Kimetsu no Yaiba

*11408 *285335 KnY

**8839 *340597 KnY4

**8744 *348747 KnY3

**8688 *334646 KnY5

**8660 *308733 KnY11

**8545 *328606 KnY6

**8542 *303348 KnY12

**8530 *286901 KnY14

**8472 *300404 KnY13

**8465 *313149 KnY7

**8297 *367139 KnY1

**8289 *310730 KnY8

**8233 *304995 KnY9

**8141 *305200 KnY10

**7886 *353761 KnY2

Attached: Kimetsu.jpg (299x168, 25K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Slowly decreasing I see

>All outside the top 50

tfw ufotable will be skullfucked into nothingness by the japanese government after this is done


Attached: emergence of a smol evil.png (391x441, 226K)

Attached: pig assualt 2 electric boogaloo.png (609x582, 424K)

Because it will have an emergency all volume reprint again

Tax avoidance is very common in Japan, nothing will happen. The Jap government doesn’t need to actually collect tax because they practice Quantitative Easing who is already a form of hidden tax collection.


It's more the misappropriation of the earthquake relief funds that's going to get them

ToC when?

Annoying kitsch garbage with uninspired characters.

Feels nice that it annoys you

Why do people overrate this garbage so much?

>ip didn't move
Why your favorite gargabe don't get enough attention?

>***, 459 (▼ ***, 400) KnY (Full Production Limited Edition) [Blu-ray]

Ouch. It's dead and forgotten even before it's finished airing.

No one here ever hype it in the first place. It's Togashi who recommended the manga.

I’ve never in my life seen anyone use this word to describe a shounen manga but how exactly does that make it bad

People still care about this joke manga? It has been bland cookie cutter trash since chapter 1.

People here acknowledged the series shortcoming but it still solid and entertaiment.

You can't stop samefagging right.

Why do you care about what other people care for?

it's an unpretentious battle shonen with most of the usual bullshit in that genre either mostly absent or done right. I'd give it a 7.5-8/10 if 5 was average. Not a classic, but still fun.

>Yfw finally see this shit flopping

Attached: 27124.jpg (1033x1026, 391K)

Few days ago was at 200.

Nobody gives a shit man

There's still people buying volumes of this trash? Is it the anime staffs and the author's relatives?


Are you the FLCL guy

> Black Clover a Flop
> Kimetsu a Flop
> Bokuben a flop
> Dr. Push gonna flop HARD
WSJ on suicide watch

I wonder who is this.

Attached: images (1).jpg (242x209, 7K)

Just fucking ignore the samefagging shitposter.

This manga is so fucking boring holy shit.

Attached: 27125.jpg (1280x720, 123K)

yes senpai

Bet they regret not giving kubo that vacation time he wanted.
There’s an extension that literally points out samefags

I've stopped watching shounen when I was 13. You should have too.

I funny to see people complain that Zenitsu is such a coward despite him have never did anything cowardly

what does this mean? disc sales? Kimetsu : 155175

Attached: what does this mean.jpg (1200x900, 112K)

This trash is dwindling in popularity. Everyone's abandoning ship.

What do you think you’re even looking at?

No it's the number of Twitter followers the official anime Twitter accounts have. So Kimetsu is leading with 155,175 followers.

To be fair though, BD sales of manga adaptations almost never matter since the anime are just commercials for people to buy the manga. So the anime would be unsuccessful if there isn't a rise in manga sales.

Ignore that guy. he just spamming this thread.

True the same thing happened to Neverland too.

>Bocchi has 17042 followers
Strong Bocc

Because that's how they're sorted.

What's the difference between KnY and KnY1, though?

I think KnY simply refers to the latest volume (15)
Also, ignore that faggot. At this rate Kimetsu has a real shot to be in top 10 best selling manga this year.

I'm pretty sure he was spawned because one of you fuckwits wouldn't shut the fuck up in the ranking threads about how Kimetsu is doing.

And now we got a butthurt autist

I thought this show was good. Am I wrong?

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Spoilers when
