Why is Satoshi such a bad trainer? A lot of his badges are pity rewards

Why is Satoshi such a bad trainer? A lot of his badges are pity rewards.

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Stop watching shit for ten year olds

Who that? In my days, we used to call him by his real name "Ash"


imagine being a purist for a children's toy commercial

>called Ash
>doesn’t use exclusively fire mons

Blame the gyms for giving out badges based on things other than gym battles.

>calling Ash Ketchum some weird faggy fishface moon name
>being a Bitcoin faggot

Wasnt that only in the 1st season or so, I seem to remember him legit beating a lot of gym leaders later on

Due to being eternally 10, it means he perpetually has less than 1 years experience as a trainer

only charity badge i remember was Cerulean

I wonder if Ash would be a Gym Leader when he's old

Didn't Brock give him one out of pity too? Also Lorelei best member of the Kanto Elite 4

Ash was only "bad" in Kanto and some of Unova. He was fucking based in Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Kalos AND he fucking won a league in the Orange Islands. COPE
Haven't seen Alola yet. How good is he in that

He forfeited to Brock when he'd only win due to water sprinklers.
Cerulean you know.
Match against Eirika was interupted, saved her Gloom from a fire.
Didn't beat Sabrina, Haunter just made her laugh.
Match against Koga was interupted and he gets badge for beating TR again.

So all there was legit was Surge and Blaine, and he still had to lose and rematch them.

And he got the 8th Badge only because Giovanni left Jessie and James in charge.

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Ash beat Brock, it was just in a really bullshit way.
In Cerulean the fight got interrupted by Team Rocket, and Misty's sisters gave him the badge anyway because they knew he would've easily won if Pikachu hadn't refused to fight her.

Most of his "pity badges" involved the gym battles being interrupted and the leaders giving them as a reward for fixing the problem, and them not wanting to bother to redo the match when both their parties had recovered. When this happens with Blaine though he gets pissed when Ash asks if he can get the badge just for beating Team Rocket.

/vp/fags being underages like always.

Satoshi is a good trainer. Prove me wrong

Best Wishes

Stopped reading there.

I'd also add that Nate canonically married his love interest and had two kids.

Fever dream

He's just good for fucking. I wanna take his pokevirginity and become the master of all shotas.

Imagine being too young to have gotten into Pokemon back in the 90s, and to have known Ash by his actual name. Imagine first watching Pokemon on the internet decades after the fact, and in Japanese no less. That'd be pretty pathetic.

iirc he didn't learn stuff about pokemon and was like a child that only used pokemon and moves it thinks are cool when playing the games for the first time

Stop watching anime then

Yokai is just as shit

>can't even get through the anime equivalent of victory road.

He's objectively a good trainer. He's gotten every badge and participated in the Pokemon League of every region he's ever visited.

Pokemon just takes place in a world where people fucking suck at Pokemon. Ash is a good trainer by the shitty standards of his world.

He's burned out like white ash.

>Match against Koga was interupted and he gets badge for beating TR again.
No, after Team Rocket was dealth with, Ash and Koga continued their gym battle with Charmander vs Golbat and won.

After he beat TR at Kogas though Charmander beat Koga's Golbat. Also Blaine was a rematch, he only was lucky the second time that his disobedient Charizard was interested in fighting Magmar

I stopped watching this after Orange Islands because I wasn't 8 years old any more, but wasn't there one guy in the more recent seasons who caught multiple mons and released the ones with shittier stats? And he ended up winning the tournament for that region?

That would certainly explain why all his best mons either get released into the wild or rot in a PC Box every time he goes to a new region.

The fact that he was fielding a disobedient pokemon in the first place tells you just how bad of a trainer he is.

Alright, I forgot how Koga ended.
Still a bit of a mangled match from the interuption, and I don't think Koga's Venomoth ever went down.

>Based in Johto
His team was unevolved apart from a manlet Noctowl and he boxed Heracross. He also didn't battle a lot

That was Paul in Diamond/Pearl.
He checked what moves the mons knew and released the ones that didn't know as many.
He sucked too, lost to Ash in the tournament, got embarringly stomped by Cynthia and the Battle Frontier leader that Ash beat in Advanced.

And Ash's loss on the DP Tournament was from some random guy who showed up with a Darkrai. He 6-0 swept everyone with it, Ash managed to finally take it down, and he reveals his second mon is a Latios and wraps it up.

You can't when he's the strongest character in the series. He's the only dude fucking legendaries up with no lube for fucks sake.

>Fielding Noctowl
>Yea Forums will defend this

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Yep. His Johto team was so pathetic he needed old Snorlax and Charizard to hard carry him at the league.

If he were smart he would have taken the best mons he had to Johto instead of catching a whole new team to raise from scratch. If I had to use a Kanto team in Johto the only changes I would make would be replacing a Raichu with Ampharos and MAYBE replacing Arcanine for Typhlosion, but that's a big maybe.

The less pity badges, the better season

Ash did do that, until they came up with excuses to write them out, especially Charizard.
Hoenn was the first he started from scratch

>Special snowflake Grenigger blasted by MCX
>now he's brain damaged from the shock and as part of a therapy, resting in Alola, making memefaces and hardly battling anything

He just gets shafted because TokyoTV has used him too much to introduce a mew protagonist. Effectively, he's immortal because some television executives in Japan are experiencing lost cost fallacy.

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>A lot of his badges are pity rewards.
Mostly in KKKKKKKKKKKKKKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNTTTTTTTTTTTTTTOOOOOOOOOOOO but I can understand why you wouldn't know something about the other regions.

He's objectively a good trainer because his relationship with Greninja has created one of the strongest instant win conditions in the metagame

XY>Advanced Generation=Diamond&Pearl>Best Wishes>Original series>>>>Sun&Moon

At least he didn't lose to a kid who didn't know Pokemon teams are 6 pokemon in Johto

My country dubbing used "satoshi from masara town" and all other Japanese names like Musashi, Kojiro and SOOOOOONANZU

I'm not a burger nor from any English-speaking country, and we had Ash Ketchum and pokeraps.

It was. Most people that bitch about the Pokemon anime haven't actually watched it since they were kids and don't even remember much of what they watched back then either.

BW, In Jhoto he lost to a Hoenn trainer who's main was faster than Ash's Charizard.

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You can generally tell whether a Pokemon thread on Yea Forums will be good or not depending on whether OP wants to actually talk about the series or just circlejerk some memes about half remembered 20+ year old episodes because that's all he's watched

So why can't he a win a league again?

It was one of the biggest criticisms the anime had. The creators changed it so that stuff like that would never happen again. There are some situations in which he still gets a freebee but they are rare. Then there is the technical situations in which like in Orange Islands, the win condition wasn't always a battle.

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>Why is Satoshi such a bad trainer?
He's not.
>A lot of his badges are pity rewards.
Last happened like a decade ago at least.

Because they want him to get closer and closer every time. He's gone from an embarrassing loss in the top 16 in his first leage to just barely losing the finals in the most recent.

It's literally just that.

Because how would kids learn a lesson in humility, year after year after year? I think they secretly hate Ash, or maybe Ash is a symbol of purgatory or hell in which he is tortured with a goal but can never get close enough to win it all.

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Hush user, this isn't a discussion thread, it's a thread for newfags to circlejerk about how pathetic you have to be to have watched anything beyond when they stopped watching

because folks in control of IP are faggots
should've let him win in Hoenn and establish three gen cycle

I still like the final battle in Johto

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You obviously underestimate the bottomless amounts of autism a /padt/fag has. He also put SM and OS at the bottom of all series.

Paul was so pathetic he ragequit in the middle of a tag match with Ash in front of thousands of spectators and refused to give his Chimchar orders. So Ash did instead, and won the match via impromptu double battle match. Then afterwards Paul literally threw his half of the prize at Ash, then released said Chimchar in a rage, who Ash then promptly caught and added to his team because he liked the guy so much.

that's more proof for his innocence
a padtfag would never put BW over anything sans SM

I can only forgive the first season loss and DP loss. It just wasn't his time, all hail King Tobias!

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I like how Pokemon threads always make it obvious how many newfags that refuse to lurk we get these days by how many faggots seem to be completely unfamiliar with how popular XY was on Yea Forums just three years ago.

Got to show off the legit shinys m80.

Only in Kanto, even in the BW season despite being shit, he won them though regular gym matches

I hope Ash wins in Alola. Forever cementing him as the meme islands championship winner and nothing else.

He has to be retarded so that other trainers and people can teach him or amaze him.
He'll never learn anything or do anything of note or even use any of his old pokemon that have obviously become bullshit powerful.

That's how it is.
In the future there will be a hidden gym in the mountains where only the most talented learned trainers go to train.
Not even a handful make it and even less then that can even survive the first battle.
An abnormally powerful pichu.
The prize?
A hat.

There is no league in alola

>When the game protag steps up.

How come BW made an anime only guy instead of using Cheren? Seemed odd.
Maybe people want to forget XY after Alain dashed all of their hopes.

God I hope he doesn't win with just meme basic stage pokemon. It should be a slam like the Orange Island arc.

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I really hope he doesn't. It'd hurt too much after XY.

It's not about XY in particular, but about how these people seem to be convinced that nobody on Yea Forums has watched this series since Kanto and how any thread about it here is obviously just some childhood nostalgia circlejerking because what else would they be. Nobody that was on Yea Forums while XY was airing would ever think that.

>the part where Charizard OHKOs a Golem in a single Dragon Rage
Must be a really underleveled Golem

Paul really makes you wonder if laws against pokemon abuse even exist in the pokemon universe.
He didn't treat his other pokemon that bad, but holy shit that guy hated monkeys. I hate them to though, but I really wonder what the hell the writers were thinking making him THAT edgy.

>5 pokemon including 3 NFE
Not really deserving unless it's Z-move sweeps

>When an E4 trainer wants to battle your "pokemon" down there.

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Well it does evolve through trading. Lv 26 maybe?

What do you all think of the new gals so faar?

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I´m not up-to-date with current TrAshnime, but isn't there a pseudo league soon set up by prof. Cuckui?

>He's not.
He has literally NEVER officially fought an Elite 4, let alone a Champion.
He has sacrificed MULTIPLE top tiers for sometimes no reasons. WHY DID PRIMEAPE NEED TO GO INTO BUSINESS FOR HIMSELF!? I DUNNO!
And I haven't watch Sun and Moon but I wouldn't doubt he lost a League THAT JUST STARTED because the Producers are literally THAT adverse to change.
Please Consume Product Then Get Excited for New Product. Sword and Shield starting this Fall.
Please also buy our game we couldn't delay because we needed to air the new season

The writers seemed to try real hard to push the idea that him and Chimmy were just incompatible in style and Paul wasn't abusing his pokemon, I recall there being multiple points where Ash/other characters basically said that Paul had "alternative methods"

I don't want to be pedantic, but the Poketto Monsuta anime is actually a commercial for a video game series, not for children's toys.

Well I mean Diantha is like the lowest bar for Champions.

>Tobias made Ash look like an user who accidentally used his meme team in an uber championship.
I swear Tobias was a Pkhexer who EV maxxed out his Darkrai and gave it some insane defensive ability.

Yeah and because of how TV airing rights and Japanese economics and greed work we end up getting butchered shit in the games

The man despite many accomplishments is a fucking laughingstock because of that shit. You say that they're trying to give him the win gradually but Team Rocket sabotage, Darkrai sweep, brain dead retard league, and the greatest bait and switch in a children's anime goes against that theory completely.

>He has literally NEVER officially fought an Elite 4, let alone a Champion
A lot of people forgot that Alain smashed through the E4 and fought a Champion from another region. As much as it sucks to watch our MC lose, it was ultimately understandable.

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It's just some local free-for-all tournament. It's no more a league than the Pokemon World Championships Junior Cup in BW was a world championship. Ash was a finalist in that one and nobody pretends that was some sort of super impressive feat because it was just some random ass tournament open to anyone that wanted to enter.

Watch Ash get eliminated in the prelims

You ever think the people in this thread didn't watch that boring fillerfest?

He's mostly a "laughingstock" among people that don't watch the anime and act like they're tough shit because they beat a league in a Pokemon video game once.

Who'd want a nigger over a white woman

How would you know it's a "boring fillerfest" if you didn't watch it? How can you act like "obviously nobody watched it" when Yea Forums had constant threds about it?

Lurk more or go back.

Some people are drawing her white too, I honestly don't know what is going on maybe a NPC customization? I dunno really.

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It's more the fact he never wins what is basically the qualifies for what really matters, which is facing the Elite Four.
And that some of his loses are really and truly pathetic.

Normalfags make me want to never touch another pokemon game ever again. You could give them the shittiest pokemon/character design and they'd eat it up and make a million fanarts and facebook memes out of them. Like Sonia, she looks so boring.

Yeah I remember Ash would start making excuses for him saying "ooh that's just Paul hahaha.." like a beaten wife.
Paul is the original version of picrel topkek.

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it's because PC culture pissed off Japanese fan artists because one dude made her less black due to styling.
No really.

People are drawing her white because some twitter sperg harassed a nip artist who drew Nessa "too light". They're basically baiting sjw idiots for the fun of it.

I think Diantha peed herself when meeting Alain

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Only the west is making Sonia fanart. Japan is largely ignoring her because of how generic and boring she looks.

God who thought those wings were a good design?
Literally every time she doesn't wear them she looks 25x better

Now that sounds like a battle worth joining in on.

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Or they probably think she's a Gyaru with her awful painted nails

>what are indo-aryans

But it's Kalos fashion user, it makes her look like she flying when she battles. She does look a little too old though, she is pretty cute... for a dork

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Trips of truth have spoken. Painted nails a shit

She's not a nig although lefties pretend otherwise, but I guess she's not "coded" (sorry for uttering that word) as white either. Even though she got blue eyes, which is too rare to be considered normal anywhere outside of European stock.
She also got straight hair and caucasian features - it's only the very brown/tanned skin that makes her in any way "black".
Paki, Poo, Gypsy etc make a ton of more sense than black,
By given phenotypes a med European makes the most sense but that would trigger to many people to even be considered outside of rightwing extremist sites like 4chang,

See she looks SO MUCH better there than in her dumb battle uniform.
Just she has the same issue all pokemon women have that they're afraid to draw breasts.

Ash is going to battle his new friends isn't he?

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She's also from Poke-Britain, where most dark-skinned people are from the middle east/pakistan areas.
It's just that most SJWs are American, so "dark skin = african american" to them. Which is pretty racist honestly

Nips have taste?
My perceived reality status: Destroyed

If he loses to Lillie he is OFFICIALLY the worst.

>watch old pokemon
>jessie is busty as fuck
>check out a recent episode
>she's as flat as a boy

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Nah man we all know anything less than a cast of 100% black jews is not diverse enough.

Thank god fanart exists to give these women breasts

>started Emerald a few days ago for the first time
>5 badges so far, heading east toward that half of the map
>all the WATER

>Last time we got them done right was in the 90's

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Paul's style was better because he wasn't a complete retard in battle and used the power of strategy and switching. But yeah his training style was incompatible to Chimchar but most of his masochistic Pokemon enjoyed that edgy shit.

Exactly, where is your gay hispanic, bisexual asian with brown jew nose lesbian lover and former male character turned into a woman?

They apparently are restricted from drawing cleavage.
Resulted in Alexa from early XY having a "uniboob"

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That's just how she looks in the game. It's dumb, but it's not some restriction on the anime.

I always wondered how James managed to make those breasts look so real. If he were wearing a shirt it'd be easy, but with a bikini you should be able to see where the fake ends and his chest begins.

>Paki, Poo, Gypsy
Paki and Poo are both direct genetic descendents of aboriginals and are super inbreeding so that they can look as pale and caucasion as possible.
Problem is the genetic fuck ups that creates and how they worship any 4/10 with ten instead of 13 toes who just so happens to be pale enough to sort of pass as caucasion.

It makes more sense for her to be of african stock.
There are far far far more pure africans with "caucasoid" features then middle easterners
Also blue and grey eyes isn't nearly as uncommon as you think in africa.

tfw Lusamine buys her some lvl 100 ubers from Tobias, and she threatens any of Lillie's challengers behind the scenes.

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Towards the end of BW, the anime started to throw out tittytrainers left and right. They even had hips and tight fitting outfits. Even Dawn did a nopan appearance.

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You'd think for Fan Favorite Cynthia she'd get DDs at least.

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wasn't Ash's charizard absolutely broken? but the charizard refused to obey him

Something I never understood was the economy behind pokémon gyms. They sound like a huge waste of money, so are they run by the government?

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>perpetual sisyphean retardation
I just don't get it because other perennial children's shows that depend on one generation of children after another getting into it change casts just fucking fine. Some of them yearly like Super Sentai.
Pokeyman's particular brand of awful is pretty much unique.

the world's population was absolutely devastated during the world war, so resources are never a problem

There was an early episode about some assholes that wanted to start a Pokemon Gym because "it was the easiest way to make money these days", so they're private run but sponsored by the league or some other governing body with lots of money.

Meanwhile, PokeSpe Red who constantly gets his dick sucked

>Defeated Brock because types didn't matter back then and electric attacks could hurt ground types (Red didn't do anything, Pika didn't obey him and defeated Onix on its own)
>Battle against Misty wasn't shown at all. It wasn't until much later that it was revealed that he won it after training with her
>Got curbstomped by Erika and still got the badge because he protected an eevee
>Didn't battle Blaine, got the badge for helping him battle Team Rocket
>Didn't have an official battle against Koga, Sabrina or Surge (in fact, it was Blue who defeated Koga and Red needed Blue and Green's help to defeat Sabrina, he then just stole their badges).
>Red didn't even beat Surge, he got defeated by his own Zapdos's power
>Beat Giovanni because once again types didn't matter so Pikachu could 1-shot Giovanni's ground type pokémon
>Won the league despite not defeating his rival's pokémon, only because the referee had no idea what he was doing (hell, he was gonna let Blue win only because his Charizard seemed to have resisted an attack, despite Red still having pokémon ready to battle)

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Orange Islands fixed that. Orange Islands did a lot of good things.

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Isnt Paul basically just this guy but edgy and more fleshed out.
AJ was cool.

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Brock explained that gyms are family run or run like businesses and can be closed down. Misty too has also had money problems with her gym. The Pokemon League goes and certifies the gyms and classifies them as League worthy and allows them to send trainers to the League.

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I miss my lemon boi ;_;

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I obviously watched the Twitch chat stream dumbass and it was probably you retards in /vp/ making threads over here for some stupid ass reason.

>I watched some dub stream a year ago and that makes me an expert on what Yea Forumsthought of XY back when it was current.
Lurk two years before you post, Yea Forums-kun

That's shady as fuck, where the government pulls that money from? It sounds very like a state-sponsored bubble.

That implies that their society achieved post-scarcity, so there shouldn't be anyone poor. Why one would choose to work for the mafia, instead of pursuing their own dreams?

So do people pay to battle/watch? I never saw that being mentioned.

I've yet to see a subsaharan with naturally straight hair, blue eyes and caucasian facial structure.
I only said those examples made more sense than a black, given the blue eyes and not that dark skin I default to a Southern European as the phenotypye closest to her.
It's much easier to find a tanned Hungarian to cosplay as her than a black.

Glad to seem them pander to their true fanbase back then.

Funny to see the Paul archetype was already worked with so early, was he proven wrong in his methods, or was he right/ok?

AJ wanted 100 wins at his private gym so he could start his journey. If anything I would say he is very similar to Alain who tried to have as many undefeated Mega battles before he went out.

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>where the government pulls that money from?
Pokemon League ticket sales and TV broadcasting rights, I assume.

>Funny to see the Paul archetype was already worked with so early, was he proven wrong in his methods, or was he right/ok?
Akira was right, Satoshi just misunderstood what his deal was and eventually accepted he had been wrong about the guy. The Shinji and Satoshi rivalry was more about how both of them had their own legit ways of going about things, both ways had their pros and cons, and neither of them were "right" about how the other person was doing it wrong. What Shinji did wrong was mostly that he assumed his tough drill sergeant methods would work on all Pokemon.

Will OS ever be topped as the best children's anime series?

Brock's souvenirs
Misty's performances
Erika's perfume
Blaine's hotel and hot spring
Giovanni's business
Skyla's airport
Other's are for fashion and clothing, Elesa and Valarie
Roxie's is a music stage
Cilan's is a restaurant
And so on and so on.

>What Shinji did wrong was mostly that he assumed his tough drill sergeant methods would work on all Pokemon.
Actually fuck it, I didn't even remember that right. He DIDN'T assume that, he just tried his training methods on the Pokemon he caught and then released them if they didn't. Which is legitimate enough.

>He says this dumbshit when there was a thread about that stream a month ago
You don't even know about the board you shit up you retarded /padt/fag.

>Quietly watching him play this game, no music, cats everywhere
>Suddenly the cat zooms in on him
>Then zooms in on the cats
>Quietly watching him play this game, no music, cats everywhere again
>The fuck did I just watch?
Did anybody else find this to be weird?

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>both ways had their pros and cons
Indeed, I enjoyed their first battle where Ash was defeated rather convincingly by Paul, simply because Paul seemed like a guy that had done his homework, used competent movepools and beefed up his pokemon - unlike Ash of course.
It only seemed like they went a bit to edgy in those episodes with the monkey abuse, which taints the view you should have on him. A respectable guy who makes life unnecessarely hard for himself and those around him because of his attitude.

Well, losers have to fork over half of any money they have on them.

The AJ episode was like that too, though. Any first-time viewer would agree with Ash that AJ looked like an abusive jackass that should have his Pokemon taken away from him. It's framed that way so that you learn the same lesson the protag does instead of thinking the protag is an overreacting dipshit.

>Go on a Pokemon Journey
>Need fundage
>Pick up some items on the ground, pick fruits from the trees, go fishing, go caving
>Come out with a full backpack of items
>Go to Pokemart and trade them for cash
>Battle some scrub trainers for easy money, if you want
>Talk to people and get free hookups for items and vouchers
>Buy, trade, sell is your life
I don't how you could go poor in the pokemon world. Now I see why some trainers get to build nice businesses when they become adults. I think the pokemon economy is the best economy.

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>those milkies

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Japanese autistic comedy. Nobody knows what is going on, there's no punchline and you just chuckle because it's so genuinely odd.

Ash and co were broke a few times in OS

You'd think there would be a Pokemon League as a televised event in the game so that they can make money off of it like the anime. Since hat isn't the case I have no idea how gym leaders or the elite four make any sort of profit besides beating the trainers.

So American autistic comedy in a nutshell.

You can have two programmers, one is a 25 year old boomer who's only doing it for the money and has no real interest in it, and spends all day making corporate java programs, and the other is a 15 year old zoomer who's doing it for fun and constantly trying new things and experimenting, and the 15 year old might actually be a better programmer because of that. But he stills lack a formal education and experience and has a lot to learn.

That's kind of how Satoshi is as a trainer, and why you think he is "a bad trainer". He's not bad, he's just 10 years old. Wait until he's 25 and got his master's degree in Pokemans

Well Brock sends money to his huge family, Misty's sisters are shit temp workers, and Ash is probably losing half of his battles and having rematches so he isn't making money.
Let's keep going
May and Max are getting bank rolled by their daddy, Dawn is getting mommy's bank card, Iris is an off-the-gird type, Cilan is probably running a blog and poketube channel, Serena is getting mommy money and winning her contests, Bonnie and Clemont are smart enough to make tech and fix things, Lillie is rich, The other SM kids have productive parents.

>25 year old boomer

Attached: 1560989573154.jpg (443x443, 19K)

Those 3 alone should have steamrolled Ash's entire team, so Gary's whole lineup is probably underleveled as fuck.

The game barely even has professional trainers, most people you fight are just randoms with a couple Pokemon that double as pets. Owning more than 2-3 Pokemon is treated as some crazy overwhelming task that only the kind of crazy prodigy like Protag-kun can do, the kind that becomes the best trainer in the region about a month after getting his first Pokemon.
Even your rival doesn't catch his sixth Pokemon until the very end of the game, if he ever even does.

Indon spotted

>Misty's sisters are shit temp workers
Wasn't their entire deal that they were so sick of getting trashed by trainers who were actually competent that they just gave up on running their gym entirely?

Poor Brock had to give up being a trainer and make more money being a doctor because his stupid mom wouldn't keep her legs closed.

Attached: Pokemon Chronicles - 05 - A Family That Battles Together Stays Together! [DVD][PM-Dragon-x264-AC3][A (640x480, 25K)

In the games gyms are basically a martial arts dojo, presumably all the trainers you see in there pay to get training from the leader. Hell, there is a literal dojo competing with Sabrinas gym next door isn't there?

She may be an ice queen but I bet her huge chest is very warm.

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>Ash then promptly caught and added to his team because he liked the guy so much
Then Chimchar immediately became Ash's strongest pokemon, almost single handedly beating the last 4 gyms and sweeping half of Paul's team when they battled in the Sinnoh League. Kinda ironic desu

Lana's mom, Kahili, Mallow, Wicke, Burnet, Team Skull grunt girls are all stacked though.

That was literally the entire point of their rivalry, genius. Ash wanted to prove he could use his methods to make the monkey a strong fighter and win against Paul's team with it.

You know that there are only like 10 countries that had different names from the english dub ones right user? It's logical that people are assumming that you just bingewatched it instead of knowing Ash as Satoshi since childhood as there is bigger probability for it.

The bigger point is that you're a pretty big faggot if you sit on Yea Forums actually BOASTING about how you haven't watched the anime in question since you were a kid. And for some reason it's only Pokefags that do this. You never see any spergs in Sailor Moon threads act like everyone should use dub names because muh childhood.

It's pretty easy to catch a full team for yourself and the Victory Road is full of veteran trainers that are about as ready for the league as you are. I'm still surprised there's no gym leader reality tv series or really anything that shills the exciting parts of the Pokemon world for monetary gain when being a Pokemon actor would be lucrative as fuck.

Yeah except Sailor Moons has always been popular subbed. The sub has far eclipsed the dub.
Pokemon, not even all the epsiodes of OS are subbed, let alone the entire series.

>It's pretty easy to catch a full team for yourself
user, that was my point. It's "easy" because you play as a super prodigy, just like it's "easy" to become world champion boxer in some old and unchallenging boxing game.
>and the Victory Road is full of veteran trainers
And those are more or less the only other professional trainers in the entire region.

Who would've thought there was a gym leader club membership in Pokemon this whole time? So how do the elite four get payed if no one pays them for battling lessons?

*Blocks your path*

Attached: Tobias.png (1200x675, 720K)

You're on Yea Forums, not on fucking Facebook, and you should go back there if you're going to call people out for NOT using dub names.

Pewter: supercharges Pikachu, gets lucky with fire sprinklers, pity badge
Cerulean: pity badge because Pikachu refused to fight and they knew if he had Ash would have swept Misty
Viridian: actually a tactical win
Celadon: got a badge for saving the gym leader's pokemon (which she couldn't just return to a pokeball for some reason)
Fuschia: battle was interrupted once, but Ash did actually win
Saffron: Haunter made Sabrina laugh, so she couldn't fight and Ash got it by default
Cinnabar: almost lost the first time, interruption, Charizard then fought Magmar and won
Viridian: Team Rocket were acting as gym leaders, and Ash did technically beat them (only because Giovanni and Mewtwo weren't there, if they had Ash would have gotten rolled like everybody else)

So four out of eight. Three if you discount Viridian.

You're meant to stop watching and grow up before you get sick of him losing

Correction: Sugimori is a shitty and autistic artist. Like what said.
Cleavage is allowed in the anime and even on game characters. However, official characters in certain clothing that were designed by Sugimori aren't given ones despite having clothing that would have cleavages. Sugimori must have uniboob fetish because he keeps doing this.

Attached: 78b.png (1012x805, 1.16M)

*Blocks your doorway*

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They basically had to write out Charizard, because otherwise it would trivialise the first 5-6 gyms in every region.

>It's "easy" because you play as a super prodigy
Nothing wrong with adventuring at your own pace. I only start out out with a full team when I trade my Pokemon over to the game I'm starting over on.

>And those are more or less the only other professional trainers in the entire region
Why would you see veteran trainers so early in the game?

In Cerulean, Ash still had Pidgeotto while Staryu and Starmie were down for the count. Ash had that battle won regardless of Pikachu.

*Blocks the wrong path*

Attached: Cameron_Unova.png (1280x720, 1.86M)

user, are you legitimately autistic? The point he's making is that the games themselves hammer in the point that training Pokemon is incredibly demanding and taking care of more than 2 or 3 at most is a nearly impossible task that only experts can do. It's only "easy" for the player because the game has the player magically do all the super demanding shit offscreen so the player just has to push some buttons and watch shit faint.

No, they just got rolled by the three who started with the Charmander, Squirtle (Gary), and Bulbasaur that Ash didn't see because he overslept and decided "fuck it, performances forever".

Attached: Ash vs Cameron.jpg (1280x720, 220K)

I miss her.

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Ash's team is fucking horrible.

If you're gonna be the kind of fag that calls Ash Satoshi you better go all the way call mons by their nip names as well.

Welcome to Best Wishes.

That Ash team is garbage

BW in general is garbage.

>First two Pokemon are 100% certified shitmons
>Goes full tryhard with Lucario, Ferrothorn, and Hydreigon

Attached: 1314716911942.jpg (640x480, 58K)

>Misty's sisters are shit temp workers
You forgot that the Cerulean gym hosts frequent theater shows that always draw in a huge crowd.
No. When Ash challenged them they had already finished a butt load of battles and their pokemon were tired. The only one they had left at the time was a week Seel so they just offered Ash a badge for his trouble.

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Sugimori's based as he realises the superiority of one, big superboob

DP was fun.

Attached: [PM]Pocket_Monsters_-_Diamond&Pearl_-_613_DP144_-_Dungeon_Capture!_The_Valley_Power_Plant![SUB_7 (1280x720, 139K)

Sort of. Ash was right about Chimchar needing more patience to bring out it's potential but Paul was still right about Chimchar needing Blaze for victory.

>Goes full tryhard with Lucario
Nope. He had a Riolu. It evolved mid-match with Ash.

Kotone gave me a thighhigh fetish

cope, grandpa

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I stopped watching after the middle of BW, picked it back up in XY when Greninja appeared, dropped it again after the league jobbing, and then picked it up again when SM started. I'm not watching the dumbshit coming up next gen but the reason you want Ash to win is because it makes no fucking sense to lose all the time.

Is it so wrong for Ash to be the Lebron of anime with an impressive 3-7 for his league record?


Charizard is probably Ash's outright strongest. It's the only one of his with clear-cut victories over Legendaries (e.g. Articuno), along with surviving against unown-Entei or Mewtwo's Charizard, sweeping half of Gary's team including his Blastoise, brutalised Blaziken so bad it was still out for the next battle, beat the shit out of Iris' Dragonite, was soloing Team Plasma for a while, and more. Only Pikachu really comes close.

If I had to do up a list of his top six, it'd probably go something like: Charizard, Pikachu, Sceptile, Snorlax, Infernape, Noivern.

Honourable mentions to Kingler (first battle went from Krabby to Kingler and swept), Heracross (fire blast to the face and kept on going without flinching), and Greninja (special mode).

The fact that he was able to make it to the Top 8 with that garbage says volumes about the region as a whole.

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