Was Madoka only good for its time? Is it subpar now that the edge is tame compared to other series?

Was Madoka only good for its time? Is it subpar now that the edge is tame compared to other series?

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Not even Urobuchi wants to touch this mess of a franchise.

No. It remains one of the best deconstructions of a genre of all time and I doubt something will ever top it, in my opinion.

Nigga, what

The edge wasn't what made it great, so I don't see how that's relevant

Every show that relies on subverting preconceived notions to work will seem subpar when you go back and watch it again.

It forever changed the landscape of magical girl anime and has permanently left me skeptical of anime that start of upbeat may turn darker as they progress.

It has one of my favorite tropes in that something starts upbeat and innocent but then turns into disturbing and hardhitting.

But not Madoka. There is so much foreshadowing and hidden meaning in Madoka that it's even worth multiple rewatches.

No, it is anime of the decade. Nothing has lived up to it in the past 8 years and I don't see it getting beat within the next 6 months. You are a brainlet if you thought edge is its main appeal.

too much foreshadowing can be a bad thing
you (well maybe not you, but a reasonably intelligent person) can predict the whole plot by episode 3

The edge was never the selling point you retard.

Nope. Still a great show.

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Madoka isn't even edgy, it just takes Magical Girls to their logical conclusion
fighting evil shit will get you killed in the long run
if not there is a chance you will become the evil shit since evil shit has to come from somewhere
someone giving you powers probably wants something in exchange, and there is no guarantee it's something good
there is a balance in the universe so if someone is happy then someone is miserable, and if you wish for the happiness of someone else then you'll be the miserable one
QB is the perfect example of this, he isn't evil, he is just pragmatic to the extreme and acts based on logic instead of being a psycho that tortures teenage girls just because
but somehow a lot of people don't seem to get that and call a series that just took a more mature approach "edgy"

Anybody who calls Madoka a “deconstruction” has likely never seen a Mahou Shoujo anime in their life

>Is it subpar now that the edge is tame compared to other series
You have to be 18+ to post here kid.

>Was Madoka only good for its time?
No,it still holds up pretty nicely.You only need to watch it as any other anime
>Is it subpar now that the edge is tame compared to other series?
No,while the edge helped it become popular,it is a great anime in its own righ

And then there’s this incel

Take an English class at your local college, brainlet.

No. It was recognized as a extremely rare instant masterpiece and classic it is. The only thing that kept it's triumph somewhat muffled was that Steins;Gate was airing simultaneously that summer.

Wow, you make Madoka sound terrible. None of those except the first point are logical conclusions but rather cynical perspectives/opinions. And the first when applied to magical girls isn't a logical conclusion because there is no logical scenario in which a magical girl would lose. It's kind of their thing that they always win in the end. Therefore it's a subversion.

This. It was even total opposite. They cleverly marketed it as just another magical girl show, this time with big names and high production values. Kadokawa hid the true nature of the show completely. Episode 3 stun remains one of the greatest simulcast anime community events ever and I am so happy I lived that.

I honestly like any of the Madoka derivatives more than Madoka itself.

There is not a damn thing Madoka does that any earlier magical girl series didn’t do better

You don't need to lie. We already know your true feelings

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Seriously, watch more anime


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Teen post

Madoka is super cute!

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>fighting evil shit will get you killed in the long run
You could beat the evil shit or just retire.
>if not there is a chance you will become the evil shit since evil shit has to come from somewhere
This doesn't make any sense. A lumberjack doesn't just turn into a tree because trees have to come from somewhere.
>someone giving you powers probably wants something in exchange, and there is no guarantee it's something good
This is the only thing you've said that isn't pants on head retarded.
>there is a balance in the universe so if someone is happy then someone is miserable, and if you wish for the happiness of someone else then you'll be the miserable one
Happiness isn't a zero-sum game. If two kids play together, they both become happier and nobody suffers as a result.

Too cute.

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Let's be real, the tsunami only boosted its popularity.

It's true

It wasn't good even for its time.
Meguca tards just have shit for brains.

It's ok user, you'll fit in eventually

Did it? i mean, EP11 cliffhanger for an entire week would have been kino, specially on Yea Forums

But axe handles come from trees, so why not lumberjacks?

The edge was never the good part. The show was barely even edgey. It had a very emotional core to the story and characters. The story also had a wide appeal, attracting both genders and people of all ages. That is something that warrants high praise.

The story is still incredible, especially for a short 12 episode anime. The sophistication of the writing is very high especially for an anime. It's no wonder that they spent roughly a year writing it.

"Whole plot"? Uhhh sure...

5 Days left until Gacha Revolution

It's still fine if you ignore the Rebellion


I just watched it and Rebellion recently, and I hadn't been spoiled whatsoever. I expected it to be overrated as shit but it was actually 10/10 and Rebellion was even better. One of the greatest anime series of all time desu.

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Yes. I watched it for the first time around January this year. It has notably higher production values than the usual tripe, the visual style stood out, but in the whole I didn't really care a whole lot. I only remember the very vague overall plot now, not even a single scene that made a strong enough impression to get stuck in my mind. I can't name the characters, other than Madoka.
Was there any music in this show? I don't remember any of it.
In the end it didn't do anything that Utena, Tutu, and many others haven't done in the previous couple of decades. Anyone losing their shit about it is probably too young to browse this website legally. Or at least surely wasn't when the show was airing.

>They cleverly marketed it as just another magical girl show
Everyone knew what it was going to be as soon as Orobuchi was revealed to be involved with the project. The only surprise was how few characters actually died.

Every main character died at least once except Homura.

The supporting cast survived though.

>but in the whole I didn't really care a whole lot. I only remember the very vague overall plot now, not even a single scene that made a strong enough impression to get stuck in my mind. I can't name the characters, other than Madoka.
>Was there any music in this show? I don't remember any of it.
Sounds like your memory is the problem.

If you genuinely can't remember the OST or any of the main characters' names you almost certainly have dementia, or you're an underage posing as an oldfag.


What edge

>now that the edge is tame compared to other series
Madoka was already tame in comparison to Urobuchi's other stuff.

Maybe you should, the definition of deconstruction isn't "did thing I haven't seen a lot of"

Why was Wraith Arc so convoluted?

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the ost is generic as hell and the scene you posted is pure trash.
madokafags are the ultimate philistines.

>magical girls:muh realism edition
Sounds like the cancer of the mahou shoujo genre, was it?

Fuck off retard.

Answer the question realism shiteater
Might as well ask why the girls aren’t all ugly 4/10s like reality while you’re at it

the ultimate pleb filter

>asking whether a critically acclaimed and massively popular show is cancer
Either people are going to answer no because they're normal or yes because they're contrarian.

The show is cancer because it attrackts mentally ill retards.

Well I’m asking specifically if it’s a “muh realistic logical conclusion of a fantasy escapism genre” cancer, not if you think it’s cancer because it’s popular.

Is there a 'realistic logical conclusion' for mahou shoujo? If you're asking whether it's like mahou shoujo Asuka spec-ops, site or raising project, then the answer is no.

it wasn't even that stunning if you followed the production and hype, since it was obvious from the start they were going for this

Anybody saying that the OST is not memorable or that the show is nothing notable is an idiot suffering from ADHD. Madoka, you either hate it or love it.

I have a problem with “deconstructions” because it’s usually some retard who has a problem with “unrealistic” tropes and cliches that they don’t like making a series pandering to all the other retards who don’t like the genre so they can shit on all the people who do actually like the genre. Is this show like that?

>Is this show like that?
Not at all. Not everything is Yea Forums tier cancer thankfully. At least not at the time.

No, it is not a deconstruction. Yes it takes a darker tone for much of the series, but it's a proper magical girl anime and anyone who tells you otherwise is just using the word 'deconstruction' to sound smart.

Oh cool, I’ll give it a watch someday then. Thanks anons.

6 more months and it will be anime of the decade

Okay, that does it. Get out.

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Its only "good for its time" because it got memed into just being some shock-value show. Granted Mami getting her head bitten off IS just that, but people act like the show ended there

Narutaru did that for me. That shit got dark, far more than Madoka ever did, especially the manga.


She's so cool.

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>A lumberjack doesn't just turn into a tree because trees have to come from somewhere.
he doesn't know

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You'll never be able to replicate the same shock reaction it caused but part of the reason it recurs is that it's actually well done, particularly for its length.

its good when you conside the homusaya angle

Никто не забыт, ничто не забыто.

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NanaSaya is new thing now.

Magical Girl of the Day: Tsuruno Yui
-One of the new Umegucas in the game
-She aims to be the strongest
-Likes Chinese culture, owns a Chinese restaurant, her Witch has a Chinese name and is inspired by Jinhua Ham
-Top of her class, 100% attendance record
-Used to be on Yachiyo's team when she paired with Momoko. Now she's on her team again
-Calls Yachiyo 'shishou.'
-Does not know about Witch system until present event as she was busy working at restaurant.
-Restaurant founded by great grandpa someone who went to China to fight in War
-Her restaurant used to be popular but it declined in popularity
-She makes a wish for 800 million dollars to save her dad's restaurant
-Her power is super luck. She can make buildings miss with her luck.
-Gets brainwashed and merged with a Rumour
-Voiced by Shiina Natsukawa, TrySail who sings the OP.

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good post

It's not a logical conclusion, it's a zero sum system, which may or may not make sense depending on the context. It works well in Madoka.

Madoka was never good.

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Imagine being so pathetic literally your whole life revolves around trying to harass people ad bumping your own shitposts from the bottom of the catalog on Yea Forums, because you know literally no one wants anything to do with you.

And no, none of your shipping cancer will ever be a thing no matter how much you, and you alone, spam it.

I'm sorry you were born. I truly am.

Yuuki Yuuna offers a better package of little magical girl suffering at expense of less witty story which is padded with SoL shenanigans to ease you into characters before dropping the hammer on them unlike Madoka where it reveals all it's cards at episode 3

Don't worry, user. Retardation will be able to be cured in the near future.

it was. SHAFT style is really outdated and hasn't aged well at all. wouldn't bother with a rewatch of this and am even debating deleting BD archive to clear out some space.

>not china dress
Fucking Ume. Step up your game!

I'm glad she avoided something so cliche

The beast has awakened again it seems

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She's not actually Chinese.

She's a Japanese whose family owns a Chinese restaurant and worships Chinese culture. May post pro-Chinese comments on Cambodian basket-weaving forums.

There's actually a cliched Chinese girl in the game. She's drawn by Itokuni. She's a Triad Princess, from Hong Kong and knows Kung Fu.

No u

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I love her

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This. The original ending could've been a hopeful one but they went with nihilistic edge instead. I was liking it for something it wasn't and felt like a fool.

Rebellion's ending is fantastic aside from the sequel baiting (which the original had a little bit of too)
It's unironically less depressing than the original's.

>best anime of this decade
>Is it subpar now
u wot mate

I don’t see the appeal of watching Hidamari characters mope and cry

it's only good for the surprise

There were way better mahou shojo series before it (ojomajo, utena, princess tutu) so it really is nothing special. The whole "solving entropy with the power of little girl feelings" angle is absolutely retarded

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and what happen with your boyfriend Sayaka? God, this film ended up being 100% pandering and bullshit

Her cooking skills are utterly mediocre. Her food is rated 50/100.

Penguindrum beats it to the ground on the same year.

She never had a boyfriend.

Sayaka shoving her huge sword up Homura's ass while Kyouko watches

You know, ignoring what deconstruction actually means, even by the TVtropes definition Maguca was never one.

AOTD unironically

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This is official art.

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It is according Urobuchi

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Why do some people think a Magical Girl system that's inherently malevolent to it's users is more "logical"? Why does "having their own agenda" mean screwing others over?
Madoka is not a TV tropes "deconstruction", it's a mahou shoujo with dark elements.
Seriously, I would rather call Spec-Ops Asuka a "deconstruction" *sigh*.
I.E. the system isn't fucked, and while the fairies do have an agenda, it's a political one and they're legitimate allies, the girls win, but suffer from PTSD from fighting, and said monsters are a properly organized army.
If TVDeconstruction is "applying real world logic to stereotypes", then Asuka does it because it basically operates like a average mahou shoujo, while Madoka doesn't.

he seems to define it differently than anyone here.

original series directly teased the "second loop"

rebellion just had Homura dancing on Kyuu corpse. she already won and saved Madoka for better or worse.

and this is official as well

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How the fuck can they mess up the anatomy so much??

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this actually hurt my head

The ending explicitly set up potential plot points for a sequel. A couple of examples:
>Sayaka's antagonism towards Homura may earn her Madoka's contempt
>Madoka isn't fully under Homura's control and may regain her memories one day
>Homura may become Madoka's enemy one day

Holy shit I never noticed that.
That's horrible.

>Rebellion is shit
News at 11

even the time travel?

>there is a balance in the universe so if someone is happy then someone is miserable, and if you wish for the happiness of someone else then you'll be the miserable one
I wish this universe has this

How did Homura's ass get so dislocated

Too much cuddling.

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>nihilistic edge
>not a übermensch tale
if you want to blame nietzsche don't use meme terms

>best anime of this decade

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the whole idea of the witch in a jar and used as a disease; i liked the different wraiths tho

>nihilistic edge

It remains good because the edge is tame. So many other anime are just about gratification, blood and guts and tits for the retard trough. Also, unironically most interesting powerset on a team. I know it's a "Deconstruction" and that's more important than the value of the work on its own for some of you, but honestly the design and animation work was good enough for them to just play the whole thing straight and it still would have been good.

You know, I'd be a slightly happier person if you didn't point that out. Fuck you.

Just how hard do you have to misunderstand Rebellion in order to consider those a 'sequel bait'?

Because it's setting up what will happen next.

>you will never get to watch madoka for the first time again

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>see's shadman