I have to ask, has watching a shitton of anime made you curious about actually learning how to speak fluent Japanese?

I have to ask, has watching a shitton of anime made you curious about actually learning how to speak fluent Japanese?

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Not anime but I'd like to be able to read manga because of how shit licensing companies in the US are and how inconsistent or nonexistent scans for some series can be.

It's a fucking terrible motivator, actually putting in time to learn the language is beyond nightmarish without proper motivation and an actual impetus such as working over there. Casually learning just to read a comic book isn't going to work, unless you are indeed autistic enough.

I ordered a Shogi Board recently. I can tell it would be a bit less confusing to play if I learned a bit of Japanese so I don't mix up pieces.

Fluent? Hell no. But i have picked up quiet a few phrases and been able to spot errors in subs and can more or less understand whats happening without subs

I've thought about working for the CIA and every now and then I take trips over to Asia. It's only a matter of time before I either get thrown in Chinese or Korean prison of littering or that I go to Japan.

Yes, and I currently am thanks to this cunt

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Yes and it made me realize that watching anime is the worst way to learn it without knowing anything about kanji.
Anime might help you with slang and how people talk but it sucks with teaching you any sort of relevant vocabulary.

Got me a job at a jap company, so good enough I guess.

The only reason I want to know Japanese is so I can read all the untranslated manga and VNs.

Not even remotely.

>made me curious
>did I learn anything
wtf, no
I might still take a couple courses, maybe nips find themselves in need of slavenic pharmaceutics but I'm way far away in the future for that sort of thing

Actually understanding what they're saying and not relying on the subs opens a whole new level of enjoyment. You can also find some hidden gems that have never been subbed.

And what is proper motivation for learning a language?

It's easy as fuck, all you need to do is sacrifice some of your time watching anime every day.

You're not going to learn shit from just watching anime. You need to take an actual course otherwise you're just going to end up with that cringy vaguely Japanese sounding gibberish the dumbest kind of weeaboos do.

I meant sacrifice some of the time you would've spent on anime otherwise.
Also you're retarded, I recommend courses if you want to get fucking nowhere in 2 years.

Unless you plan to study, work or live in japan. Arigato(hello) , sumimasen(sorry) , sugoi (awesome) and konnichiwa(hello) are more Japanese than you will ever need or should study.


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Pain in the arse, more like

Anime made me curious, but my main motivator for learning Japanese is to get the fuck out of my country.

Kanji is the only really difficult part for us baka gaijins. Too many people do stuff with their phone when personally I think you need to write and do those little kanji worksheets for kids.

why would you chose japan out of all countries ? are you autistic ?

desu, I just picked randomly. I'm not joking. I just want out of my country.

I took a class

No but ln did, if it's only for anime I don't think it's worth it to learn Japanese.

日本語がペラペラになるまでに難しいと長いことだが, 頑張ればそれがだれでもできる

why tho ? i live in a third world country and i can tell life here could be really fun if you have money , so you should aim to be a rich not to go out of your country

what country ?
what qualifications do you ?

i'm asking because i want out as well

i think user wants to get away from the people he grew up with or maybe he watched a lot of television in his childhood and thinks his life will be like those western sitcoms(e.g friends) once moves to a western country or japan.
although i don't know why he said japan.
life must be hell there.

>what country ?
Berkina Faso

wait, how are you using the internet ?

just kidding. atleast you're not living in india (this place is actual hell)

>sub-saharan africa
Yeaah, I would get the fuck out of there too. Just don't come to America. Too many niggers over here as it is.

Could also be cultural moore's
Like if you were gay in a middle eastern or eastern European country being wealthy would not make it better for you.

i'm perfectly content not going past "hey i recognise that word/phrase from anime"
english translations are (mostly) sufficient for what i want
i need to improve my german, and would like to learn french as my first foreign language on the other hand. those are actually useful language. japanese is a totally useless language for most anything other than weebshit unless you specifically go to japan.

being a gay in eastern europe is nowhere near comparable to the middle east unless we're talking chechnya.

>learning how to speak fluent Japanese

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yes, but I'm too lazy to do that

I'm just going by what few things gay eastern European anons I've talked too are willing to say about it.

well i would say it depends on the people really.
if people found out you're gay they would be dissapointed in both places (the same is true everywhere in the world but in the west they are not allowed to say it).
some will forgive you in time on the condition you don't do gay shit anymore.
some people will just ignore your from then on till forever.
i'm sure throwing off roof tops isn't as common as we've heard.

>Burkina Faso

Wait for real? The fuck are you doing there?

i mean yeah
the west is the only place people are tolerant of gays and even there it's mostly under threat of censure
but that doesnt mean gays get killed everywhere else
it's not illegal to be gay in russia after all, people just dont like em

Took me two years of Japanese in college, then another year of self-study to get to the point of being able to (mostly) comprehend Dazai. My observation is that anime is a shit motivator because your interest in it will most likely wane significantly before your skills improve past mediocrity.

No, because if I actually learned Japanese, I'm afraid I'd constantly recognize how stupid and juvenile most anime is and ruin any future viewing.

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I took one semester of Japanese. Didn't pass. I can say a few things, but not very much.

From what I'm told being openly gay in such a place insures a short life

i mean , yeah
because of aids

The way people speak in anime is barely even close to actual Japanese.

Yea. I just want some context behind my boobyges.

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If I ever go to Japan, sure.

Most Japanese I have met are in America and speak almost perfect English with a mild accent.

Are you sure?


This may be a function of interviews but why do all Japanese people on TV that's not scripted struggle to speak a cohesive sentence without going quiet or taking long audible pauses. Cultural?

Because that's how normal people speak, especially when nervous. Unless you have a public speaking background, just speaking coherently on camera is a challenge.

Not for a second

Yeah, especially when 90% of HVNs and LNs are untranslated.
That old “you don’t need to know Japanese to enjoy an h-scene” is EOPs coping, as I found, having gone through the trouble of machine translating choice scenes has made them 10x more fapworthy.

>90% of HVNs and LNs are untranslated.

I'd even go as far as 98%, you don't know how much rich the otaku medium is unless you know Japanese.

Isnt most ln generic pandering type of stuff?

Yeah but still, there is a lot of ln worth peaking up depending on your tastes.


I said depending on your taste, I'm sure if I give you some random ln I at least find good you're going to say it's garbage.

Two off the top of my head are kore wa zombie desu ka and inoue battle wich even though they are quite popular don't have any translations for what follows their anime adaptations.