ITT: Important life lessons you learned from watching anime

ITT: Important life lessons you learned from watching anime.

Attached: manlets btfo.png (1920x1080, 1014K)

>being a streamfag is a pleb's status symbol

You gotta stay determined and stuff

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Girls love losers with no personality.

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>2 frame animated gif

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Kumeta's works are filled with valuable life lessons

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Also very important.

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akko dumb

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Attached: Tomoko takes the redpill on Women.png (804x339, 99K)

Another hard lesson to learn.
Listen up, you little shit.

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good job, user

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Life lessons right there

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i learned about a really good sale at Mr. Donut

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This but unironically

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Is this from Kotobuki?

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anybody have that tanaka-kun screen cap where he talk about he's interested in sex but he hates going through the process to have sex

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people die when dogs eat fun things

beef stroganoff isn't necessarily beef

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so, is he actually saying that people die when they ("people") are killed, or is he saying that killing a third party to the conversation will kill people

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A lot of boys don't know this, though.
(Dammit, fixed.)

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Attached: [Migoto] Ai Mai Mi ~Mousou Catastrophe~ - 06 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [BAC00637].mkv_snapshot_02.52_[201 (1920x1080, 3.46M)

Aw shit, that hit me

Do people really do this? Tell lies on the internet I mean.

you would be surprised

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