Wolf's Rain

What did Yea Forums think of this anime?

Attached: wolfsrain.jpg (316x450, 33K)

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I could never finish it. Not because I thought it was bad but because I'm a bitch and I knew bad things were coming for those wolves and I couldn't handle it.

Bait for furfags with a shitty ending

It's been so long since I watched it but I remember enjoying it.

one of my all time favorites

beautiful story, well developed characters, and a legendary soundtrack


Cheza was my first waifu

Attached: cheza.jpg (1024x768, 98K)

That track is stunning

There are pretty much no tracks on the soundtrack that are less than stellar. I think it might be Kanno's best, along with Bebop. The richness of the orchestration, all of the different genres that it covers, and the way it enhances the emotion of the series just makes it perfect to me.


Literally could post every track because they're all perfect

Literally fujobait gay and awfully melodramatic. I fucking laughed when that one side character kid fell to his death.

Forced drama. It's Terrible, but i liked the Walrus fight.

I watched it on Adult Swim when I was 13 years old.

I really enjoyed it when I was younger, but I don't see myself ever returning to it.

Skip the 4 recap episodes and it's an 8/10


The ending song makes me cry every time. I am 6’6”, work as a contractor and regularly facefuck con hoes.

I loved the opening and ending, it was the first anime I watched.

First and only anime I've cried to and I mean like a little bitch. Something about it man

I remember watching this at 4am on adult swim as a kid. They only showed the final episode and nothing else. I have no idea what was going on in that show. I must have been like 12 or something.

Remember this popping up on Adult Swim back in the day, I was intrigued but at the same time it was boring as fuck. Probably not a good idea to wedge something like this between Home Movies and Family Guy tbqh.

I've been trying to finish it for two fucking years. I'm in the OVA episodes now. I remember a lot more than I thought I would so it's actually pretty good minus those 6 slideshow recap episodes. I just want to see how it all ends.

I really like the ending and how opening connect with this ending. I also enjoy the world setting and lore, thought it was pretty unique.
Too bad that characters are boring, this make rest of series also boring as fuck to watch except for final episodes.

I think the ending was bittersweet because the rest of the characters became humans while Kiba remained a wolf.

It was kino.