
Currently on a "classics" kick, watching Angel's Egg right now, just got done with Wicked City. What are your favourite older anime movies? What do you consider the "Golden Age" of anime?

Attached: Angel's Egg.jpg (1280x720, 159K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Boku no Pico

>Wicked City
Guaranteed you're an underage faggot who thinks all modern anime is trash isekai

nah, i'm 25, just haven't gotten into this older stuff. I do like modern anime, and so many people have seen Wicked City that I'd definitely call it a classic, whether or not it's good

Rarely the anime that are called "classics" are actually good, it's just idiots who know nothing pretending they know what they're talking about.
For instance some people actually think Dangaioh is a classic

so yur with ur honey and yur quoting da bible
wen the phone rigns. U anser it n the vioce is
"wut r u doing wit my egg?" U tell ur girl n she say "my egg is ded".

mobile suit gundam is the ultimate original anime classic, it's hilarious how few people, even among supposed anime fans, have seen it. it turned a toy commercial into a serious and engaging story with mature, cinematic directing, a huge cast of multidimensional characters, nuanced storytelling, etc.

without MSG and yamato there basically isn't anime

you should watch "belladonna of sadness" a good animu from 1973

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Take 189584620 for instance, he actually thinks trash like Gundumb is a classic

pretty much launched the entire mecha genre, right? that whole universe is way too giant

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Well, I just watched the trailer and have to ask, is the "Devil" the woman's period?

no, but it began the so called "real robot" genre, where robots are weapons of war and not superheroes. as the other guy suggested, ideon is also a god tier classic

>pretty much launched the entire mecha genre, right?
boiii are you new here?

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>Says real robot
>Thinks the real/super distinction is a thing

Are you, brah?

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no the devil is the actual devil, he shows up after she gets gang raped on her wedding night by everyone in the entire castle court before her husband ever gets to sleep with her

it's an established genre, it's even on the Japanese wiki. My opinion on it doesn't matter.

it was the actual devil

Holy shit you're retarded, lurk before posting

Prima Nocta but cuck Japanese style, I'm into this

It's always the most clueless people with their half knowledge who call others retarded the quickest. It's on the Japanese wiki that Tomino invented the "real robot genre". It's a stupid distinction but an established one and generally accepted, so I go along with it. Is that so hard for you to understand you fucking brainlet? I clearly implied I understand the problems with this kind of label

I hope OP takes note of idiots like 189584895, honestly I feel bad for the guy

i love the rape scenes in this movie, they're visual masterpieces

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Pic related

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you know if you click on the number it links right? are you a newfag why are you manually copy and pasting instead of hyperlink?

>He's still seething

based vintage water colour waifu

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Thinly veiled recc-thread.

you deserve ten years of only watching the same episodes of Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, 3-9

well there is very simple solution to that.
Don't be

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recommendation threads aren't allowed on this board and always lead to a 24 hour ban if the mods catch it before it gets archived, happened to me quite a bit when i was a new fag

>how few people, even among supposed anime fans, have seen it
what? MSG is one of the most popular anime of all time, I'm sure plenty of anime fans have seen it.

Yea Forums has a pretty superficial knowledge of old shit because a lot of it is well, shit, or at the very least not good enough to be dredged up from the flooded old archives and remembered.
You can get the ball rolling with cel anime by watching the dozen and some change anime in Yea Forums's pre-2000 canon but after that you're better off looking elsewhere.

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All I learned from watching 70s-80s anime is most people just have nostalgia boners and in general it’s not that great.

Idk man I downloaded the anime by decade packs on /t/ and just finished 87. It’s not like ovas are long and once you watch 30 eps of some episodic show you get a good feel for it.

rec threads as a whole for me