Pick an expression from anime/manga you'd like to die with Yea Forums

Pick an expression from anime/manga you'd like to die with Yea Forums.

Attached: Y26.png (1115x1600, 643K)

Half the thread will be Ahegao.

Attached: 1559831311836.jpg (1280x720, 473K)

if possible i want to be buried with that face, and i wanna see people's reactions.

Attached: 1448119604805.jpg (310x310, 21K)

The other half will be smug

Do this count?

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Attached: Ahegao.jpg (339x588, 151K)

Attached: vinland-saga-138093.jpg (800x1157, 156K)

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Attached: spiral power.png (853x480, 535K)

Came here to post exactly this.
Dying peacefully after burning out and giving everything I got is the best way to go.

Attached: 1460410556102.jpg (1280x720, 102K)

Only good post in the thread so far

I'd say it's more teal than green.

Attached: zenkichi fucking dies.png (1779x1300, 432K)

Does this count as ahegao?

Anyone annoyed that ahegao is a tag slapped on everything now? Any loud orgasm is ahegao now apparently

Attached: despair horizon.gif (356x200, 3.27M)

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Attached: deab.png (144x129, 14K)

As expected of user.

Attached: Screenshot_20190413-225446_Manga Rock.jpg (1031x616, 363K)

Attached: thisismyanswer.jpg (720x405, 21K)

Attached: 0.jpg (480x360, 27K)

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Attached: facca8d0c15976307b7b39e00446e98c10db23b126ded42c8b7fad61330dd30b.jpg (539x566, 24K)

Attached: t-this kind of.jpg (1280x720, 115K)

This except I can't be a pure virgin like him

Attached: Kamina_died_ttgl_dropped.jpg (848x480, 66K)

Attached: 1378432495495.png (467x595, 338K)

Based and spiralpilled

Attached: [libera me from hell].gif (500x273, 1011K)

this one my nigger

Attached: Saten.Ruiko.full.683769.jpg (1920x1200, 614K)

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Attached: Wants.jpg (698x333, 96K)

Obviously he's not going to die but
> Himi dies with the expression he was born with and wore entirely throughout the series and presumably his life
That'd be great

Attached: x6.png (1114x1600, 272K)

Attached: 5724A3FD-A3DD-4DD8-A04F-826E5F1B3AAF.jpg (592x209, 34K)

Nobody will see you when you get buried.

They'll see you if you get an open casket funeral

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