Good Job
Kengan Omega ch.23
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You've got a friend in me!
>Toyoda respects the Kazzy
I want to be Toyoda's friend
Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
He knows better than to disrespect the Dragons Eye.
Nogi's face says it all.
*push up glasses*
Kazzy makes some weird faces lately.
So how strong do you guys think Idemitsu is? Does he just have some strange obsession with martial arts or will he be a fighter himself?
Nitoku aka uncle Jeb
I think we are slowly going back to his Ashura faces
He pretty much felt he'd do better as a businessman but he'd join in for fun
Good job Kazzy, you spilled the beans
Ouch, Koga that must have hurt more than the stinger
I get it now. If I want to get published, I need to beat up some dudes!
He punched a perfectly cylindrical chunk out of the middle of a cow carcass. He's pretty fucking strong. Probably not up there with the scarier Kengan fighters, but he could likely wreck Koga's shit at the moment.
I'll never get tired of this goofy hasslehoff lookin ass goatmanchild.
>Kengan omega
Is there a better way to start a day?
I think it's closer to Eric Roberts.
How much want we bet that he practices Eagle Kung Fu
his name is the falcon, why would he practice eagle kung fu
Sleep tight ghost
inb4 he actually does show up later on as a ghost
And you can tell by the way I walk my walk
I'm a murder man, no time to talk
LOL that fucking liar
Jam packed! until next week!
Too clean to have just murdered someone. He'd be slightly sweaty or have some blood coughed on him.
The guy with no patience put on an act then had the guy killed. Who could have predicted it?
NOOO He did not get well
Is it a prostate massage? I bet it's a prostate massage!
It's time again. Last few matches of round 1.
Round 1 - Match 13
Round 1 - Match 14
Round 1 - Match 15
Round 1 - Match 16
>sir we need someone to star in a manga
>say no more
given how much the series love to pull the rug under your feet, he is not the killer, but instead is just following it
The real question is why kill Ghost? Because he gave Purgatory a bad name for losing?
>sir we need
>I got the guy for the job
>tfw idemitsu fights for purgatory in the tournament
Idemitsu didn't like his jokes
holy shit I can't believe Fang is dead
Koga reminds me of Ban from NNT so much
He is Baku Yumemakura, isn't he?
They're always great threads.
oh boy, first match is going to be a bloodbath. I say Muteba wins in the end because his trump card of being blind while Akoya goes nuclear justice. And Muteba won't be able to forfeit in face of the bloodlust. So, damaged a good bit.
I'd like to see Meguro try and judo grab and naked Julius and fail miserably, just to get his face caved in.
I see Mokichi giving Sen a run for his money. But Sen gets in peak condition thanks to that.
Doctor has no chance, tho.
Add Jose to the Purgatory side and switch Kuroki for Rihito. I don't see Kuroki doing another tournament/match for the Kengan Org, but Rihito would want to fight.
poor Kaede is hitting the wall, she was cuter in Ashura
im doing it based on realistics mentions within the series.
>Nothing happened, the chapter.
I fucking hate how he does nothing but promote himself in WSC's author comments. It's so disrespectful.
Stop spamming this trash, it isn't interesting and above all, it's not Yea Forums - Anime & Manga related.
wait was it implied anywhere that Gaoh is related to Gaoh Mukaku and is the last practitioner of the OG Niko / Gaoh style? I reread Omega from beginning and was wondering if the reason Gaoh thinks hes struggling is that hes using a style thats outdated as was shown earlier in Asura that Gaoh style had evolutions that culminated with Ohma's usage.
Ugh sorry but i understand have no idea what the WSC is. Enlighten me, oh educated one
Its summer
Stop getting so angry you seething sperglord.
Sorry that was meant as uhh
>Akoya v Muteba
Giga nigga wins but not without putting in work. Akoya + Handler is a lethal duo in long term engagements, and even without the living clock Akoya's reflexes and fight sense are top notch.
>Meguro v Julius
Meguro would forfeit on guidance from Toyo, but even without that Julius would stomp him.
>Sen v Mokichi
If Sen is at his peak he beats Mokichi, if he's not than Mokichi has more than enough skill to beat him.
>Rei v Mad Doctor
Mad doctor loses this unfortunately.
He does what now? Last I heard of him was him working on Kouya ni kemono and I forgot he existed after that.
yeah man, I'm loving these.
oh my fuck that's incredible
Oh, I thought you said AM.
Go back to Yea Forums.
Based trips, but even so there's no way Kuroki will join in another series of matches.
I still think that Muteba would call out the communicator before the fight. This would make it Berserk Akoya vs Muteba, in which case Muteba's sneaky fighting style would give him the advantage. Muteba moderate-heavy injuries
There isn't a whole lot Meguro could do to someone that much stronger than him. Grappling evens out the fight somewhat but when someone can crush your bones with their bare hands there ain't much you can do to stop them.
Julius no-light injuries
Robinson is a damn good fighter, quite a bit better than pre-release Raian. But Sen has been preparing for the Tournament for a while.
Hatsumi - light injuries
Rei outclasses Hanafusa entirely, and Hanfusa has no interest in killing Rei so he won't use his poisons.
Rei - no injuries.
>someone's using a normal English word
Oh no!
Is there a link to the overall bracket?
>akoya vs muteba
Closest matchup I can imagine. I think Muteba edges him out with some trickery.
>Julius vs Meguro
Julius hits too hard, Meguro wouldn't stand a chance.
>Sen vs Mokichi
Good matchup. Sen probably has him beat though.
>Sasuke vs Mad doctor
Rei is too fast and too skilled.
This guy.
>0 Votes for Meguro
Poor guy
he must be a dumb dumb or something
Pretty sure he's just walking by and that Falcon guy was the hitman.
But I bet he's going to get in trouble with the police.
Bet you because of his autism and inability to read a situation, Ryuki will be pinned as the killer.
Weekly Shounen Champion. He has a serialized Baki novel ongoing in it, and afaik he has literally never written a comment other than 'Volumes X-Y of Onmyouji are currently on sale in paperback in stores near you. -Yumemakura'
He's doing Baki, Onmyouji and probably six other pieces of crap.
>cosmo vs agito
Why you gotta do my boy Cosmo like that
He looks as if tired of someone telling him that he looks like Tokita Ohma so he changed his face.
And apparently he somehow caught onto what was going on, he probably noticed the change in the shape of those speech bubbles.
This looks like something that could be caused by 'crouching dragon' desu
Gaolang vs Tokita
Will the MC be eliminated already???
Yeah his high time was in the 90s
Muteba is a strong contender, but Akoya is his worst match up in the tournament.
His defences are top tier, which means he will struggle to get many of his vital-blows off, and most importantly, Muteba won every single match of his by faking his opponent into a sense of security, he faked that he was blind and bewildered to finish off Meguro, he faked that he was deaf and bewildered, playing the exact same move against Sekibayashi for the win. These kind of fake outs won't work on Akoya because first off, he wouldn't care that the guy is too vulnerable to attack, and thus drop his guard, and most importantly even if he did, he has the near instant reaction time to entirely negate any kind of vital-spot suprise attack when he goes for one.
This one should be a clear Akoya Victory, even if he goes Dark-Justice, he isn't some foolish beserker, he still has his reactions and defences to shut Muteba down.
Assuming the Guardians plot is still in place, Meguro forefeits. Assuming it is not, or Meguro gets the bloodlust and fights anyway, this is a pretty simple fight for Julius, especially since Judo isn't particularly good at dealing with opponents larger and stronger than you, but Meguro is likely one of the few fighters who could handle a hit or two from the German Warmachine before crumpling so maybe he will do some damage.
Hatsumi is just at a higher level, they have similar techniques but that just plays to Hatsumi's advantage. Kengan is great that few match ups come down to pure power level but this is one of them.
Rei vs Hanafusa is another one, Hana has a good attribute of being hard to take down due to being immune to pain but Rei both has the knowledge and ability to kill unarmed very easily, and even if he continues to refuse, the knowledge and ability to knock people out by rattling their brains and similar blows. Hana' wouldn't keep up with the speed and would take a very easy KO.
>He actually has those mini glasses
Nitoku you fucking meme
If its pre-coma Ohma yes. Gaolang wins. If its peak Ohma then Ohma wins in a close fight.
Advance Ohma maybe could beat him, but he would be worse off than against Raian
Is Ohma really dead anons. I haven’t visited the threads since Asura finished.
Yeh, new guy that looks like him is Gaoh's grandson (potentially adopted)
Evidence towards Gaoh
>wound looks similar to something caused by “Crouching Dragon”
>may want to eliminate fighters outside of the rules of the Kengan matches
>I mean, he’s right there
Evidence towards “The Falcon”
>wound also looks like a puncture, something “The Falcon” implicitly specializes in
>Idemitsu being super foreboding in talking to Ghost
>Gaoh doesn’t look bloodied or anything
Akoya has the incredible reflexes, trickery won't work and Muteba wins every match with it.
Pretty sure that is the "Grandpa" that Gaoh keeps talking about.
Kuroki is going to decline and send Rihito, but of the others, at least one of them is going to end up on Purgatory I'm sure, and I think it's going to be Hatsumi for the Sen-vs-Kanoh rematch.
Anyone got any clue about the second and third fang of metsudo or is that never revealed? Only know Erioh as the 1st, buff Markiplier as 4th and Kanoh as 5th.
The thing that makes me is suspicous is if he would want to eliminate fighters outside of the rules, why did he help Koga? Did he really tought that Koga has no chance to become a fighter in the slightest?
Will probably cleared up with the whole Tiger vessel stuff
It wasn't Gaoh, He's walking by in a crowded street and suddenly got the !? mark, he just sensed the real killer's aura or something
It boils down to what the "Next time was" Either Ghost was just told to go and murder some people to make up for failing to get a kill in the match and Gaoh murdered him to prevent that or it's a there is no next time and Falcon did him in.
>he has the near instant reaction time to entirely negate any kind of vital-spot suprise attack when he goes for one.
I don't agree with that otherwise Cosmo's zone wouldn't have worked either. Muteba in his fight with Seki showed that he can also take down an opponent through conditioning. Seki expected an eye gouge and instead got a heart jab, there's no reason to assume that Akoya couldn't also be conditioned to expect a certain move only for Muteba to get a different one in.
His reflexes are godly but that didn't make immune to trickery, it just means that Muteba has to tailor how he lies to the target.
You won't fool me, doom guy.
For me, the biggest possible givaway is that if Gaoh came from the Inside where people are much more shallow and only considered themselves before, why would Gaoh want to kill someone that didn't so much as posed a threat of existence towards him? No possible foreshadow anywhere in this chapter or even the last two could indicate his intentions, if he even had any.
He only picked out Yuzaki's intention to kill, takes one to know one. But as far as he knows, it doesn't concern him. He didn't even fight him. I'd lean to Falcon instead.
did he kill himself for the shame?
Goddammit can't unsee
Or 'next time' was versus Falcon.
Its finally thursday...
Yeah, the author of Garouden.
Ryuki is a perpetrator.
What if both Ryuki and Falcon were red herrings and it was done by other parties like the worm?
Sandrovich could fuck with us and have Idemitsu hire/call in a favor on Kuroki to have him fight for Purgatory.
what if it was Beard
Actually, consider both Ryuki and Falcon killing the Ghost together.
Cosmo's zone didn't work though, the fact that the zone didn't work was one used specifically so showcase how this guy has reactions fast enough to respond from near instantanous attacks that he couldn't have seen coming. In your exact example, if he was conditioned against an eye gouge and instead had a heart jab swung at him, he would easily react to the heart jab and block it, all of Muteba's vital attacks rely on misdirection, distraction and deception, something that Akoya is a total hard counter for.
What if it was Ohma
Demon beast = Wolf beast?
More Beards. Rihito, Okubo, Kaneda, and that other guy.
Literally me
Okubo looks like a completely different character when he has hair.
Rihito vs Gensai rematch would be Kino.
Calling it now though, Rihito's ultimate technique is being able to use the Devil lance but even if it is missed, blocked or parried, he instantly responds with a raking motion in the withdraw meaning that even failed lances still do hefty damage.
>Cosmo's zone didn't work though
It did when he baited Akoya in with that finishing blow.
> if he was conditioned against an eye gouge and instead had a heart jab swung at him, he would easily react to the heart jab and block it
You're conflating good reflexes for having exact knowledge of all incoming attacks. Seki didn't know there was a heart jab coming and he's a defense specialist, he was focused on tackling the eye poke. Akoya similarly didn't expect his opponent to be able to launch an attack in such a small interval and got triangle choked for his trouble.
He's not invincible is all I'm saying. Even that Zone he managed to cope with was by a hair's breath. And compared to Cosmo, Muteba has far better physical stats and we saw how Cosmo even while weakened was able to grab Akoya's arm for things like breaking the elbow. Imagine a far stronger person with less scruples about maiming his opponent in the exact same position. Akoya would have lost his left arm to a broken elbow.
This fight is going to be bloody, I agree that Akoya's defense and reflexes are top notch. But you're forgetting that Muteba is also the kind of guy to waltz into a battlefield with people wielding guns and knives and walk out unscathed. He's far more used to killing and battle than Akoya is.
He looks like chapter 0 Metsudo.
Finally here...
that's his shoes in the bottom panel tho. He was there.
>actual Doomguy doesn't get deleted
>Eric Roberts pic doesn't get deleted
>Doomguy shopped to look like manga character does
Fuck you and your family you annoying autist
Bonfire reached
Go peddle your off-topic trash somewhere else.
Are you actually retarded?
Could have been the American Soldier from Chapter 0
I want to read Nikotu's novels now.
I feel like this match can go either way. But I think that Akoya is also the better fighter, so he wins, unless Muteba goes for the kill from the get go.
How durable is Meguro again? and would grappling work on Julius? I don't know about this match. As a pure striket Julius wins, but Meguru isn't someoen you can kill with just a punch. I think I won't vote on this one.
our favourite log spinner wins this one.
I don't think the Doc has a way to defeat Sasuke.
Well, the obvious thing we're supposed to think here is that Toyoda was the one who ordered Ghost to try and kill Nitoku, then had Falcon kill him to shut him up, but let me offer an alternative theory: Toyoda had nothing to do with it at all and just came to confirm it himself, then had Ghost killed to prevent him from ruining his fun with the upcoming Kengan vs Purgatory Tournament by possibly taking down or crippling strong prospective Kengan fighters/send a message to whoever is behind all this that he does not approve.
>If Sen is at his peak he beats Mokichi, if he's not than Mokichi has more than enough skill to beat him.
I mean, Sen is hard to tell. At least for the Kengan Tournament, he should have already began warming himself up in preparation, so he wouldn't have been at his 'worst' state, at least, but I'm not sure Mokichi could beat him? At least, I don't think Chiba really helped warm him up much for his next match.
I wonder what they'd be about. With a title like 'Demon Beast' theres a limit.
>Toyoda had nothing to do with it at all and just came to confirm it himself, then had Ghost killed to prevent him from ruining his fun with the upcoming Kengan vs Purgatory Tournament by possibly taking down or crippling strong prospective Kengan fighters/send a message to whoever is behind all this that he does not approve.
I like this possibility. Toyoda doesn't strike me as a guy who'd try to end his "fun" in such a way as trying to eliminate the fighters before the tournament even begins. After all, the whole conquer-the-world thing is only something he is doing to kill some time before his moon rocket is built and I don't know why he'd lie about something like that.
>'That Late'
[Panics Internally&Intensifying]
kazzy got a bit wider
Most people who do it seriously start young
It was stated in a previous chapter that he is strong, on the level of an expert or a little more, but he is not strong or skilled enough to be a top class fighter. But it would be pretty fucking sweet if he just fights because he felt like it. Entirely fits with his character of just doing the fuck he wants.
>a story about martial arts
>but no silat whatsoever
Japs are shit.
Mostly because a lot of kids learn karate at age 8 and those of them that stick with it develop towards martial artists.
You can still be good even if you don't start until you're like 30+, but to be honest you might not make world champion kengan fighter tier since humans "peak physical condition" would have been around age 24-26.
Yawnnn another boring chapter. Seriously is Sandwich run out of ideas than pulling this shonen-tier crap?
Silat is heavily based on weapon usage, in a fighting series that doesn't really fit.
is this a Jojo reference?
>Silat is heavily based on weapon usage
so is xing yi quan
I am of the belief that Toyoda's favor was something completely trivial like buying him a coffee from the vending machine
I think Toyoda is secretly terminally ill, which is why he wanted the tournament to take place much much earlier than what they eventually agreed upon
Of course it's a fight without that cunt
Just curious, but would you guys say Akoya and Kaneda have achieved "counter-initiative" or are they still at the level of "post-initiative"? Just ignoring the possibility of them having achieved pre-initiative like Agito did.
There actually are many versions of silat that doesn't use weapons or heavily based on it.
Here an american video for you.
dont know the font so maybe remove the second bubble?
Some fighters had their peak in the early 30s
i can see saw paing joining purgatory just to have a rematch with gaolang
Nothing can stop THE CLAW
why does it look like he took a serious earth crouching dragon to the chest?
I'm 22 I was interested in trying some form of martial arts before I'm 30, hell I even considered boxing but I feel like my body should be more accustom to regular exercise first.
I'm not sure if I'm wasting my time by not just jumping in to fighting.
Part of boxing training is conditioning so yes you are wasting your time
It didn't work at first because Akoya was cheating though.
Does he have help for this fight?
If you are serious about it, user, you should strive to forget about stuff like "peak physical condition", just do it and leave humanity behind. We live in the age when people can survive cold with some good pills or mead, what peak condition? But be careful of exploding knees and protect the rest of your body when you are attacked, you aren't a wrestler. That's an advice from the user who sucks at fighting.
Thats a typical excuse to avoid excerize at all. But dont worry it is normal, excersize is exhausting and a body that is not accustomed to it dodges the subject as often as possible. The best way to start is with starting the sport you do, one time a week if you cannnot handle more times a week. I am honest, it can be painful but i think i had most fun in my life while doing Martial Arts, regulary. I started to miss it everytime i did not have the time for it
You’re not strictly wasting your time as conditioning yourself is never a waste, but you are training inefficiently by only working out and not also practicing technique
Share your Kengan reaction images
Well you're never likely to be a high-tier competitive fighter, but no reason not to start. The overwhelming majority of everyone is never going to be "the best" at whatever they do. You can always be better than you currently are.
What an absolute unit
No dude
The only reason he had Ghost killed because even as an ex-Purgatory fighter, it still makes Purgatory look bad if you lose in a Kengan match. It has nothing to do with Ghost trying to kill Nitoku.
And since Nitoku is some kind of meme fighter in the Kengan Association who doesn't even fight or train regularly, and Ghost lost to him, then Ghost wouldn't fare much better against more serious or regular Kengan fighters. Toyoda just wants to avoid Ghost going on a losing streak and making his Purgatory and his fighters look like a laughing stock.
Much appreciated anons I can't say I'm exactly "serious" but I do wanna see how far I could go if I can at all
>but you are training inefficiently by only working out and not also practicing technique
So would it be best to join some gym/dojo as soon as I can
What going to hold you back isn't conditioning. Its being able to put the techniques together in your head. It'll take you about a year of semi-regular training for things to 'click'.
>who doesn't even fight or train regularly
They might look a bit similar, but Nitoku isn't the Log Flipper.
>be careful of exploding knees
Here's a great riddle of the ages: does Kotoshougiku have no knees or only knees?
And just to add, that's why Toyoda put such an emphasis on sarcastically saying "It's only one loss. So what?"
He doesn't like or want people to see Purgatory fighters losing to his competitors.
Yeah Nitoku doesn't seem too keen on the conecpt of Kengan Matches but he must have trained hard to reach this level in sambo
Kaneda very much is more about foresight and "moving with/before the opponent" while Akoya without his partner is definitely more used to "counter-initiative". Kaneda's deal is that while it took him a bit to develop a counter plan, once he and Gaolang started exchanging blows he was moving in anticipation of Gaolang's actions and even setting up attacks in advance.
Akoya when he didn't have his handler made up for his lack of foresight by just having a better reaction time so like the picture you posted shows, even though his opponent moves first Akoya still hits before they do.
Pretty much. Probably the Kenganverse has their own version of Baki and Tanba in manga form. Just like Street Fighter is a videogame is their universe.
They literally said in this same chapter all Nitoku does is write shit and spend money between matches
Toku2 is like Sen where he pretends he doesn't care about fighting, but deep down inside he loves it.
Except unlike Sen he doesn't try to fight the same way, Toku2 fights in a normal manner.
Are we getting body mods now?
Try Aikido, it's very interesting and even an elderly person can become proficient at it. I started it at 20 but had to stop some years later due college+work combo fucking my shit up.
Will Nitoku manage to write something good after fighting in the tournament? Or will he die along with his ambitions?
Akido is great if you want some of that Eastern Spiritualism, but as far as self-defense or competitive fighting goes its not all that great.
It's usually because most of the martial artists start to train really young. There's exceptions, like Maeda didn't trained until he was college and he is still considered the strongest man of his time. There's also stories of old guys getting into boxing and winning world championships. But it's a long and arduous road.
Martial Arts are usually all ages in comparison to more explosive sports like boxing. Start with something you feel it fits you better and from there move to whatever you want. I didn't started to practice any martial arts until I was an adult (18 years old) with judo, later I trained boxing and after that I moved to Karate. state the reason why he does not take part in the upcoming tournament. I dont think that was a summary to explain his overall lifestyle
They will reveal in the end that the whole story of Kengan Omega is actually Nitoku writing an account of what happened during this period of time in the Kengan Association
>I dont think that was a summary to explain his overall lifestyle
Bruh, Yes it is Bottom-right panel
I mean, he keeps referring to these matches as 'material' for his stories, and look at the title of one of his books, "Demon Beast". His novels seem like they're probably based on these fighting circuits.
Aikido is 100% self-defense.
>competitive fighting
But that's barbaric.
>So would it be best to join some gym/dojo as soon as I can
Yes, if practicable
You can train your body at any time, but learning technique has a timetable before you mind just stops committing to new muscle memory
There is a guy on youtube that loved Aikido till he tested it againt a MMA practioner. He could not do anything. His videos give a good explanation why Aikido works mostly for spiritualism and that was more sect like
The page I posted is him being backed up by Hiyama, actually. Every time Hiyama signals him, he automatically changes what he's going to do.
If his life is really only consisting of these two things nowadays, then we have a another Sen on our hands
That is why i compared him to Baku Yumemakura
I often wonder if those Aikido people who get rekt in real fights simply don't have real fight training. Would it be possible to reach a better Aikido through sheer fighting experience, or is the style inherently flawed?
enjoy the ride
i started bjj 6 weeks ago and i love it so far. even if you dont get good, itll still improve your confidence and physical condition
What point are you trying to make? She says that he doesn't enter the matches, not that he doesn't train. And unlike Sen, he makes a point to take as little money as possible to not live decadently. Sen, on the other hand, is nothing like that.
>that picture
Arba was such a semen demon
Well if he really becomes one of the regular characters in this story, we'll get to know more about him, like how they did it with Sen in Kengan 1 where very very late in the tournament, they reveal he was actually a candidate to become a Fang.
The problem with Aikido is that it is opposed to changing. When people try to change it to make it more useful in real fights they are met with heavy criticism rather than support.
The only way for Aikido to improve is if they throw away almost the entire style and go from there.
Maybe as an "addon" but for a fight, MMA style? Highly doubt it. There style of rederecting is often to shallow, see Kote Gaeshi. What i think is more realistic is Aikijutsu or Aikido schools that spar and incoperate punches (Most Aikido drills are used against basic or irregular punches like the haymaker)
That's pretty bullshit. If you know your style is consistently bad and you choose to keep it bad, can you even call it a martial art? Where's the martial part of it?
Wasn't Steven Seagull allowed to create his own style?
She says he focuses on writing, so in other words, it IS his overall lifestyle.
If I focus on playing video games, but I do some gardening here and there and some cooking and other shit as needed, then my overall lifestyle is playing video games. Just because I spend some time to shit or do other stuff, doesn't suddenly make my overall lifestyle NOT playing video games.
I realized after posting that even with Hiyama, Akoya is still a reactive or counter based character.
did you forget the part where Akoya is forever exposed as a cheater with that mic in his hear? Kek, he's a bum i hope he's dead
From what I gather.
Post-Initative is : Enemy does a move, I see what it is and react to it.
Counter-Initative is : The enemy is about to move, I sense this and move at the same time to make an immediate counter.
Pre-Initative is: Enemy is about to do a move, I sense this and have read ahead on what move I expect him to do, meaning I can move to block it before he even starts to throw it.
The difference between Counter-and-Pre is really vague and Im not sure they need defining against eachother, but ultimately it's "I block an attack from the past" "I block an attack from the present" "I block an attack from the future", so naturally the "Present" is the smallest bracket of relevance, mostly the first step towards Pre-Initative so I imagine only Pre-and-Post are relevant.
Akoya is still clearly Post-Initative, but at a whole different level to everyone else which is as good, if not potentially better "defensively" than Counter-and-Pre, because both Counter and Pre rely on instinct/foresight to "guess" what the move is, but with his high reactions, he knows what the move is.
Kaneda is Pre-Initative at a high level but his drawbacks are he needs a few moments to warm up to them rather than just being able to use it off instinct and experience like Gensai and later, Agito. It does seem however he can read ahead much further than even Gensai, but just lacks the strength and conditioning to go the distance.
Cosmo I'd say is just brushing over to the level of Counter-Initative or very inexperienced Pre-Iniative.
Yanagi Ryuuken does not count as an aikido fighter. He's a certifiable lunatic. Look at this and tell me he's using aiki.
Ueshiba Morihe developed Aikido from Daitō-ryū Aiki-jūjutsu, which is much more aggresiv. Daitō-ryū Aiki-jūjutsu lead to the development of Hapkido (Sandwich please use it somewhere) which also teaches punches and kicks. When Ueshiba started to teach Aikido as a Martial Art, he incorparted the teachings of the Ōmoto-kyō-sect, which had a very buddhist appeal on viloence. So he scraped most of the dangerous Daitō-ryū Aiki-jūjutsu techniques and switched to a more soft and harmonious style of fighting/self defense
Weren't these matches secret? Would he sell it as fiction?
Yeah, but their physical peak still would have been in their mid-twenties. Of course experience makes the difference but if he hypothetically had the same amount of training, conditioning and experience at 25, they all would have been superior at that age.
I spoonfeed to make you nigs mad.
Its not really viewed as a 'martial art' its more of a spiritual art. Its like the most stereotypical Eastern martial art outside of Shaolin Kung-Fu. Its about the spirit of the trainee, using the opponent against themselves, and about keeping all parties from being injured.
This is in total contrast with Western ideas of fighting and self-defense.
The way I see it, all he has to do is change the names of everyone and companies
There's numerous other manga and novels about underground fighting arenas and shit anyway so his stuff with pseudonyms will won't register to anyone not in the know
>Their style of redirecting is often too shallow, see Kote Gaeshi
This, here, is kotegaeshi. What he translated as "supinating wristlock" says kotegaeshi in the raw.
What the fuck
This guy could take out all Kengan fighters with his magic, this is incredible. Him joining Purgatory when?
I don't recommend boxing to anyone. I also don't recommend intentionally getting punched in the head 150 times because by 30 you probably want to have all your brain cells and vision still. You want to have enough cardio capacity to not burn out after 3 minutes of sparring. There are plenty of disciplines that do physical training as a central part of the form but don't beat the shit out of you. Chen Taiji is one of them if you're looking for cardio and balance. On the other hand, if you want to immediately start getting your shit pushed in by random people then try BJJ.
Yeah, that's why Hiyama says their combo is only possible because Akoya has such fast reactions + doesn't hesitate at all. As soon as Hiyama signals him, he reacts immediately.
The main problem with Aikido is that there's approximately ten million bullshit McDojos who have very little idea how to teach it. Many years ago I trained under a guy who actually went over to Japan to learn it, back in the 80s. He ended up kinda disillusioned with the whole thing (apparently they are not big fans of gaijin) but he got his 2nd dan before he came back. Sure it's not great, but it's a perfectly functional means of rendering someone incapable of attacking you.
Top kek but what has his style to do with the general usefulness of Aikido
Is this man Sandwich's self insert?
Before he didn't had that weird lip curl that makes me think of dogs for some reason.
behold the truest form of aikido. they train to fall at the slightest hint of being touched and complain when an actual grappler doesn't crumble like match sticks when they try to throw them. aikido is for meditating.
>he knows what the move is.
He doesn't actually know what the move is, though. When Hiyama signals Akoya, it's to notify him of the opponent's respiration rate, which somehow tells him how they move. I assume something like how long it takes for them to move after a wind-up or as a follow-up to something else?
Kaneda is still post-initiative. He has foresight, but he still acts after. Pre-initiative is stopping the opponent from acting altogether.
This sleep might actually fix your tired. Sleep well, Ghost. May you make friends with Meguro.
Thank you, as always, friend of Gensai.
>try and judo grab and naked Julius and fail miserably
Didn't stopped him against Muteba, and I dare to say Meguro should have enough strength to pick Julius up.
Not like he would win in the end, but he could pick him up, clothes or not.
The ex means, he was ranked down to B, or just left?
Kazuo is the reason why I dropped Kegan, he is as annoying as Manda from Shamam king, but actually stick to the whole story. Fuck him
He left Purgatory, joined Kengan, and in his first match he tried to kill his opponent and lost.
Not exactly a good rep for his previous boss.
It means that he's no longer with Purgatory, user. That's why it says Ex-Purgatory and not Ex-A-List.
No one buys his books so no one will know
Don't be too hard on yourself if you want to start after 20. My judo sensei started at 25 and he went to Japan to learn in the 60s. If you want to be a professional, yeah it's better be a young kid learning, but for average people it's fine.
wow rude
His name and existence of "gramps" implies being raised (not necessarily blood related, Ryuki being practically adopted and raised by a man more than one generation older justifies calling him "gramps") by Gaoh Mukaku.
But, it doesn't necessarily mean it has to be Mukaku, it could be a Niko that knows Gaoh Style and intentionally taught Ryuki Gaoh Style instead of Niko Style to cover up that he is alive.
It all depends if Nikos were first taught Gaoh Style while Niko Style was still being formed, which opens for possibility that it actually is not Mukaku. Because I doubt that Mukaku isn't too old to still be too fast to have moves that Ryuki wouldn't be able to follow up, like how he commented on Stinger.
>not liking the best character in the series
off yourself
thanks for dropping by with your shitty opinion, faglord
Metsudo was what, 30-35 when he became Chairman? He was 90-95 when he was dethroned, plenty of time to go through couple of Fangs.
Yeah, but it wouldn't do well until he redesigns it as a Manga instead named "Kengan Asura" when it starts to pick up.
Give them time. Kengan Omega barely started.
That being said, a Silat user is more likely to be part of Kengan Fighters, due to Kengan Association having ties in South-East Asia, while Purgatory has ties in East Asia.
>I- I guess so. That style doesn't exactly have mainstream appeal...
Amazing. I thought it was impossible to have the worst taste in two series.
You like manda and Kazu? Fuck you
he doesn't have an artist yet
He's such a smooth talker. If you're not careful, you might end up using your life savings for him. But goddamn is he a cool guy.
It's possible but that would be pretty lame. I'm personally tired of stories where some terminally ill guy wants to go out with a bang simply because it's overdone.
I heard about this guy, Japanese, but he lived in America for a while - he's a great artist regardless. You think they should hook up?
He's called Doromeon or something like that.
So, is he the next Joyce or the next Stephenie Meyer?
Sounds like a plan
I hope he goes for it
any kind of "overdone" thing or cliche is only as lame as the writer makes it
Joyce would never hold back. The latter.
Nitoku considering becoming a fisherman when?
How can goatman run Purgatory if he kills every fighter that loses?
The Kengan fighters would never agree to work like that
Look at that big happy smile. I'd let him rip and tear my guts any day.
I doubt Yuzaki even had killed that many Purgatory Gladiators in the first place, which means that the first thing he did once out of Toyoda's oversight, he tried to kill his opponent.
Who will fight him in KvP?
What if Ryuki and Falcon are secretly allies?
Look at his eyes. They seem too similar to those of the other Niko.
Same. I'm 23 and I had my first mma session this Tuesday and my first bjj one is tomorrow. I'd love to be a great fighter and this series is what made me want to become a martial artist, but I'm just too old. All my experienced strong friends say I'm made of paper and tell me to stop being a pussy if I get injured or get bad doms, but they've been training since children. I'm trying hard to catch up, but I never will.
How cruel that you raise what you are passionate about as an adult, when it's far too late...
I really think that "gramps" is actually Tiger-Man who faked his own death, and Nikos actually started their training with Gaoh Style, as Niko Style was still under work back then.
The "Last Niko" is actually a disciple of either Tiger-Man or yet another Niko, as he was described to be Long Min's equal at some point and is last known successor of Niko Style, now that Ohma and Advance users are dead.
What if the Scarfag was actually severely punish... Nah, sounds impossible, what would he be punished for?
Thats a good point there. How will Sandrovich work in the Niko subplot.
Also, Holy fuck, I don't know if it's because I'm hypermobile and have shit joints but I've had doms for 2 days and they've literally never been this bad from anything ever. All I did was punch and kick the air for 2 hours and these are the worst doms I've ever had.
>Tiger-Man who faked his own death
I suspect the same thing. It wouldn't be a surprise if he actually looks older but in Ohma memories he looks bit different and younger, because of the damage Ohma suffered from using Advance.
This is why I don't like the 'Kaz is a badass' joke, is that its so easy to poke through it. In comparison you have King from OPM who has the same exact joke going on with him except when confronted he manages to keep up the deception through assumptions from his opponents and you see his internal panic as he has to work to keep up the charade. The charade around Kaz is not well written and Kaz does nothing to maintain it making it an unearned reputation, especially in scenarios like this.
i dropped this when the old mans face fell to pieces for no reason at all beyond the mc being kind of boring
should i pick it up again or read the pointless seeming part of baki that's post yujiro fight yet its still fucking going for some reason
they seem silimar
>Ive come to play
>well gotta go now
The things that beginners, especially the older ones have trouble with it building a proper flow between strikes, and controlling their balance and positioning.
Think about your body more and how it works. When you kick don't let your shoulders raise beforehand, when you punch don't overextend, when you grapple keep your center of mass stable and below you. Simple stuff like that is some of the most important ideas that you can learn. Get unpredictable, as you improve you'll be able to tell what your opponent's next move will be if they don't have variety to their strikes - mix it up to avoid this.
Depends if you want to be a good martial artist or a good combat sports athlete.
You'll get over it as long as you keep up with it. When I first started boxing I sprained both my wrists my first day and for the next 6 weeks could only work the double end bag. You actually will get stronger and more resilient to injuries, I know there were a couple of times I threw punches at bad angles and realized that if I threw those types of punches when I first started I'd have sprained my wrist but all it did was make it twinge a little.
It isn't late but you have to devote about +20hs a week to it.
hes something of a mix between Trump and Elon musk if you ask me...
Erioh's face was a metaphor. Yes, you should read this.
Bit of advice: Vol 0 was released after Vol 14, so some things makes a bit more sense in context.
Dude when i started i was weak, every one pulverized me. When i started to treat this seriously, i needed 2-3 years to get to a level were i could handle the newbies. 6 years later and time flies fast and i can handle most people with some good effort. The trick is to stick to it and to do do training that is not boring standard but stuff that brings you to your limit fast, like training one kind of punch very often (up to 500 times) or conditioning (getting punched and kicked (not in the head) very often).
Hassad soon
>Be a regular Kengan Association member
>See a fight between a writer and snek dude, snek dude gets wrecked lol
>Holy shit its the boss of Purgatory
>Fucking he's a real life Space Marine
>Oh, Kaz invited Idemitsu out?
>And he's inviting Kaz and two fighters to visit Purgatory?
>Oh wait, Kengan and Purgatory are going to fight? Fucking Nogi never told us
>is it just me or are all the fighters really quirky
So they're aware of it!
>>Erioh's face was a metaphor
oh thats a shame it was cool
That is not the standard version and more akin to Chin Na moveset but ok
He didn't say no to Sharktapus, he wouldn't say no to star in a Manga.
While it was a metaphor for their power, the power is real.
Oh jeez I just realized this guy TOTALLY is gonna be part of Purgatory. This man is all about the kill.
There's high possibility that people were too busy talking between each other about Kazzy and Toyoda talking like friends that they didn't really paid attention to what Kazzy talked about with Nitoku.
I'm pretty sure Gensai is wrapped up in here somehow too. We know that around twenty years before the tournament happened Ohma's Niko went to Gensai and asked for his help and Ryuki is supposed to be like 22.
So Ryuki hanging out with Bando in prison next chapter?
Julius stomps at least 3/4ths of the tournament to be fair, in general Meguro is actually pretty underrated imo but he's fucked here
asura is kind of boring so far, mc is too meh about everything and his abilities are dumb looking and boring. the other chars are okay but so far they're literally all stereotypes taking to extremes and dont feel like characters
when does it get good?
Drop it and never come back.
Kengan Gaiden when?
When the tournament starts, you get to see a shitton of different skills and MC comes to be a rarity. And that's a good thing!
If you don't like it by the first chapter it's not for you
Who is going to be Raian’s Metsudo?
If you are past chapter 50 there is no hope for you
Pretty sure Gensai knew about Mukaku's story from his master, Kazufumi, but himself has never met Mukaku, and Kazufumi was already dead by the time Ohma's Niko paid a visit.
Of course, we won't know what exactly happened for a while more. But it's certain we will learn at the least the details on Taira Genzan vs Tokita Niko (dead mom's hair one), and why it happened in the first place.
Not before end of Omega, I assume. Sandrovich wouldn't want to spoil us with the man who defeated Erioh.
Likely it would start with a bunch of harder fights Erioh had spun over years before going to Kengan Annihilation Tournament in which Metsudo became Chairman.
Doing what? If I do training classes, which is usually on once a week unless they're multiple different styles, it'd be about 3 or 4 hours. Gym 3 or 4 times a week hour be about 6 hours, so that's roughly 10 hours. An hour of shadow boxing every day, except in days in which I train anyways, is about 5 hours. If I do a 30 minute stretching routine every day, thays another 3 and a half hours. Where would I realistically fill in the time and doing what? Plus don't forget sparring is important. Do I go out Friday night and pick fights with strangers?
I'm too old to be a real pro, unless I turn out to be naturally really skilled, on top of working really hard, but I'd love to be a really jacked and strong martial artist. I'd love to dream of being good enough to compete in a kengan tournament and be like mr. Writer here, and fictional stories like his are kind of motivating, but it's only fiction... Well, so is kengan shit and the only thing close is mainstream elite MMA and underground stuff, but still
... Or is it fiction?
If you live in a decent sized city there are probably local UFC clones of questionable quality out there for you to test yourself.
I do, I make sure to really consider my head, my wrists, what body part I hit things with, how telegraphed my moves are, etc. I have to kinda figure out fine details on my own, but I know what to look out for in terms of what I'm doing for my form, roughly.
When I did it they put me with a little kid and 2 girls lol. This dude who looked about 18 and was a sensei (why did they call themselves sensei if this was mma? It was at a community centre and it had women and children so it was kind of an odd environment) basically just told me "ok, take this pose and strike like this. Do a jab. Do a side kick. Do a cross. Do a lunging punch. OK, now hit this pad. Now do this until I tell you to stop, then do 10 push ups". Maybe some of the other stuff comes later, but he wasn't really telling me about foot positioning, how to balance myself on my other leg or bounce back when I perform a kick with the other or how the leg and other body parts should twist and acomodate the kick, and other small details that are relsly important , but maybe he just wanted me to focus on the kicking itself first.
This person will be forgotten in the epilogue 6 years from now.
That's not great. Your first couple classes should be all about footwork and only footwork. Throwing in hands and kicks into the mix will just distract you from what is important.
I recommend looking up some boxing and MMA drills for foot movement on Youtube. If you don't have that perfect people are going to out maneuver you and take you to the ground hard.
One of the senseis turned out to be a dude I went to college with. I remember he was teaching the whole class combination moves by putting together two light jabs, a left straight and a hook, and he said "come on guys, user is new here and he's putting the most effort into his strikes!" made me quite proud desu
Also my sister's story sounds like a kengan character's
>joins bjj class
>was acrobat and dancer growing up
>sensei is demonstrating a take down
>asks her to help demonstrate
>shocked face when can't budge her
audibly says" what the fuck..."
>gives up on it
>other students ask to try to do it
>nobody can take her down
Idk man mb they have different methods. It's at a local community centre which my physio recommended I go to. I actually thought it was a bjj class but went with it anyways. I also thought that footwork was surely more important, especially for beginners, but what do I know. Its like a tenner a month though so I can't complain. I'll practice footwork and whatnot at home.
>Also my sister's story sounds like a kengan character's
Is your sister's name Karla?
Koga noticed Ryuki notice.
He's very strong but he doesn't consider himself good enough to be a fighter.
It feels like Sandrovich is making some author jokes that we don't understand.
Gaoh style is outdated. The only man who can train him is the one with the most knowledge of Gaoh style and niko style.
You may not understand it, but some of us do.
I agree with you. The only man he can learn Niko Style from, discounting Evil Niko, is the one who learned the most moves of it from Tiger-Man.
Poor guy, he was even in exercise gear despite his broken knee.
> Implying he won't go full gay again and believe his GOD has been revived and attempt to get himself killed again.
Not really a poor guy, he was an asshole who may have deserved it.
If he's conditioning his body with cardio exercises before starting training, that's not wasted time at all.
He´s now exercising with the angels and Meguro.
Also that religious dude Bando wrecked that was a minor meme within the Japanese fanbase for a while
To be fair, that was a pretty solid meme.
I don't have photoshop so I can't convert the white to transparent. Sorry.
Ever heard the saying 'the best defense is a good offense'? If a martial art can't be used offensively, why would it fare any better when used defensively? That's like saying a gun too weak for hunting bears will be useful when the bear's hunting you.
Cosmo is really dangerous now, and not in a fighting way...
>Maybe as an "addon" but for a fight, MMA style? Highly doubt it.
I watched a video from a guy who owned an MMA gym discussing the question of "Is X martial art good for fights/MMA?" and his answer was a story about one of his students who used to be an aikido guy, the student said he was learning MMA to better understand how to fight so he could practically apply aikido, and within a year he was able to use it during sparing. So it all boils down to if you can fight or not, if you don't understand the "rules" of fighting (for a basic example, don't turn your back to the enemy) then no martial art is going to be very good.
Then they wouldn't be practicing Aiki anymore, but Jiujitsu, its father. Aiki is more of a philosophy/therapeutic exercise than an actual martial art.
people need to stop calling it that dumb fucking wrong name
>Aiki is more of a philosophy/therapeutic exercise than an actual martial art
aiki =/= aikidou
That square chin looks manly as fuck.
Small edit.
Between Idemitsu and Gensai, whose friend would you rather be?
You think he hooked up with that girl he was talking to during the Tourney?
I highly doubt Idemitsu values friendship
One could get you anything you want with his Phat Stacks, the other could protect you from anything.
I'd prefer to not be killed for disappointing my friend, so Gensai.
Don't be silly of course he does. Your friendship would cost what, $100,000? That's a fair value.
Never fight a ballet dancer.
His trump card is making sure that the tournament ends up in a tie so the tie breaker can be a fight between him and Kazzy.
>Kazzy wanting to play fair sends in Koga instead.
>Everyone is highly concerned about the decision, but Kazzy seems 100% confident in it.
>Koga is literally working under Kazzy so he's an official member of the association rather than a fighter.
You missed another possibility: They're called gladiators because they are gladiators, Goatman is Caesar and he thumbs down'd Ghost's performance, that would explain why Ghost seemed so desperate to win.
If Ryuki wants to figure out what's wrong with his current fighting style he needs to learn from someone with an intuitive understanding of martial arts. If you really want the relationship to take off, his master should share his autism and hatred of the worm.
Their autism is certainly suited for each other.
So, will Koga be next used for this?
Cosmo will have to beat her brother, and that one was one of the more skilled participants of Rokushin Kaikan Open Tournament. As in, able to give Kureishi not an easy spar after the tournament.
Cosmo is married with Adam.
thats what Gimp is for. poor people like us
>Kanoh only uses Adamantite in his fights
>Never shown Flame, Water, or Redirection Kata
>Kanoh recognises it as different from the Niko Style he knows
If not for the fact that Kanoh recognised that Ohma dispersed damage with Redirection Kata, I would suspect his basis actually lies with Gaoh Style that Tiger-Man taught him under Niko Style name.
I'm turning 30 on the 29th and I only just today broke 200 calories burned
Agito went limp when Okubo kicked him in the face. That definitely was water kata
Is it really, though?
so we're just giving technique names to everyday physical movements now
>If not for the fact that Kanoh recognised that Ohma dispersed damage with Redirection Kata
He's seen Ohma fight before, it wouldn't be a stretch for him to understand that he uses some form of redirection technique. Whether he knows the niko style redirection kata or not is a different story.
23, you'd either have to be insanely talented, extremely well connected, extraordinarily marketable, and incredibly lucky to be a pro guy. You'd have to go to a gym, convince coaches there you're worth the time and effort, find a manager and convince them you're worth the time and effort, and back up your words with training your butt off, start locally/regionally so people will know your name and eventually you may be offered a shot as a stepping stone opponent for someone who's way more talented then you.
We're going to need to wait a bit to see more of the backstories related to the Niko-Niko infighting.
I hope we don't spend too much time in Omega dealing with the Niko style. Asura had a good balance where occasionally you'd get some info but it never took over the plot.
I am sure we'd get background of Taira Genzan vs Ohma's Niko. I assume that background behind some stuff would appear alongside characters related to the events, which means that either Setsuna will become lucid, Evil Niko or some Worm member knows the truth, or Tiger-Man indeed faked his own death.
This. If you learn how to fight and get a good, standard fighting base (basic and pragmatic punches and kicks) you will always be able to fall back onto them and it will allow you to better use techniques form other styles. Of course the more committed and involved the technique is the lower the percentage that you'll pull it off. Its one of the reasons why wrestling is so effective: because they're always fighting a live opponent AND they're committing their entire bodyweight to block a leg/hips to take you down. Using both hands to secure a single one isn't a great idea most times, but put them in a position where you can do so and it becomes better. Honestly though, nothing is going to be more effective on average as simple strikes, made both powerful and accurate through training, thrown in high volume by someone who can read their opponent, most notably, the jab. Same thing goes with a double-leg takedown. the simpler and more direct a technique is, the more high hpercentage it is. Also the most direct and simple a technique is, the more you have to train to use it effectively and not get countered by high level opponents.
Train to fight, by fighting.
>Thinks Trump and Musk are anything but low intelligence sociopathic conmen playing with their racist daddies money
you must be 18 to post here.
One of the MC's is very close to the creator of the Niko's, so it shouldn't be too far-fetched to expect them to be expanded upon.
>In comparison you have King from OPM
you misunderstand it completely
King is a joke through and through
Kaz is competent, but that doesn't mean he can't be emotional. The characters come to realize that despite how wildly Kaz reacts to everything, he's good at what he does and is able to see things that nobody else can.
>'Kaz is a badass' joke
It isn't a joke though.
He panics and bumbles, but he is actually competent at whatever task he must do
>Koga - White pants, Black shirt, White hair
>Ryuki - Black pants, White shirt, Black hair
Totally called him having glasses from last chapter when he did the *pushes up glasses* meme while not wearing any
Those two really are the Kengan and the Omega.
I wonder how Gensai is going to fit in all of this. Because we saw in Kengan Ashura that Ohma's Niko came to him to ask for help regarding the deal with the Nikos.
Damn, I knew that was true, but hearing it like that, knowing its all just a dream, it really is very sad and depressing. I wish I hadn't wasted my life with video games and I did something actually worth doing. Now the one thing I'm passionate about is out of reach
The joke is funnier if he doesn't wear glasses.
>it really is very sad and depressing.
Not the guy but you can always get lucky or find other ways. I knew some Judo coach in college that after training for some time with him, he eventually took some of us to competitions, we eventually reached nationals. You can always start by making a name of yourself representating a school, college.
Going pro is a bit harder, but that's a way to make you a name before going into professional ground.
One Page Material
I don't think goat did anything, he probably just asked his boy to fetch him some groceries or something.
I see it like the character from ace attorney, when we're close to him we see him bumbling through everything while an emotional wreck, but to every outsider he's a formidable bluff master with nerves of steel, shit's common.
Who knows, maybe it'll turn out that I'm really good, or maybe not. Of course I fantasize about being as good as these characters we love, but that's obviously unlikely. But hey, who knows, it's a classic underdog story for a random nobody neet to succeed at an old age if they try really really hard and have the willpower to win, right? Who knows.
Hanafusa had bone blades coming out of his hands, explosives in his heels, and biological weapons in his blood.
>All of Purgatory's fighters have crazy body mods
Could you imagine? Bando and Wakatsuki are complete monsters because of their weird bodies. You had the money and resources, what's stopping you from artificially giving your fighters these abilities? Even a total pushover becomes a legitimate threat with such mods.
They did make their own Wakatsuki, he's called Julius.
if it is a red herring my money is on Nogi
gotta change the image text to prostate massage
It'd be out of character for Nogi.
>that was the last time they talked as friends
Then you'd realise Kuroki has no place in the Purgatory tournament. He fought in the Kengan matches as a personal favour to Metsudo who invited him to test Fang and he was only looking to prove his strength by fighting strong fighters. He would have no interest in a 13 v 13 tournament.
Retard, he's following the manga.
The manga said the highlighted people were secured and they were searching for the non-highlighted people.
He's posted this nearly every thread since Gaolang and Wakatsuki were confirmed, how don't you people understand this by now?
Like I give a shit, faggot. Kuroki isn't going to agree to fight even if Himuro actually manages to track him down.
>"y-your list is inaccurate! add my headcanon!!"
>it perfectly adheres to the current line-up as described within the manga
>good job
Sure thing, faggot
Julius is in there and last I checked Toyo Electric betrayed him so why the fuck would he work with Hayami's faction? Dumb faggot.
Do you not understand basic fucking logic?
He's on the list because the people in the manga are literally searching for him to put him on the list.
>is out of reach
It's not. Sure you won't be a world champion, but that was unlikely to happen anyway 99% or more of people don't eve become professionals, much less top talents.
It's never too late. I go swimming, and there are guys who started in their 40es or 50es, now they go to events and competitions for old people, train along with other people in their age range but who started younger, but also with younger people who are just as good as them. They are actually pretty arn good and beat many people who are in their twenties and don't put in as much effort.
They have become friends with the younger guys who train professionally and are actually good at a national level.
They'll never run for an olympic gold, but that is only for the 1 in a 1000th champion. But they are part of the pool, they train together, travel together to events, have become friends with other swimmers, in different age ranges and swimming abilities. They're part of that worls.
And it's never too late to become part of something you love.
Plus you're young enough that you can become really good if you have the talent and even win competitions.
outplayed, outsmarted, and absolutely baited
or maybe he was fighting so desperately because he knew his life was on the line
He's not on the list you retarded faggot.
Here's what I think happened. Ryuki sensed Toyoda's murderous intent here Then Toyoda asked Falcon to kill Ghost here Ryuki then went to confirm that Toyoda had Ghost killed hereAnd he's pissed about it, it seems. Maybe he too has been treated as an expendable tool in the past?
He might just be taking the no-kill order seriously, trying to change himself to fit in. Our boy's gonna tell daddy what you did Falcon.
Match 13, Muteba wins. He's a better fighter than Akoya, and not afraid to fight to the death.
Match 14, this is a tough one. I feel like Julius is strong enough to just brute force himself out of Meguro's holds and throws, so I think Julius wins.
Match 15, Mokichi's style comes from Juijitsu, so he might be well familiarized with Sen's Akido techniques, but Sen's just more experienced, and can probably deal with everything Mokichi throws out. Sen wins.
Match 16, Hanafusa's greatest strength was that he was very fast, however, Rei is way faster still, and Hanafusa wouldn't be able to touch Rei. Rei wins.
here's you answer, just jump in, anything other is procrastinating and won't end well
You changed my mind on Muteba/Akoya. I think Akoya wins, now
Scratch that Akoya wins for reasons said
Yeah, good point. I think that's why they showed that Ryuki took those rules very seriously in the last chapter
The no-kill rule is only for the Kengan matches. Himuro said that Ryuki "is a severe case" and that that "he has no sense of guilt when it comes to murder".
One could even argue that Ryuki is enforcing the rules by killing Ghost. Killing outside the matches isn't against the rules, and by killing Ghost, Ryuki stops Ghoist from having another match where he tries to kill his opponent.
Still, I don't think Ryuki or Falcon murdered Ghost. My theory is Ghost was hired by a third party to cause trouble before the Kengan vs Purgatory tournament.
Idemitsu is aware of this and send Falcon to investigate. I suspect that the third party is a Kengan faction who is against the tournament.
Does Ryuki care that much about other people to be interested in who offed Ghost? He's been called self-absorbed by Himuro (isn't that his name).
I was almost late
It was a good thread. Hope some new people finish it off strong.
>The no-kill rule is only for the Kengan matches.
He's not inside anymore, he needs to fit into normal society too.
No. The wording is good enough to presume what happens next.
I just realized that's right in the center of his ribs, it'd be hard as fuck to crush it in like that. Does Falcon secretly have a beard?
Shit, that's literally the guy I was referencing
Goodbye everyone.
>He's a better fighter than Akoya, and not afraid to fight to the death.
Why did he concede vs Waka then? If Muteba wasn't afraid to fight to the death then he would've stayed in the tourney with one arm.
This was explained in the manga. He's a mercenary. But the thing about Akoya is that he's not going to stop, so Muteba is gonna HAVE to fight like it's a life or death battle. Hell, Muteba will probably trigger Akoya worse than Cosmo did, since he's a killer.
Kaz' reputation is because he's competent, the "mysterious badass" thing was only during the elimination tournament when he was a complete unknown that appeared bumbling but kept rising to the top. Now he's just kinda friendly with everyone.
if he's not with purgatory anymore, why does idemitsu kill him? him losing doesn't make the purgatory name look bad because he's an ex-gladiator, no?
>him losing doesn't make the purgatory name look bad
It would, it shows the level of person that purgatory accepted as an A lister. Shit, everyone in these threads was excited for the fight because we wanted to know what a purgatory A lister would be like.
I still stand by my theory that goat is the Caesar to the Purgatory gladiators though. I think he was either killed because he didn't earn his freedom or goat was just flexing on the poor guy (maybe a once a gladiator always a gladiator type of thing).
Thought ghostboy was more interesting than Nitoku to be honest, sad that he was killed off
Hope he at least becomes an actual ghost and haunts Nitoku now or something