WSJ ToC #30

Weekly Shonen Jump 2019-30

Haikyū!! (Cover)
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Dr. Stone
One Piece
Samurai 8 Hachimaru-den (Color)
Yakusoku no Neverland
Jujutsu Kaisen
Boku no Hero Academia
Chainsaw Man
Tokyo Shinobi Squad
Bokutachi wa Benkyō ga Dekinai (Color)
Futari no Taisei
Beast Children
Hinomaru Zumō
Yuragi-sō no Yūna-san
Kamio Yui wa Kami wo Yui
Saigo no Saiyūki

Weekly Shonen Jump 2019-31

Dr. Stone (Cover)
Jujutsu Kaisen (Color)
Kimetsu no Yaiba (Color)
Black Clover (Color)
Boku no Hero Academia (Absent)

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Other urls found in this thread:

Man Sam 8 pushing is still ongoing huh?

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Did chinks have a seizure or something? They can leak the other shit but not the fucking first page of the magazine

>Saigo no Saiyūki
>is the last

>9 [ 6.63 ] Boku no Hero Academia
>10 [ 6.86 ] Chainsaw Man
Lul. Chainsaw axe my ass.

>1 [ 156 ] Kimetsu no Yaiba
based Akaza
>2 [ 103 ] Dr. Stone

>CSM went 9 > 1 > 8
Sure, Nakano, sure. That's exactly how it works.

There's more that enough series to break CSM's fall axefag.

>One Piece below Dr Stone
Rest in piss

Are you retarded? I'm laughing at axefags.

WSJ Volume Sales 6/10 - 6/16

126033 *501184 Neverland
*92900 *418232 Haikyuu
*65347 *292149 WT
*37205 *151028 Soma
*35364 *137190 Boruto
*23108 **99474 WNL
*22637 **70651 jigokurak
*14377 **68543 Yuuna
*11408 *285335 KnY
*11300 *568730 MHA
**8839 *340597 KnY4
**8744 *348747 KnY3
**8688 *334646 KnY5
**8660 *308733 KnY11
**8645 **39424 Neverland spinoff?
**8545 *328606 KnY6
**8542 *303348 KnY12
**8530 *286901 KnY14
**8472 *300404 KnY13
**8465 *313149 KnY7
**8336 1949788 One Piece
**8297 *367139 KnY1
**8289 *310730 KnY8
**8233 *304995 KnY9
**8141 *305200 KnY10
**7886 *353761 KnY2
**7731 *558527 Neverland13

If it got to first place it was because tpn, op and kny were out of range. It would have gotten 4th place.

>he still believes that dr. stone ratings are organic

Wano is that boring of an arc, user. Oda needs to pick up the pacing a bit.

>8 [ 20 ] Chainsaw Man
axed soon

>8 [ 20 ] Chainsaw Man
Yikes. Back to where it belongs.

What bullshitting position will Samurai 8 get next week?

No poll results for Bokuben yet?

Top 3 for sure. They're going to push it so hard, you will forget about Dr.Stone.

>Jujutsu Kaisen (Color)
Nice desu.

At least Dr Stone is good

Is Dr stone anime in danger zone? Since that shitty firefighter anime seems that it will the take the spotlight and both have the same amount of episodes.

Baidu leaker deleted his post, said it was wrong
So this thread is fake

Based WT

ten billion percent not

Kek. Prepare for another 1. CSM 2. Act-Age ToC and the entire thread seething.

Nigger are you? It's not even hard stuck in the bottom 3 yet your memeing about dumb shit like a faggot.

I wonder how many people will pick it up thinking it's a fighting/battle anime and then start bitching when they get SCIENCE instead?



I will never understand how there's people that can seethe over AA.

If you see it from a chapter pov, it makes sense. Ch 19 > 18 > 20

Fuck I can't read this

Weekly Shonen Jump 2019-30

Haikyū!! (Cover)
One Piece
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Dr. Stone
Boku no Hero Academia
Samurai 8 Hachimaru-den (Color)
Chainsaw Man
Futari no Taisei
Bokutachi wa Benkyō ga Dekinai (Color)
Beast Children
Yakusoku no Neverland
Hinomaru Zumō
Tokyo Shinobi Squad
Jujutsu Kaisen
Yuragi-sō no Yūna-san
Saigo no Saiyūki
Kamio Yui wa Kami wo Yui

Weekly Shonen Jump 2019-31

Dr. Stone (Cover)
Act-Age (Color)
Jujutsu Kaisen (Color)

Is this one legit, or are you reposting random lists again?

>Jujutsu Kaisen


>CSM in top 5
Alrighty then.

>Neverland this low

Also Jujutsu popularity poll result next week, that is what color is for

Kind of funny how the bottom 3 never changes.

This was the one the Baidu guy posted after he redacted the first one
He could be wrong twice though

I'm sorry but the TOC from OP's post look exactly like the one I shitposted yesterday. Kek, did some chink took it and post it on tieba?

Completely forgot about that, can't wait.

This one is legit.

Fuck you

>Act-Age (Color)
How many times it got a CP in 2019 again?

Watch out Chadsawfags, its about time we're getting that JJK / Act-age ranking boost

I spam voted for Gojo-sensei on the online poll. He would have been first place either way, but I wanted to make it a landslide for fun

It kinda feels like Jump Starts are being judged really harshly. If you don't just catch fire you get shoved in the back of the magazine.

Outside of the Jump Starts the ToC feels like it has been even more of a meme than it ever was because the EiC change a couple years back. It really feels like it's less of a response to the editors gauging popularity themselves and via postcards and more just using it as a means to try and push up-and-coming series- letting long-runners like BC, Haiykuu, bnha, etc kinda hang around wherever in the top half. I don't disagree with the approach myself. It makes sense with stuff like Neverland and Kimetsu, but Dr. Stone STILL confuses me because people just don't fucking buy the tanks.

Given how popular he is, it would have already been a landslide faggot

Hmm, axemanfags has been very quiet since last week..

K so leaks when

Kek, only Axeman can be first last week and then a rank above the bottom 3 this week. Told you last week TOC was just Nakano fucking around, this is the real rank right here!

Based retard not reading the thread

where is pure ranking guy?

Probably waits to confirm it's legit.

probably waiting for confirmation of authenticity



>Since that shitty firefighter anime
Fuck you


No, fuck you

People will stop watching it after they found out that Tamaki is hoe, and 2nd hand Maka is bottom tier waifu

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This is the main girl of your shit fireman anime

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Why do these threads attract so many Yea Forums crossboarders?

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Picked up

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>People are actually excited for this

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>Why do numbers and favoritism attract Yea Forums

She's meant to be a parody of the shounen heroine just like how Soul, Blackstar and Kid were parodiea of shounen heroes!

Attached: 009.jpg (800x1156, 163K)

>why does enabling the Yea Forums equivalent of console wars attract so many Yea Forums crossboarders
a true mystery for the ages

Attached: 008.jpg (800x1156, 171K)

Someone should try posting ToC threads on Yea Forums

What is this? Fapbait for ants?

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Who does she fuck

>inb4 everyone

based Firechad. WSJplebs wouldn't understand

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Damn what a shitty character

That guy is cute. Is he relevant.

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Firefighter fags, it was until yesterday we noticed your manga existed. So please leave.

Would a shitty character be ranked 2nd in the popularity poll?

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He's like a second to the protaginist

If it makes you feel better the cast finds her antics annoying too.

why don't you make a new thread? I mean I'm a bit bored with you shit now.

Yikes, I guess the rest of the cast aren’t that good either then

lots of shitty characters get ranked 2nd in popularity polls...

that's some autist that hates FF not FFfags

it's probably the same guy that pushed all other console war shit like bc vs bnha

Also FFfags don't even exist

Okubo: Promare copied my work
Also Okubo: RASENGAN!!

Attached: 017.jpg (1116x1600, 437K)

Post more of the FF waifu!

Someone post the bokuben poll

there's no general but it appears fairly frequently

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>appears fairly frequently
You mean when a new trailer comes out

Lel, only when new PVs are posted

nah it's not super popular but isn't completely unknown either
lately of course it's only pv threads

I don't remember Soul Eater having much fanservice, what happened.

There's never a thread when a new chapter is up

He wants the Hiro Mashima audience

Can't wait to see how WSJ readers react to the puke-filled kiss.

Attached: 19[1].png (893x1300, 282K)

>I don't remember Soul Eater having much fanservice,
It did. The anime just ommitted them.

Attached: Chapter_1_-_Soul_tries_to_use_Maka's_Sex_Appeal.JPG.jpg (180x185, 10K)

Does it even have up to date translations?

Isn't it picked up by kondansh usa?

But Mashima fanservice is much better

>FFfags trying to promote their manga here
Just talk shit about Dr Stone when the anime airs, you get way more responses.

Attached: 1560460323898.png (800x645, 203K)

Yeah but it doesn’t have a simulpub

What the fuck

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Ah see. Well that explains it. I dont think Quintuplets had threads or up to date translations either before the anime. Surprise that Domekano has a simulpub

Promare COPIED my work!

Oh nononono and yet he had the guts to say Promare copied him?

the difference being that he improved on Kishimoto's shitty art while Promare just copied him


Pure Ranking
1 [ 941 ] One Piece
2 [ 156 ] Kimetsu no Yaiba
3 [ 103 ] Dr. Stone
4 [ 226 ] Boku no Hero Academia
5 [ 20 ] Chainsaw Man
6 [ 133 ] Yakusoku no Neverland
7 [ 239 ] Hinomaru Zumō
8 [ 63 ] Act-Age
9 [ 57 ] Jujutsu Kaisen
10 [ 157 ] Yuragi-sō no Yūna-san
11 [ 9 ] Saigo no Saiyūki
12 [ 8 ] Kamio Yui wa Kami wo Yui

Average Ranking (8 Weeks)
1 [ 1 ] One Piece
2 [ 1.83 ] Kimetsu no Yaiba
3 [ 2.6 ] Yakusoku no Neverland
4 [ 3.2 ] Dr. Stone
5 [ 4 ] Black Clover
6 [ 5.17 ] Bokutachi wa Benkyō ga Dekinai
7 [ 5.71 ] Act-Age
8 [ 6 ] Jujutsu Kaisen
9 [ 6.25 ] Boku no Hero Academia
10 [ 6.43 ] Chainsaw Man
11 [ 7.6 ] Haikyū!!
12 [ 9.17 ] Hinomaru Zumō
13 [ 10.29 ] Yuragi-sō no Yūna-san
14 [ 10.5 ] Kamio Yui wa Kami wo Yui
15 [ 12.25 ] Saigo no Saiyūki

nothing on Bokuben's poll?

He was joking you retards


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>9 [ 6.25 ] Boku no Hero Academia
LOL ded

Is there an explanation for her retarded outfit? This is bikini chainmail level.

No he wasn't.

She has sexual harassment illness, no joke look it up

Hachi is a cutie.

Attached: xya7l5tvlh531.jpg (1080x1581, 275K)

Hinata 2.0 have some traditional taste.

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You wish he wasn't, congrats on falling for it you retard


Man, it's gonna feel weird not expecting a shitshow chapter every week anymore.

Can't wait for Sam8 to get first place on its first ranking next week. Totally legit.

Well,nips love it.

>forced fanservice
No, thanks.

They keep shitting on the art.

Only Yea Forums user,they don't read jaiminis scans.


No, I'm talking about nips. Who the fuck cares about Yea Forums

>seriously believing this
Whatever floats your bloat.

Source me on nips shitting on it,take a look at jap twatter.

Enen no Shouboutai anime is 4 cours. Guess that sakuga will be the first few episodes only.

Oh no no no

I'm not that user. Either way, it's still early to say if nips like it or not.

>if it’s circular energy then it’s a Rasengan
>doesn’t know Kishimoto straight robbed the very idea of what the Rasengan is straight from Ninju

Kimetsu is INEVITABLE.
Kimetsu is a CHOSEN one.

>4 cours
I thought it was 24 episodes

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>Holy shit muh dick PICKED the FUCK UP

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where the fuck is the poll? I need shitposting fuel

>I dont think Quintuplets had threads or up to date translations
Quints got regular threads every week because people on Yea Forums were doing the scanlations. It was really popular.

Shitshow GIGA epilogue incoming if you still remember or care by the time it comes out.

Will they have more pages than usual? If not, why can't they let it finish in WSJ?

>5 [ 20 ] Chainsaw Man

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Haikyuu! S4 character design

Attached: D9f-zmTXoAAk86K.png (730x1024, 1.29M)

They look softer and more expressive, ie closer to the manga.

Who are you quoting you inbred Yea Forumsermin?

>9 [ 57 ] Jujutsu Kaisen
end of push

post hot brown firefighter waifu

She has a "power" that causes her to keep ending up in fanservice-y situations, and no, I'm not joking, I wish I was

This but unironically.

Theres like 10 of us here we just don't post


OnePiss is not #1

>stumbling in ecchi situations all the time
>keep wearing such revealing work outfit

It is. Someone here really hates FF and is spreading lies about it for some reason.
>Its sad some people think its ok to steal my Jump photos and remove my watermark. They were originally from me and are very hard to get. Still thank you to everyone for all the support.
Imagine watermarking shit you don't own and then seething when people don't respect it.

>keep wearing such revealing work outfit
She would become a Fire Nun and cover herself up.

Attached: tamaki-nun.png (341x500, 49K)

>Well,nips love it.
Please source I want to know what nips think of Sam8


Well, this guy is definitely gonna come with a watermark that covers the whole page the next time he post

My dad works for Kishimoto.

28 pages
It got axed from JUMP so it wasn’t allowed to finish in the main magazine

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One thing I hate about S8 is how the future tech is all blobby like dough.

What do you guys think about Gintama's ending?

>every week
You mean every day.
It's pretty much a general at this point.

>2 [ 156 ] Kimetsu no Yaiba

Attached: _20190619_203921.jpg (902x945, 175K)

>B team on David Productions
>vs TMS adapting a popular SJ manga
Yeah, not happening. DP is excellent at adapting jojo, but every other anime they produced fell flat. Remember the Tsubasa reboot?

>B Team
Literal retard
The PV alone had better animation than the entirety of JJBA and it has SHAFT staff working on it. But cope harder since we both know nobody will care about Dr. Flop.

Woah, almost like PVs are designed to look the best they can or some shit. I love jojo and I root for DP doing well, but realistically it ain't happening considering their previous works

> Dr Stone starts very slow as fuck. Probably will take 10 episodes till gen appears. Thats when the anime will pick up
> Fire force starts off with a banger, ep 3 might be a dealbreaker for some cause holyfuck tamakis fanservice is annoying. Shes a side character that slowly becomes part of the main cast, not sure if thats a good thing
> Vinland Saga, amazon prime
It's everyones to lose

Level E >JJBA

Neptunia was fine.

Yaiba second half is arguably its best arc, so its theirs for the taking

>main girl
It's literally not though.

Okay, im not a big eden zero fan, but atleast the manga had an interesting premise & setting every 3-5 chapters. I can't believe we are still stuck in some kind of prologue / tutorial section of the manga, introduce an arc already.

>Kamio Yui wa Kami wo Yui
It's fucking over, my condolences to the mangaka and I hope he finds success in a another magazine.
He shouldn't have previewed a yuri situation then put a male mc in.


Attached: kamio.png (868x1268, 1.79M)

>Edens Zero
>had an interesting premise & setting
Top kek

Look at the power of Chadsawmans. We can even change the fucking future!

more interesting than shitrai 8

>Second half of Kimetsu, arachnophobia.
I hope people like spider.

Damn. I wanna see how some of the new characters look in the anime.
Have they discussed at all what the new season covers? I'm assuming the national training camp and the Miyagi camp will be covered, as well as maybe the first couple rounds of the national tournament. But will any of the Tokyo preliminaries be shown?

It does though, they can go from futuristic setting to ancient japan to the stone age to whatever thr fuck they want. Its a premise that gives way to a variety of setting, thats entertaining. Problem is Hiro mashima writing & character are so copy and paste, it becomes generic bery quickly

I hope it cover the twins match.

Sure kid

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You just proved my point ESLfag, how the fuck do you speedread a reply. i just said the premise & setting were entertaining, not the character or the writing.

Cry more FT 2.0 is trash

>I hope he finds success in a another magazine.

He's already a Jump veteran. It's his own fault for writing garbage like Yui Kamio.

>He shouldn't have previewed a yuri situation then put a male mc in.

Oh right you don't even read it, you just think the girls are cute.

>He shouldn't have previewed a yuri situation then put a male mc in
Plenty of romcoms do that though

>I hope he finds success in a another magazine.
At this point it's obvious that nurarihyon was a fluke.

>i just said the premise
The main character’s goal is literally to make a bunch of friends that is the premise

Question to everyone here. Is this the ESLfag user aka the hunterfag/ blackclover / herofag that always try to ruin the toc thread? I'm not even defending Eden Zero but my user here seem to have a hardtime understanding whats going on

>Oh right you don't even read it
Hello yuri hater, the preview for the series had only the 2 girls and was promising some girl transformation fun, not some normal romance.

>what is Mother
At least read a series if you want to try and make an argument against it

The premise is to find mother, a giant chick. Making friends is Hiro Mashima character archetype #3713

Okay retard-kun.

>the preview for the series had only the 2 girls
So does every new harem/ecchi in WSJ.
>expecting yuri in Jump ever
They'd sooner put in something that's borderline yaoi.

>what is Mother
Some nebulous plot device, that isn’t the mc main goal

>they can go from futuristic setting to ancient japan to the stone age
Is speed running through a bunch of generic fantasy settings meant to be impressive?

>that isn’t the mc main goal

Chadsaw Devil, the power to change fiction to reality. We truly deserve the Nobel Prize for time.travelling.

Entertaining & Impressive is not inclusive. Just like reading onepiece, and going from Alabasta to Skypier to Water 7 to Fishman Island, and then to Punk Hazard. That is both impressive & entertaining, but just from the setting alone, it gives way to alot of variety

He's only a herofag who falseflags as a fag/hater for the other series.
The TOC being wrong is also his doing, notice the black clover getting a color was wrong.

Attached: tumblr_inline_pavx36dVVf1tnes7u_1280.png (906x1300, 451K)

>Just like reading onepiece,
No, OP actually has good world building, it's not just throwing a bunch of screensavers at you.

Why even continue writing women when you know characters will nevwr match up to Powee & Makima

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I wanna fuck her thighs.

Boys version when?

So Hiro is still trying to copy OP?

Only Denji upper-half remains

I said eden Zero has an setting that SHOULD give way to an entertaining storytelling.One Piece is a big example that does both 'entertaining' and 'impressive'. What so hard to understand? In the first place, we were talking about how the first 5 chapter of Samurai 8 has a boring setting, you know. You dont have to keep replying to this

>the first 5 chapter of Samurai 8 has a boring setting, you know.
Still better than EZ

Learn more english before you even consider typing on /a. You dont even have a speck of brain cell to follow the conversation, and you still have the cheek to reuse comments in older threads that has no rhyme or reason to be here in context

Japan agrees the series isn’t selling that well and the latest volume has gotten meh reviews

Attached: 86E10D41-A219-4064-8463-34A725ECC2BB.jpg (2048x976, 999K)

My problem is it would be much more interesting if most characters don't feel like FT characters mixed together. Make it feel too generic than it should be.

>They'd sooner put in something that's borderline yaoi.
Not really, they might do stuff that's vaguely homoerotic but anything legit gay in a shonen mag would be commercial suicide

>you still have the cheek to reuse comments in older threads

So boring that even shitposters cant be bothered. Have fun while it last, since its clearly the next robo.

Dropped it first chapter when Shiki and Rebecca were just reskins of Natsu and Lucy. Happy was just Happy


THIS IS A FIRE FORCE THREAD NOW! I got memed into reading the manga. Now i hate it. But that that trailer is sexy as fuck at the very least

>judging a series quality by its shitposters

>fireshit posting
>edenshit posting
>did the same thing in jump sales thread yesterday
Fuck off already.

At the end of the day, Samurai 8 sucks. You are kidding yourself if you think the series has a place in WSJ


How can you find samurai 8 not boring is beyond me

I can’t wait for Samurai 8 to be huge and for Edens Zero to be regarded as trash for horny virgins

>to be huge
Huge mistake?

Oh I think Samurai 8 is just ok so far, its just way better than Hiro’s shitty series

> Hachimaru is a character that WSJ has never had before.
Literally Deku with 0 personality than fucking himself.
> Doesn't how to write women
Introduce anothe love triangle that centers around the plot.
> Science fiction Samurai
Doesnt make any use of the scifi aspect of the series, might as well just call it chakra.

>Literally Deku
>Any main character I don’t like is Deku!
Stopped reading right there

>My man still thinks i'm defending Edens Zero when i hate both Samurai 8 & EdenZero.

Be careful of what you shitpost user It might become a reality

Dr. Stone future depends on whether the anime does fine or not, is its last push taking in count the manga is going down pretty fast.

He's worse than Deku. Thats a compliment to deku


SAMURAI SOULLLS. Imagine reading this shit. Go read fucking Chainsawman, you retards

Cry more Hirocuck

Hero Academia is already a league on its own, i dont need to defend it to fuckin Samurai 8. The fact that you need an insane amount of PUSH to make Academia numbers is embarassing

>Soma still only selling half of a series that was dead for two years and is currently limping along like a zombie
May Ashihara remain in good health.

It ended already regardless

Thoughts on the manga?

Way to end on a whimper instead of a bang

Attached: vol 35.png (1249x614, 88K)

>He's worse than Deku.
The only Shonen Jump MC that I can remember being worse than Deku is Tsuna from Reborn. Is the MC from Samurai 8 really that bad?

and Asta

Based on the first and only chapter of Samurai 8 I've read he's not that bad. He was a sick kid chained to life support so he had an excuse for starting off as a wimp.
Then again Deku wasn't bad in his first chapter either.

He's not bad per se, but the manga so far makes it hard to root for him.

Wow the sales literally imploded

It was a fake news

I think he's just very boring, like he just moves because the setting is moving. He's as charming as a Tree #3 acting in a play.

Ah I see he's just dull. Being worse than Deku would imply that the character actively ruins what could be a good series whenever he's around. Lowering the quality of the manga whenever he shows up.

RIP Shokugeki. At least you gave us naked Erina twice.

I think his lack of drive, dream, or goal is his biggest flaw (as a shounen MC). Rather than driving the story forward, he's just part of the setting.

Just Ichigo then.

Ichigo was actually doing shit instead of just "being there"

Pretty much. It's like if Deku became the number 1 hero in chapter 1 instead of just getting powers.

If you think that's an implosion wait until you see the ToC rankings

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>sold less than vol 2
You can't make this shit up. Could this shit sale less than first volume if they hadn't axed it?


Attached: Act-Age.png (2064x502, 27K)

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Boku no hero

Attached: Boku no hero academia.png (6154x502, 65K)


Attached: BokuBen.png (3048x502, 42K)

Chainsaw man

Attached: Chainsaw man.png (1120x502, 13K)

Dr. Stone

Attached: Dr. Stone.png (4100x500, 40K)

Beautiful. I hope it stays in top 5 for a while.

Dr Stronk

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Attached: Kimetsu no yaiba.png (4060x500, 53K)


Attached: Shokugeki no Souma.png (6433x500, 90K)

Give CM his Lead Cover Page already


Attached: Yakusoku no Neverland.png (3050x502, 40K)

And Yuuna

Attached: Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san.png (4084x500, 48K)

>beep beep beep beep beep beep

Attached: 01-0178-02.png (1500x215, 171K)

I think that is why S8 is somewhat innovative for me,he is kind of a luffy type character who happened to be empathetic?

Innovative or different doesn't mean good. The art style is unique too and sucks balls. I'm fine with Hachimaru becoming a samurai in chapter 1 so you don't have to slog through the beginning with a cripple in a wheelchair, but the character and story has no drive or direction, which makes it hard to care or follow.

>I think his lack of drive, dream, or goal
Is this retard even reading the series?

How is it boring in any way? Sure it lacks that "hot headed mc" but that is exactly why it's interesting.

Hachi already have development that Deku had in 30 chapters.

Kishi NEVER said that he can't write women,he just couldn't draw them well. Tsunade and Hinata should be enough proof for you.

He quotes Arthur C clarke in the interview "sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" and surely he is going to explain his "magic" later,as he said in the interview.

Is he going to be OK? Are we finally getting two chapters in July or is there a chance of it going on hiatus again?

>Kishi NEVER said that he can't write women
>Yahagi-san told me to focus on the main character in the first two chapters. And then to use chapter 3 onward to establish the rival and heroine and create a love-triangle relationship between the characters. I’m no good with female characters, so I wasn’t planning on this initially. But once I established the triangle, it became a lot easier to create the chapters after that. I was surprised by how good that advice was. And that’s why I tend to listen to what he tells me. Then again, one time he argued with me for six hours to convince me to take his advice. He’s very persuasive, so sometimes I have no choice.

It's only 6 chapters yet,Kishi has recognition so he doesn't need to introduce such an MC(most other new writers do that to get popular) we just need to be patient with the series until it builds up his goals properly. Maybe atleast give it 3 volumes,because world building is already S tier and I had so many "clicking together moments" with each chapter and it's so satisfying. I don't understand how it is boring at all.

It truly feels as if I'm reading a passion project instead of some shonen cash cow. Most of all he is a 20 year old industry veteran with all the understanding he wants to know about. I don't think he wants to pass away without giving his last work all he could,as a writer.

Minimum 1, he is working on new chapters since they announced last month hiatus

Where is the part where he says he can't write them,most of all what's so different between a male and a female character in the firat place? and this is 22 y/o kishi I presume, now he is 48.

Samurai 8 has 8th chapter next week
Where will it place?

I'm sure you're the only one reading it.



Here comes the Kishi fanboy.

It's convoluted,I don't think anyone would read it.

It's too early to judge the MC, I agree it's very generic WSJ like now.
The author faces a great challenge by not repeating the type of Naruto.
And I think that Denji from Chainsaw man has really risen the bar for the new MC's. I mean I can only think in 2 or 3 cooler than him RIGHT NOW.

protip: every arc after Impel Down is boring and slow. that's why I read one piece after every arc is complete

Does anyone really thinks they won't push it HARD?

I dropped this shit a while ago what the fuck happened in chapter 144?

If by "passion project" means self-indulgent OC fanfiction then sure. There's no reason for me to give it 3 volumes, there's nothing with it that's keeping my interest. It lacks the stereotypical hooks shounen has, sure, but it still has a generic MC with a generic mentor and not very interesting side characters either.

I genuinely like the story and still don't understand why Yea Forums absolutely hates it. Writing is already better than first 2 volumes of Naruto.

Generic MC?can you give me a single comparison to a Mc like Hachi? Yes,side characters are still boring but so is in every shonen with 6 chapters.

Boruto and Hachimaru feel exactly the same

>not very interesting side characters either
Honestly, this was the thing I was expecting the most from Samurai 8 from Kishi given Naruto had interesting side characters in the beginning but so far every character they introduced so far in S8 is really bland.

Kiri's backstory

Chief editor changed.

Only one aspect,of their father son dynamic,yes. But Hachi doesn't care of what other people think(not much anyways)

>Nanashi refuse to be his friend but he calls him a friend in the later chapt. ,he didn't care much about leaving his father and is really nonchalant about it despite how much the dad cares.
My point is that he isn't really much empathetic and have no grasp of reality which is the opposite of Boruto,Naruto type characters.

He really feels like a mix of Gon and Naruto wierdly enough.

Hey if you like the story then good for you. Something coming from the author of Naruto will naturally come under more scrutiny than usual, simply because people have high hope for it. People want something that will wow them from the get go, but S8 fails to deliver on that front. Hence the criticism and complaints. Then again, it also receives far more attention and views than its peers thanks to the author's name. In the end, these things kinda balance each other.
Time will tell if Samurai 8 become Kishi's magnum opus with a slow beginning, or just a mediocre, uninteresting series kept alive solely due to its author's name (Platinum End anyone?)

>Boruto and Hachimaru feel exactly the same
How? They have completely different backgrounds, personalities and motavations with each other. The only thing they have in common is that they had daddy issues, the former already having gone pass it already while the latter still having some gripes with it.

Simple minded yet empathetic to some degree(understanding basic emotions of love,sacrifice,courage etc..).

Writing wise I think this is already better than most and is only a few places behind High tiers of Naruto,hunter,Op like series. I just wish writing isn't the only thing he cares of,Kids are still reading this and now he doesn't have editors to force make his series appealing.

Iris is designated main girl

Why are you so sure about TMS? Recently only good things they have been doing are Lupins. New Fruit Basket is done well (and still ongoing) while smartphone games adaptations are garbage.

Tamaki is fanservice girl and gag character.

Not really worst than deku or tsuna imho

Latest scanlated chapter is 176. Latest raw on LHraw is 177 so they are up to date but that doesn't change that there are never threads for new chapters and only recent due to trailers.

>try to ruin the toc thread
But these threads are absolute garbage anyway. What's there to ruin?

Only completely retarded yurishitter would expect yuri in WSJ

Pretty sure Street Fighter had it earlier

It was daytime anime, that's why it was 4cour

>Literally Deku
Hachimaru isn't a crybaby though. He's just a bratty little shit despite being crippled his while life. He's doesn't have much of a personality but he isn't just "good boy" like Deku is.

Dr. Stone?, more like Dr. Stronk

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Real Doctors

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It's really hard to be make a protagonist as bad as Tsuna to be honest. I'm still wondering how I read all of Reborn and only realized how shit he was until afterwards.

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Clovercuck pls. Your shitty manga is ending soon

>Hinomaru over Bokuben
That's bullshit, but I believe it.

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Your shitty manga is ending soon, cry me a river

Mhhhmmm. Yes it seems they changed the style a bit. It has been 3 years since S3 so it isn't that weird. But I'm not keen on this one.
Well, whatever. I'll just think that the photo is low quality and that's why the designs are different.

BTW does anyone now if it will be a 2 cour? Anoyne who knows japanese can say if there is some relevant info in the page?

Clean your toilet jimmbo

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> Can't defeat Bleach
Noellefag pls

These threads are always Yea Forums tier shit.

TV tokyo is only one of many stations nips have

WT as in World Trigger?

>Boku no Hero average in 9th
What happen? I don't check very often the rankings but didn't the manga never go down below 5th?

Live, goddamit

You gotta admit it's a big one

It's doing fine at this point

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>Japs hated Kiri backstory chapter
>Hated GiganBESTBOI reveal

Shit taste.

Kiriyama's backstory was garbage. hurr I become hero because maybe Mina will like me.

It was so bad he's been irrelevant since the yakuza arc.


That's just how he structures the characters, he gets the spotlight in one arc/segment and he's done.

Look at Momo, irrelevant after the Summer Exams.

As in War Titan, silly.

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>Samurai 8 Hachimaru-den (Color)

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KnY moved from 25 to 10, wow

How is Shinobi Squad?

>Act-age so low
Is this the end?!

Is Samurai 8 doing well?


We don't know yet but it clearly "will do great" strarting next week.

Best one from all new series, but yes, average.

>No sales

lol he wanted to become a hero even before
And that's more backstory than bakugo and deku ever had

Better than s8 and mha atleast.

>6 jigokuraku
Never seen anyone talking about it here. I am alone reading this?

It's okay. I can even say that it better than other 3 newcomers.
Broken thai is broken still.

So, when we get sam8 first rating?

Next week

EiC change. The TOC never meant much but it really means nothing now because the new EiC seems to see the top spots mostly as a means of pushing newer series that didn't flop right out of the gate.

its almost like you don't know that shit tons of new animators coming in from shaft is going to effect the studios overall talent


I like it

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MC sucks but the series is solid otherwise

is haikyuu worth reading yet? is it ending soon? how long til zumo ends im 80 chapters behind

Haikyuu is eternal and shows no signs of stopping any time soon. I recommend reading it on an arc-by-arc basis after catching up. The matches are usually well-paced but it's hard to stay patient as a single set goes on for months. Great as a sit down read broken up as your attention span allows though.

There's only two matches left in Hinomaru Zumou so it's got to be ending soon. Last two or three matches were only a chapter or two each.

I posted it in Yea Forums like someone suggested

>11 [ 9 ] Saigo no Saiyūki
>12 [ 8 ] Kamio Yui wa Kami wo Yui
Dunno how Saiyuki's doing, but judging from Yui's latest chapter it looks like things are wrapping up.

I suggest you to commit suicide

because translations were really slow until the anime got announced

dude fire force has much less fanservice than soul eater
also it's just that one chick that guy is cherrypicking

it's less fanservice and more running gag because everyone just act annoyed whenever it happens

>using Jaimini's translations as an example where they purposely translate different words as "friends" because epic meme

he probably was interested in japanese mythology in the first place which is why nurarihyon was good but he feels like he would be copying himself if he did it again and tries to do something he had no interest in

>3 (three) reviews
>one of them just shits out a 1-star review for each volume

>Abyss Rage
Gets me every time. Being first series when sorted alphabetically sure helps.

It's because that site is literally the only English translator for Hinomaru whereas you can read Bokuben in other places and get other translations.

I liked the early chapters but I fell behind and haven't bothered to catch up

Now that Soma is gone the only big series left are One Piece and BnHA. Dr Stone and Black Clover are kinda failed to become big. Neverland is ending. Nobody care about Zumo and Kimetsu. The future seems bleak bros. What is Jump gonna do from here?

Soma stopped being "big" like three years ago.

Announce AA and JJK anime. Then maybe after awhile CM anime. Current Jump use anime as last push to everything. If anime failed then bye bye Dr.push.

>nobody care
Only you


>Now that Soma is gone the only big series left are One Piece and BnHA.
Haikyū!! has always been bigger than Souma
>The future seems bleak bros.
Kimetsu, Jujutsu, Act Age and Chainsawman are some of the best shit JUMP has serialized in years and they give no signs of ending soon. popularity =! quality, to me Neverland got boring after they left the farm and One Piece has been meh after the timeskip and shit after Dressrosa

>shitty fire fighter anime

>no signs of ending soon
Kimetsu has like only 3 villains left to kill, Muzan, Upper Moon 1, and that biwa-playing demon that teleports them around

you forgot my boi Gyokkou!

what a babe!

>nobody cares about kimetsu
are you retarded

Based Hinatanon. Let's protect her.

You forgot Upper Moon 0

You forgot about new UM5 aka. Uzui's brother.

Kishi "stole" from Ninku's Koatsuken though

This, even fucking BC or BnHA are better, Luffy became too Gary Stu and the threads are just spics sucking Luffys cock

Wano is boring because it's setting up the craziest final act of any arc so far. People are just tired of all this focus on minor things and major characters being silhouetted, etc. It's going to have a great pay-off most likely but Oda deserves all the shit he gets in the meantime. Arcs like these New World ones would only be acceptable if he could actually manage to publish weekly, otherwise it's just exhausting.


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Hiatus x Hiatus? Nothing yet?

>One Piece that low

user didn't you hear? Togashi's back hurts.

I think you mean he's gonna play Smash this summer

Never land still has at least a year, and it's latest volume's sales are similar to MHA's fastest selling one.

AHAHAHAHA why is no one talking about it, for fuck's sake. Unironically think that it's better than most of the current Jump lineup.

Get fucked.

OP #1

You don't know how to read that rank, do you?

All I know is it's lower than most of the others and that means it's finished.
Feels good, man.

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There were two flashback chapters in the Yakuza arc that were 13-14 pages long. Readers usually don't mind hiatuses, but sub-standard length chapters tend to be ToC poison. It never fully recovered after that.
Keep in mind, though, that the ToC is, in part, manipulated by the editors. MHA doesn't really need to be pushed anymore, so it's more or less fine to leave in in the middle of the rankings.

Technically it averages 6th, it is just that 8 other manga do better on average so it is 9th

I'm already hating Japan for axing Saiyuki

>Black Clover (Color)


>Boku no Hero Academia (Absent)

>Weekly Shonen Jump 2019-31
>Dr. Stone (Cover)
>Act-Age (Color)
>Jujutsu Kaisen (Color)

>Samurai 8 Hachimaru-den (Color)

these dudes look like retarded aliens

It really will be absent next week

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It's based on their story that they've heard a thousand times, it's not novel to them.