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Other urls found in this thread:

Mabu a size king

That eye shadow makes him look like a Go Nagai villain.

"Size queen" applies to men, and Mabu is probably even named after the "Queen Mab" rose.

Well, it's an evil otter.

>no mention that the last episode is airing in the OP
you suck fat old man cucumber

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Clearly a newfag.

>"Size queen" applies to men
I see both used and I just assumed it was more proper to use king
>Mabu is probably even named after the "Queen Mab" rose
shit I can't argue this you are right he's a size queen

I dreamed reo was bread.


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The otter should be flashing.

Who's more evil? Akio or otters?

He's palming his junk instead.

I don't want to get on this wild ride.

>kappa Kazuki
>hurrr durrr
What's his disability?

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By a "vk account", people mean vk dot com, right?

He was just born retarded.

jesus christ

I want cop kappa

Keppi with those long legs is creepy as fuck.

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>no porn of Enta's sister
Fuck this gay earth


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Truly cops are cutest kappa

me barging into Lapin Track's studio when ReoMabu don't get a happy ending

>not helping kappa bros
you don't deserve to connect here

Do it

For my fellow stream link brainlets:
Make a vk dot com account.
The stream will go up here vk dot com slash dsgstngtv

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Are there kappa plushies? I would like to buy one.

Just read the Enta porn, he's Otone with glasses and short hair.


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I'm not mspaintanon, but I'm glad I could take this ride with them too.

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welcome to Russia

>Making an account 2 minutes before the episode
I wish luck to the brainlet kappabro

Only of the boys, little ones from crane machines, and a couple of Keppi.


This bitch is still the worst character Ikuhara ever wrote. She literally didn't make sense.

W-what did he mean by this?

I think Shiori's voice was half the reason I hated her. Holy shit it made my ears bleed.


Can anyone make wordclouds? We should have one for the final livewatch thread at least.


She was a cunt who got off the power she had over Juri.

What’s that

See you guys in thirty minutes.

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did they say that the episode was gonna be late? holy shit

Pic related.

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It's up!

How much they have SINoALICE commercials in Japan but not at fucking E3when the international version is LITERALLY coming out in July?

I want to hear Kawausoiya for the last time in the final episode.


It's too late


kawausoiya is permanently cursed, tainted, done for


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>tiny cold open
>more commercials
being a streamfag is suffering

Those ads are a torture.

I'm cursed to miss the start of the episode, what happened?

Tooi entering the gray and cold otter world

>No opening
At least they spared me from seeing that Reo and Mabu disappeared from it.

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Celebratory cake.

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people really liked to put effort into their shitposting years ago, now no one has the energy for it

Otter!Chikai gave Toi a gun that was tainted by the water recollection world.

Aniki told Tooi that Enta and Kazuki will betray him and to break free of the circle, he has to shoot himself or some shit.

God Aniki has to keep ruining everything from beyond the grave too


>the PV baited us with scenes from literally the first 5 minutes

I can't believe that Keppi didn't turn out to be evil. Legitimate wasted plot point.


>gamba no bouken reference

I've seen 3 different ads 5 times each in the last 5 minutes. Is TV everywhere this bad?

Erasing yourself from existence with your own hands is the next level of suffering. Poor Tooi.


Why is Toi getting deleted?


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Sara has good taste her dads raised her well so no way he be evil

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Can you be more specific? I'm curious

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>keppi WITH A GUN

Thank goodness.

>enta turns out to be the smartest one

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golden combi

>Chikai gone for good
Fuck yeah

more proof ikuhara is a dezaki fan

Oh, this. Thank you.

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Holy shit they are forgetting.

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This is the final episode of Eva level shit.

>dat leaking Tooi pose

>I don't want to lose my connection because I have fwiends

Is my stream 10 minutes behind or something



>we get one more sarazanmai but no more kawausoiya RRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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What is even happening?

Keppi gattai soon!

otterly singing

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i sure wish i knew what was going on




Fujobucks saved


Wait what did Reo and Mabu kill themselves?

oh my god


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Keppi is a Tezuka furry

Holy shit future's leaking!

>good ending

Reset ending then?

>episode title drops

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This part is pretty kino I'd say.

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Where's our equivalent Sara form then?


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Ok wait who lived


>Kazuki never answered Enta's feelings

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absolutely disgusting

Ayy lmaos?



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Toi what the fuckkkkkkkkkkk!?

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>entire ending is Toi in jail
And they say he's not a director's pet.

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>frogs instead of kappas
This future is wrong.

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based Ikuhara absolutely BTFOing delinquents everywhere

>kaeru ni natte lucky

did he just kill himself?

Shit got too real

Name a bigger downgrade than freakish about Sara

So why was Sara an idol in the first place?

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My strream lagged, what happened to Enta and Kazuki? Dead?


Ehhhhh? What was that all about?

time to invest in Kuji bros doujins stock

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>Toi in prison

>OP plays at the end


We actually got a good ending?

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>they have to save Toi twice and Toi alone
Really? So they're just not gonna discuss Enta's feelings?
Wait what happened? What was the difference in the end since we see shiro Keppi and idol Sara once more despite their transformations?
Reo and Mabu are alive but they never kissed?
>show the OP again
>no differences

>slam dunking the sun

happy ending

he is not cute anymore with short hair

Fantastic ending.

I thought Ikuni would fuck this up but this ending was pretty wholesome. Sasuga Ikuni.

>no ReoMabu kiss
I'm seething.

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I'm healed.

I don't know how to feel

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>Happy ending

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The fujo bucks lived?

>Ikuni has finally mastered short anime after YKA

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They never explained why that pose doesn't look like the "a" symbol that's everywhere.

3P won? I don't know???

You fujos are pathetic. You are never happy or grateful. Go seethe on tumblr

a very happy ending at that
his next show will be apocalyptic

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This show is mediocre as fuck, but at least the ending was great.

The real Sarazanmai were the friends we made along the way.
Bravo Ikuhara.

>happy ending where everyone except Chikai lives
Now this is what I call kino

How do his glasses stay underwater?

Season 2?

They're alive, happy and together, it's plenty

>the kappa cupids

Enta got more attractive.

>no wholesome Sara and ReoMabu family interaction
It's shit


I don't want to watch them eventually fall out. This ending is fine.

So where the fuck does the Reo Mabu manga sit in the timeline?

>no KazuToi
5/10 from me.

The timeline still doesn't make any sense.

I can't believe Ikuni avenged me by fucking the Anikifags.

So what were those visions during their Sarazanmai? Their future? Or some otter delusions? Sorry, I'm retarded.

So what the fuck is the opening of ep 1 about?

So Toi went to jail for 3 years... for what? Murder? Selling weed? Both of them? 3 years aren't enough.

How long was the timeskip? They still sound like their balls haven't dropped.

now gotta prepare my heart in five years when it's announced

Seeing Mabu smile healed me. I prefer endings with plenty of suffering more but I will have to change my ways after today's episode.

And people were whining about Ikuni not being given enough episodes.
>MoRe eQuAlS GoOd

Well, he's a minor. He went to juveline detention. No idea how that works in Nipland though.

gay best friends came to pick him up ;_;

Mabu is so fucking cute.


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Kazutoi bros...

Everything's rushed as fuck though.

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Underage get less.

Twitter account icon has changed

Delusions? It's 1000 shamefuru dispray to have a criminal on your team

I'm glad Ikuni didn't give this his usual ending but something about it was still very unsatisfying. Too much exposition.

My opinion remains honestly, even if I loved the episode I'm sure I'd love it even more if the cast had more time.

It was a juvenile detention center, I think? He's too young for jail. Also, blame everything on Chikai for coercing him or some shit, for a lesser punishment? I guess?


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>the shot where enta's bf breaks up with him on the bridge
it ain't fair

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Beautiful, perfect KAPPuru.


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A great ending doesn't make up for some really bad pacing in earlier episodes, dumb apologist.

I am deleting all the episodes from my hard drive. Can't believe Ikuhara fucked us over. I am literally shaking right now.


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Their future. When Keppi got his depair back, he showed him even the bad things that awaited them in the future, but the boys said the it was fine.

Isn't it a juvenile correction center or something? I'll check the kanji later. Also you get less punisment when you're 14, 3 years seem legit to me.

One possible future for them where they fight and struggle with their relationships again, but they choose to take the risk anyway.

is this their new wagecuck job

It is since it's written by Ikuhara

Yes, but it doesn't have a definite place in the timeline. This was declared in an interview ages ago.

I didn't think it was possible, and yet.
If Kazuki doesn't tap that, then he's absolutely retarded.

>tHe PaCiNG was BaD
Yeah okay dipshit.

Mabu still letting other people ride him every day

Downgraded to cart drivers??

We were too cocky..

I think that was Kazuki rejecting him.

It's not written by Ikuhara.

Or he's not gay.

They back to being Keppi's vessels.

T-there is still Toi at least.

They sell kappa?

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It's a great job for Reo to burn off the extra calories of Mabu baking all the time.

N-no it didn't.

I assumed it was a some rando to let the viewer know he moved on from kazuki

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RUDE. He only entertains Reo's human and kappa dicks now.

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They pull the rickshaw for Asakusa tours. You can do that in real Asakusa.

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Buy a ride on the Mabu train in Asakusa today!

I'd be happier with that honestly, since it confirms he's gay and BTFOes his VA.

We never saw human Keppi. Is he as good-looking and cute as Sara?

it looked like kazuki to me

A-user... look at Keppi and Sara's final form here

>people say the show was shit, but the ending is great
>I thought the show was good, but the ending is terrible
Is something wrong with me, or with all of you?

So are Sara and Keppi still free to roam the world along with ReoMabu or was it just obligatory for them to be included in the final montage?


For me it's a 5/10. Good ideas, poor development.

I don't want furry Keppi and Sara, kero.

I thought the same as you user. This was Ikuni's worst ending.

Are you a Kazutoifag?

>tfw no one will ever love you like Mabu loves Reo

Did his VA say Enta wasn't gay? What


I hope she never stops making these

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No, I also think it was a visuals fest with little to no solid content to give it a proper closure.


So is this set after the prison scene? I’m confused about what the fuck happened.

Toi's VA must be pretty stupid if he didn't understand this ending. It was super straightforward.

I think I heard Toi finally admit to himself in the opening scenes that he knew Aniki was only using him. Good.

His VA pulled the typical BL "he would love Kazuki even if he was a girl"

Needed more episodes/10

1 gay frog = 1.75 lesbian bears = 0.6 incestuos penguins

I'd still fug Sara.

Tooi got out of prison abd he was greeted by his kappabros.

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Nice. She put in effort for this.

I only heard his VA said that he thinks Enta love for Kazuki is more because Kazuki saved him rather than Enta being gay.
If other people saved Enta, he'd fall for that person regardless of gender.

Ah, that happens in BL often. That's probably just fanservice for the shippers

it was pretty straightforward user. Kazuki and Enta slowly followed toi to the bridge and instead of saying hello waited for him to jump in and maybe hit a passing boat so that they could jump in after him and ruin their phones and have a freezing cold underwater reunion wishing they had goggles or something because they can't even see each other

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>No incest and an ending that was fully happy instead of bittersweet
Ikuni is changing.

Of course it happened after Toi left detention. He went back to Asakusa and Enta and Kazuki met him there at the bridge.

Should we start expecting Tooi prison gang rape doujin in the next Comike?

The ending for Utena was happy?

>Mabukappa is pouting because Sara is getting married

I wish VAs wouldn't go and say this shit. You don't hear this kind of "excuse" when it's a straight romance but always with homo stuff. Just say "yes, X character has gay feelings for Y" and end it there.

>Power of bullshit friendship solves everything
Ikuni is getting a normalfag

the ending of Utena TV and movie and YKA was happy

Sounds legit. In the end Enta is probably looking for the same type of platonic buddy relationship like the one Reo and Mabu have desu

I'm glad ToiKazufags got BTFO

Looks like a decent ending, Please can Ikuhara have 24 episodes for his next show in 3 years or whenever.

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I meant more I didn’t understand that prison thing in general, why did he go to prison like how he did get caught? I don’t think I even like this ending.

Usso-san died, how can you call it a happy end.

Toi kills himself after prison like that one dude in Shawshank redemption. His suffocating brain plays tricks on him.

Yeah it's easily Ikuhara's worst ending. I wish it had just spent the time focusing on the resolution to the Toi problem than throw in all the stuff about their possible future. Also the ending to Keppi and Sara just made me think about how wasted they were.

Utena's ending was perfect but it wasn't nearly as "wholesome" as this. Literally nothing bad happened at all except Chikai dying but no one cares about that. I still consider it a little bittersweet since Utena and Anthy were separated, though with hopes of being united again.

Fujobait ≠ Gay

I loved pretty much all of the show and am glad every character (except aniki) is happy by the end, but it didn't really *feel* like an ending to me if that makes sense to anyone.

It's the opposite reaction I had to YKA where I was lukewarm on the show as a whole but I appreciated the final episode.

Technically otter-san is the materialization of desire, so it'll never be really dead.

what do you want, the entire montage of the investigation?
There were already known and someone betrayed Chikai

>its over
what now

in all seriousness I enjoyed sarazanmai and it did fine with it's pacing. More eps would've been nice I guess, but im satisfied. I'm especially thankful that it didnt end with them fading from existence or no one sacrificing themselves over each other. Kinda feels like a "fuck you but not really" to all the other ikuni endings.

it's not even a hot take user. I agree with the VA. Enta was a loser and instantly clung to kazuki because he showed him kindness. It was steeped in obsession the whole time too.

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When the police found the boys on the destroyed bridge after the Sarazanmai, I'm sure Toi was arrested for having his gun on him. That gun could be traced back to multiple yakuza murders.

He probably gave himself in.

I doubt that's something Ikuni told him, sounds like he's trying to pass his assumptions as canon and it's rude as fuck

A new Ikuni anime!

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>what now
The second novel and the Migi manga.

>lapin track has a toi doll

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The ending would be better with just Toi in jail, without that cheesy af reunion.

Hope that murderer Toi got aids from getting gangraped in prison.

Scarier than Chucky

Nah honestly, I think that's just the standart VA answear when it comes to questions like this, I didn't take it too serious and I was mostly memeing.


die bitter

>the same type of platonic buddy relationship like the one Reo and Mabu have desu
>platonic buddy relationship

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Mabu crying about giving away Sara on her wedding! Reo trying not to but crying more!

Sarazanmai exhibition coming up.

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Will Tsudaken voice someone who's not a douche ever again?

>never had an aibou like this
let me guess, you're a WOMAN

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>Toi on his first day in jail

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Next Ikuhara anime needs to be gayer.

Enta having romantic feelings for Kazuki is not fujobait. We can discuss his sexuality but we can't deny his legit feelings.

I don't mind if Enta likes Kazuki because he showed him kindness. That's 101 rule in many romance stories. I mind that he and others have said "no matter the gender" as an excuse to homo. I couldn't care less if Enta likes pussy as well as dick, but I know what the VAs mean when they say that.

More often than not the actors/VAs have different interpretation of the characters they play and even at times have a better grasp at it. I am more going about the answer because it's a standard one when it comes to homo but none answers like this when it's straight romance.

>Silly goals
>Lame fights
>Rushed pacing
>Sappy flashbacks
>Power of friendship
Sarazanmai is shonenshit for people who think they are too smart to watch shonenshit. Dishonest and self-indulgent. Ikuhara is a hack.

Alright, now I just have to wait for subs to actually understand what was going on.

Kurata go away

He'll voice a COP soon
Cop Craft

it's sounds like too much information and like he knows it all or inserting his opinion, it would have been safer to say he isn't sure if Enta is gay or bi and leave it at that

I'd watch more Shounenshit if it was gay like this.

Was that in the end their possible future or their canon future after a timeskip? Are they still in middle school or what?

no, it needs to be better and stop dropping the ball after 3 episodes

Nah, I'm fine with this amount of gay I can't stop what user said in the previous thread though: Ikuni making an anime about fear.

>his cop buddy never sucked his dick or let him fuck himself in the ass platonically
>his buddy never proposed to him
You just never had true friends

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I haven't seen YKA but would this be the first happy Ikuhara ending?

He sounds sexy, he should forever voice douchebags. Hosoyan should follow his example too.

Sarazanmai was about the difference of love (kappa) and desire (otter)
The cops represent love that has degenerated into desire.
By opening about your desires you can attain hope of true love.
After those desires are open they disappear.
The desires are exposed by taking them out of the ass because eating ass is the purest form of love.

Is this all what the anime was about or did I miss something.

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Ikuhara in an old interview stated that he conceived this series having some shounen standards in mind.

3 years skip.

Utena Tv and movie are happy
Utena moving away isn't some life or death drama

No, but it's his happiest ending.

screenshot of the gamba reference?

YKA had a happy ending.

The very ending is their canon future after Toi gets out of jail. They'd be in high school since it's 3 years later. The other "possible future" is shown earlier while their still trying to save their memories. It's left open whether they'll end up at that future or not.

>Service Boy fell asleep

Tell your husband you want to fuck and love him

It's his most explicit and full on happy ending.

Didn't they get shot or something?

That's how fujobait works. Nothing is explicit, nothing becomes real-real, just stays in the field of suggestion and fetish to make fans buy things. Yuri on Ice was the ultimate example of that. Let's remember that many people in Japan still believe that homosexuality is just a funny phase of adolescence.

the twintails girl is evidence they were saved by Lady Kumaria and didn't just happen in their imagination

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Is a broken leg really the end of soccer career?

Is YKA worth watching? It's the only one I missed.

Maybe it's a good thing, that Enta got rejected.
I guess I'll go full EnToi to cope.

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thank you kind user

I don't mind that at all.
Labels don't matter as long as the show is entertaining and I had a lot of fun watching this with Yea Forums.
It seems more like it is used to make the pair's relationship more "special" as in the guy may not even care about other men but only that one person is special enough for him to love no matter what gender he is.
It is homo for one guy, it doesn't really nohomo the relationship; it just levels it up into a stronger devotion that fujos like.

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I can't articulate why but the Toi being in prison montage with STAND BY ME ONEGAI playing in the background is the funniest thing I've seen in weeks.

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My feelings exactly. Yurikuma had the perfect ending for the show and made me appreciate the themes and show as a whole more. Sarazanmai was a more enjoyable journey thanks to the characters but the ending didn't feel like it spent time on the right things.

it's a gorgeous anime, but on the first watch is hard to appreciate
I'm rewatching it and I'm considering making it my top Ikuni show, is aesthetically pleasing, gorgeous and moving with excellent music

Fuck off

God, I love Enta's VA.

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entacumber is the true end

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I assumed getting jailed for weed in japan is scarier than that for your career
No, the only likable character is kill

So what's the message of the show? "Having desire is wrong"?

It's my least favorite of his but still better than anything airing right now so why not.

>the ending didn't feel like it spent time on the right things.
It felt like I ended up on the wrong channel watching a different anime

this can be canon now

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no, watch the first episode and prepare to puke

For most Japanese teens, their sports dreams die after high school, when they have to join the work force. Getting a bad injury in high school basically ruins the golden (and often only) sports years of your life.

t. Fujo

Surprised keeponly1luv's account wasn't revived

Maybe not, but we all know that Kazuki is a drama queen that loves to blow things out of the proportion.

1. Fuck your husband
2. Don't crossdress for your brother
3. Niisan is the worst boy

Toi is so cute.

What if they'll print all the tweets in a book to sell it? I can see them doing this.

That was realy a waste. They could've at least uploaded a picture of Reo and Mabu with Sara and Keppi.

What I learned from Sarazanmai is sometimes fucking is the answer

They busy working for Kappi again to tweet. No intern wants to update every morning at 5am again.

Don't jump in front of the bullets for others, they won't fuck you anyway.

Yeah ans include more unseen exclusive images too.

>but the ending didn't feel like it spent time on the right things
What does this even mean? It literally spent time on the whole cast tho and what sarazanmai is

Definitely worth a watch. The characters are its weakness but it still has a lot of good points, and a great ending. Also ep 4 is one of his best standalone episodes.

>Enta can now pester Reo and Mabu for love advices
I guess I'll take what I can.

Crime pays off if you're underage.

all these dropped plot threads but you people are forgetting the most important one of all being what the fuck did mappa do

Enta demands a birds and kappa talk while riding in the cart

So that's why he looks so good after that time skip. Cucumber only diet.

How was the ep in terms of Entoi?

I think there are explicit examples of homo out there in anime that are also getting the fujobait lab for mostly marketing purposes. And while I wasn't a big fan of the main YoI relationship, I will categorize them in those examples of good homo couple.
>Let's remember that many people in Japan still believe that homosexuality is just a funny phase of adolescence.
I don't live in Japan although I have heard of this. I think it comes down to personal opinion and how someone can understand that it's not just a phrase. Although, yes culture can determine how society views things.

I don't disagree with what you say but I still dislike it. As the other user said, it also comes down to culture differences.

put their name there for viewers
what did JC Staff do in Utena I don't remember



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there was no entoi you delusional fujos, the show ended with that ship being cracktier

It's my least favorite of his but I still think it's a solid show. Comparing it to gay frogs, most of the characters are pretty fucking flat, but I guess they're supposed to represent vast groups/ideas to get across Ikuni's message while gay frogs is more about individuals. Which is what I prefer in a story.

Is Enta still the shortest after the time skip?

I really want Enta to discover them and make Reo apologize for shooting him.

glad to see Serivce Boy didn't fall asleep after all

There was literally nothing for any 2P pair between the boys. It was 100% 3P friendship.

>dropped plot threads
There weren't any.
Nothing, literally. Other than 2nd Key Animation clean up and one director that has a contract with them that came on one episode.

So why are they not dead now?

Kek, I wonder if he also had an angsty fanart sitting around in case it all went to shit.

>The new frog idol girl

maybe hosoda was employed at jc staff for a bit who knows

What is the other possible ending? And did Enta really break up with someone?

They were sleeping.

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Yeah, I do understand your frustration with the way they say it but it really isn't a no-homo; it is a fujo-y "higher standard of love" thing.
You really can't no-homo two guys or two girls but you can make it more "romantically intense" while staying nip style conservative about it this way to keep middle ground without offending any of the fans.
>it also comes down to culture differences
Yes, it is mostly this.

Meh, as expected. Entoi remains the superior choice, if only for being the least boring.

He's so cute.

Kappa magic. Seriously, why is anyone questioning this? Keppi explicitly interfered with their rings being deleted.

wagecucks for life but they're happy and together

It's decent for me. I didn't enjoy it as much as Sarazanmai and definitively not on Penguindrum's level (I recently started Utena so I can't comment on that although most say it's his best work) but give it a shot, you might like it more than me.

Why does the plate Keppi is holding has a 次 (tsugi)? Could it be a subtle hint for a sequel?

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I thought it was Haruka for a second.

It's not someone, it's Kazuki. And he most likely rejects Enta.
Tasteless fucker.

Kappa don't obey the rules of human mortality.

What was A?

what the fuck

That was so meh.

It was cute that Toi called Kazuki and Enta by their first names.

They become soccer players and have a lot of drama over not being able to connect for various reasons and it ends with their friendship ruined.
There's one screen with Enta on a bridge with Kazuki(?) walking away from him.

I'd need to see the scene again to be sure if it was Kazuki or just some rando.

She was the cutest, I'll miss her. I'll try to follow and support her band, though I'm not a huge Yea Forumsfag.

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>tfw literally evolved to be a beta male that services chads

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what bothers me about this is that they would never say the same about an opposite sex couple, I haven't seen a single example

It's probably not a romantic breakup or rejection, it's probably just about Kazuki refusing Enta's last plea for their friendship based on soccer. Kazuki gets bitter and quits soccer after his injury.

>unseen exclusive images
Wake me up when those images are Reo and Mabu making swet love.

Rise up ToiEnta bros. Kazuki is ballsexual

I think that's a reference for the future. The very last scene had something similar too.

It was the penguindrum.

She's rocking that hime cut alright. She's too cute.

Is this Sara's VA?

I know I should just let it be because it won't be the last time it happens and I can't change people's minds, especially those from another culture. I can only hope that since more anime/manga have homo in it that the new generation won't view it as a phrase but something to accept it, if they can.

Anyways, waiting for subs to watch the episode. I am glad we got a happy ending and these hints about a sequel are good.


Publicly tweeting your gay sex isn't something cops should do.

I thought the whole show was good shit.

Yeah. I read that it can also mean "sequence" in Japanese. And they were literally appearing in a sequence with the other characters.

Shotas were kinda hot in that 'possible future' montage, I'm not gonna lie.

Me too, user. But I hope he gets 2 cour next time.

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Imagine how thirsty Enta will be for Toi's dick after three years.

Yes, Teiko from Shoujoshiki Elise

>No 1 trending on nip Twitter
May the fujobucks flow

>tfw so disappointed by the end that don't even want to watch subbed version

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Shame Toi probably had his fair share of dicks in prison

>sequel announced
>but it's strictly reomabu backstory
How happy/mad would you be?

I'd love another fluffy spin-off manga about ReoMabu and the boys just getting along happily post-ending.
Kazuki and Enta setting Toi up with a new place to live, helping him acclimate to school, and just catching him up on how things have been in Asakusa for the last three years would be very wholesome.

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That is because they won't usually lose potential fans over a straight pair; but making a homo couple into something more "special" somehow makes it different enough from regular real life homo for conservative type of fans to give it a pass sometimes, it is just to avoid alienating potential buyers and getting extra fujobuxs for extra super special romance. I personally don't mind it that much, it is honestly annoying, but it doesn't sink a ship either so I let it slide.
Exactly, these things take time but it is getting there, just enjoy the ride until we get there user.
Happy end was a very nice gift.

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That'll be covered in the novel and probably the manga too.

The fujobucks will flow.

blessed by Morishima Akiko
she should draw genderswap ReoMabu

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What was disappointing to you, user?
Happy if it's an OVA or manga

They all aged well, especially Toi and Enta. If there was more material of them at that age, I bet more fujos would latch onto pairings and make porn.

I don't think they will do a full movie but they would include stuff of them.

I would rather have a Rutile manga so it can be full gay without shame

I wonder what conservative type of fans is looking for in Ikuhara anime? Male anuses or lesbians

Kazutoi didn’t happen

イクニ作品 is trending too, there are people discussing the finale and compare it to his other works.

I'd be happy with that. I want many things, but that's one of them. It would work better as an OVA or single volume manga/novel than a second series though.


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>cuck with the second worst taste is disappointed
Blessed Ikuni.

Wow, cute. Saved

The show has been planned since 2016, Ikuhara most likely knew he had to work around the little episodes he had yet did used them so well.
When was the last time Ikuhara ever did a sequel? Fool.

It’s true

Toi said Kazuki's name first at the bridge and Enta's name only as an afterthought, rise up brothers

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So in the canon ending Kazuki doesn’t hurt his leg?

RAWs late again.

>he hasnt done it before, therefore he can never do it
He never made a show entirely about boys before Sarazanmai either. I don't think any kind of sequel will happen, but it's not technically impossible.

Some nips are also speculating whether it has something to do with his next work.

>KazuEnta, EnToi and KazuToifags equally cucked
Ah, so this is the true meaning of Sarazanmai...
But hey, it could be worse, we could be anikifags.

If you were in the early threads you must have seen people no-homoing this left and right; there were even different threads no-homoing Utena so you get the idea, it is just people that want to watch Ikuni's stuff to say they watched it but are annoyed by homos of either gender in their animu. Basically stupid people.

I doubt it simply because what would it even be about? The ending wrapped most things nicely, and the few gaps will probably be filled by the novel.

I wouldn't mind if they got an OVA or a LN but for a S2 I definitely want the main trio, especially now that they are older.

Thanks for the talk, you are very sweet user ;_; I watched the first episode of RobiHachi but it didn't do much for me. Do you suggest I should continue as in it becomes better later on?

He either doesn't, or hasn't yet, but in the case of the latter, he probably doesn't dissolve into wangst about it.
Imagine Kazuki throwing an absolute bitchfit and trashing his connections over his single-leg soccer injury, after all the shit he went through with Haruka who actually got paralyzed and still wanted Kazuki to run and be happy.

It's left open. The point the show ends at is before the future events would have taken place.

>what would it even be about?
24 episodes of Enta complaining in ReoMabu rickshaw. Also, something paranormal happens.

>I doubt it simply because what would it even be about?
Have you ever seen a masterpiece called boku to coco x chico?

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Can this be interpreted as the scene in this episode with the boys falling into the Venn diagram of the connections?

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Definitely. It was the first thing that came to my mind.

Which of the Boku no Pico boys correspond to each Sarazanmai boy?

Nice satan trips.
Mor of this cast would be awesome
Yeah; RobiHachi has a slow first couple of eps but it becomes really fun. Please give it another go if you have time. It is one of my favorites this season apart from Sarazanmai and Occult.

>Pico = Kazuki
>Coco = Enta
>Chico = Toi

The two works are very similar, when you get down to it.

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Why did they have to use condoms

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They're at work.

So they don't get pregnant.

All those paralels between ReoMabu and KazuEnta kinda fell flat for me, now that we know that cops are alive and well.
But hey, I'm happy for them, they deserve some happiness.

Rips where...?

One baby was enough and now she's married to a prince.

That ending was one of the many possibilities the future hold. It might or might not happen.

>Happy Wedding
I like to think it means both KeppiSara and ReoMabu

>Entwined fingers

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>second season but it's a sports anime about the golden trio
Come on, Ikuhara, I know you want to try it.

We did get official art of Mabu with a ring on his left ring finger today.

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Mabu is still ugly

Anyway so in the end Keppi and Sara aren't blood related? Also how big is their age gap? Sara in her human form looked around the main trio's age and Keppi being voiced by Suwabe means he's not that young.

Reo loves him that's what matters

I cannot argue with that I guess

There was nothing that implied they were blood related and also who cares, they're kappas. They might live for millenia

I kinda have my hands full right now with LOGH and RGU but I will watch 2-3 more episodes and decided if I wanna keep watching. Thank you.

They're mythical creatures user.

You're still wrong.

Attached: beautiful.jpg (1920x1080, 596K)

This is a look of the man that waited three fucking years for that premium Kuji dick.

I know, but since they are underused characters I was expecting this episode to clarify some things about their relationship at least. I'm gonna sleep well anyway tonight.

>stand by me plays
>while toi is alone in detention center
That shit hurted.
I hoped he would at least get some visitations from Kazuki and Enta.

So basically what their future is could be completely different from both that we saw?

anikifag here, won't be able to watch the episode til later tonight. how bad did we get BTFO

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Really bad.

No, the very ending where Toi goes to jail and they reunite 3 years later happens. What happens from that point on is left open.

You got exactly what you deserved. I hope your delusions die and you learn how to use spoiler tags properly.

I mean, I guess. That scene was basically "things still might go wrong and you might still struggle do connect. Still, do you want to continue?" and their answear was "yes".

user, I'm so sorry.

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Really fucking bad. Also, I hope you get better taste.

Literally the only character who doesn't get a happy end.

I think it picks up more after the 3rd ep, finish what you are watching at your leisure then give it a go when you have time later if you still feel like it; it is almost over now so there won't be many threads but it is a nice watch just for the silly, fun ride and the light fujo pandering style bonding. You don't have to rush. Good luck.

This was a lie...

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You fuckers are really annoying.

All I wanted from this finale was for Keppi to be hot and Ikuni didn't even give me that.

So kappas have a blob form, a Tezuka furry form and a full human form? Bummer that we didn't get to see Keppi's human form.

Shaved Toi is pretty cute.

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Yeah I don’t really like this, feels so incomplete.

I kinda liked the Keppi we got, he looked like a bishounen moomin. His make up was also nice.

Dude we stopped already.

I'm the user who posted the pic, and despite what I wrote I am not actually disappointed. Just surprised.

Maybe we will get some official art, just like Utena did after its open ending.
Who am I kidding, we won't.

did I memed the ending into reality

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Toi having his hair shaved reminded me so much about fishing bros.

Based user

Blessed meme mahou.

When is the first BD out


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I hope someone compiles all TV/BD differences

>Reo and Mabu stayed asleep for a total of 15 minutes
Alright, that was a bit anticlimatic. I'm glad they're fine though.

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Boys with shaved heads makes me think of Rainbow. I was scared for Tooi there.

They partially remind me of a modern slutted up version of Orihime and Hikoboshi

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It won't have any effect if you bingewatch it. They should have died a few episode before.

incestfags blown the fuck out, Ikuni's friendship ended with incest
Also I didn't see any odd feet artwork so I guess he isn't into feet anymore

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If only Ikuni was given at least two more episodes to work with.

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The whole show kinda sucked. I don't think Ikuni can do single cour anime.

shame about bingue watchers

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Well, would you look at that.

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Kazuki put a menace on the street

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nice boat

Rejoice for meme mahou

Degenerate never had him neutered

Best boy poll user, are you here? Make the last poll and hit us with the weekly results.

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