>Most popular manga in the entire west right now, why arent you reading it Yea Forums?
Most popular manga in the entire west right now, why arent you reading it Yea Forums?
>tfw Jaimini got dabbed on
>oh boy i'm already hearing them comming saying "it's a manhwa not a manga btfo"
like this manhwa exactly follows the tropes of a typical shonen but max it out to a level where it's so addictive. Try to enjoy things and test new things out Yea Forumsnons
I cant read this shit because the names are impossible for me to recall because they sound so generic.
Well, I'll try it anyway.
>the entire west
You mean SEA?
The description made me want to puke.
And I'm reading Satanophany, Ingoshima and Ijousha no Ai
LMAO. Hope they snipe JB scums again.
Yeah, I also have this problem when reading Gookshit. Every single name is just three sharp sounds. I can't tell Gae Joo Hyuk apart form Ni Gae Koo. None of the names really stick in the same way Western or Japanese names do. Maybe if a Manwha is written by a massive Westaboo who goes full Black Clover and just mangles together Western names, I could read it.
that's fucking great
even reddit hates them now
> Korean
They're only good for fucking.
The only good one is Lillith's Cord
Go back.
fucking hilarious, can't wait for all those scanlators who got a little too full of themselves to realize they aren't god's fucking gift to manga fans
gook shit.
Ehh, can't they just do it like The Breaker or Veritas? I fucking hate that format.
gooks have the second worst names. after arabs who all have the same name.
Ah Veritas. I miss that series. Wish it wasn't cancelled.
I tried reading it but the format drives me mad. Vertical scroll with huge fucking panels and dialogue bubbles means it reads at a snail's pace even when there's nothing going on and that you barely see dialogue on the same image it is coming from. I hate that this format got popular in Korea, makes me ill.
>Most popular manga in the entire west
who gives a shit what's popular in the trash of the world?
We invented technology, you bugmen.
same with chinese manga too, why are japs the only sensible sliteyes
gookshit ain't manga
Lol, SEA nigger here, know nothing about it.
I saw this, and was laughing about. I wish jaimi is still on MD right now, just to see how spastic they will become.
Fuck them for deleting Kaguya out of mangadex.
>popular in the west
Oh so you mean it is garbage gotcha.
Agreed, here's some I just made up.
Suun jin fook
Fook jin sun
Jin hung too
Tig fun goo
Kin foo mii
Shit is ridiculous and could pass for real names.
user who did the chapter 1 of the retranslation, you still here?
Man, I'm still salty that there's not been a continuation after The Breaker: New Waves ended. I wanted to see where that story was going, damnit.
>Implying (you) had any contribution in it
Face it loser, you're nothing
>i am the weakest but shenanigans happen and i can become super strong
How is that different from isekais?
Because Korean webcomic is some of the worst format I've ever came across. I don't fucking want to constant scroll/swipe/key-down a fraction of a page just to read one giant ass panel that barely fits the screen.
>solo leveling
does it involve videogame mechanics?
You can pretty much figure who they are talking about by context.
It's not aside from the fact that i don't think there is a lot of webcomic isekai themed works yet.
Both are fucking trash.
hold up I think I'm out of the loop, what are people hating jaimi for? Weren't they a good alternative to "niggerstream"?
Fuck gooks and fuck gooklovers.
JB is fighting with MangaDex over who gets to make money off of scanlations, or if scanlations should even be monetized.
Tower of God is better.
What do you think m8.
The premise is that there is another world that people can travel to in portals. You are given a set level that cannot be changed no matter what.
The MC, the weakest hunter or whatever, after some crazy dungeon unlocks the ability to 'level up' in secret.
I stopped reading after the first couple chapters. Art is fantastic, but it didn't catch my attention.
some guy sniped yancha gal and had a credit page saying that scanlating is cheap as fuck and anyone pretending they rely on donations to finance it is lying.
other translation teams flipped their shit when MD refused to take sides and remove it. so a bunch of them left and had all their stuff taken down.
into the trash it goes then
I think they are raiding it to keep the portal from spilling out into the real world or something like that? Or maybe there's valuable stuff in there, I can't remember.
>Art is fantastic
Sorry I've been burned by Veritas and The Breaker to really give a shit about Korean comics.
It really is a beautiful read as far as the art goes.
Checked and confirmed.
Is there porn like in other gookshit comics? The only good thing this format is for is fucking porn, close as neighbours and sweet guy were golden fap materials.
Who are you quoting?
That fucking translation man.
I'm still convinced that was JB trying to shitpost.
at least those false-flagging JB niggers were hilarious. i'm sure this drama is about to get more retarded next week. is this all just a ploy to rake in more readers? not only solo leveling but scan drama is involved.
i try it but is doodoo
it clearly was. the raws that shitposter used was high quality, non-free shit. same as JB release. im sure no shitposter would go that far, or just plain occam's razor. it was deleted because the nigger used the same IP to post the chapter and to shitpost in his real account. hopefully next week they get some lawyers in on this shit to read MD's rulebook so they can shitpost harder, legally
>get lawyers to make sure your shitpost on a siamese tapestry forum doesn't break any rules
my dude I think you've taken a wrong turn somewhere
Don't you sad fucks have somewhere else to go
just because you don't like it doesn't mean it doesn't belong here
Neverending shit
This board is called Anime & Manga, not Anime & Manwha, faggot.
obviously joking you nigger. did you see the comments section of the latest chapter? the dumbasses that shitposted during the peak of the drama are back there again even if they already said that they're "leaving". they were citing rules asking the snipe to be taken down. too bad Holo was already there and he clearly didn't give a fuck, but he did take down the shitpost release. right now they're probably looking for more loopholes to fuck with
read Ares mangadex.org
Stop shilling this garbage.
manwha are you talking about
>4.5 / 5 tier art could have been 5/5 if not for the typical large space korean format.
>full Shounen tier story
>Cliché recipe but with great execution
Id say for typical manga reader this is a good 2 min read per week.
My finger got tired after scrolling for 4 hours/chapter to see 6 images and 5 sentences.
This shit puts long cat to shame.
you might want to invest in a better mouse, senpai
If we're talking about manhwa Dice is way better than this isekai shit.
click in the mouse wheel moron
I'm following it. I don't know why. I prefer manga format like The Breaker. I'd like to find more xianxia type illustrated gookshit.
i dropped this when they were at the Phantom World. did it get any better? did they kill the God who killed Tian? I can't remember the fucking names.
>10+ years
>part 3 barely started
I liked it but holy shit it's too slow. It won't end before 2030 at this rate. There's so much unresolved shit. At least the names are memorable.
The only way for me to remember the name of the MC of Solo Leveling is because somebody pointed out that his name can be abbreviated to SJW.
Sung Jin Woo.
But yeah the names are a problem. Same with chinkshit. It's always "Lu Fuxuka" meeting "Li Fukuxa" and shit. Gets real confusing real soon. Maybe I'm just too used to nip shit.
I don't remember names either but I read the first two Parts then came back for the third a year or so later and really fucking liked it a lot more than I ever thought I would. It was a fun ride.
I love DICE but it's overstayed it's welcome. First read it in 2013, checked it out again like half a year ago and it's not ending anytime soon. They are seemingly headed towards a climax but that means it won't end for another 2-3 years.
Androssi is my gookfu.
That's what happened to me too, read the first two then waited a long time before remembering that the 3rd season was finished. Reread it again from the start but the third part didn't make me get back into it unfortunately. Thanks anyway
The story is shit, the only reason to read this is the great art.
yeah that's why
no way
all korean names sound the fucking same
they've got like 5 different names they swap the first letter of
[letter]oon [letter]in [letter]ung [letter]ang [letter]yun
the way I remember character in gookshit is "that guy" or "her"
same way I remember light novel titles
also while some anons mentioned that JB was being pissy about traffic (Mangadex changed a rule about delays just for them), it's not just because of the ads, they're also running a crypto miner on their website
>MC is already stronger than the S-classes
I was hoping it would take the MC more time to be equal to literal one man armies.
This is definitely the final arc. If it's not I'll agree with you.
>they're also running a crypto miner on their website
JB or mangadex?
>You are given a set level that cannot be changed no matter what.
>The MC unlocks the ability to 'level up'
Why do these video game inspired isekai stories always find a way to immediately ruin their own premise.
Well, that's what makes him special after all
Because the premise is always just an excuse to make the MC special and overpowered.
If the story is set in a world where people can only cast one spell per day, MC will be the one who has unlimited casting.
If the story is set in a world where you have set stats and can't change them, MC will be the one who can change his stats,
If the story is set in a world where everyone has a single class they can't change, MC iwll be the one who can multi-class or switch classes.
And so on and on.
Because there's only so much you can do.
Dark Souls level one is interesting but imagine if your walking, rolling and everything speed was determined by a stat and the same applied to bosses.
Level one would be a nice challenge at first before bosses would kill you with one hit in 3 seconds because you're too slow to avoid or heal after any of their attacks.
People like to say "just play it safe, use your brain" but when EVERYTHING is determined by your power, the MC literally never has any way to tackle anything that's a bit above his own strength. Because as an E rank a random scratch from a C rank monster would kill him. And don't even think about anything stronger than that. Weapon, friends and what not are good but you can't be babysat all the time.
>implying some autist wouldn't find a way to beat Dark Souls that way while naked and using the shittiest weapon in the game or no weapons at all
I think i was the only one with this problem. Gook names are totally retarded.
Like I said in-universe that works fine for a bit but later on the monsters in harder dungeons can kill A-rankers without too much trouble. 10 strong monsters and one of the best A-ranker party almost dies.
If you're an E-ranker who's a million times weaker than any random A-ranker you are weaker, slower and basically just a barely moving pile of meat for any one of those monsters. And because the monsters that are on MC's starting level are weak trash there is no way they could ever pose a threat with strong of those hunters around. MC either needs to be strong for anything above his level to be a problem or the rest of the cast a bunch of useless shitters. You run into a lot of problems with that sort of power-scaling threat wise.
No thank you. I have better things to do than scrolling all day.
I was about to say someone should make a series about a guy who's shit but grinds through the isekai world on sheer autism, then I realised that'd basically just be a standard shounen.
not every story needs to be
>MC fights badguy
>gets stronger
>fights bad guy again, wins
>slightly tougher bad guy shows up
some times its nice to see some stupid shit like the MC flexing on everyone
Are there cute girls? Or is it about some edge lord virgin training baki style just so he can jerk off alone in his appartment
There are but they are barely relevant till much later.
The only gook webtoon worth reading is Kubera.
The art is atrocious, gets a TINY bit better later on, but the story, plot twists and character development shit on 99% of manga.
Fuck gookshit.
Read some shit about some weak guy in a martial arts school.
Read some shit about some cripple who’s
father was a serial killer.
Read some gay bdsm boyfriend shit
I swear to god. Gookoids have a cheesy drama boner and insert it in every fucking work
based, seriously though whats stopping some user making a mega with everything JB has done and keeping it updated so no one ever has to go to their nigger site
it's korean, they only know of fantasy through MMORPGs
that's not even getting into chinese shit
apparently there's a law each xianxia novel has to have at least three Li clans and two Su clans
I'll do it. Not like anyone here cares much about though. Maybe I'll try dumping next time
you're one of those faggots who puts points in vitality.
The whole point of dark souls is to not get hit.
Oh no, JB's profits this week decreased!
More people need to snipe Jaimini Scum series.
>dude imagine dark souls but as you progress the enemies become so fast you can't dodge anymore and die in one hit
>that's what it'd be like if he actually couldn't level up or something
How can you miss a point this fucking badly.
git gud
All gookshit is the same, promising start and goes to shit after 100 chapters, no exceptions
I wonder what nips think about chink and gook names?
The beauty of this "manga" is it being like your typical isekai without the isekai making it a good reat from the beginning. Readers including myself were tired of getting hooked in by the other world gimmick only to have it eventually thrown out a few volumes in.
Can't stop me from self inserting as a chad tho.
Rules are made to be broken.
>someone else's work used (usually) without permission
>profiting off of it
are scanlators retarded?
You can just use an app like Tachiyomi and steal from sites like Kissmanga without having to deal with any of the malware that comes from going to their sites.
Fuck off retard and lurk more.
Why is this manga so popular? Is it actually that good?
where did all the other chapters go on MangaDex?
Scanlators pulled them
Scanlators pulled them. I'm gonna upload on Mega, while another user is going to retranslate the chapters. Read on Mangarock/other aggregators in the mean time
The art is good, the story is generic "weakest fag becomes the strongest" wish fulfillment.
Doesn't it also have some Korean nationalism later on?
got pulled due scanlation drama
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门
that should be restricted to admins, since everybody knows scanlators are bunch of dramaqueens
Whoa really?
English isn my first language, when you use "snipe" what do you mean?
it's the usual "strongest people in the world are gathered in this one specific country that has no reason to be so strong"
maybe there's hilarious Mahouka-tier nationalism later on, I haven't read that far
he hopes they steal the translations from JB again
good shit
Ah, so its taking the translations of one group and use them as a basis for your own or just using them word for word ams just doing your own editing?
don't know who is more stupid, you or the dumber that said that snipe is stealing LMAO
Hardcore Leveling Warrior is better.
I am. And I fucking hate how slow they are releasing chapters. GIVE ME MORE
Isekai get more and more convoluted in terms of mechanics
>Shitty isekai two years ago: Guy get reincarnated into not-dragon quest and now he get to touch boobs
>Shitty isekai today: Guy from the 18th century japan dies, after having discovered the secret to immortality via alchemy and living for 200 years, by truck kun and gets sent to not-dragon quest where he uses his alchemic knowledge to corner the market on health potions and leech exp to level 99. He has now returned after 400 more years to when he was a baby in japan and must suck his mother's tits and spit out the milk to create mana potions to speed back to level 99 and defend his village from isekai monsters from the future and now he gets to touch boobs
I am stupid for not knowing what a particular colloquialism outside my native language means and asking about it to understand it? By all means, please correct me if I have misunderstood it.
I heard that some chinkshit is the most popular fujo stuff among Russian fujos.
Based and Tiananpilled.
"Sniping" means translating a series that someone else is already translated because some translators are fags and think they own them.
Using someone else's translations is a completely different thing.
Why the fuck do people praise this for the art? The art is only decent in the context of a weekly release. They just use cheap tricks to make it appear shiny while the actual art is shit, same as all the other gookshit.
Because it looks nice.
I only know Japanese and English so hard pass for me
It's translated you smoothbrain
>Gook manwha
Manwha is shit. It's like they take all the worst part of manga and magnify it 10 fold
Reminder: youtube.com
I want to give Jahy a mating press.
>The korean Shojos where everyone, male and female, has chapped lips and yaoi hands
Theres only been one good Korean comic and that was Priest
I somewhat enjoy it, but the MC has zero personality after his growth. The characters are rather bland beside a few, and I honestly can't remember the name of a single character even though I marathoned it around a month ago.
The word building is also somewhat on the lackluster side; the author has no idea about how much modern world integration to include, so everything feels jumpy and made up on the spot.
I read the LN ending. Normal, but cute.
I want to give Jahy-sama a large amount of mystic gems and help her restore the demon realm.
How does it end?
Basically he gets scouted by the US and shenanigans occur which make the MC fight 1v1 against the strongest American hunter
Is it a chink or gook comic? I can stomach some gook cartoons but I hate pretty much all the Chinese stuff.
How new do you have to be to not be able to tell the difference between Chinese and Korean text?
Korean runes have circles in them, user. That's the secret.
thats not spear master hellbent on revenge
I like the full color. It's a refreshing change to the fucking garbage the Japanese are calling art these days.
The only good manwha to date is still Shin Angyo Onshi, and it was a one hit wonder since the author tried to make some shitty DGrayMan clone afterwards
Imo the Chinese and Korean make better comics than the Japs today. I like Chinese comics since they are more redpilled on certain ideologies.
Does chinkshit and gookshit also give retarded "cheats" to its MCs or are they just extremely lucky or super-strong just because?
>why aren't you reading it Yea Forums?
because I read the source material before it got turned into a manhwa and dropped it after the first volume because it was generic shit
Turns out the gates and shit were just a way for, let's just say "Demons" and Angelic "Rulers" to make a battlefield to wage their final war. There are 7 other demon "Kings" like Jinwoo and he has to fight them.
You dare slander Muhammed Muhammed Ibib Muhammed? you are indeed brave for a kufir.
Based and checked. It never gets boring, and no matter how many upgrades Baam gets, we're constantly reminded what a small fish his party is compared to the Tower's best.
SEA niggers only read Kengan Ashura and spoiled it for everyone who attempted to discuss it
I would honestly like to see a series go even more literal on the Souls premise. Something like Re:Zero where the protag revives after death or goes back to a save point or some shit, but instead of being a drama thriller like literally every story with that premise is, it'd be a standard shounen where the protagonist has to attempt the same hopeless fight hundreds of times and learn from his mistakes until he can win despite massive physical disadvantage.
Traditional manhwa magazines pretty much died out after the rise of webtoons. It's a shame.
There is a manga like that but it's more comedy than anything else.
Yeah, I'd prefer it not take the typical gook route where the protag struggles through like one or two fights as a pleb, then uses that experience to become an unkillable god. It doesn't usually work out like that IRL or even in most fictional universes. It'd be frankly great for such a protag to not get stronger AT ALL, and just have to rely on shitty human reflexes to beat increasingly difficult enemies that take more and more tries to beat and become more and more will-draining.
You should probably look for Saike Matashitemo then.
I don't think we are talking about the same manga.
And the MC is a cuck, just like user!
The fights in Saike make no sense though. If he's defeated, how can he get away to drown himself in the pond?
>mfw trying this out and it's actually good
Good recommend, now I'm reading the webnovel I'm so hooked.
Only complaints are at how fast the story progresses, how the MC shrugs off any interest at "glitches" in the monsters reactions, and how predictable it is.
The last one isn't actually that bad, because this is like a shonen-trope-marathon and I'm eating it the fuck up.
pure willpower and quick feet
its webnovel is garbage though
the manhwa is good because it cuts out a lot of boring details and has good art to back up the fight scenes
>Saitama Confirmed
I also read Hero? I Quit A Long Time Ago.
Basically a xianxia take on OPM and hero association.
Nips are finally ripping off a good game instea of fucking Dragon Quest.
I'm reading that one too. It's dumb as fuck but fun.
It could benefit from having better art, though.
Did you guys also self-insert into western comic just like how you self-insert into those isekai cheat settings?
Wait a minute. This thread is still alive?
MC teammates are more fun than MC himself.
>certain ideologies
What kind?
Overall, great series, look forward to reading it weekly.
My issue is with the artist forgetting the premise. The game system mechanic is completely forgotten.
>Chinese MC is always hellbent on killing his enemies compared to JP and Gook
literally isekai cheat skill story #9351345123
Chinkshit MCs are like the extreme opposite of nip MCs.
Instead of "If you kill your enemies, they win" it's "If someone looks at you the wrong way, murder him and every single living relative he has"
Have you waited long enough?
Fucking casuals.
Long Hu Men.
>"If someone looks at you the wrong way, murder him and every single living relative he has"
Yea but that guy was looking in a way that dishonored MC's ancestors and Chairman Mao
Damn I didn't know this shit had 76 chapters out, the site I went to mangarock only had 46.
>MC kills the entire Wu Clan because one of their members mentioned Tiananmen Square
Those fuckers need to make a manhua about a CCP office in future china hunting down uighurs or something
I only read Korean otome isekai because I know they will use western names and I can just ignore the fact that it came from the Coreans.
It's trash mate, I read the first few chapters of the novel and it's absolutely terrible
Looks based
Do you guys think webtoons will catch on with zoomers/post-zoomers in the near future like kpoop did?
Pro nationalism and fascism. Chinese comics tend to have less of the sjw no killing nonsense that Japanese try to shill.
>"If someone looks at you the wrong way, murder him and every single living relative he has"
That's awesome.
Did I miss something? Is there a West Korea now?
>Literally a generic wuxia novel
A man had to write this no way is a woman that honest.
In the first place a woman wouldn't bother writing about such a loser
Chronicles of Heavenly Demon is enjoyable I admit.
The author just finished his isekai manga about a martial artist and a spellcaster from 2 different worlds get summoned to Earth. He's apparently working on The Breaker now.
Pacificist and trying to deal with loose ends are different. Is being pacifist and no killing = sjw?
What's the name?
>this mystic stone/pill will help me on cultivating into higher level
Is this better than level system that needs no material to level up?
As far as /pol/tards care, anything that isn't edgy is SJW shit.
It's not better because it's unnecesarily complex and requires you to either be really familiar with chinkshit or read some Wikipedia article to understand what the fuck everyone is talking about.
The isekai manga? Trinity Wonder.
art's nice but the plot is shit and it gets even worse later on
the ending is absolutely fucking infuriating too
you've been warned
Pretty much. Chinese manga sometimes is more based. I like it when they kill the entire clans and even the rats aren’t spared, compared to cuck manga like Vinland saga. Where the mc becomes a left wing social justice warrior.
Wait what happened to Thorfinn
I dropped it during the amnesia + farming arc
>whines about Thorfinn becoming a pacifist
Way to out yourself as a /pol/tard edgelord.
Go read your chinkshit where the MC slaughters entire families over stupid shit while thinking it appeals to your beliefs when it's actually more in line with commie shit.
He gets into fight because he's viking royalty
He finally realized what his father had been trying to teach him all along and essentially became him by swearing off violence and becoming a pacifist. He also decided to fuck off to Vinland to get away from Canute's ambition and the viking's retardation.
Plebs obviously hated it because pacificsm bad so they started crying about him not being a grumpy edgelord anymore.
That said, the fact that the arcs after that have been pretty shit didn't exactly help.
You just don’t have kino taste. Enjoy naruto and your sjw comics.
Absurd thorfinn would achieve his aims faster if he became jarl and listened to his uncle to become a king. What he chose was to be a cuck.
Yeah, I'm sure he would acheive his aim of having a peaceful life where he doesn't have any enemies if he became a fucking king, you stupid retard.
Thorfinn was devastated that he couldn’t kill askeladd because he was a brainlet after having many chances to do so. There is a chapter where he has a “spooky” dream about the people he killed. He vows to never kill again and then he willingly becomes a slave at one point in this arc. Absolutely terrible manga after he fails to achieve his revenge.
So I dropped it at around the right time then? Oh good.
If he became a king he would have control and create rule of law through his authority. In a way he can create a peaceful era he wanted by that and he could fund his expedition to Vinland. Instead he begs like a beggar from some Jew like merchant in Iceland to get a loan to fund his dumb trip to Newfoundland.
Imagine missing the point of the entire story this much.
I won't even tell you to stick to shounen, even that's too complex for your underage brain. Instead stick to those children books that tell you the aesop at the end.
>That pause before she starts reading them where she clearly realizes sum ting wong
>She plows ahead anyway
Fucking kills me mate
If he became a king he would have to fight and kill for years just to stabilize his kingdom, creating countless enemies in the process and betraying everything his father tried to taught him. Then his responsibilities would make it impossible to leave to Vinland unless he was okay with abandoning every single person who relies on him and allowing his kingdom to go to shit.
They even have Canute take that path just so Thorfinn can make it clear to retards like you that that's not what he wants.
No I get the point of the story. His dad ideology is wrong. Where strength shouldn’t be utilized to murder and pacifist policy is the honourable solution. His ideology got him killed and thorfinn failed to achieve his revenge because he is like his father.
Seriously, stick to children books, unless that's too "SJW" for your edgelord ass.
In a decade prepare for the Vietnamese Manga clones where everyone has the last name Nguyen.
You identify with thorfinn because you are a cuck like him. Stay in your lane and continue reading Shonen jump.
Would be nice without the retarded watermarks right in the middle of the fucking page.
I did find it very amusing that the scanlator group that was translating it left mangadex because they were greedy for Patreon money and some anons immediately sniped it and started releasing their own chapters. Absolutely hilarious, I welcome more such shenanigans.
That’s the point with jap manga. It needs to be more edgy and less cucked.
It's super generic, but having good arc makes it actually enjoyable. Visual mediums, who knew?
Jap. cvcks love their main characters being weak, because their men are weak and that's why they're the least desired males in the world.
Korean BVLLS are honorary aryan, every teen girl nowadays lusts for the k-pop chads, taller than japs, more succesful, etc. That's the reason why their manga main characters are OP BULLS. Solo Leveling is unironically the best read rn on the market, everything else is cvcked.
So the Koreans are now plagiarizing Chinese Xianxia novels ?
how do you even typo "V" with "U" they're nowhere fucking near each other on the keyboard.
This is probably the biggest deception that ever happened in my life. I was promised something different that has never been seen before but all I got is the same old shit. Just read a Tony Wong Chinese comic if you want something great and different
>Honorary Aryan
Yea Forums lurker here, pure white Aryan Chads knows that K-Pop and any Korean entertainment is an even bigger cancer than anime and manga and they hate you to death
>read the latest chapter 2 minutes tops
>read the comments
>still reading
>10 minutes later got my fill of the drama
It's fun.
>left dex while going on a smear campaign
>dex says ok
>new translator immediately comes in with faster speed than JewB's retarded delays
>suddenly comments is filled with WTF BREAKING TEH RULEZ
Shills are fun to watch
I remember liking Sweet Guy and managed to read it till the end. I never remembered their names.
The only Korean characters name that I remember are Myung "one scene wonder" Jin Ho and Hae Young Nah
>remembering names
I always go by "the MC", "lil sister", "stupid guy who thinks MC is his brother", "lil sister's retarded girl friend", "cat girl", "pick girl" etc
If author can't come up with easy to remember (meaning they have weight behind them) names it means author's bad at naming
It's not watermarks, they printscreen fucking site's search bar for some godforsaken reason
Yea Forums is racist and will just dismiss it and just say hurr durr gookshit.
But it is indeed shit and overhyped Yea Forums didn't complain when Unbalance X2 was posted
that guy actually didn't participate in drama
What's up with every gook "monsters invade our world story" and mothers lying in hospitals almost dead and forcing their children to risk their lives in dungeons? Isekais have "the moment I got transported here I save the First Girl", and those stories have sick mothers. Why?
tiananmen square
it's a gook thing
To show off superior japanese education to the not european savages
>bootleg manga
simple way of creating character drama, which means you don't have to actually write a MC with a personality
>Yea Forums is racist
You say this as if keeping Yea Forums's spirit is a bad thing.
Storywise it's okay, the format fits with it and leaves constant cliffhangers. It's easy to get confused with the naming of characters if you're not familiar with Chinese at all, with a minor learning curve you'll get used to it. Unless the MC starts having real difficulty, I'll be dropping this shit because it'll mean it has been a total bust.
Because they didn't thought of scanlating and begging for patreonbux instead of isekai adventuring.
I do read it , it's pretty good for a kore*n webcomic, great art and it's not 80% blank space
You say that like the first Isekais weren't about a peasant climbing a giant plant that grew from magic beans to a giant kingdom in the clouds to steal a sentient singing musical instrument and maybe a large bird that births rare metals.
Chink actually translate their stuffs to English and they usually has 2000 chapters of misunderstanding and dramas of course fujo will love them
they have cheats all the time
THAT explains the abrupts as all hell ending.
I think it's fascinating how people on Yea Forums seem to have a diverse taste in anime but when it comes to manga it's people almost exclusively read romcoms, shonenshit and isekai.
Veritas ended because of "creative differences" between the author and artist, by which I mean they had a drunken fist-fight at a Korean BBQ.
>by which I mean they had a drunken fist-fight at a Korean BBQ.
Oddly appropriate if true.
That's because the majority of the regular posters primarily watch anime. There aren't that many Manga readers here and those that post regularly fall into the categories you mentioned. The best threads to get a rough idea of what anons read that don't primarily read romcoms, shonenshit and isekai are one page threads.
>0 results
>all that shit gets adapted and animefags eat that shit up and ask for more
I've read Yureka user, I like the beginning, but I think hacker plot is way too silly. Also, translations are incomplete, unless I'm missing something.
Ares is still my favorite manhwa.
>Muh name argument
Nice try kim but your country is neither a republic nor democratic.
I read a lot of manga and aside from a few guilty pleasures I never read romaceshit
But then again, there's only so much Martial Arts/Psychological Horror Mystery manga out there
And there are fuckhuge quality gaps, ie between 20th century boys/Pluto to idk BTOOM or Cage of Eden or whatever, after you read the few great ones the field stagnates and you need to invest much more time and attention reading than you would watching
>CTRL+F 'gook'
>only 31 matches
You're slipping.
>reply to post from hour ago
Just let it go and let it die lol
We cant have disscusions about this stuff bc people like you always boil it down to: GoOKShit gooKShit Gookshit. God how i fucking dispesise this style of disscusion. Its nearly on Yea Forumss level
I was eating
How are you even supposed to take this shit serious?
>Yea Forums seem to have a diverse taste in anime
Are you sure about that? Anons shitting about everything anyone likes isn't diverse taste.
of course it`s POPULAR. shounen without any waifu faggotry.
MC gets a gf later on.
oh really? well i`m just a mangafag
The reason all korean names sound the same is because they are all the same.
They only have like 6 surnames to pick from.
I hate you dumb faggots shilling this shitty series that’s only popular in 3rd world shitholes.
Nigga you’re fucking retarded
But that’s literally what most of these OP stories boil down to it’s that instead of a fight the MC just oneshots the dude while everyone sucks his dick.
Imagine being this much of a 13 year old
>Yea Forums spirit
>being racist is a good thing I swear
Nice try bigot. Now go kill yourself
>reading trash like this gookshit
>not 13 and below years old
>not even a discuss about this gook comic
>muh gook shit is better its better than manga better than nips
>ran out of anything to discuss and start shitposting about off topic shit
>Shit is ridiculous and could pass for real names.
Anyone with basic knowledge of east asian names know those can't be names lol. Especially korean.
Is China the masterrace of mankind?
Fong Sai Yuk
Mbu Juk Yuk
Yi Ji Hyuk
hua tainlin
dong song mong
nguyen thik mong
Am reading it. Read the entire novel too, first LN I ever read. Step your game up, Japs.
(Anyone else can't wait for the ant arc?)
What are you trying to prove? that like saying you read the entire naturo and watch all the naturo anime lol
NAME? English please not gookshit
Solo Leveling
Wonabi shit with good art
Koreans wrote a better Shonen type LN than the Japs who invented that shit did
The irl dungeon genre really needs to take off just so someone can come out of the shitheap without it being overpowered man saves the world from monsters.
I can never bring myself to reading gook shit. Most of them have shit tier panelling and are drawn shitly, though there are exceptions like Sun Ken Rock
Sun Ken Rock is manga publish by jap magazine and Ken is Japanese
>Koreans wrote a better Shonen type LN than the Japs who invented that shit did
Surem after literal thousand of shounenshit and tropes, cliches the jap shit out. And its not even that good anyway
>Yi Ji Hyuk
This can be one
>hua tainlin
Chinese but plausible
>dong song mong
>nguyen thik mong
haha nice try but no
>this is the first LN I ever read
>Koreans wrote a better Shonen type LN than the Japs who invented that shit did
Whoah, you're really sound like the average weeaboo white trash constantly proclaim Naruto is the best comic ever created
Are you talking about Solo Leveling? Because this isn't even that good. We're already at the part of the story where it jumps the shark.
Like i care, all these names sound fucking retarded
Butthurt Jap fanboys detected. Cope. The West has a new MAN
>no hyuk3
smell girl is top tier s-class wife material, would commit war crimes with her
>the west
lol even in gookland, none gave a fuck about this manhwa, fucking disgusting white pigs
>war crime
It's nothing compared to MHA. HEROCHADS RISE UP!
>Hue Tianlin gains two Japanese step sister after his father second marriage
LMAO this is a fat chink weeaboo wet dream
Yes that's the watermark on the site they got the raws from
White pigs are fucking retarded, lmao.
Hot as fuck
to her, sorry, I would rape her in my rape dungeon, make her have babbies, rape the babbies, rape her some more and then keep sayibg I didn't do nothing until I die as a hero
Any guro manhwa?
Why are you so insecure you that you must insult your own made up name?
En taro Adun. Japan isn’t a developed country. It doesn’t deserve G7. Korea should replace This Primitive Barbarian because Japs don’t have credit card and Smartphone. Japs lack fine modern tech while Korea have one. Korea=Protoss West=Terran Japs=Zerg
En taro Tassadar!!! The Lord’s punishment against the Primitive and uncivilized deciever who never believes in Jesus and Forgetting their position: Third world shithole. Japan is a third world country while Korea is the developed country of Asia. Even Muslims are better than Japs because Muslims have A Faith,Zeal and honor.
Just a little fun, who do you need to take it so serious?
I don't have to read something just because it's popular.
Because Japan is the Uncivilized third world country which is over glorified as fuck. While Korea and China are the protoss of reality with good modern technology and culture. Does Japs not have credit card,Smartphone and Autolock?
I only read Gods of Highschool and I dropped it because it got stale. Anyone know whether it was ending?
For Aiur!!!! Kill these Cockroaches and the shame of humanity!!! Japs aren’t humans. They are just the mindless Gholas!!! Japs shall get the punishment of God and Jesus!!!
Seem like these korea better than jap manhwa better than manga posts are all from the same guy
Zhang please go.
I think Solo Leveling is popular for 2 reasons. It has decent art compared to other Korean series and it follows just about every shonen trope there is. That said, it's far from original and can be very boringly cliche at times.
Japan=Scourge Korea=Night Elf China=Horde West=Alliance right?
At least it's not the thais or whatever nation it was where everyone is fucking called Nguyen
I don't read Manwa shit since Tower of God. What a let down...
Doubt he is a Zhang, sound like the average mindless korean blizzard fanboy to me
Sony makes better smartphones than Samsung.
In fact, the Samsung phone you have probably has a Sony camera inside of it and uses various other Japanese technology lmao
Jap names > Chink names > Gook names
Do u guys not have Smartphone and Credit card? Japs lack these. Japs are truly the Primitives with the skin of Civilized. Japan=Third world shithole. If u cannot agree on it,You are the Lucifer’s slave. But if u agree,Jesus will welcome you in the Crusade.
>whatever nation it was where everyone is fucking called Nguyen
Instead everyone is fucking called Kim...
That's Vietnam.
Thailand is the country where everyone looks like trannies.
No matter why Japanese characters in Western media are always bad guys,Not the supporting chars. Like Scorpion,Kano(Before MK9),Shimadas, and more. But Chinese are depicted as Good guys. As we can see from Sub Zero,Liu Kang and Mei.
South Korea doesn't have nukes, but North Korea has nukes. Get nuked, Kim Park
Bikinifag, some white trash tranny gookboo namefag from Yea Forums, ignore this faggot
>webtoon thread
Read A Pervert's Daily Life.
I really hate the cheating MC does with the brown haired girl. Almost ruins the entire story for me.
So,which side will u join,Noble Korea or Unkempt and barbaric Japan? Of course former?
These could be Ameican names even though I just made them up!
Grallum Dirgits
Wildjesker Hildebarnie
Aslondolee Chumchunk
Ralpherton Mcmckowitz
Look like fucking trash
>the average tsundere kuudere shit whatever but in gook names and subaoinge some shit
Fucking disgusting
Don’t Accuse me as such Misogynist.
>hey Grallum
>hey jesker
>hey chumchunk
>hey kockwitz
Sound much more easy to remember and much less ugly like gook
Your imaginary gook mom, grandma and ancestor are all got fucking anal and pussy raped by Jap, go avenger them white pigs
Jap - variety of characters and everything
Chink - murderhobo
Gook - ntr/rape/cuckshit telenovela drama
And Super Kim was the Meguca of North Korea. He uses a lot of Magic and faster than any Jap Megucas. He can purify the Soul gem only by Purging some Guys who are against him like Chang song taek who was a meguca,but became a witch.
Solo leveling is just mindless entertainment, like opm but with a less op mc.
>hey kimx100 because everyone is fucking called Kim.
Nasu, go back to finishing the Tsukihime remake.
>every gook thread
>ran out of discussion around 50 posts
>the rest are random shit and /pol/,Yea Forums,Yea Forums,reddit shitposting
the fuck is megucas
>watching magical girl shit
Fuck off transhit
Went to shit when he got the Necromancer class
>Or is it about some edge lord virgin training baki style just so he can jerk off alone in his appartment
This is actually good though when the MC doesn't fall for the whore's goods and gets pussy whipped. MGTOW forever
why do SEA people love korean/chinese manga?
I could write a whole PhD thesis about how much better Japan is than South Korea.
what's the appeal of this in the west? why would it be more popular than MHA?
I always find it strange when people talk about suicide crisis in Japan but never mention that South Korea is in the top 10 while Japan Japan et even in the top 20
South Korea even made up the "fan death" meme just to camouflage their high suicide rate.
They also let 300 students die on a sinking ship, even though Japan and the US offered their help, but the Korean government declined.
Same. Good action scene but very bad story.
MHA lacks death count.
how is the waifu count in SL though?
It's also written by a complete retard
>fighting over who gets money for stolen content
Sounds a big and rude words from nobody like you.
Because SEA is noble races like Koreans,Chinese and Whites,blacks unlike Primitive and uncivilized third world Mindless Ghola called Japanese.
That's looks cool as fuck. Looks like the cover art for BLOOD if it got a console release. yes i know he's not a priest
the fuck are you still doing here, you fucking gay ass white pig?
There’s no way that Protoss of reality would do...wait,Protoss lacks healing...
Because I am the Paladin,the Holy Metal-clad Dude with great sword and The power of Lord and Jesus.
Give them a break, japan is already destroyed their shitty comic industry years ago
And At least We Whites,Blacks and Latinas can wear a bikini top unlike Asian losers who cannot wear a bikini top at all and wear an ugly long sleeved tightshirt instead.
>gook shit
>discussion anything
En taro Tassadar. Japs are THe mindless Primitives. Japs lack fine modern tech and media.
Don't group others with you, you fucking kpop gookboo tranny piece of shit, fuck off to Yea Forums
Sorry but I prefer Justin bieber and 1D over Kpop.
The fuck?
Mods doesn't give a shit about gook thread lol
Because it says that Japs killed their own comic industry. How miserable these Gholas are trying to impsoter the civilized but always fails.
say what? who say that? the fuck you on about?
Because US and Euro=Terran Korea=Protoss Japan=Zerg
Stop replying to that literal retarded gook
I thought it was about their self destruction.
what self destruction? the gook want to competition with manga and they got fucking destroyed, even gooks doesn't want to support their industry, they rather read manga. What self destruction you are talking about?
Idk man, he got strong WAY too fast, The Gamer has basically the same concept but its more creative with it.
Sorry for Being Blinded by the Zeal.
Anyone to translate Okamura Yasuji’s Grorious war speech folded 69 times Before Purging the herds of fucking ugly reds? But is it so awkward to say about anus in the war speech?
中国の男穴めどにようぶつを差し込むとあ!これが正常だね!!! すごく受ける。
これが自然の摂理だねとして一気に気づく。中国の男穴めどには宝物が眠っている 。私のようぶつでそれを取り出さなければならない!!
Which hole does 中国の男穴めど mean in this speech if u can translate this speech?
Because I am the Paladin from SDA.
> Reading Satanophany
Yikes, there's something seriously wrong with you
I really like it, but the beggining almost threw me off. It's consistent when it comes to powers/items.
Names are literally impossible for me to remember, didn't even remember the main character yet.
And yet they are still preferable.
>Most popular manga in the entire west right now