It was an isekai all along

>it was an isekai all along
They got me good. Is this what they call n
native isekai?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.28_[2019.06.20_10.02.31].jpg (1280x720, 106K)

Nobody watch this show? It's directed by the same director of GuP.

I liked the show but I think it needed more episodes. Kirie was a joy to watch.

I would love if it got a season 2

>ywn fly an oscar up to 30kft

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There’s decent discussion when we get new content. I don’t think the next Harukaze short is out yet, or any of the usual stuff on the YouTube channel. I think the last thread we had was about new characters being added to the game.

i dont watch cgi shit.
on top of that it wasnt even that interesting

It was an isekai all along!

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Attached: yuck.png (534x464, 970K)


poor poor retard

GuP was good, this was shit.

this was just suffered from being plain ol' 3DCG that didn't blend.

Is this what they mean by native isekai?

It was a great show and anyone not filtered by the 3DCG loved it. If you made a proper OP that doesn't have shitposty-buzzwords you could probably start some discussion.

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What's your favorite plane from the show?

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The ones that were painted black during the oil field episode. I forgot what they were called since I'm not a planefag.

It was a good excuse for all the Japanese planes from the specific time period. Obviously the creators just had an interest in that kind of thing, but the twist was a neat way of justifying it.


Attached: DO YOU SEE ANY BORDERS UP HERE?.png (1920x1080, 2.42M)

You can't have subs without oceans.

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Attached: 73227763_p0.png (2000x2000, 1.13M)

Started great turned out shit, too much focus on random literal whos rather than main characters