>Get a match
>your preferences are ignored
>Huge map
>Items ON
>Smash Meter ON
>Smash Ball ON
>High Assist Trophies and Pokeballs
>opponent is Sonic
Every-time, why allow this shit to be ranked?
Smash Ultimate Online
Just fight level 9 cpus
This is a new anime?
yes its called mentally retarded man children aka nintards
>be me, OP, a certified, medically-diagnosed retard
>make threads without checking what fucking board I'm on
>can't even tie my shoelaces or wipe my own ass properly
>caretakers make fun of me behind my back and call me shitass
>can't even beat lvl. 1 AI difficulty npcs in smash, because, again, I'm retarded
>I mean, really, I'm a fucking dumb fuck drooling concave-skull subhuman
I'm gay, by the way. Not sure if that matters.
Kill yourself.
Why the fuck are there so many crossposters from flooding this board. There were like at least 10 off-topic threads yesterday. Mods are a joke.
Crossboading scum.
Mods want them here. That's why they publicly mock those who complain about it.
The proper term is nincels.
inb4 deletion
>using twitter buzzwords
shoo shoo
Take your faggotry back to with you redditor retard
Link a best.
Fuck off back to Yea Forums
can i get dubs before this get deleted?
This thread and like half the people in it reek of Yea Forums is the worst way
Oh it's that Banjo game.
Imagine not only losing in a game for children, but posting your rants on the wrong board too.
Bump because the world needs to see and mock your pathetic ass.
>this thread is still up
>Yea Forums
>not even good vidya
Fuck off, nincel.
what ever happened to nintenyearold?
Calling them 10-year-olds makes it less humiliating, as theyre grown men who still jack off to mario.
i can't imagine being a Yea Forumsermin and have any respect of myself
Imagine engaging in childish wars on some anime image board for a fucking corporation thinking they think anything of you
Imagine being that brainwashed
how did this make it all the way to page 10 without being deleted
Because I'm here to bump it.
The mods are sleeping again?
>Mods deleting threads except the shitposting ones and this
Jesus fuck and they ban you for complaining? The fuck is wrong with them?
Ban you and then post the link in their IRC so everyone can jump in and circlejerk it,you mean.
Before janitors delete this let me say that my Smash Ultimate main was in a SHAFT anime short.