Which Asuka is your favorite, Yea Forums?

Which Asuka is your favorite, Yea Forums?

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Attached: 1.jpg (1191x1684, 1.28M)

top right



Attached: 6b3edf91af62ef14fe8934add7426dfe.jpg (1000x1250, 178K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Akanesasu Shoujo - 12 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_19.41_[2018.12.17_09.52.18].jpg (1920x1080, 183K)

Top left a shit.
Bottom right a cute autist.
Don't know the other two, but one of them is KyoAnus shit so I don't care.



Attached: Shinnasuka.jpg (186x215, 9K)

Watamote Asuka

>not Seriasuka
OP asked for best not worst.

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Top > bottom
Asuka > Asuka

They all suck.


Titty frog best Asuka!

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GX Asuk-
I said that coming into the thread and was not disappointed.


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Didn't we have this thread yesterday

nobody posted Ryo Asuka yet? son i am disappoint

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Oh boy

Based chikuwa friends

Attached: mine.png (842x1200, 601K)

that's Reimu

The answer is obvious.

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