Can't blame y/u/rifags being baited by this show

can't blame y/u/rifags being baited by this show
still seeing their tears is fun and Maki is best girl

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glorious seething s/u/b h/u/man retards tears

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how many were btfo when they realized it isnt a /u/ anime?

yuribait =// yurisubtext


It wouldn't have been as bad except for how the show got progressively worse when those 2 new girls were introduced and then the 2 guy love interests


how was the manga?

Meh, I still like it a ton.
Yan and Maki are sugar in the written form ever since she admitted she likes him, even if Yan is a klutz extremely prone to misunderstandings.
He honestly puts the denseness of harem series protagonists to shame.

I'm a yurifag and I think Love Lab's one of the best and funniest anime I've ever seen

some /u/fags back in the days were literally seething since they thought they were baited

oh no I was calling her Waki


>those 2 new girls
Those two journalists?

>tfw Nips still consider it yuri

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Definitely, don't know why they decided to put on their list of "top yuri anime".

He can't, it means the same thing.

stop pretending you care about it for any other reason than "lmao /u/ btfo".
It's a pretty mediocre manga otherwise, boring and with dead translations.

Not really.

>seething s/u/b h/u/man

Yuribait - intentionally misleading, not actual yuri, commonly used for romance anime
subtext - includes plausible deniability, is more appliable to non-romance anime, so the relationship not going all the way through can easily be explained by romance not being the focus of the manga

Both don't deliver yuri so it's the same thing, it's bait.

Feel free to discuss and talk about the fun gags and stuff then?
Oh wait, no, the only thing that is ever talked in love lab threads is how it totally btfo /u/ when /u/ never talks about it, it's only the local yurifags that ever cared.

>local yurifags
Please, yurif/a/gs are the ones that can actually behave themselves. You only go to /u/ to become a y/u/rifag when you hate males so much you can't even look at them in the catalogue.

When is the next chapter

>yurif/a/gs are the ones that can actually behave themselves
>behave themselves
So you've never been to /u/ and just make random shit up then. Hell, I wonder what do you even browse if you think the yurifags here behave themselves. Yuri threads in Yea Forums are always a complete fucking trainwreck full of whining and shitflinging for no real fucking reason. /u/ threads are infinitely more civilized and actually stay on-topic so they mostly don't give a shit about how they got supposedly btfo. I for one just go to /u/ to get my daily dose of cute lesbian girls and then I come here to put up with the shit people like (You) spew.

yurishitters on eternal suicide watch

Not enough Maki in this thread.

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it is the most heterosexual show there is I love it

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the queen of all boards

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the reason of why I saw in one sit, that and the redhead crying gif

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tomato is ____

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Why didn't they just read the plot description before getting into the show?

>how the show got progressively worse when those 2 new girls were introduced and then the 2 guy love interests
You mean the show got better and better?

>stop pretending you care about it for any other reason than "lmao /u/ btfo".
I like it because the characters are fun and the romance is pure and sweet

Because it used to be that if you tried to talk about Love Lab seriously, yurishitters wouldn't stop spamming the threads

As a yurifag I wholeheartedly enjoyed their bromance. S2 fucking when.

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for Poop Prince

I still can't believe my fellow /u/fags keep forgetting the golden rule of yuri: "Unless the author explicitly say it's yuri, don't expect yuri"

>/u/ threads are infinitely more civilized and actually stay on-topic
How long had it been since you've been to a /u/ thread that wasn't just an image dump? The fuckers over there can't stop artistically looking reasons to call things not yuri.

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>another rentfree thread
hetshit is truly a disease

she is CUTE, CUTE!!!!!!!!!

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>sage in the namefield
sethee more subh/u/man

over there buddy

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damn lovelab is truely a goldmine for reaction pics

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Reading is for fags.
