if something like "evil behaviour" exists it's probably something like that.

If Gon ever meets with Palm or Ikalgo again and they bring Meruem up, I want this to be the response Gon gives.

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Gon would never say something like that because he is a hypocrite himself and still has a childlike mind.

Then a spacecar full of space niggers will pop out of warp space and demand protection money for stepping on their turf.


Gets me everytime.

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Still haven't watched Soukou no Strain, but description sounds like it would fit well into this thread. Worth tracking down?

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Watch the first episde and then decide.

since someone here already went ahead and posted aliens and shit i might as well share something tangentially related

you niggers should read this trilogy use libgen to get it

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>Does it come from hideous?

I don't remember that ever being explicitly commented on in the anime itself.

That being said, Gen Urobuchi can be pretty blunt sometimes, so probably yes.

Everyone wants to be the tyrant that saves the world, only to find out being a dictator requires you to be an asshole to keep power.

If he led a revolt against the world and directed the revolt in a positive manner that would be something different. But becoming a Dictator of the whole world would cause more damage than just letting things run normally.

His idea is ultimately shit because it robs people of agency. If I own a field but my neighbour is hungry, is that an unfair situation? In order to prevent inequality, should I have simply not set the wheels of the current situation in motion by tilling the soil and planting the crops? Should my ancestors not have bought the land and worked hard so their progeny wouldn't go hungry? Or is he basically just expecting people to continue working but only so he can rob them of the fruits of their labour, so he can re-distribute them to those who do not produce anything of value?

The only thing Meruem has going for him is that his is a very easy ideology to make sound nice on paper

well they should stop being dicks to people they summon or abandon

>literally just communism
>well written

I've read up until the point where the witch falls into the human village and I'm really dreading reading any further

humanity's fucking garbage and we all deserve to die

Someone post the cockroach one.

HUMANs (ヒューマン) =/= Humans (人間)

>newborn monster with little knowledge on human history thinks communism could work and his ideal world is realistic
More like good writing

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Holding people to any moral or legal standard robs people of agency mate

so are they

Dictators are the best form of government. There's no government bureaucracy holding them back from doing what's they think is best for the people and if things go wrong there's only one person to kill.