Is it possible for an american to learn japanese, work on a manga 10 hours a day and then get their manga in a japanese publisher?
Would Yea Forums make a general about it if it was good enough?
Is it possible for an american to learn japanese, work on a manga 10 hours a day and then get their manga in a japanese publisher?
Would Yea Forums make a general about it if it was good enough?
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White people are better at everything than browns
4sure, even Japanese
Or what about forget the whole japanese thing, what if an american made a manga in english but everything content wise is good enough that if it were japanese it would do well in publication.
Would Yea Forums read it? or is there some value to the manga being "authentic"
and before you say
>it's not manga if it's not japanese, it's just a comic and belongs in Yea Forums
Yea Forums likes manga because of the content/humor/art style/etc, if it's made in the west what does it matter? If it's not even officially published what does it matter?
It has already happened.
If it was written by someone on Yea Forums I'd probably read it, even buy it.
If it was written by some faggot who wanted to westernize things and dispose of "problematic" tropes I'd treat it like pure cancer.
As long as it looks, feels and reads like manga and not like red-nosed tumblr web comic abominations then fine by me. Though I'll always prefer my manga done by actual japs.
Didn't RWBY got a manga adaptation?
If it had all kinds of sjw political shit it would never sell in the japanese market, what I'm saying is
If there was a manga that was very clearly manga, looked like manga, read like manga and appealed to the japanese.. but it's not made by japanese or even published in a manga, is it good enough for Yea Forums?
No. When white people write comics, movies, TV shows, etc., they always include some political agenda. It's part of the reason I watch anime in the first place. I'm sick of western propaganda.
>japanese propaganda is fine
>white people
Add three sets of parentheses around that phrase and you'd be correct.
You would be really lame though. Part of the responsability of an author of any medium is to be able to mix its own experiences with the content he has grown up with. Sadly, only japanese people will write really japanese stories.
It's way more important to find your own way to create; that way you avoid coming off as cringy weeb.
Nah. White people can't into Asian cultures.
well if the non nip writer wants to be taken seriously he should use a pen name and pretend to be japanese
>10 hours
Koreans or Chinks or Viets, maybe
Europoors and Americunts, not a chance in hell.
anime always has some kind of historic or political basis as well though, you just might not have figured it out yet.
Lots of mangas use western settings and take huge influence from western films and books anyway.
but they're still japanese at the core
Post some gaijin shit just for fun. I believe all these were from /ic/
Just get an artist and some paid wage-slaves (assistants). The last part is very important.
>it's propaganda if it's something I disagree with
Well, not a manga, but ngnl author is a brazilian or something. Also Radiant is published in a japanese manga magazine and got an anime adaptation, but it's still piblished in a french magazine first.
What is this from???
I need it.
Okay the dracula one is pretty amusing. Based Igor.
NGNL author was half japanese and also rich as fuck
and his main IP got copyright banned
>white people
Redpilled anime that deals with the JQ and anything the promotes WN would be acceptable.
There's something
this, a shit ton of japs live in brazil. i forgot why. it's kind of like filipinos and hawaii
The Japs moved to brazil for work, just like the flips moved to hawaii. There was a need for farm workers and they filled the need. Japan wasn't always rich.
western trannyshilling, fagshilling, politicshilling, raceshilling, warshilling, copshilling gets not only boring but downright cringy to watch after being bombarded with it in literally every medium of entertainment you come across
in japan it's not nearly to the extent of the US, and you aren't limited to just a few different franchises/titles all shilling the same stuff anyways
If you're not ethnically Japanese, you can't make manga by definition. It doesn't matter if you're white and it doesn't matter if you're some other kind of Asian. Chinese can't make manga, Koreans can't make manga, and Ainu can't make manga. You can't break into the industry, and even if you do, what you make will be a comic, a manhua, or a manhwa in a manga magazine regardless of how you try to dress it up.
so why hasn't it happened yet and why are american comics rank garbage
The tribes of Judah have run the American Comic industry since the 1930's. They have never been anything but subversive.
Wasn't there some kind of immigrant stuff in Radiant? I guess they can't help it
1st one is fine.
2nd one wasn't my cup of tea.
3rd one is a webcomic from 10 years ago. There is nothing japanese about it.
>Is it possible for an american to learn
Not really, no.
thats only to use, to them manga are just self published comics
you are right though, its incredibly hard to break into their market. I hope to visit a comiket and sell my stuff there someday, japanese dont seem prone to buy digital stuff from westerners
America has very strict censorship laws in place that affect the comic book industry specifically and haven't been updated meaningfully in almost a hundred years. It's illegal, for example, to depict someone actually committing a crime. It's also illegal to depict a police officer being on the receiving end of physical violence.
Some series go through great lengths to work around these limitations to still be as disgustingly edgy as possible. Some straight up ignore the rules and maybe squeeze through the cracks. But the 99% majority respect these laws and are bland, samey, uncreative garbage as a result. The only people who take the risks and put in the immense effort to oppose or work around america's regressive censorship laws are the actual autists so obsessed with guro or "fuck cops!!!" preteen edginess that they literally can't draw anything else and produce absolute dumpster fires like Spawn.
The american comic book industry has been trapped in this liminal space basically its entire existence. It's legal consigned to exclusively produce material suitable for children, but as a written, serialized, story-driven medium that exists outside of the mainstream, marketing to children isn't profitable, so they're forced to instead market children's material to whatever adult will buy it. They've cultivated a market of obsessive manchildren they have no choice but to pander to as the only hope of their medium being profitable. And ironically, the legal limitations that force comics to be "kid friendly" are also what drove it out of the mainstream as a form of vacuous, "mind-rotting" entertainment most parents would want kept far away from their kids.
The comic industry could become something decent if the laws surrounding what they can and can't publish were changed, but as it stands it's just a victim of american politics.
>victim of american politics
this is why we watch anime
Well, not giving a single shit about anything is one of the main reasons anime and manga exploded in the west.
All these are based on the same sample story
This one won the contest
>America has very strict censorship laws
No we dont or manga wouldnt ever be printed here. What you are referring to is the Comics Code that the industry imposed on itself due to the prevalence of smut being pushed on kids back in the 20th century. It was a way to prevent any such legislation from happening. Sort of like the MPAA rating system was self imposed.
>american propaganda
cooperations are good and you are bad for being white
>japanese propaganda
please play shogi cute lolis will love you
Honest answer is the vast majority of comics authors are just """renting""" other peoples characters and settings.
How different exactly can you make Batman/Spiderman?
Yes there are comics owned by people who aren't Marvel/DC but no one reads them.
>No we dont
It's even more hilarious because it's made by a gaijin who moved to Japan and became a mangaka himself.
>3rd one is a webcomic from 10 years ago. There is nothing japanese about it.
Oh yeah, the one who drew that moved to Japan few months ago to become a mangaka. He browsed /ic/.
I wonder how he's hanging in there
>No we dont
It is definitely possible, but very, very unlikely.
These days you're better off making manga-styled comics and publish them in the West for the weeaboo audience. I find those silly and unneeded, but I recently discovered that my country (Italy) has like 5 publishers exclusively doing that so there's at least a welcoming readership.
this desu
what's the point of going to japan to publish your shit, there's nothing stopping a white man from making anime and manga influenced works in the west
it's been done well before
>only white people exist in the west
peepo choo's author is nonwhite
>>work on a manga 10 hours a day
You have never had to work to support yourself before have you?
white people do as a matter of fact exist in the west do they not?
>ONLY white people exist in the west
Unless you live in the US, colored people of all races are a completely negligible minority
>this triggers the wh*te boi
a point i never made
>colored people of all races
don't confuse the term colored with the neologism "PoC"
colored people is exclusively black americans (not to be confused with coloured people, which is mixed race south africans)
go back to /pol/
Yes. Everyone else is but a rounding error.
Literally everything has bias, you can't be serious. One Piece literally talks about racism, exploitation, and "muh evil government" yet it's just a kid's manga (More sophisticated series are more biased and political). This has to be bait.
In America, I find that any sort of violence or gore is permitted, while anything sexual is highly censored. America is full of average intelligence Christian prudes that love cool things (They go wild every now and then after enough repressed sexual tension).
There are multitudes of ethnicities scattered throughout every country across the world and its been like that for a long time, even more so since the invention of boats, cars, trains, and the airplane. First world countries have more immigrants to fuel their economy, but generally there are no mono-ethnic countries anymore.
>European race
Excuse me?
And just so you know- racial makeup of the PLANET has nothing to do with racial makeup of different parts of the world.
Yes, Radiant is pretty much proof that it is doable.
Then don't watch the ones with agendas.
>It's illegal, for example, to depict someone actually committing a crime. It's also illegal to depict a police officer being on the receiving end of physical violence.
Source on that? If that was imposed, then we wouldn't have any superhero comics.
i say "white man" with literally no political intentions and /pol/niggers cringe up the thread
fucking end yourselves
Does this mean I can publish my Jojo fanfiction?
All I have to do is change some names and locations than bam, I'll be drowning in neet bucks.
Radiant is a manga with an anime adaptation. Creator is French. What now?
How come there are less Africans than Europeans when Africa is 3 times larger than Europe?
if it's not done out of love of japanese manga, it's obviously just surface level bollocks
not to say there's anything wrong with mixing and matching western and japanese styles and themes, the japs themselves do that all the time after all
well europe is half a billion people, and the americas is another billion
what percentage of people from the americas are european descended is quite questionable (especially since latin american countries tend to have very fluid definitions of race what with mestizo identity) but it seems somewhat plausible
Not really because how would you be able to display an american flag on every page in only black and white.
>please play shogi cute lolis will love you
oh and by the way, just a friendly reminder to make lo-... babies.
And remember an only child is a lonely child.
Anime is full of propaganda, but you don't realize that, because the Japanese culture is too distant to yours to understand their analogies and references.
did you mean ‘corporations’?
>"please impregnate your sister and her friends"
Abe, 2019
propaganda like "have kids"
"be polite" "do whats right"
is a lot better than "transgenders are OK and you need them in your life" "big organizations arent evil" "dont be evil"
Genre matters
>anime isn't full of propaganda and political messages
someone never watched/read GATE
Peepo Choo
Fuck you, man - Spawn is cool
They have some sinister propaganda as well.
>culture = propaganda
The whole series is about the JSDF, what propaganda? no military series is allowed anymore because propaganda?
Are you going to spend this thread bitching about trannies or are we gonna talk manga?
That depends. Who was it written by? If its some jackass trying to monopolize on the western Manga subculutre by adding in some manga elements while not knowing what it is that people like about manga, then, no. If it was written by someone who is big into the manga subculture (like an Yea Forumsnon or something), if it's good, then yeah, It'd probably read it.
Are Mexicans white?