Shingeki no Kyojin

>Let it die bro

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Other urls found in this thread:

i havent watched shit since e3
is the season over?

Endgame, coming soon canon pair. Thanks, Isayama!

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shipping aside and honest to heart
does any of you really expect any of the mains cast to have a happy ending? don't mean survive, just happy, even if you only count the shifters

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I miss Yumiru

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seks with Riki

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Only ones I see surviving and not being terribly depressed after the fact are Jean, Hange, and possibly Armin (until his years are up). Mikasa will most likely survive but I imagine she won’t be very happy what with both of her best friends dying if not by the final battle then by the 13-year Titan curse

Daiily reminder that Eren is literally the Devil

this franchise could've been legendary if the characters weren't all one dimensional and boring as shit, the plot and storytelling is god tier and every writer who looks at this should be extemely jealous of this man's ability to create tension and suspense, but damn man, the characters ... they neither act like real people nor are they interesting at all. it's a mess.

Armin is a lucky guy!

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Reiner is so lucky!

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Kissless virgin vets figuring out how babies are made next, next, next chapter!

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>Boy experimenting with another boy

>150 posts deleted
Dumb fujo

I can understand Pieck, Zeke is so cute.

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shut the floch up

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looking back... was it kino?

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I think Connie will survive.

>I am free

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It makes more sense if you replace Kruger with Historia

kino transcends time, so yes

Do WIT animators have a vendetta against Zeke

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The first season was definitely kino

>animator ships ErwL

He's unironically hotter in the game. What the FUCK did Zeke ever do to them?

honestly first season 1(2) was prolly the best animation and scenery wise. 3rd one is shit.
if only females didn't have disgusting pink lips and the cast didn't look like 20 year olds when they were 12-15.

What will they do if Zeke live?

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Only Jean and Hange if she survives.
I hope Manlet ends up leading a happy life, his life has been total shit from the beginning.

It's just an unfortunate angle, they didn't fuck Zeke up.

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>Annie emerges backwards without shifter marks on her face
>Eren's shifter marks are fucked up
>Manlet pops out of nowhere in full gear even though he was forbidden to engage
This triggers my autism too much to be kino

Which character will die before 120?

Reiner and Pieck

Just saw Sergeant Gross getting eaten

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serious answer:

When is the next chapter due to release?

Eren doesn't like Mankasa, let it go

monthly release, 1st/2nd week of the month

>let it go
>EHcucks watch childrens' disney movies about princesses
woww who would have guessed

Yes exactly. I have so much to deal with Erehisus. And that involuntarily. The only argument of which is always only Eren is the father. Before Historia was pregnant, hardly anyone was interested. But Eren and Mikasa now have such a complex relationship. What does Historia have?

Who has the cutest titan marks?

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Not at all. I think every member of the main cast will be denied their personal "freedom" (i.e. ackerdogs stay enslaved, historia stays/dies playing the role that was forced on her, hange fails to break the cycle sannes was talking about).
This way, the impact of the final panel will be much more significant. That baby will be the only one to be free, and if anyone manages to see their goals through, they won't be alive to witness the result. Basically mt guess is that everyone you know and love will have tragic/bittersweet endgames, living or otherwise. :(

alredy trying to surpass the previous thread and get 200 posts deleted this time?

This series has subverted my expectations in numerous ways, and I give it a lot of credit.

I'm referring to the manga specifically here - the anime isn't bad, but it just doesn't match the feeling of the manga, which better captures the aura of the story better. People have assumed that this series was a high speed shounen thriller, when it has involved into a drama surrounding genocide, racism, geo-political conflicts, collective consciousnesses across space and time, and the loss of innocence.

As it stands right now, Eren is no longer himself - he is driven by the collective wills of all the Attack Titan users - not just those who came before him, but potentially those who may come after (Gabi). Recall what Kruger said to Grisha before giving him the Attack Titan: "In order to save Armin, Mikasa and the others..." What's more, Grisha's memories have played a major role in influencing Eren. When Eren justifies his disobedience against Levi and ultimately Armin being revived over Erwin, he yet again notes that there's freedom beyond the wall, his mind flashing to the images of Grisha's murdered younger sister. Then you have Eren basically admitting to Reiner that he has no free will: "We're the same. I think we were born this way. I just keep moving forward, until all my enemies are destroyed. What's more, the original soldier who conspired with the 145th King is implied to have potentially been another user of the Attack Titan - the Titan that strives for freedom. Regardless of what barriers or institutions exist around it, it will break free of them regardless of the chaos it brings. Eren will activate ALL the titans inside the wall when he comes into contact with Zeke - Armin thinks that Eren only wants to awaken a few to allow Paradis to develop, and Zeke is so desperate to trust someone that he doesn't realize Eren is manipulating him. Eren instead eliminate all of his opposing forces with the full force of the Colossal Titans.


Ackerdogs will be free

Reiner. That armored falco prediction seems more possible by the chapter.

shut up EMfag

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>E-Eren is controlled!
Even Mikasa doesn't buy that shit anymore. He was just a dick to them.

I wish. But I wouldn't bet on it. Manlet will die trying to honor his favorite corpses request. Mikasa will die with Eren and that scarf. She is probably muttering out "see you later" with her lower body missing or some shit.

Only Eren Mankasa shippers think that Eren is controlled. Just give it up.

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Ymir is the father

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>Eren's shifter marks are fucked up
They look similar to Annie's when we see her in the crystal, so maybe it was meant to imply some kind of paths fuckery with the whole "fusing" thing i dunno

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Manlet didn't kill Zeke when he had the chance and the only reason he would kill Zeke is because Historia said (probably lying) she would.

>hange fails to break the cycle sannes was talking about
She already failed.

Eren is controlled by the will of the attack titan to make Eldia free, that much is obvious.

Are you retarded? Eren wants to protect Paradis, he doesn't care about the rest of the eldians

What the fuck are you faggots talking about? First of all, I don't ship Eren and Mikasa. I suspect Eren is the one who fathered Historia's child.

I don't think you actually understand the point I'm making here: The person that was "Eren" is no longer alive. He has gradually absorbed the memories of previous users and potentially even experiencing reality in a non-linear manner. The implications of my argument are that Eren is driven by the collective desire to rebel of all the Titan users - you could say that the users of the Titans are merely vessels for the Titans to project themselves across space and time, and are the aggregate will of each of their users.

I don't care about your dumb shipping war, though, as I think romance (while a factor in the series) is being overemphasized by faggots like you.

Jean Reina


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>Try to make a coherent argument
>Shippers immediately latch on him to to shit on him
Only on SnK, only on SnK...

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That's exactly what he just said. Paradis is now the "New Eldian Empire". The rest of the Eldians on Marley are essentially prisoners - Eren will welcome them with open arms if they join his cause, but otherwise he has no issue killing them.

Reiner. Then, until the end of the manga, Connie and Pieck will die too.

Yeah, I don't see Isayama treating manlet's promise as something good, he already had those headaches and noticed something is wrong with him. Ackermans breaking from their curse seems obvious to me

2 more episodes. Basement has been revealed this season.

Eren had a boner for freedom long before he had the attack titan

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>shipperwhale hiding behind hxh now
Eren's actions are different from the other users and Eren wanted freedom before eating Grisha, retard


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From Eren's point of view Eldians = Paradis people, so yeah he's achieving his own vision of the will of attack titan

>dead thread
>dead series
>dead meme that will never take off
>dead hype
>dead anime
>dead fanbase

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>Let's turn all Eldians infertile
>Historia will birth new royals
Is the implication here that they can selectively keep Historia the only one fertile (which will piss people off) or that this is just a red herring plot-line with no thought behind it, and that Eren will go for world domination instead?

his are objectively the ugliest

how do anime onlys feel about the story?

Have you not been paying attention, faggot? There are implications that the Titans affect the users even before they are eaten - hence why I have said that it's more accurate to refer to the Titan users as vessels for the collective wills of all the users which aggregate as that particular Titan.

Just stop and think for a moment - numerous characters have seemingly been motivated by things they weren't consciously aware of, and it's heavily implied that their behaviors are a consequence of "Paths" which connect their consciousnesses across time and space. The extent to what they do is not yet clear, but we already have a lot to go on.

They can just free all eldians in the world using Armin as a threat.

One Colossal Titan is not going to be enough against the military strength of every nation in the world.


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I wonder, who are the poor Wall Titans? Prisoners who got titanized? People who volunteered?

Not this shit again.
Are you the same guy who thought Eren was being controlled by Zeke?
All you have said can be applied to pre-titan Eren, who, if I have to remind you, was murderous enough to build a makeshift spear and kill one of Mikasa's kidnappers. Eren has ALWAYS been someone who wanted to destroy the "evil side of humanity", which is an ideology he developed in the past few years.
>m-muh time travel
Isayama is a good enough writer to make sure your stupid theory won't happen anytime soon.

in conclusion

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oh no no no...

>anti titan rifle
Either Colt or Gabo will kill Zeke ruining Eren's plans

Colt will kill Nile;_;

To me Zeke will live or he won't survive that battle. Seems like Eren Wil be forced to use Historia

If Eren is forced to use Historia, does he have to wait until she gives birth?

Maybe that's the dilemma, Yaegerists will propose Eren to use Historia and that's when Floch will discover he was following a waifufag

what a cute cat

We already know that the memories of Titans users is non-linear.

I'd argue that rather than my theory being stupid, you simply don't have a broad enough perspective to understand what Isayama is trying to accomplish.

Luckily, other people are actually capable of inferring basic information from the events of the story. It's a skill called "logic," you might try it some time.

Try it sometime. For the record, though, a non-linear passage of time is distinct from time travel - the assumption that time is necessarily linear in the first place hinges on the fact that we are biologically built to perceive time in such a way.

What if Hisu was just hiding a ball under her dress this entire time

With the level of weaponry they currently have, Colossal is just a walking target after the nuke goes off

Pretty sure most, if not all, Yeagerists will die during this battle after Zeke screams.

Yeah he wanted freedom, so did everyone that joined the survey corps.
But freedom from being caged in the walls ≠ freedom of the eldian race from Marley's tiranny.
That nationalistic sentiment was what Eren inherited from the attack titan, it's also what caused him to say pic related.

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>Reddit spacing
>Time travel
>Disregarding Eren's character development

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Then why didn't he sacrifice Historia? It was already easier to just get a serum and find Historia rather than risk everything with Zeke VS manlet

Colossal is a big bomb. And he can escape easily after destroying a town. He is an ideal terrorist.

Because she is his friend or even lover?

Why would the attack titan cares about that?

Because he doesn't want to kill the people close to him.

There is absolutely no way Hisayama will make Historia the beast titan, it's just not asethetic.

Zeke will kill himself once he realizes Eren lied to him about Euthanasia, and Historia will eat Annie.

>Puts AMJC + Sasha's family in inmediate danger
Eren is truly a waifufag.

Eren Jäger ist mein Neger

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Then he is stronger than the Attack Titan influence

Because Eren is the attack titan and he loves historia

Or have Historia eat the Jaw titan so she can be together with Ymir

Floch was the one who locked them up and Eren looked also shocked when seeing Zeke

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Zeke probably wants to kill himself and Hisu to prevent canceling of euthanasia.
But he is an idiot because there is no way he can confirm than Eren really made all eldians sterile. Eren can do nothing at all.

It's not a give she will see Ymir's memories

I can't wait for SHITRENSLAVEINSERTERS to get completely and utterly BTFO. The shitstorm on Yea Forums Isayama will start when we get a flashback of Eren fucking Historia and revealing that he has completely changed due to the AT and/ or FT compendiums and it will be glorious. I am thinking of creating a post collection of people being in DESPERATE DENIAL that Eren is in fact controlled.
I can already hear the SHITRENSLAVEINSERTERS squeal in the background "EM!" "EM!" "EM!"

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so is any of this true or is that whole ED marley propaganda?

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Because Eren ≠ Attack titan. Eren is influenced by the AT will of making Eldia free. That doesn't mean that Eren has lost his free will.

>You're coming with us to Shiganshina
>There'll be no need for violence if you tell me where Zeke is
Eren knew about everything that's happened and spent his time looking out a window while Flock dragged Hans around.

>preparing the next damage control

But you said that AT's will controlled Eren and the person called Eren Yeager is no longer alive.

Mental gymnastics and they not knowing about your mind opening once you receive more info. They are retarded

Also, titan shifters being influenced by previous holder of the titans is a concept that has being introduced in the story, i don't understand why Eren would be the exception.
From the attack titan in particular we even got pic related. The fact that some people here think that Eren is immune to the AT will surprises me.

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Did Sasha's family actually drank the wine and were they in the same builing as Nile and the others? Seems like they were sparated from them. If they were in another building then they were actually safe there, if the others got turned into mindless titans

He was taking him to be eaten. When he made that absurd decision, he even thought about how he'd finally get to fulfill his vow to erwin. It's clear that the ackercurse is a burden, but I think it's still up in the air whether manlet will be able to break it. I just don't see him getting any sort of satisfying development like that.

Why is Annie so resilient? All she wants to do is go back to daddy.


I said Eren is controlled BY THE WILL OF THE AT TO MAKE ELDIA FREE, which he is.
In any other aspect of his life he is still Eren Yeager

>Zeke survives

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I don't think there is a will of the female titan.

It's the will of a previous holder, not the will of a titan.

Sannes was tortured and imprisoned at his role's end. Hange still hasn't gotten to that point yet. I think what I should've said was that she will meet a poor fate as a result of that failure.

Only when Zeke proved himself to be a traitor and because Historia said yes. If Historia refused manlet would have to stop. He was doing it because he didn't want to make his comrades death in vain too

>Restorationists will lock Hange up and torture her for betraying them

He is a freedom fag before he even got AT. Is this new type of damage control? >Eren didn't fucked Historia, AT did.
>Grisha just wanted to fuck Dina again

Isn't the main theme of the manga surpassing the previous generation? Wouldn't your theory go against it?

i didn't know this was the final arc
what a retarded story. i love it

no bro you dont understand
eren got the will before he was born bro its all time travel bro trust me i know this stuff

Well we know that the attack titan in particular seeks freedom.
Maybe is a situation like with Karl the cuck where a previous holder of the titan had a very strong will who persisted throught generations of titan shifters.
In any case i don't think any of previous holders of the female titan had a very strong will or mission.

Hans will punch manlet's head to stop being so autistic

Don't you remember how historia accepted the role of queen? Manlet doesn't care about things like that. Consent or not, betrayal or not, in the end he would have acted for the good of that promise, which is closely linked to that belief about comrades' deaths you mentioned. You also just reminded me about how manlet's ackerautism seems to be much less intrusive than mikasas...I wonder why that is

I don't understand. By that logic Grisha should be a freedomfag too but from what I remember, He just wanted to restore Eldia and get revenge at Marley.

>Shipperfags making everything about ships
Also I already responded to him being a freedomfag before

Manlets next appearance will be him in a little wheelchair

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Probably because Mikasa is in love with Eren

Restoring Eldia and getting revenge on Marley both lead to the freedom of Eldians.

Maybe because the Ackerbond was formed when she was a kid while Manlet was an adult

I'm saying the generation to do that won't be this one, but the one after, represented by the baby. However, the efforts, decisions, and sacrifices of the main cast's generation will have paved the way for that to happen.

>in the end he would have acted for the good of that promise
>forcing a woman to die or lose her kid
>risking the rest
Nope, Historia will remind him of Kuchel. The promise was autistic to begin with because Zeke is already dying and people died for Paradis

I hope their interactions won't be offscreened.

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Manlet was activated by Kenny

Yeah that makes sense. So he had time to develop a personality and become independent before it was activated.

EAbros you still here, right?

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They're in the same building. They literally ran upstairs to meet the wine-contaminated people

When it comes to shipping wars, I will take option 1 or option 2 or option 3.

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I really like that. I find the promise cringe if I'm being honest, manlet will realize how stupid that is

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I still can't believe they haven't shown more of Annie outside of her crystal up until this arc.

Yeah, but Erwin was his "liege", as confirmed by Isayama. I wonder if the differences between getting activated and forming an ackerbond will be explained.
Kenny also seemed to have full control by the time he met Uri.

what is the meaning of this face?

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Only retarded fujos want that. They are so edgy they want manlet to kill a baby for a rotting corpse. Perfect scenario to show future is the answer, not the past

Reporting in!

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He was willing to wait but wanted zeke dead eventually. And yes of course the promise is autistic...manlet is an autist. Doubly so under the ackercurse.

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I don't think Isayama cares much, he just said manlet and Mikasa just happen to have a Knight personality. Mikasa is even worse because of being younger and in love

How the fuck freedom of being caged in the wall is any different from being free from Marley's tyranny? It's the same shit. He thought he would be free once he crossed the wall but then he realized that the fucking world is the "wall" and he didn't cross shit. He never changed from the day he showed his true self to Mikasa and the thing that kept him in check was his revenge for Carla and the fact that he was their hope. If he really is controlled by AT why did the cave scene happen? Why the did he want to kill himself instead of seeking freedom? Why the fuck did he choose Zeke over Historia? Why did he sympathize with Reiner?

Manlet will chase the past and die to show that idea. I don't want it at all, but the original post was about predictions, not desires.

I think manlet will rape the baby.

stille here bro, I'm still hanging onto it

Did Ymir's daughters get 3 titans each when she died? Or did 6 other Eldians also get shifter powers?

What if Hange make him wake up

why would isayama make the manlet act so irrationally at the very end of his magnum opus?

Maybe they got 3 children each who in turn consumed them

I don't fuck with no old hoes, only new hoes
Put my dick in her backbone, I pass her to my bro

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That's another possibility. Those 2 are opposites that symbolize the past and future, respectively. I want them to help each other get over the burdens they're carrying but at the same time, I don't want to get my hopes up because it sounds too good to be true.

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Because Isayama is a sadistic, mentally ill mangaka.

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Fuck off

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How did you miss the point of that scene this hard?


holy fuck based isayama

t. Shitren self-inserter(Attackonweeb)

He's too good for us.

Lol, this ship is official dead.

If Jean makes it he can find happiness

Isayama worked at an internet cafe

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N-Next chapter, right bros? Understanding soon?!

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I know youre going to wreck my plans but there is nothing I can do but cling to the vain hope you wont

only in your gay doujin

>There are people in this thread that believe the AT has no influence over Eren.

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If by "understanding" you mean "getting eaten by Falco", yes.

That would be the best development desu

Eren already undestands the situation perfectly.
Probably the best out of everyone.

>Eren's waifufaggism is stronger than the attack titan

But Reiner doesn't

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I see

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AttackOnWeeb has more Karma than me

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Are you just pretending to be in pain? If not, I can show you a trick or two to quickly get over it. Fyi, there are very talented people out there who just single-carry their favorite character or favorite ship. Rufftoon, for example. over at the Avatar fandom worked on an Admiral Zhao fancomic for years. He died in Season 1.

I self insert as Historia to be fucked by Eren. My fat autistic friend selfinserts as Mikasa

If Eren only wanted for Historia and his son to be happy and safe, he would just escape with her to another country.

Werent you banned?
But he wants to protect Paradis and the orphanage too

Just some nitpicks on the latest episode
So nobody else in restorationists told the Marleyans that Dina has royal blood except for Grisha?

And how very nice of the Marleyans to put Grisha’s clothes and shoes back on after torturing him butt naked lol. (I assume they did the same to all restorationists that were captured)

I’m not hating, just saying. Still loved the episode.

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What? The dumbest argument I've ever seen

>He wants to protect the orphanage.
I don't think he gives a shit about children.

>he thinks /understanding/ is gay
have you ever had friends?


I don't even care if the ship is real or not and I'm okay with them dying. I just want them to understand.

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No, I was always a loner.

He should, he's going to be a dad soon.

About others children*

Me too. I still don't know what it means to consistently like someone and I don't think I ever will. Yea Forums is the closest thing I have to a friend.

>Reiner can't understand Eren
>Hanji failed at reading him
>Armin failed at reading him
>Jean said Eren must have some reasons
>Mikasa not buying Armin's argument 100%
>Yelena's weird face when she found out the queen was pregnant
Pretty much if they hear Eren is the father they will finally understand him

Just make an AU. Do what Disney does. Doesn't have be written or drawn. Just imagine it very clearly in your mind. This has been done for ages. Just look at Greek and Roman Mythology. Greeks came up with Ares first and they hated him before they don't like war, but the Romans just turned him into their patron god Mars.

>>Hanji failed at reading him
She got pretty close, though.