Remembering my death note phase

>remembering my death note phase

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>remembering my phase angles

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Happens to all of us.
Well... Not me, because I have good taste.

>remembering my soul eater phase

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>remembering my naruto phase

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>remembering my Naruto phase some 15 years ago

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>remembering my edgy weeaboo phase in freshman year highschool

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>i wanted to be like black star at a point

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nothing to be embarressed about, death note is a solid show.

lol insecure fags
how does it feel, being inferior to normie anime cosplayers of all people? at least they don't get embarassed about their past 'phases'

>having an anime phase

Liking death note isn't bad at all.
Obsessively fanboying over how big brain light and L are is the true cringe.

>remembering my Eva phase

wait, i'm still in my Eva phase

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>you began biting your thumb nails because of L
>you began crouching over chairs because of L

Luckily the latter is actually very uncomfortable so it didn't last long.

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>tfw started biting nails because of L
Still do 7 years later
>tfw started sitting like L
Still do
>tfw started cracking knuckles and fingers because of Tokyo Ghoul
Still do

I'm such a fucking idiot

If Death Note wasn't so popular Yea Forums would love it and claim it's the best manga / anime ever

Yea Forums is a board of contrarians, that is correct. But they are also correct to hate on DN as this anime/manga takes itself seriously with it's over the top 300+ IQ MC who makes stupidest mistakes.

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>remembering my Haruhi phase

friends still give me shit about turning my webcomic site into haruhi fansite

All the mistakes are justifiable. They all come form Lights arrogance and ego, that's literally the point of the show. If you think mistakes written like that on purpose make the writing stupid you're stupid.

You can't have a manga about Akagi vs Akagi, that would be boring.

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>you're stupid
no u

Did you do the hare hare yukai?

>remembering my Sonic X phase

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Don't Light's mistakes come after the timeskip because he becomes way too overconfident?

>Remembering my Naruto phase

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>tfw remember all those weeb girls who were into Haruhi

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They do but that user doesn't see character characteristics besides 1 dimensional "he smart / dumb"

I was talking about killing Lind L. Taylor.
You certainly belong to the "dumb" category.

>Remembering my Japanese is awesome and can't wait to move to that country where anime is everything phase

God I was the worst kind of weeaboo you could imagine and that includes trying to speak japanese and make energy beams come out of my hands and using my umbrella as a sword

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>literally stopped watching anime, movies
>became too obsessive browsing Yea Forums and other boards
>now degraded to browse normieshit-sites
>buttfucked attention span so little that I can only read manga or vns since I can read fast
fucking end me once and for all

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>and make energy beams come out of my hands

I obviously wasn't the only one who tried to channel ki in order to fly like during Videl's training, right?

There are better reasons to want to move to Japan anyway than to watch anime.

Shit, i was in elementary school back then, can't even imagine how edgy i was

>remembering my moeshit phase

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I think your DBS phase is worse

This. There's nothing more pathetic then someone who is embarrased of their hobby because they think normies will make fun of it. Stop being a bitch and own it.

>remember trying to watch anime on adult swim as a kid but was terrified to shit by this.

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I wanted to go there to get all the anime stuff i couldn't get here.Now i just want to see that beautiful country and experience a bit of their culture

Soon you'll look back at your Dragon Ball phase like that.

Ehh didnt he just finished putting names like crazy and telling ryuk how high his iq is? Spur of the moment overconfidence is still overconfidence

Hipster Naruto.

It was stupid and moreover, it went against principles he claimed to have. What about killing only the criminals?

>tfw started biting nails because of L
Didn't ever do this.
>tfw started sitting like L
Did do this and it probably looked goofy as shit.
>tfw started cracking knuckles and fingers because of Tokyo Ghoul
Still do this because it became a habit.

>it went against principles he claimed to have. What about killing only the criminals?
He's a hypocrite, how's that hard to understand?
He felt challenged and it damaged his ego, so he took the bait in order to totally show "L."

i will never understand how people can watch deathnote unironically considering how much of a fucking fedora tipping edgelord the MC is, every single tenager and incel wants to self insert as the epic lone Genious he is

Yeah it became a habit for me too, I didn't even like Tokyo Ghoul but it's the one thing from anime that'll follow me for my whole life.

>remembering my naruto phase in highschool
>had a cute weeb gf
>had close circle of friends who shared my interests/hobbies
>graduate high school, everyone goes their separate ways
>11 years later, I still watch anime but friends are all normies
>ex gf is no longer a weeb and does BLACKED porn now for some amateur company
Anyone else excited for hero academy season 4?

Yes, and he was stupid to do that, how's that hard to understand?

>tfw starting your moe phase in your twenties so now you just look creepy

So your friends all became successful and you wallowed and decayed in your anime fantasy world?

>tfw i had a colleague in college that used to sit like L because he said it was "comfortable"
i was doing my best to hide my weeb but that guy was pure cringe. he was also a sasukefag

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Yes, his arrogance and ego overshadowed his intelligence and natural sense of caution.

>tfw started sitting like L
I do this because I naturally switch positions a lot and since it's easy since I'm a manlet

>does BLACKED porn
Ha ha ha

I still contend that Death Note is very good despite its flaws.

>It was stupid and moreover, it went against principles he claimed to have.
That was the point of the whole story, he had a massive god complex from the very beginning and constantly justified killing non-criminals as a necessary evil to reach his goal. He was incredibly hypocritic and by the end he had already lost his humanity. Go back to the time when he lost his memory to trick L into believing he was innocent and how his personality turned a complete 180°. Without the Death Note, he became true friends with L, more or less began to appreciate Misa's approaches, cared deeply for his family and his whole sense of justice was placed in the right place.

Light was doomed from the moment he decided to become a god of justice.

I liked Tokyo Ghoul back then. Anime was always shit, but I did dig the manga. Part 1 and a portion of its sequel: Re.
Started developing a hate-hate relationship with the series around the halfway point of the sequel manga, though.
But yeah, the finger cracking just comes naturally now- most of the time, I don't even realize I'm doing it.

I said your friends, not your ex.

Lool same , 25 now wondering how long i can keep doing this

>currently going through Tokyo ghoul for the first time
>going to knock out parasyte next

What's more essential edgecore I missed out on when I was younger. All I have under my belt in that regard is DN and Psycho-pass

Death Note is fine. I'd say it has better written intelligent characters than most series. I mean, it's not perfect, but at least it doesn't reek as blatantly of "person tries to write a character that is smarter than they themselves are."

Not that guy- but just because his friends are normalfags doesn't mean they're successful.

For your sake, stop reading Tokyo Ghoul Re after around chapter 60.

Reality check:

Death note is still objectively in the top 20 anime of all time. Death Note is really good and you're a just a contrarian if you think otherwise.

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I think the thing that makes it work so well is its hook. Simple premise: notebook that kills people if you write their name down. Peoples imaginations get going with that concept, and the manga scratches that itch by running with that concept as far as possible. Maybe even to a fault near the end.

Death Note IS a good series, I stand by it. Is a very well told cat & mice detective story with very charming characters, I guess I'm glad I never got involved with the fedora-tipping fanbase and that's why I enjoyed it so much.

Don't sit like L. You'll get a cyst on your tail bone and will need a surgery to remove.

t. missing a chunk of my ass

>remembering my anime phase

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Ha ha one butt guy.

>"person tries to write a character that is smarter than they themselves are."
On that note, since Tokyo Ghoul got brought up several times here, this is an issue Tokyo Ghoul struggles with, hard.
Furuta isn't even remotely smart- he does random whacky shit and the only reason it works out is because Ishida turns everyone around him into a bumbling retard. That's literally the worst fucking way to write "an intelligent character."

>remembering my incest phase
>sister is going through that phase again
Fuck anime

I have tons of my "detective" stories that i wrote as 11 years old kid. Jesus, i don't even want to look at them.

Well, be glad you didn't start putting a million sugarcubes in your coffee or what have you, like L.

What do you think of the spiritual sequel, platinum end ?

How? I sat like L for a while and all it did was made me very flexible.

>Luckily the latter is actually very uncomfortable so it didn't last long.

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I like this thread. It's surprisingly comfy.

>remembering my /u/ phase
I have no regrets.

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I've never even heard of it

>anime has hilariously over the top dramatic notebook-writing scenes
>takes itself too seriously
Pick one

>Sonic x
Oh god I remember thinking tails and that plant girl was top drama back in 2007. I would slap 11yo me over the head of I could

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Guess it really flew under the radar unlike bakuman
Its basically a more complex version of death note, but instead of a notebook you have angelic wings and arrows and you can choose to kill people or make them infatuated with you. Also there are other "angel notes" holders and they're all competing to become God

None of the characters' observational abilities are all that supernatural.

What an absolute brainlet post.
MC of DN is edgy fedora tipper because hes intelligent and kills criminals?

Light literally managed to become the 1st suspect in a matter of weeks/months after getting the notebook in part 1.
Mistakes are okay. Even in Akagi/Kaiji. In Death Note, they're just dumb plot breakers.

>remembering my weeaboo phase
>remembering my edgy phase which was at the same time but strangely not connected
We didn't have internet/proper internet for quite a while, this most likely prevented me from embarrasing myself all too often.
I also missed early Yea Forums, which is unfortunate.

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>I don't really care anymore is something a phase and just enjoy the what I have and what's is coming

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>Have Death Note phase
>Have "remember my Death Note phase?" phase, because you're so obsessed with 'being mature' that you distance yourself from 'what teens like'
>Have an actual mature phase where you can appreciate the subtle narrative themes of works you didn't understand before and don't require the approval of the strawman of 'others' you formed in your head.
If you cringe at what your younger self did/liked you are still on your journey to becoming an adult. But don't feel the need to rush, just chill and enjoy yourself.

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Yes, he made a dumb mistake that almost cost him his ass right there due to ego.
It would only be a plot breaker if Light's actions there didn't have any consequences.

Why would a natural shitting position give you a cyst?

It's not just this, you have a few things that kind of happen because the plot needs them to, like L not having someone follow Misa, not having put cameras in his room and so on. Because it'd break Light "masterplan" that consisted of telling Misa to act like a retard until Rem would have to kill L.
There's also that one time when Light killed an FBI agent right after said agent was convinced of his innocence, jumping to suspect number 1 in a matter of days. All of it with a "KEIKAKU DOORI HAHA" coat of coolness but very stupid when you look at the substance.

Some of the plans are cool. The one I just talked about? Pretty cool use of the page/paper. But the big picture? Flawed.

If you want cool mindgames, read Liar Game or Akagi. Death Note is a nice way to pass the time though, it's not bad, but it's far from great.

You either move on from moe or you stay in it perpetually and become a husk of your former self.
shonenshit > EDGE > seinen for mature readers like myself > moeshit > waifufaggotry > seasonalfag
The cycle stops here if you're mentally ill. However, if you have triple digit iq, the cycle continues

The dawn truly is your enemy. You need to be productive.

>Fuck anime
No, fuck your sister.

Sitting on your tailbone all day isn't natural at all.